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1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
Article 5.
5 Section 5-5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
62-3.64a-10 and by changing Section 27A-5 as follows:
7 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.64a-10 new)
8 Sec. 2-3.64a-10. Kindergarten assessment.
9 (a) For the purposes of this Section, "kindergarten"
10includes both full-day and half-day kindergarten programs.
11 (b) Beginning no later than the 2021-2022 school year, the
12State Board of Education shall annually assess all public
13school students entering kindergarten using a common
14assessment tool, unless the State Board determines that a
15student is otherwise exempt. The common assessment tool must
16assess multiple developmental domains, including literacy,
17language, mathematics, and social and emotional development.
18The assessment must be valid, reliable, and developmentally
19appropriate to formatively assess a child's development and
20readiness for kindergarten.
21 (c) Results from the assessment may be used by the school
22to understand the child's development and readiness for

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1kindergarten, to tailor instruction, and to measure the child's
2progress over time. Assessment results may also be used to
3identify a need for the professional development of teachers
4and early childhood educators and to inform State-level and
5district-level policies and resource allocation.
6 The school shall make the assessment results available to
7the child's parent or guardian.
8 The assessment results may not be used (i) to prevent a
9child from enrolling in kindergarten or (ii) as the sole
10measure used in determining the grade promotion or retention of
11a student.
12 (d) On an annual basis, the State Board shall report
13publicly, at a minimum, data from the assessment for the State
14overall and for each school district. The State Board's report
15must disaggregate data by race and ethnicity, household income,
16students who are English learners, and students who have an
17individualized education program.
18 (e) The State Superintendent of Education shall appoint a
19committee of no more than 21 members, consisting of parents,
20teachers, school administrators, assessment experts, and
21regional superintendents of schools, to review, on an ongoing
22basis, the content and design of the assessment, the collective
23results of the assessment as measured against
24kindergarten-readiness standards, and other issues involving
25the assessment as identified by the committee.
26 The committee shall make periodic recommendations to the

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1State Superintendent of Education and the General Assembly
2concerning the assessments.
3 (f) The State Board may adopt rules to implement and
4administer this Section.
5 (105 ILCS 5/27A-5)
6 Sec. 27A-5. Charter school; legal entity; requirements.
7 (a) A charter school shall be a public, nonsectarian,
8nonreligious, non-home based, and non-profit school. A charter
9school shall be organized and operated as a nonprofit
10corporation or other discrete, legal, nonprofit entity
11authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois.
12 (b) A charter school may be established under this Article
13by creating a new school or by converting an existing public
14school or attendance center to charter school status. Beginning
15on April 16, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3), in
16all new applications to establish a charter school in a city
17having a population exceeding 500,000, operation of the charter
18school shall be limited to one campus. The changes made to this
19Section by Public Act 93-3 do not apply to charter schools
20existing or approved on or before April 16, 2003 (the effective
21date of Public Act 93-3).
22 (b-5) In this subsection (b-5), "virtual-schooling" means
23a cyber school where students engage in online curriculum and
24instruction via the Internet and electronic communication with
25their teachers at remote locations and with students

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1participating at different times.
2 From April 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016, there is a
3moratorium on the establishment of charter schools with
4virtual-schooling components in school districts other than a
5school district organized under Article 34 of this Code. This
6moratorium does not apply to a charter school with
7virtual-schooling components existing or approved prior to
8April 1, 2013 or to the renewal of the charter of a charter
9school with virtual-schooling components already approved
10prior to April 1, 2013.
11 (c) A charter school shall be administered and governed by
12its board of directors or other governing body in the manner
13provided in its charter. The governing body of a charter school
14shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and the Open
15Meetings Act. No later than January 1, 2021 (one year after the
16effective date of Public Act 101-291) this amendatory Act of
17the 101st General Assembly, a charter school's board of
18directors or other governing body must include at least one
19parent or guardian of a pupil currently enrolled in the charter
20school who may be selected through the charter school or a
21charter network election, appointment by the charter school's
22board of directors or other governing body, or by the charter
23school's Parent Teacher Organization or its equivalent.
24 (c-5) No later than January 1, 2021 (one year after the
25effective date of Public Act 101-291) this amendatory Act of
26the 101st General Assembly or within the first year of his or

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1her first term, every voting member of a charter school's board
2of directors or other governing body shall complete a minimum
3of 4 hours of professional development leadership training to
4ensure that each member has sufficient familiarity with the
5board's or governing body's role and responsibilities,
6including financial oversight and accountability of the
7school, evaluating the principal's and school's performance,
8adherence to the Freedom of Information Act and the Open
9Meetings Act Acts, and compliance with education and labor law.
10In each subsequent year of his or her term, a voting member of
11a charter school's board of directors or other governing body
12shall complete a minimum of 2 hours of professional development
13training in these same areas. The training under this
14subsection may be provided or certified by a statewide charter
15school membership association or may be provided or certified
16by other qualified providers approved by the State Board of
18 (d) For purposes of this subsection (d), "non-curricular
19health and safety requirement" means any health and safety
20requirement created by statute or rule to provide, maintain,
21preserve, or safeguard safe or healthful conditions for
22students and school personnel or to eliminate, reduce, or
23prevent threats to the health and safety of students and school
24personnel. "Non-curricular health and safety requirement" does
25not include any course of study or specialized instructional
26requirement for which the State Board has established goals and

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1learning standards or which is designed primarily to impart
2knowledge and skills for students to master and apply as an
3outcome of their education.
4 A charter school shall comply with all non-curricular
5health and safety requirements applicable to public schools
6under the laws of the State of Illinois. On or before September
71, 2015, the State Board shall promulgate and post on its
8Internet website a list of non-curricular health and safety
9requirements that a charter school must meet. The list shall be
10updated annually no later than September 1. Any charter
11contract between a charter school and its authorizer must
12contain a provision that requires the charter school to follow
13the list of all non-curricular health and safety requirements
14promulgated by the State Board and any non-curricular health
15and safety requirements added by the State Board to such list
16during the term of the charter. Nothing in this subsection (d)
17precludes an authorizer from including non-curricular health
18and safety requirements in a charter school contract that are
19not contained in the list promulgated by the State Board,
20including non-curricular health and safety requirements of the
21authorizing local school board.
22 (e) Except as otherwise provided in the School Code, a
23charter school shall not charge tuition; provided that a
24charter school may charge reasonable fees for textbooks,
25instructional materials, and student activities.
26 (f) A charter school shall be responsible for the

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1management and operation of its fiscal affairs including, but
2not limited to, the preparation of its budget. An audit of each
3charter school's finances shall be conducted annually by an
4outside, independent contractor retained by the charter
5school. To ensure financial accountability for the use of
6public funds, on or before December 1 of every year of
7operation, each charter school shall submit to its authorizer
8and the State Board a copy of its audit and a copy of the Form
9990 the charter school filed that year with the federal
10Internal Revenue Service. In addition, if deemed necessary for
11proper financial oversight of the charter school, an authorizer
12may require quarterly financial statements from each charter
14 (g) A charter school shall comply with all provisions of
15this Article, the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, all
16federal and State laws and rules applicable to public schools
17that pertain to special education and the instruction of
18English learners, and its charter. A charter school is exempt
19from all other State laws and regulations in this Code
20governing public schools and local school board policies;
21however, a charter school is not exempt from the following:
22 (1) Sections 10-21.9 and 34-18.5 of this Code regarding
23 criminal history records checks and checks of the Statewide
24 Sex Offender Database and Statewide Murderer and Violent
25 Offender Against Youth Database of applicants for
26 employment;

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1 (2) Sections 10-20.14, 10-22.6, 24-24, 34-19, and
2 34-84a of this Code regarding discipline of students;
3 (3) the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees
4 Tort Immunity Act;
5 (4) Section 108.75 of the General Not For Profit
6 Corporation Act of 1986 regarding indemnification of
7 officers, directors, employees, and agents;
8 (5) the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act;
9 (5.5) subsection (b) of Section 10-23.12 and
10 subsection (b) of Section 34-18.6 of this Code;
11 (6) the Illinois School Student Records Act;
12 (7) Section 10-17a of this Code regarding school report
13 cards;
14 (8) the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act;
15 (9) Section 27-23.7 of this Code regarding bullying
16 prevention;
17 (10) Section 2-3.162 of this Code regarding student
18 discipline reporting;
19 (11) Sections 22-80 and 27-8.1 of this Code;
20 (12) Sections 10-20.60 and 34-18.53 of this Code;
21 (13) Sections 10-20.63 and 34-18.56 of this Code;
22 (14) Section 26-18 of this Code;
23 (15) Section 22-30 of this Code; and
24 (16) Sections 24-12 and 34-85 of this Code; .
25 (17) the (16) The Seizure Smart School Act; and .
26 (18) Section 2-3.64a-10 of this Code.

