HB1742 EnrolledLRB103 27959 AWJ 54337 b
1 AN ACT concerning local government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Regional Transportation Authority Act is
5amended by changing Section 4.06 as follows:
6 (70 ILCS 3615/4.06) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 704.06)
7 Sec. 4.06. Public bidding.
8 (a) The Board shall adopt regulations to ensure that the
9acquisition by the Authority or a Service Board other than the
10Chicago Transit Authority of services or public transportation
11facilities (other than real estate) involving a cost of more
12than the small purchase threshold set by the Federal Transit
13Administration and the disposition of all property of the
14Authority or a Service Board other than the Chicago Transit
15Authority shall be after public notice and with public
16bidding. The Board shall adopt regulations to ensure that the
17construction, demolition, rehabilitation, renovation, and
18building maintenance projects by the Authority or a Service
19Board other than the Chicago Transit Authority for services or
20public transportation facilities involving a cost of more than
21$40,000 shall be after public notice and with public bidding.
22Such regulations may provide for exceptions to such
23requirements for acquisition of repair parts, accessories,

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1equipment or services previously furnished or contracted for;
2for the immediate delivery of supplies, material or equipment
3or performance of service when it is determined by the
4concurrence of two-thirds of the then Directors that an
5emergency requires immediate delivery or supply thereof; for
6goods or services that are economically procurable from only
7one source; for contracts for the maintenance or servicing of
8equipment which are made with the manufacturers or authorized
9service agent of that equipment where the maintenance or
10servicing can best be performed by the manufacturer or
11authorized service agent or such a contract would be otherwise
12advantageous to the Authority or a Service Board, other than
13the Chicago Transit Authority, except that the exceptions in
14this clause shall not apply to contracts for plumbing,
15heating, piping, refrigeration and automatic temperature
16control systems, ventilating and distribution systems for
17conditioned air, and electrical wiring; for goods or services
18procured from another governmental agency; for purchases and
19contracts for the use or purchase of data processing equipment
20and data processing systems software; for the acquisition of
21professional or utility services; and for the acquisition of
22public transportation equipment including, but not limited to,
23rolling stock, locomotives and buses, provided that: (i) it is
24determined by a vote of 2/3 of the then Directors of the
25Service Board making the acquisition that a negotiated
26acquisition offers opportunities with respect to the cost or

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1financing of the equipment, its delivery, or the performance
2of a portion of the work within the State or the use of goods
3produced or services provided within the State; (ii) a notice
4of intention to negotiate for the acquisition of such public
5transportation equipment is published in a newspaper of
6general circulation within the City of Chicago inviting
7proposals from qualified vendors; and (iii) any contract with
8respect to such acquisition is authorized by a vote of 2/3 of
9the then Directors of the Service Board making the
10acquisition. The requirements set forth in this Section shall
11not apply to purchase of service agreements or other
12contracts, purchases or sales entered into by the Authority
13with any transportation agency or unit of local government.
14 (b) (1) In connection with two-phase design/build
15selection procedures authorized in this Section, a Service
16Board may authorize, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of
17the then members of the Service Board, the use of competitive
18selection and the prequalification of responsible bidders
19consistent with applicable federal regulations and this
20subsection (b).
21 (2) Two-phase design/build selection procedures shall
22 consist of the following:
23 (i) A Service Board shall develop, through
24 licensed architects or licensed engineers, a scope of
25 work statement for inclusion in the solicitation for
26 phase-one proposals that defines the project and

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1 provides prospective offerors with sufficient
2 information regarding the Service Board's
3 requirements. The statement shall include criteria and
4 preliminary design, and general budget parameters and
5 general schedule or delivery requirements to enable
6 the offerors to submit proposals which meet the
7 Service Board's needs. When the two-phase design/build
8 selection procedure is used and the Service Board
9 contracts for development of the scope of work
10 statement, the Service Board shall contract for
11 architectural or engineering services as defined by
12 and in accordance with the Architectural, Engineering,
13 and Land Surveying Qualifications Based Selection Act
14 and all applicable licensing statutes.
15 (ii) The evaluation factors to be used in
16 evaluating phase-one proposals must be stated in the
17 solicitation and must include specialized experience
18 and technical competence, capability to perform, past
19 performance of the offeror's team (including the
20 architect-engineer and construction members of the
21 team) and other appropriate technical and
22 qualifications factors. Each solicitation must
23 establish the relative importance assigned to the
24 evaluation factors and the subfactors that must be
25 considered in the evaluation of phase-one proposals on
26 the basis of the evaluation factors set forth in the

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1 solicitation. Each design/build team must include a
2 licensed design professional independent from the
3 Service Board's licensed architect or engineer and a
4 licensed design professional must be named in the
5 phase-one proposals submitted to the Service Board.
6 (iii) On the basis of the phase-one proposal the
7 Service Board shall select as the most highly
8 qualified the number of offerors specified in the
9 solicitation and request the selected offerors to
10 submit phase-two competitive proposals and cost or
11 price information. Each solicitation must establish
12 the relative importance assigned to the evaluation
13 factors and the subfactors that must be considered in
14 the evaluation of phase-two proposals on the basis of
15 the evaluation factors set forth in the solicitation.
16 A Service Board may negotiate with the selected
17 design/build team after award but prior to contract
18 execution for the purpose of securing better terms
19 than originally proposed, provided the salient
20 features of the design/build solicitation are not
21 diminished. Each phase-two solicitation evaluates
22 separately (A) the technical submission for the
23 proposal, including design concepts or proposed
24 solutions to requirements addressed within the scope
25 of work, and (B) the evaluation factors and
26 subfactors, including cost or price, that must be

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