HB0964 Enrolled LRB096 08907 KTG 19043 b
1 AN ACT concerning safety.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Children's Product Safety Act is amended by
5 changing Section 17 as follows:
6 (430 ILCS 125/17)
7 Sec. 17. Product recalls.
8 (a) If a manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or
9 distributor of children's products has placed into the stream
10 of commerce in Illinois a children's product for which a recall
11 or warning has subsequently been issued by one of those
12 entities or by an agency of the federal government, then the
13 manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or distributor must
14 initiate the following steps within 24 hours after issuing or
15 receiving the recall or warning:
16 (1) Contact all of its commercial customers, other than
17 end consumers, to whom it sold, leased, sublet, or
18 transferred that particular children's product in
19 Illinois. This contact must include providing the recall
20 notice or warning and must be made to the person designated
21 by the retailer for that product.
22 (2) If the manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or
23 distributor maintains a web site, the entity must place on

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1 the home page (or the first entry point) of its web site a
2 link to recall or warning information that contains the
3 specific recall notice or warning that was issued for the
4 product in question. The recall or warning information must
5 include a description of the product, the reason for the
6 recall or warning, a picture of the product, and
7 instructions on how to participate in the recall or
8 warning. The information may include only the product
9 recall information and may not include sales or marketing
10 information on that product or any other product, excluding
11 return and exchange policies. The recall or warning
12 information must allow persons to participate in the recall
13 through the web site of the manufacturer, importer,
14 wholesaler, or distributor.
15 (3) If the manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or
16 distributor sold directly to a non-commercial consumer,
17 and the consumer provided either a shipping address or
18 e-mail address at the time of sale, then the manufacturer,
19 importer, wholesaler, or distributor must send a notice of
20 the recall or warning to the consumer at either address
21 provided. The notice must include a description of the
22 product, the reason for the recall or warning, and
23 instructions on how to participate in the recall or
24 warning. The notice may include only the product recall
25 information and may not include sales or marketing
26 information on that product or any other product, excluding

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1 return and exchange policies.
2 (b) If a retailer receives notice of a recall or warning
3 regarding a children's product from a manufacturer, importer,
4 wholesaler, or distributor, or, in the case of an involuntary
5 recall, from a federal agency, and if the retailer at any time
6 offered the product for sale in Illinois, then the retailer
7 must do the following:
8 (1) Within 3 business days after receiving the recall
9 or warning from the manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or
10 distributor by a person designated by the retailer, the
11 retailer must remove the children's product from the
12 shelves of its stores or program its registers to ensure
13 that the item cannot be sold.
14 (2) If the product was sold through the retailer's web
15 site, then within 3 business days after receipt of the
16 recall or warning by the person designated by the retailer,
17 the retailer must remove the children's product from the
18 web site or remove the ability of a consumer to purchase
19 the children's product through the web site.
20 (3) If an e-mail or shipping address was provided at
21 the time a children's product, for which a recall or
22 warning was subsequently issued, was purchased on the
23 retailer's web site, the retailer must attempt to contact
24 the purchaser at either address provided with the recall or
25 warning information. The recall or warning information
26 must include a description of the product, the reason for

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1 the recall or warning, and instructions on how to
2 participate in the recall or warning. The information may
3 include only the product recall information and may not
4 include sales or marketing information on that product or
5 any other product, excluding return and exchange policies.
6 The retailer must comply with this paragraph (3) within 30
7 days after receiving the notice of the recall or warning
8 from a manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or distributor.
9 (4) Within 5 business days after receipt of the recall
10 or warning by the person designated by the retailer from a
11 manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, distributor, or from a
12 federal agency in the case of an involuntary recall, the
13 retailer must post in a prominent location in each retail
14 store the recall or warning notice. The posting may be in
15 an electronic format in each retail store if the retailer
16 posts a physical sign in a prominent location in each
17 retail store that clearly and conspicuously discloses
18 where recall or warning notices are located in the retail
19 store. If the recall or warning notice is not on the main
20 page of any electronic display, then the electronic display
21 must contain on its main page a clear and conspicuous link
22 to the recall or warning notice. The link shall contain the
23 words "product recall". The notice must remain posted for
24 120 days unless the recall or warning notice contains a
25 full-size crib, a non-full-size crib, a toddler bed, a car
26 seat, a high chair, a bath seat, a play yard, a stationary

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1 activity center, an infant carrier, a stroller, a walker, a
2 swing, a bassinet, or a cradle. For these items, the recall
3 or warning notice must remain posted for 240 days This
4 notice must remain posted for 120 days.
5 (5) If the children's product for which a recall or
6 warning was issued was sold on the retailer's web site, the
7 retailer must within 5 business days post on the home page
8 (or the first entry point) of its web site a link to recall
9 or warning information that contains the specific recall
10 notice or warning that was issued for the product in
11 question. The recall or warning information must include a
12 description of the product, the reason for the recall or
13 warning, a picture of the product (if one was provided),
14 and instructions on how to participate in the recall or
15 warning. The information may include only the product
16 recall information and may not include sales or marketing
17 information on that product or any other product, excluding
18 return and exchange policies.
19 (c) Within 5 business days after a recalled children's
20 product is placed on the Department of Public Health's
21 comprehensive list maintained under Section 15, a retailer who
22 is not a first seller must comply with subsection (b) of
23 Section 17, except that such a retailer has 5 business days to
24 comply with both subdivision (b)(1) and subdivision (b)(2) of
25 Section 17.
26 (d) A manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, or distributor

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1 who is also a retailer must comply with both subsection (a) and
2 subsection (b) of Section 17, except that a manufacturer,
3 importer, wholesaler, or distributor who is also a retailer
4 must, within 24 hours after issuing or receiving the recall or
5 warning, post on the home page (or the first entry point) of
6 its web site a link to recall or warning information that
7 contains the specific recall notice or warning that was issued
8 for the product in question.
9 (Source: P.A. 94-11, eff. 6-8-05.)
10 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
11 becoming law.