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1 The change made by Public Act 96-104 to this subsection (g)
2is declaratory of existing law.
3 (h) A charter school may negotiate and contract with a
4school district, the governing body of a State college or
5university or public community college, or any other public or
6for-profit or nonprofit private entity for: (i) the use of a
7school building and grounds or any other real property or
8facilities that the charter school desires to use or convert
9for use as a charter school site, (ii) the operation and
10maintenance thereof, and (iii) the provision of any service,
11activity, or undertaking that the charter school is required to
12perform in order to carry out the terms of its charter.
13However, a charter school that is established on or after April
1416, 2003 (the effective date of Public Act 93-3) and that
15operates in a city having a population exceeding 500,000 may
16not contract with a for-profit entity to manage or operate the
17school during the period that commences on April 16, 2003 (the
18effective date of Public Act 93-3) and concludes at the end of
19the 2004-2005 school year. Except as provided in subsection (i)
20of this Section, a school district may charge a charter school
21reasonable rent for the use of the district's buildings,
22grounds, and facilities. Any services for which a charter
23school contracts with a school district shall be provided by
24the district at cost. Any services for which a charter school
25contracts with a local school board or with the governing body
26of a State college or university or public community college

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1shall be provided by the public entity at cost.
2 (i) In no event shall a charter school that is established
3by converting an existing school or attendance center to
4charter school status be required to pay rent for space that is
5deemed available, as negotiated and provided in the charter
6agreement, in school district facilities. However, all other
7costs for the operation and maintenance of school district
8facilities that are used by the charter school shall be subject
9to negotiation between the charter school and the local school
10board and shall be set forth in the charter.
11 (j) A charter school may limit student enrollment by age or
12grade level.
13 (k) If the charter school is approved by the State Board or
14Commission, then the charter school is its own local education
16(Source: P.A. 100-29, eff. 1-1-18; 100-156, eff. 1-1-18;
17100-163, eff. 1-1-18; 100-413, eff. 1-1-18; 100-468, eff.
186-1-18; 100-726, eff. 1-1-19; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-50,
19eff. 7-1-20; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-291, eff. 1-1-20;
20101-531, eff. 8-23-19; 101-543, eff. 8-23-19; revised 8-4-20.)
Article 10.
22 Section 10-5. The Early Intervention Services System Act is
23amended by changing Section 11 as follows:

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1 (325 ILCS 20/11) (from Ch. 23, par. 4161)
2 Sec. 11. Individualized Family Service Plans.
3 (a) Each eligible infant or toddler and that infant's or
4toddler's family shall receive:
5 (1) timely, comprehensive, multidisciplinary
6 assessment of the unique strengths and needs of each
7 eligible infant and toddler, and assessment of the concerns
8 and priorities of the families to appropriately assist them
9 in meeting their needs and identify supports and services
10 to meet those needs; and
11 (2) a written Individualized Family Service Plan
12 developed by a multidisciplinary team which includes the
13 parent or guardian. The individualized family service plan
14 shall be based on the multidisciplinary team's assessment
15 of the resources, priorities, and concerns of the family
16 and its identification of the supports and services
17 necessary to enhance the family's capacity to meet the
18 developmental needs of the infant or toddler, and shall
19 include the identification of services appropriate to meet
20 those needs, including the frequency, intensity, and
21 method of delivering services. During and as part of the
22 initial development of the individualized family services
23 plan, and any periodic reviews of the plan, the
24 multidisciplinary team may seek consultation from the lead
25 agency's designated experts, if any, to help determine
26 appropriate services and the frequency and intensity of

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1 those services. All services in the individualized family
2 services plan must be justified by the multidisciplinary
3 assessment of the unique strengths and needs of the infant
4 or toddler and must be appropriate to meet those needs. At
5 the periodic reviews, the team shall determine whether
6 modification or revision of the outcomes or services is
7 necessary.
8 (b) The Individualized Family Service Plan shall be
9evaluated once a year and the family shall be provided a review
10of the Plan at 6 month intervals or more often where
11appropriate based on infant or toddler and family needs. The
12lead agency shall create a quality review process regarding
13Individualized Family Service Plan development and changes
14thereto, to monitor and help assure that resources are being
15used to provide appropriate early intervention services.
16 (c) The initial evaluation and initial assessment and
17initial Plan meeting must be held within 45 days after the
18initial contact with the early intervention services system.
19The 45-day timeline does not apply for any period when the
20child or parent is unavailable to complete the initial
21evaluation, the initial assessments of the child and family, or
22the initial Plan meeting, due to exceptional family
23circumstances that are documented in the child's early
24intervention records, or when the parent has not provided
25consent for the initial evaluation or the initial assessment of
26the child despite documented, repeated attempts to obtain

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1parental consent. As soon as exceptional family circumstances
2no longer exist or parental consent has been obtained, the
3initial evaluation, the initial assessment, and the initial
4Plan meeting must be completed as soon as possible. With
5parental consent, early intervention services may commence
6before the completion of the comprehensive assessment and
7development of the Plan.
8 (d) Parents must be informed that early intervention
9services shall be provided to each eligible infant and toddler,
10to the maximum extent appropriate, in the natural environment,
11which may include the home or other community settings. Parents
12shall make the final decision to accept or decline early
13intervention services. A decision to decline such services
14shall not be a basis for administrative determination of
15parental fitness, or other findings or sanctions against the
16parents. Parameters of the Plan shall be set forth in rules.
17 (e) The regional intake offices shall explain to each
18family, orally and in writing, all of the following:
19 (1) That the early intervention program will pay for
20 all early intervention services set forth in the
21 individualized family service plan that are not covered or
22 paid under the family's public or private insurance plan or
23 policy and not eligible for payment through any other third
24 party payor.
25 (2) That services will not be delayed due to any rules
26 or restrictions under the family's insurance plan or

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1 policy.
2 (3) That the family may request, with appropriate
3 documentation supporting the request, a determination of
4 an exemption from private insurance use under Section
5 13.25.
6 (4) That responsibility for co-payments or
7 co-insurance under a family's private insurance plan or
8 policy will be transferred to the lead agency's central
9 billing office.
10 (5) That families will be responsible for payments of
11 family fees, which will be based on a sliding scale
12 according to the State's definition of ability to pay which
13 is comparing household size and income to the sliding scale
14 and considering out-of-pocket medical or disaster
15 expenses, and that these fees are payable to the central
16 billing office. Families who fail to provide income
17 information shall be charged the maximum amount on the
18 sliding scale.
19 (f) The individualized family service plan must state
20whether the family has private insurance coverage and, if the
21family has such coverage, must have attached to it a copy of
22the family's insurance identification card or otherwise
23include all of the following information:
24 (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the
25 insurance carrier.
26 (2) The contract number and policy number of the

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1 insurance plan.
2 (3) The name, address, and social security number of
3 the primary insured.
4 (4) The beginning date of the insurance benefit year.
5 (g) A copy of the individualized family service plan must
6be provided to each enrolled provider who is providing early
7intervention services to the child who is the subject of that
9 (h) Children receiving services under this Act shall
10receive a smooth and effective transition by their third
11birthday consistent with federal regulations adopted pursuant
12to Sections 1431 through 1444 of Title 20 of the United States
13Code. Beginning July 1, 2022, children who receive early
14intervention services prior to their third birthday and are
15found eligible for an individualized education program under
16the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C.
171414(d)(1)(A), and under Section 14-8.02 of the School Code and
18whose birthday falls between May 1 and August 31 may continue
19to receive early intervention services until the beginning of
20the school year following their third birthday in order to
21minimize gaps in services, ensure better continuity of care,
22and align practices for the enrollment of preschool children
23with special needs to the enrollment practices of typically
24developing preschool children.
25(Source: P.A. 97-902, eff. 8-6-12; 98-41, eff. 6-28-13.)

