State of Illinois
2009 and 2010

Introduced 2/18/2009, by Rep. Michael J. Madigan - Barbara Flynn Currie - Mike Boland

110 ILCS 947/15

Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning establishment of the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
LRB096 05290 NHT 15356 b


HB1698 LRB096 05290 NHT 15356 b
1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act is
5 amended by changing Section 15 as follows:
6 (110 ILCS 947/15)
7 Sec. 15. Illinois Student Assistance Commission.
8 (a) There is established the the Illinois Student
9 Assistance Commission, consisting of 10 persons to be appointed
10 by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The
11 membership of the Commission shall consist of one
12 representative of the institutions of higher learning operated
13 by the State; one representative of the private institutions of
14 higher learning located in the State; one representative of the
15 public community colleges located in the State; one
16 representative of the public high schools located in the State;
17 5 citizens of the State chosen for their knowledge of and
18 interest in higher education, but not employed by,
19 professionally affiliated with, or members of the governing
20 boards of any institution of higher learning located in the
21 State, and one student member selected from nominations
22 submitted to the Governor by multi-campus student
23 organizations, including but not limited to, the Illinois

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1 Student Association, the Organization of Community College
2 Students, the recognized advisory committee of students of the
3 Board of Higher Education, and the recognized advisory
4 committee of students of the Federation of Independent Illinois
5 Colleges and Universities. The Governor shall designate one
6 member, other than the student member, as chairman. Each member
7 of the Commission, including the student member, shall serve
8 without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for expenses
9 necessarily incurred in performing his or her duties under this
10 Act. Subject to a requirement that Commission members in office
11 on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995 may serve
12 the full term to which they were appointed, the appointment of
13 Commission members to terms that commence on or after that
14 effective date shall be made in a manner that gives effect at
15 the earliest possible time to the change that is required by
16 this amendatory Act in the representative composition of the
17 Commission's membership.
18 (b) The term of office of each member, other than the
19 student member, is 6 years from July 1 of the year of
20 appointment, and until his successor is appointed and
21 qualified. If a member's tenure of office, other than that of
22 the student member, is terminated for any reason before his or
23 her term has expired, the Governor shall fill the vacancy by
24 the appointment of a person who has the same representative
25 status as the person whose term has been so terminated, and the
26 new appointee shall hold office only for the remainder of that

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1 term and until a successor is appointed and qualified. The term
2 of the student member shall be for 2 years from July 1 of each
3 odd-numbered year. If the tenure of the student member is
4 terminated for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled in the
5 same manner as heretofore provided for a regular term of office
6 appointment of the student member. The new student appointee
7 shall hold office only for the remainder of that term. No
8 student member may receive a scholarship or grant pursuant to
9 this Act during his or her term of office with the Commission.
10 (c) In accordance with the provisions of the State
11 Universities Civil Service Act, the Commission shall employ a
12 professionally qualified person as the Executive Director of
13 the Commission, and such other employees as may be necessary to
14 effectuate the purposes of this Act.
15 (d) The Commission shall meet at least once in each fiscal
16 year, and may meet at other times which the Chairman may
17 designate by giving at least 10 days' written notice to each
18 member.
19 (Source: P.A. 89-419, eff. 6-1-96.)