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Article 15.
2 Section 15-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
3Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care Act. References in
4this Article to "this Act" mean this Article.
5 Section 15-5. Findings; policies.
6 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
7 (1) Long-standing research shows that high-quality
8 early childhood experiences have an impact on children's
9 short-term and long-term outcomes, such as educational
10 attainment, health, and lifetime income, particularly for
11 children from low-income families.
12 (2) Early childhood education and care programs
13 provide child care so parents can maintain stable
14 employment, provide for themselves and their families, and
15 advance their career or educational goals.
16 (3) Illinois has a vigorous early childhood education
17 and care industry composed of programs that serve children
18 under the age of 6, including preschool and child care in
19 schools, centers, and homes; these programs also include
20 home visiting and services for young children with special
21 needs.
22 (4) A significant portion of the early childhood
23 workforce and of family child care providers are Black and
24 Latinx women.

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1 (5) Illinois was among the first states in the nation
2 to enact the Pre-K At-Risk program and services for infants
3 and toddlers in the 1980s and reaffirmed this commitment to
4 early childhood education in 2006 by creating Preschool for
5 All to offer State-funded, high-quality preschool to
6 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds.
7 (6) Illinois was one of the first states in the nation
8 to commit education funding to very young children and to
9 have a statutory commitment to grow funding for
10 infant-toddler services as it grows preschool services,
11 including prenatal supports like home visitors and doulas.
12 (7) Countless children and families have benefitted
13 from these services over these decades and have had the
14 opportunity to enter school ready to learn and succeed.
15 (8) Despite progress made by the State, too few
16 children, particularly those from Black, Latinx, and
17 low-income households and child care deserts, have access
18 to high-quality early childhood education and care
19 services, due to both the availability and affordability of
20 quality services.
21 (9) In 2019, only 29% of all children in Illinois
22 entered kindergarten "ready"; only 21% of Black children,
23 17% of Latinx children, 14% of English Learners, 14% of
24 children with IEPs, and 20% of children on free and reduced
25 lunch demonstrated readiness, highlighting the critical
26 work Illinois must do to close gaps in opportunity and

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1 outcomes.
2 (10) The State's early childhood education and care
3 programs are maintained across 3 state agencies, which
4 leads to inefficiencies, lack of alignment, challenges to
5 collecting comprehensive data around services and needs of
6 children and families, and obstacles for both children and
7 families and the early childhood education and care
8 providers to navigate the fragmented system and ensure
9 children receive high-quality services that meet their
10 needs.
11 (11) The State's current mechanisms for payment to
12 early childhood education and care providers may not
13 incentivize quality services and can lead to payment
14 delays, lack of stability of providers, and the inability
15 of providers to provide appropriate compensation to the
16 workforce and support quality programming.
17 (12) Illinois must advance a just system for early
18 childhood education and care that ensures racially and
19 economically equitable opportunities and outcomes for all
20 children.
21 (13) In 2017, Illinois became a national leader in
22 passing the K-12 Evidence-Based Funding formula for public
23 schools, creating a mechanism to adequately fund and
24 equitably disburse resources throughout the State and
25 prioritize funding for school districts that need it most.
26 (b) The General Assembly supports the following goals of

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1the Illinois Commission on Equitable Early Childhood Education
2and Care Funding:
3 (1) To create a more equitable, efficient, and
4 effective system and thereby increase access to
5 high-quality services, particularly to serve more Black
6 and Latinx children and populations of children where
7 children of color may be disproportionately represented,
8 such as: children from low-income households, with
9 disabilities, experiencing homelessness, and participating
10 in the child welfare system; English learners; and children
11 from households in which English is not the primary
12 language spoken.
13 (2) To ensure a more equitable system, we support the
14 Commission's goal of consolidating programs and services
15 into a single, adequately staffed State agency to align and
16 coordinate services, to decrease barriers to access for
17 families and make it easier for them to navigate the
18 system, and to better collect, use, and report
19 comprehensive data to ensure disparities in services are
20 addressed.
21 (3) To ensure equitable and adequate funding to expand
22 access to high-quality services and increase compensation
23 of this vital workforce, a significant proportion of which
24 are Black and Latinx women. The General Assembly encourages
25 the State to commit to a multi-year plan designed to move
26 the State toward adequate funding over time.

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1 (4) To redesign the mechanisms by which the State pays
2 providers of early childhood education and care services to
3 ensure provider stability, capacity, and quality and to
4 make sure providers and services are available to families
5 throughout the State, including in areas of child care
6 deserts and concentrated poverty.
7 (5) To ensure comprehensive data on children and
8 families' access to and participation in programs and
9 resulting outcomes, including, but not limited to,
10 kindergarten readiness, to understand and address the
11 degree to which the State is reaching children and families
12 and ensuring equitable opportunity and outcomes.
13 (c) The General Assembly encourages the State to create a
14planning process and timeline, with a designated body
15accountable for implementing the Commission's recommendations,
16that includes engagement of parents, providers, communities,
17experts, and other stakeholders and to regularly evaluate the
18impact of the implementation of the Commission's
19recommendations to ensure they impact children, families, and
20communities as intended and lead to a more equitable early
21childhood education and care system for Illinois.
Article 20.
23 Section 20-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
24Data Governance and Organization to Support Equity and Racial

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1Justice Act. References in this Article to "this Act" mean this
3 Section 20-5. Findings. The General Assembly finds the
5 (1) The State of Illinois spends billions of dollars
6 annually on grants and programs to ensure that all
7 Illinoisans have the economic, health and safety,
8 educational, and other opportunities to be successful, but
9 it is still insufficient to serve all the needs of all
10 Illinoisans.
11 (2) To be good fiscal stewards of State funds, it is
12 necessary to ensure that the limited State funding is spent
13 on the right services, at the right time, in the right
14 dosages, to the right individuals, and in the most
15 equitable manner.
16 (3) Historical equity gaps exist in the administration
17 of programs across the State and understanding where these
18 exist is necessary for adjusting program scopes and
19 ensuring that gaps can be found and rectified quickly.
20 (4) Different subpopulations of individuals may have
21 different needs and may experience different outcomes from
22 similar programs.
23 (5) Measuring average outcomes across an entire
24 population is insufficient to understand the equity
25 impacts of a program on specific subpopulations.

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1 (6) Silos in information sharing exist across agencies
2 and that measuring the outcomes and impacts of programs
3 requires multiple agencies to share data.
4 (7) There is no existing mechanism for agencies to
5 ensure they are collecting information on programs that can
6 be easily matched to other agencies to understand program
7 effectiveness, as well as equity and access gaps that may
8 exist.
9 (8) The establishment of a system of data governance
10 and improved analytic capability is critical to support
11 equitable provision of services and the evaluation of
12 equitable outcomes for the citizens of Illinois.
13 (9) Sound data collection, reporting, and analysis is
14 necessary to ensure that practice and policy decisions and
15 outcomes are driven by a culture of data use and actionable
16 information that supports equity and engages stakeholders.
17 (10) Data governance and the classification of data is
18 a critical component of improving the security and privacy
19 of data.
20 (11) The P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System Act,
21 enacted by Public Act 96-107, was created in 2009 to
22 develop the capacity to match data across agencies and
23 provide for improved data analytics across education
24 agencies.
25 (12) The P-20 Longitudinal Education Data System has
26 expanded to include the incorporation of human services,

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1 workforce, and education agencies.
2 (13) The implementation of the P-20 Longitudinal
3 Education Data System has allowed the State to improve its
4 ability to manage and to bring together data across
5 agencies.
6 (14) Merging data across agencies has highlighted the
7 degree to which there are different approaches to capturing
8 similar data across agencies, including how race and
9 ethnicity data are captured.
10 (15) The State of Illinois needs to establish common
11 processes and procedures for all of the following:
12 (A) Cataloging data.
13 (B) Managing data requests.
14 (C) Sharing data.
15 (D) Collecting data.
16 (E) Matching data across agencies.
17 (F) Developing research and analytic agendas.
18 (G) Reporting on program participation
19 disaggregated by race and ethnicity.
20 (H) Evaluating equitable outcomes for underserved
21 populations in Illinois.
22 (I) Defining common roles for data management
23 across agencies.
24 Section 20-10. Definitions. In this Act:
25 "Board" means the State Board of Education.

HB2170 Enrolled- 24 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "Department" means any of the following: the Department on
2Aging, the Department of Central Management Services, the
3Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of
4Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Illinois
5Department of Labor, the Department of Healthcare and Family
6Services, the Department of Human Services, the Department of
7Public Health, or the Illinois Department of Transportation.
8 Section 20-15. Data Governance and Organization to Support
9Equity and Racial Justice.
10 (a) On or before July 1, 2022 and each July 1 thereafter,
11the Board and the Department shall report statistical data on
12the racial and ethnic demographics of program participants for
13each major program administered by the Board or the Department.
14Except as provided in subsection (b), when reporting the data
15required under this Section, the Board or the Department shall
16use the same racial and ethnic classifications for each
17program, which shall include, but not be limited to, the
19 (1) American Indian and Alaska Native alone.
20 (2) Asian alone.
21 (3) Black or African American alone.
22 (4) Hispanic or Latino of any race.
23 (5) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone.
24 (6) White alone.
25 (7) Some other race alone.

HB2170 Enrolled- 25 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (8) Two or more races.
2 The Board and the Department may further define, by rule,
3the racial and ethnic classifications, including, if
4necessary, a classification of "No Race Specified".
5 (c) If a program administered by the Board or the
6Department is subject to federal reporting requirements that
7include the collection and public reporting of statistical data
8on the racial and ethnic demographics of program participants,
9the Department may maintain the same racial and ethnic
10classifications used under the federal requirements if such
11classifications differ from the classifications listed in
12subsection (a).
13 (d) The Department of Innovation and Technology shall
14assist the Board and the Department by establishing common
15technological processes and procedures for the Board and the
16Department to:
17 (1) Catalog data.
18 (2) Identify similar fields in datasets.
19 (3) Manage data requests.
20 (4) Share data.
21 (5) Collect data.
22 (6) Improve and clean data.
23 (7) Match data across the Board and Departments.
24 (8) Develop research and analytic agendas.
25 (9) Report on program participation disaggregated by
26 race and ethnicity.

HB2170 Enrolled- 26 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (10) Evaluate equitable outcomes for underserved
2 populations in Illinois.
3 (11) Define common roles for data management.
4 (12) Ensure that all major programs can report
5 disaggregated data by race and ethnicity.
6 The Board and the Department shall use the common
7technological processes and procedures established by the
8Department of Innovation and Technology.
9 (e) If the Board or the Department is unable to begin
10reporting the data required by subsection (a) by July 1, 2022,
11the Board or the Department shall state the reasons for the
12delay under the reporting requirements.
13 (f) By no later than March 31, 2022, the Board and the
14Department shall provide a progress report to the General
15Assembly to disclose: (i) the programs and datasets that have
16been cataloged for which race and ethnicity has been
17standardized; and (ii) to the extent possible, the datasets and
18programs that are outstanding for each agency and the datasets
19that are planned for the upcoming year. On or before March 31,
202023, and each year thereafter, the Board and Departments shall
21provide an updated report to the General Assembly.
22 (g) By no later than October 31, 2021, the Governor's
23Office shall provide a plan to establish processes for input
24from the Board and the Department into processes outlined in
25subsection (b). The plan shall incorporate ongoing efforts at
26data interoperability within the Department and the governance

HB2170 Enrolled- 27 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1established to support the P-20 Longitudinal Education Data
2System enacted by Public Act 96-107.
3 (h) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the
4rights granted to individuals or data sharing protections
5established under existing State and federal data privacy and
6security laws.
7 Section 20-20. Construction of Act. Nothing in this Act
8shall be construed to limit the rights granted to individuals
9or data sharing protections established under existing State
10and federal data privacy and security laws.
Article 25.
12 Section 25-5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
1322-90 as follows:
14 (105 ILCS 5/22-90 new)
15 Sec. 22-90. Whole Child Task Force.
16 (a) The General Assembly makes all of the following
18 (1) The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed systemic
19 inequities in American society. Students, educators, and
20 families throughout this State have been deeply affected by
21 the pandemic, and the impact of the pandemic will be felt
22 for years to come. The negative consequences of the

HB2170 Enrolled- 28 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 pandemic have impacted students and communities
2 differently along the lines of race, income, language, and
3 special needs. However, students in this State faced
4 significant unmet physical health, mental health, and
5 social and emotional needs even prior to the pandemic.
6 (2) The path to recovery requires a commitment from
7 adults in this State to address our students cultural,
8 physical, emotional, and mental health needs and to provide
9 them with stronger and increased systemic support and
10 intervention.
11 (3) It is well documented that trauma and toxic stress
12 diminish a child's ability to thrive. Forms of childhood
13 trauma and toxic stress include adverse childhood
14 experiences, systemic racism, poverty, food and housing
15 insecurity, and gender-based violence. The COVID-19
16 pandemic has exacerbated these issues and brought them into
17 focus.
18 (4) It is estimated that, overall, approximately 40% of
19 children in this State have experienced at least one
20 adverse childhood experience and approximately 10% have
21 experienced 3 or more adverse childhood experiences.
22 However, the number of adverse childhood experiences is
23 higher for Black and Hispanic children who are growing up
24 in poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the number
25 of students who have experienced childhood trauma. Also,
26 the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted preexisting

HB2170 Enrolled- 29 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 inequities in school disciplinary practices that
2 disproportionately impact Black and Brown students.
3 Research shows, for example, that girls of color are
4 disproportionately impacted by trauma, adversity, and
5 abuse, and instead of receiving the care and
6 trauma-informed support they may need, many Black girls in
7 particular face disproportionately harsh disciplinary
8 measures.
9 (5) The cumulative effects of trauma and toxic stress
10 adversely impact the physical health of students, as well
11 as their ability to learn, form relationships, and
12 self-regulate. If left unaddressed, these effects increase
13 a student's risk for depression, alcoholism, anxiety,
14 asthma, smoking, and suicide, all of which are risks that
15 disproportionately affect Black youth and may lead to a
16 host of medical diseases as an adult. Access to infant and
17 early childhood mental health services is critical to
18 ensure the social and emotional well-being of this State's
19 youngest children, particularly those children who have
20 experienced trauma.
21 (6) Although this State enacted measures through
22 Public Act 100-105 to address the high rate of early care
23 and preschool expulsions of infants, toddlers, and
24 preschoolers and the disproportionately higher rate of
25 expulsion for Black and Hispanic children, a recent study
26 found a wide variation in the awareness, understanding, and

HB2170 Enrolled- 30 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 compliance with the law by providers of early childhood
2 care. Further work is needed to implement the law, which
3 includes providing training to early childhood care
4 providers to increase their understanding of the law,
5 increasing the availability and access to infant and early
6 childhood mental health services, and building aligned
7 data collection systems to better understand expulsion
8 rates and to allow for accurate reporting as required by
9 the law.
10 (7) Many educators and schools in this State have
11 embraced and implemented evidenced-based restorative
12 justice and trauma-responsive and culturally relevant
13 practices and interventions. However, the use of these
14 interventions on students is often isolated or is
15 implemented occasionally and only if the school has the
16 appropriate leadership, resources, and partners available
17 to engage seriously in this work. It would be malpractice
18 to deny our students access to these practices and
19 interventions, especially in the aftermath of a
20 once-in-a-century pandemic.
21 (b) The Whole Child Task Force is created for the purpose
22of establishing an equitable, inclusive, safe, and supportive
23environment in all schools for every student in this State. The
24task force shall have all of the following goals, which means
25key steps have to be taken to ensure that every child in every
26school in this State has access to teachers, social workers,

HB2170 Enrolled- 31 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1school leaders, support personnel, and others who have been
2trained in evidenced-based interventions and restorative
4 (1) To create a common definition of a
5 trauma-responsive school, a trauma-responsive district,
6 and a trauma-responsive community.
7 (2) To outline the training and resources required to
8 create and sustain a system of support for
9 trauma-responsive schools, districts, and communities and
10 to identify this State's role in that work, including
11 recommendations concerning options for redirecting
12 resources from school resource officers to classroom-based
13 support.
14 (3) To identify or develop a process to conduct an
15 analysis of the organizations that provide training in
16 restorative practices, implicit bias, anti-racism, and
17 trauma-responsive systems, mental health services, and
18 social and emotional services to schools.
19 (4) To provide recommendations concerning the key data
20 to be collected and reported to ensure that this State has
21 a full and accurate understanding of the progress toward
22 ensuring that all schools, including programs and
23 providers of care to pre-kindergarten children, employ
24 restorative, anti-racist, and trauma-responsive strategies
25 and practices. The data collected must include information
26 relating to the availability of trauma responsive support

HB2170 Enrolled- 32 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 structures in schools as well as disciplinary practices
2 employed on students in person or through other means,
3 including during remote or blended learning. It should also
4 include information on the use of, and funding for, school
5 resource officers and other similar police personnel in
6 school programs.
7 (5) To recommend an implementation timeline, including
8 the key roles, responsibilities, and resources to advance
9 this State toward a system in which every school, district,
10 and community is progressing toward becoming
11 trauma-responsive.
12 (6) To seek input and feedback from stakeholders,
13 including parents, students, and educators, who reflect
14 the diversity of this State.
15 (c) Members of the Whole Child Task Force shall be
16appointed by the State Superintendent of Education. Members of
17this task force must represent the diversity of this State and
18possess the expertise needed to perform the work required to
19meet the goals of the task force set forth under subsection
20(a). Members of the task force shall include all of the
22 (1) One member of a statewide professional teachers'
23 organization.
24 (2) One member of another statewide professional
25 teachers' organization.
26 (3) One member who represents a school district serving

HB2170 Enrolled- 33 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 a community with a population of 500,000 or more.
2 (4) One member of a statewide organization
3 representing social workers.
4 (5) One member of an organization that has specific
5 expertise in trauma-responsive school practices and
6 experience in supporting schools in developing
7 trauma-responsive and restorative practices.
8 (6) One member of another organization that has
9 specific expertise in trauma-responsive school practices
10 and experience in supporting schools in developing
11 trauma-responsive and restorative practices.
12 (7) One member of a statewide organization that
13 represents school administrators.
14 (8) One member of a statewide policy organization that
15 works to build a healthy public education system that
16 prepares all students for a successful college, career, and
17 civic life.
18 (9) One member of a statewide organization that brings
19 teachers together to identify and address issues critical
20 to student success.
21 (10) One member of the General Assembly recommended by
22 the President of the Senate.
23 (11) One member of the General Assembly recommended by
24 the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
25 (12) One member of the General Assembly recommended by
26 the Minority Leader of the Senate.

HB2170 Enrolled- 34 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (13) One member of the General Assembly recommended by
2 the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
3 (14) One member of a civil rights organization that
4 works actively on issues regarding student support.
5 (15) One administrator from a school district that has
6 actively worked to develop a system of student support that
7 uses a trauma-informed lens.
8 (16) One educator from a school district that has
9 actively worked to develop a system of student support that
10 uses a trauma-informed lens.
11 (17) One member of a youth-led organization.
12 (18) One member of an organization that has
13 demonstrated expertise in restorative practices.
14 (19) One member of a coalition of mental health and
15 school practitioners who assist schools in developing and
16 implementing trauma-informed and restorative strategies
17 and systems.
18 (20) One member of an organization whose mission is to
19 promote the safety, health, and economic success of
20 children, youth, and families in this State.
21 (21) One member who works or has worked as a
22 restorative justice coach or disciplinarian.
23 (22) One member who works or has worked as a social
24 worker.
25 (23) One member of the State Board of Education.
26 (24) One member who represents a statewide principals'

HB2170 Enrolled- 35 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 organization.
2 (25) One member who represents a statewide
3 organization of school boards.
4 (26) One member who has expertise in pre-kindergarten
5 education.
6 (27) One member who represents a school social worker
7 association.
8 (28) One member who represents an organization that
9 represents school districts in both the south suburbs and
10 collar counties.
11 (29) One member who is a licensed clinical psychologist
12 who (A) has a doctor of philosophy in the field of clinical
13 psychology and has an appointment at an independent
14 free-standing children's hospital located in Chicago, (B)
15 serves as associate professor at a medical school located
16 in Chicago, and (C) serves as the clinical director of a
17 coalition of voluntary collaboration of organizations that
18 are committed to applying a trauma lens to their efforts on
19 behalf of families and children in the State.
20 (30) One member who represents a west suburban school
21 district.
22 (d) The Whole Child Task Force shall meet at the call of
23the State Superintendent of Education or his or her designee,
24who shall serve as as the chairperson. The State Board of
25Education shall provide administrative and other support to the
26task force. Members of the task force shall serve without

HB2170 Enrolled- 36 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
2 (e) The Whole Child Task Force shall submit a report of its
3findings and recommendations to the General Assembly, the
4Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, the State Board of
5Education, and the Governor on or before February 1, 2022. Upon
6submitting its report, the task force is dissolved.
7 (f) This Section is repealed on February 1, 2023.
Article 35.
9 Section 35-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
10Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultations Act.
11References in this Article to "this Act" mean this Article.
12 Section 35-5. Findings; policies.
13 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
14 (1) Social and emotional development is a core
15 developmental domain in young children and is codified in
16 the Illinois Early Learning Standards.
17 (2) Fostering social and emotional development in
18 early childhood means both providing the supportive
19 settings and interactions to maximize healthy social and
20 emotional development for all children, as well as
21 providing communities, programs, and providers with
22 systems of tiered supports with training to respond to more
23 significant social and emotional challenges or where

HB2170 Enrolled- 37 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 experiences of trauma may be more prevalent.
2 (3) Early care and education programs and providers,
3 across a range of settings, have an important role to play
4 in supporting young children and families, especially
5 those who face greater challenges, such as trauma exposure,
6 social isolation, pervasive poverty, and toxic stress; if
7 programs, teaching staff, caregivers, and providers are
8 not provided with the support, services, and training
9 needed to accomplish these goals, it can lead to children
10 and families being asked to leave programs, particularly
11 without connection to more appropriate services, thereby
12 creating a disruption in learning and social-emotional
13 development; investments in reflective supervision,
14 professional development specific to diversity, equity and
15 inclusion practice, culturally responsive training,
16 implicit bias training, and how trauma experienced during
17 the early years can manifest in challenging behaviors will
18 create systems for serving children that are informed in
19 developmentally appropriate and responsive supports.
20 (4) Studies have shown that the expulsion of infants,
21 toddlers, and young children in early care and education
22 settings is occurring at alarmingly high rates, more than 3
23 times that of students in K-12; further, expulsion occurs
24 more frequently for Black children and Latinx children and
25 more frequently for boys than for girls, with Black boys
26 being most frequently expelled; there is evidence to show

HB2170 Enrolled- 38 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 that the expulsion of Black girls is occurring with
2 increasing frequency.
3 (5) Illinois took its first steps toward addressing
4 this disparity through Public Act 100-105 to prohibit
5 expulsion due to child behavior in early care and education
6 settings, but further work is needed to implement this law,
7 including strengthening provider understanding of a
8 successful transition and beginning to identify strategies
9 to reduce "soft expulsions" and to ensure more young
10 children and their teachers, providers, and caregivers, in
11 a range of early care and education settings, can benefit
12 from services, such as Infant/Early Childhood Mental
13 Health Consultations (I/ECMHC) and positive behavior
14 interventions and supports such as the Pyramid Model.
15 (6) I/ECMHC is a critical component needed to align
16 social-emotional well-being with the public health model
17 of promotion, prevention, and intervention across early
18 care and education systems.
19 (b) The General Assembly encourages that all of the
20following actions be taken by:
21 (1) the State to increase the availability of
22 Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultations
23 (I/ECMHC) through increased funding in early childhood
24 programs and sustainable funding for coordination of
25 I/ECMHC and other social and emotional support at the State
26 level;

HB2170 Enrolled- 39 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (2) the Department of Human Services (IDHS), the
2 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Governor's
3 Office of Early Childhood Development (GOECD), and other
4 relevant agencies to develop and promote
5 provider-accessible and parent-accessible materials,
6 including native language, on the role and value of
7 I/ECMHC, including targeted promotion in underserved
8 communities, and promote the use of existing I/ECMHCs, the
9 I/ECMHC consultant database, or other existing services;
10 (3) the State to increase funding to promote and
11 provide training and implementation support for systems of
12 tiered support, such as the Pyramid Model, across early
13 childhood settings and urge DHS, ISBE, GOECD, and other
14 relevant State agencies to coordinate efforts and develop
15 strategies to provide outreach to and support providers in
16 underserved communities and communities with fewer
17 programmatic resources; and
18 (4) ISBE and DCFS to provide the data required by
19 Public Act 100-105, even if the data is incomplete at the
20 time due to data system challenges.
Article 40.
22 Section 40-5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by
23adding Section 5-39 as follows:

HB2170 Enrolled- 40 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (305 ILCS 5/5-39 new)
2 Sec. 5-39. Behavioral health services for children;
3diagnostic assessment system. Beginning on July 1, 2022, if it
4is necessary to provide a diagnostic code for behavioral health
5services for children ages 5 and under, providers shall utilize
6a developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate diagnostic
7assessment system, such as the Diagnostic Classification of
8Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early
9Childhood-Revised (DC:0-5), for diagnosis and treatment
10planning. If necessary for billing purposes, the provider,
11managed care organization, or Department shall utilize the
12existing crosswalk tool to convert the developmentally
13appropriate and age-appropriate diagnosis code to the relevant
14code available in the State system.
15 By no later than January 1, 2022, the Department shall make
16recommendations to the General Assembly on the resources needed
17to integrate developmentally appropriate and age-appropriate
18diagnostic codes into the State system.
Article 45.
20 Section 45-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
21Early Childhood Workforce Act. References in this Article to
22"this Act" mean this Article.
23 Section 45-5. Findings; policies.

HB2170 Enrolled- 41 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
2 (1) Research shows that early childhood teacher
3 effectiveness is a predictor for positive developmental
4 and academic outcomes for children.
5 (2) The work of early childhood educators is
6 sophisticated and central to the healthy learning and
7 development of young children and takes place in a range of
8 settings, including schools, community-based centers, and
9 homes.
10 (3) It is critically important for children's outcomes
11 to have educators that reflect the diversity of the
12 families and communities they serve.
13 (4) The early childhood workforce is more racially
14 diverse than the K-12 workforce, and its members hold
15 degrees, have earned credentials, and have years of
16 experience in the field.
17 (5) The early childhood workforce, particularly those
18 working in community-based settings and those working with
19 infants and toddlers, often are not paid wages aligned to
20 the sophistication of their work and level of education.
21 (6) All regions and settings have difficulty finding
22 qualified teachers.
23 (7) A disproportionate number of Black and Latinx women
24 serve in essential, frontline positions but are
25 underrepresented as lead teachers and in program
26 leadership where credentials and degrees are required.

HB2170 Enrolled- 42 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (8) The early childhood workforce faces multiple
2 barriers to additional credential and degree attainment
3 that lead to career advancement and higher levels of
4 compensation.
5 (b) The General Assembly encourages all of the following:
6 (1) The Department of Human Services to undertake an
7 analysis of teacher data in the Gateways Registry to
8 determine those individuals who are close to their next
9 credential or degree, including information where
10 available in the Registry such as their geographic
11 location, demographics, work setting, and age groups of
12 children for whom they are responsible.
13 (2) The Department of Human Services to conduct
14 outreach and provide targeted coaching and access to
15 financial supports, including, but not limited to,
16 scholarships and debt relief, in a way that prioritizes
17 increasing the diversity of the teacher pipeline,
18 including bilingual providers and educators, regions of
19 the State with the highest need, and children in age groups
20 with the greatest teacher shortages.
21 (3) The State Board of Education to provide additional
22 financial support to candidates and provide this support to
23 all candidates regardless of the setting in which they work
24 and the credentials they are currently seeking,
25 prioritizing those by greatest need in the early childhood
26 field.

HB2170 Enrolled- 43 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (4) The Department of Human Services to provide annual
2 reports on who receives these and other scholarships or
3 other financial support administered by the Department or
4 the State Board of Education by geographic location,
5 demographics, work setting, age groups of children served,
6 and credential/degree attainment as available.
7 (5) The Board of Higher Education, in the course of
8 their strategic planning process, to review the barriers
9 experienced by the early childhood workforce and by
10 teachers of color, in particular in accessing and
11 completing the needed coursework to attain additional
12 credentials and degrees, and to recommend policy or
13 practice changes to better meet the needs of this
14 workforce, which is largely comprised of non-traditional
15 students and women of color.
16 (6) The State Board of Education and the Department of
17 Human Services to prioritize reducing compensation
18 disparities between the early childhood workforce and
19 their K-12 counterparts and disparities within the early
20 childhood workforce between setting and age groups in which
21 they work, as funding becomes available.
Article 50.
23 Section 50-5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
242-3.183 and by changing Section 27-22 as follows:

HB2170 Enrolled- 44 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.183 new)
2 Sec. 2-3.183. Review of university admission coursework.
3 (a) The State Board of Education shall make the review
4compiled under Section 9.40 of the Board of Higher Education
5Act available to the public on its Internet website.
6 (b) To ensure that every public high school student
7understands the course expectations for admission into a public
8university in this State, a school district must make available
9to students in grades 8 through 12 and their parents or
10guardians the review compiled under Section 9.40 of the Board
11of Higher Education Act before the student's course schedule is
12finalized for the student's particular grade level.
13 (c) To ensure that a public high school student is not
14excluded from enrolling in a public university in this State
15because of a lack of access to required or recommended
16coursework, beginning with the 2022-2023 school year and each
17school year thereafter, every public high school must provide
18access to each course identified in the review compiled under
19Section 9.40 of the Board of Higher Education Act to any of its
20students who request to enroll in the course. If the public
21high school is unable to offer the course through the school
22district, the public high school must find an alternative way
23to offer the course to the student, which may include
24partnering with another school district, a community college
25district, an institution of higher education, or some other

HB2170 Enrolled- 45 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1course provider. No student shall be excluded from
2participation in a course identified in the review due to
3financial reasons. Any course offered pursuant to this Section
4as a dual credit course shall be developed and offered in
5accordance with the Dual Credit Quality Act.
6 (105 ILCS 5/27-22) (from Ch. 122, par. 27-22)
7 Sec. 27-22. Required high school courses.
8 (a) (Blank).
9 (b) (Blank).
10 (c) (Blank).
11 (d) (Blank).
12 (e) Through the 2023-2024 school year, as As a prerequisite
13to receiving a high school diploma, each pupil entering the 9th
14grade must, in addition to other course requirements,
15successfully complete all of the following courses:
16 (1) Four years of language arts.
17 (2) Two years of writing intensive courses, one of
18 which must be English and the other of which may be English
19 or any other subject. When applicable, writing-intensive
20 courses may be counted towards the fulfillment of other
21 graduation requirements.
22 (3) Three years of mathematics, one of which must be
23 Algebra I, one of which must include geometry content, and
24 one of which may be an Advanced Placement computer science
25 course. A mathematics course that includes geometry

HB2170 Enrolled- 46 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 content may be offered as an integrated, applied,
2 interdisciplinary, or career and technical education
3 course that prepares a student for a career readiness path.
4 (4) Two years of science.
5 (5) Two years of social studies, of which at least one
6 year must be history of the United States or a combination
7 of history of the United States and American government
8 and, beginning with pupils entering the 9th grade in the
9 2016-2017 school year and each school year thereafter, at
10 least one semester must be civics, which shall help young
11 people acquire and learn to use the skills, knowledge, and
12 attitudes that will prepare them to be competent and
13 responsible citizens throughout their lives. Civics course
14 content shall focus on government institutions, the
15 discussion of current and controversial issues, service
16 learning, and simulations of the democratic process.
17 School districts may utilize private funding available for
18 the purposes of offering civics education.
19 (6) One year chosen from (A) music, (B) art, (C)
20 foreign language, which shall be deemed to include American
21 Sign Language, or (D) vocational education.
22 (e-5) Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, as a
23prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma, each pupil
24entering the 9th grade must, in addition to other course
25requirements, successfully complete all of the following

HB2170 Enrolled- 47 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (1) Four years of language arts.
2 (2) Two years of writing intensive courses, one of
3 which must be English and the other of which may be English
4 or any other subject. If applicable, writing-intensive
5 courses may be counted toward the fulfillment of other
6 graduation requirements.
7 (3) Three years of mathematics, one of which must be
8 Algebra I, one of which must include geometry content, and
9 one of which may be an Advanced Placement computer science
10 course. A mathematics course that includes geometry
11 content may be offered as an integrated, applied,
12 interdisciplinary, or career and technical education
13 course that prepares a student for a career readiness path.
14 (4) Two years of laboratory science.
15 (5) Two years of social studies, of which at least one
16 year must be history of the United States or a combination
17 of history of the United States and American government and
18 at least one semester must be civics, which shall help
19 young people acquire and learn to use the skills,
20 knowledge, and attitudes that will prepare them to be
21 competent and responsible citizens throughout their lives.
22 Civics course content shall focus on government
23 institutions, the discussion of current and controversial
24 issues, service learning, and simulations of the
25 democratic process. School districts may utilize private
26 funding available for the purposes of offering civics

HB2170 Enrolled- 48 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 education.
2 (6) One year chosen from (A) music, (B) art, (C)
3 foreign language, which shall be deemed to include American
4 Sign Language, or (D) vocational education.
5 (e-10) Beginning with the 2028-2029 school year, as a
6prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma, each pupil
7entering the 9th grade must, in addition to other course
8requirements, successfully complete 2 years of foreign
9language courses, which may include American Sign Language. A
10pupil may choose a third year of foreign language to satisfy
11the requirement under paragraph (6) of subsection (e-5).
12 (f) The State Board of Education shall develop and inform
13school districts of standards for writing-intensive
15 (f-5) If a school district offers an Advanced Placement
16computer science course to high school students, then the
17school board must designate that course as equivalent to a high
18school mathematics course and must denote on the student's
19transcript that the Advanced Placement computer science course
20qualifies as a mathematics-based, quantitative course for
21students in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (e)
22of this Section.
23 (g) This amendatory Act of 1983 does not apply to pupils
24entering the 9th grade in 1983-1984 school year and prior
25school years or to students with disabilities whose course of
26study is determined by an individualized education program.

HB2170 Enrolled- 49 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 This amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly does not
2apply to pupils entering the 9th grade in the 2004-2005 school
3year or a prior school year or to students with disabilities
4whose course of study is determined by an individualized
5education program.
6 Subsection (e-5) does not apply to pupils entering the 9th
7grade in the 2023-2024 school year or a prior school year or to
8students with disabilities whose course of study is determined
9by an individualized education program. Subsection (e-10) does
10not apply to pupils entering the 9th grade in the 2027-2028
11school year or a prior school year or to students with
12disabilities whose course of study is determined by an
13individualized education program.
14 (h) The provisions of this Section are subject to the
15provisions of Section 27-22.05 of this Code and the
16Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act.
17 (i) The State Board of Education may adopt rules to modify
18the requirements of this Section for any students enrolled in
19grades 9 through 12 if the Governor has declared a disaster due
20to a public health emergency pursuant to Section 7 of the
21Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
22(Source: P.A. 100-443, eff. 8-25-17; 101-464, eff. 1-1-20;
23101-643, eff. 6-18-20.)
24 Section 50-10. The Board of Higher Education Act is amended
25by adding Section 9.40 as follows:

HB2170 Enrolled- 50 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (110 ILCS 205/9.40 new)
2 Sec. 9.40. Review of university admission coursework.
3 (a) On or before May 1, 2021 and as needed thereafter, the
4Board of Higher Education shall compile a review that
5identifies, for each public university in this State, all
6courses the university will require or recommend a high school
7student take to be admitted to the university as an
8undergraduate student for the following school year. The review
9shall also include any required coursework or recommended
10coursework for a undergraduate admission into a specific
11academic major, college, or department of the university for
12the following school year. In order to allow public school
13districts sufficient time to fulfill their obligations under
14subsection (c) of Section 2-3.183 of the School Code, the
15review must also identify any new courses that each public
16university in this State will add to the review the following
17year. No new required or recommended coursework may be added to
18a review that has not been identified in the previous year's
20 (b) The Board of Higher Education shall make the review
21compiled under subsection (a) available to the public on its
22Internet website.
23 (c) The Board of Higher Education may adopt any rules
24necessary to implement this Section.

HB2170 Enrolled- 51 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
Article 60.
2 Section 60-5. The School Code is amended by adding Sections
32-3.185, 10-20.73, 10-20.74, and 27-23.15 and by changing
4Sections 10-17a and 27-22 as follows:
5 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.185 new)
6 Sec. 2-3.185. Computer science standards and courses. On or
7before December 1, 2021, the State Board of Education shall:
8 (1) develop or adopt rigorous learning standards in the
9 area of computer science; and
10 (2) analyze and revise, if appropriate, existing
11 course titles dedicated to computer science or develop a
12 short list of existing course titles that are recommended
13 for computer science courses.
14 (105 ILCS 5/10-17a) (from Ch. 122, par. 10-17a)
15 Sec. 10-17a. State, school district, and school report
17 (1) By October 31, 2013 and October 31 of each subsequent
18school year, the State Board of Education, through the State
19Superintendent of Education, shall prepare a State report card,
20school district report cards, and school report cards, and
21shall by the most economic means provide to each school
22district in this State, including special charter districts and
23districts subject to the provisions of Article 34, the report

HB2170 Enrolled- 52 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1cards for the school district and each of its schools.
2 (2) In addition to any information required by federal law,
3the State Superintendent shall determine the indicators and
4presentation of the school report card, which must include, at
5a minimum, the most current data collected and maintained by
6the State Board of Education related to the following:
7 (A) school characteristics and student demographics,
8 including average class size, average teaching experience,
9 student racial/ethnic breakdown, and the percentage of
10 students classified as low-income; the percentage of
11 students classified as English learners; the percentage of
12 students who have individualized education plans or 504
13 plans that provide for special education services; the
14 number and percentage of all students who have been
15 assessed for placement in a gifted education or advanced
16 academic program and, of those students: (i) the racial and
17 ethnic breakdown, (ii) the percentage who are classified as
18 low-income, and (iii) the number and percentage of students
19 who received direct instruction from a teacher who holds a
20 gifted education endorsement and, of those students, the
21 percentage who are classified as low-income; the
22 percentage of students scoring at the "exceeds
23 expectations" level on the assessments required under
24 Section 2-3.64a-5 of this Code; the percentage of students
25 who annually transferred in or out of the school district;
26 average daily attendance; the per-pupil operating

HB2170 Enrolled- 53 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 expenditure of the school district; and the per-pupil State
2 average operating expenditure for the district type
3 (elementary, high school, or unit);
4 (B) curriculum information, including, where
5 applicable, Advanced Placement, International
6 Baccalaureate or equivalent courses, dual enrollment
7 courses, foreign language classes, computer science
8 courses, school personnel resources (including Career
9 Technical Education teachers), before and after school
10 programs, extracurricular activities, subjects in which
11 elective classes are offered, health and wellness
12 initiatives (including the average number of days of
13 Physical Education per week per student), approved
14 programs of study, awards received, community
15 partnerships, and special programs such as programming for
16 the gifted and talented, students with disabilities, and
17 work-study students;
18 (C) student outcomes, including, where applicable, the
19 percentage of students deemed proficient on assessments of
20 State standards, the percentage of students in the eighth
21 grade who pass Algebra, the percentage of students who
22 participated in workplace learning experiences, the
23 percentage of students enrolled in post-secondary
24 institutions (including colleges, universities, community
25 colleges, trade/vocational schools, and training programs
26 leading to career certification within 2 semesters of high

HB2170 Enrolled- 54 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 school graduation), the percentage of students graduating
2 from high school who are college and career ready, and the
3 percentage of graduates enrolled in community colleges,
4 colleges, and universities who are in one or more courses
5 that the community college, college, or university
6 identifies as a developmental course;
7 (D) student progress, including, where applicable, the
8 percentage of students in the ninth grade who have earned 5
9 credits or more without failing more than one core class, a
10 measure of students entering kindergarten ready to learn, a
11 measure of growth, and the percentage of students who enter
12 high school on track for college and career readiness;
13 (E) the school environment, including, where
14 applicable, the percentage of students with less than 10
15 absences in a school year, the percentage of teachers with
16 less than 10 absences in a school year for reasons other
17 than professional development, leaves taken pursuant to
18 the federal Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, long-term
19 disability, or parental leaves, the 3-year average of the
20 percentage of teachers returning to the school from the
21 previous year, the number of different principals at the
22 school in the last 6 years, the number of teachers who hold
23 a gifted education endorsement, the process and criteria
24 used by the district to determine whether a student is
25 eligible for participation in a gifted education program or
26 advanced academic program and the manner in which parents

HB2170 Enrolled- 55 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 and guardians are made aware of the process and criteria, 2
2 or more indicators from any school climate survey selected
3 or approved by the State and administered pursuant to
4 Section 2-3.153 of this Code, with the same or similar
5 indicators included on school report cards for all surveys
6 selected or approved by the State pursuant to Section
7 2-3.153 of this Code, and the combined percentage of
8 teachers rated as proficient or excellent in their most
9 recent evaluation;
10 (F) a school district's and its individual schools'
11 balanced accountability measure, in accordance with
12 Section 2-3.25a of this Code;
13 (G) the total and per pupil normal cost amount the
14 State contributed to the Teachers' Retirement System of the
15 State of Illinois in the prior fiscal year for the school's
16 employees, which shall be reported to the State Board of
17 Education by the Teachers' Retirement System of the State
18 of Illinois;
19 (H) for a school district organized under Article 34 of
20 this Code only, State contributions to the Public School
21 Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago and State
22 contributions for health care for employees of that school
23 district;
24 (I) a school district's Final Percent of Adequacy, as
25 defined in paragraph (4) of subsection (f) of Section
26 18-8.15 of this Code;

HB2170 Enrolled- 56 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (J) a school district's Local Capacity Target, as
2 defined in paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of Section
3 18-8.15 of this Code, displayed as a percentage amount;
4 (K) a school district's Real Receipts, as defined in
5 paragraph (1) of subsection (d) of Section 18-8.15 of this
6 Code, divided by a school district's Adequacy Target, as
7 defined in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Section
8 18-8.15 of this Code, displayed as a percentage amount;
9 (L) a school district's administrative costs; and
10 (M) whether or not the school has participated in the
11 Illinois Youth Survey. In this paragraph (M), "Illinois
12 Youth Survey" means a self-report survey, administered in
13 school settings every 2 years, designed to gather
14 information about health and social indicators, including
15 substance abuse patterns and the attitudes of students in
16 grades 8, 10, and 12; and
17 (N) whether the school offered its students career and
18 technical education opportunities.
19 The school report card shall also provide information that
20allows for comparing the current outcome, progress, and
21environment data to the State average, to the school data from
22the past 5 years, and to the outcomes, progress, and
23environment of similar schools based on the type of school and
24enrollment of low-income students, special education students,
25and English learners.
26 As used in this subsection (2):

HB2170 Enrolled- 57 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "Administrative costs" means costs associated with
2executive, administrative, or managerial functions within the
3school district that involve planning, organizing, managing,
4or directing the school district.
5 "Advanced academic program" means a course of study to
6which students are assigned based on advanced cognitive ability
7or advanced academic achievement compared to local age peers
8and in which the curriculum is substantially differentiated
9from the general curriculum to provide appropriate challenge
10and pace.
11 "Computer science" means the study of computers and
12algorithms, including their principles, their hardware and
13software designs, their implementation, and their impact on
14society. "Computer science" does not include the study of
15everyday uses of computers and computer applications, such as
16keyboarding or accessing the Internet.
17 "Gifted education" means educational services, including
18differentiated curricula and instructional methods, designed
19to meet the needs of gifted children as defined in Article 14A
20of this Code.
21 For the purposes of paragraph (A) of this subsection (2),
22"average daily attendance" means the average of the actual
23number of attendance days during the previous school year for
24any enrolled student who is subject to compulsory attendance by
25Section 26-1 of this Code at each school and charter school.
26 (3) At the discretion of the State Superintendent, the

HB2170 Enrolled- 58 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1school district report card shall include a subset of the
2information identified in paragraphs (A) through (E) of
3subsection (2) of this Section, as well as information relating
4to the operating expense per pupil and other finances of the
5school district, and the State report card shall include a
6subset of the information identified in paragraphs (A) through
7(E) and paragraph (N) of subsection (2) of this Section. The
8school district report card shall include the average daily
9attendance, as that term is defined in subsection (2) of this
10Section, of students who have individualized education
11programs and students who have 504 plans that provide for
12special education services within the school district.
13 (4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this
14Section, in consultation with key education stakeholders, the
15State Superintendent shall at any time have the discretion to
16amend or update any and all metrics on the school, district, or
17State report card.
18 (5) Annually, no more than 30 calendar days after receipt
19of the school district and school report cards from the State
20Superintendent of Education, each school district, including
21special charter districts and districts subject to the
22provisions of Article 34, shall present such report cards at a
23regular school board meeting subject to applicable notice
24requirements, post the report cards on the school district's
25Internet web site, if the district maintains an Internet web
26site, make the report cards available to a newspaper of general

HB2170 Enrolled- 59 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1circulation serving the district, and, upon request, send the
2report cards home to a parent (unless the district does not
3maintain an Internet web site, in which case the report card
4shall be sent home to parents without request). If the district
5posts the report card on its Internet web site, the district
6shall send a written notice home to parents stating (i) that
7the report card is available on the web site, (ii) the address
8of the web site, (iii) that a printed copy of the report card
9will be sent to parents upon request, and (iv) the telephone
10number that parents may call to request a printed copy of the
11report card.
12 (6) Nothing contained in Public Act 98-648 repeals,
13supersedes, invalidates, or nullifies final decisions in
14lawsuits pending on July 1, 2014 (the effective date of Public
15Act 98-648) in Illinois courts involving the interpretation of
16Public Act 97-8.
17(Source: P.A. 100-227, eff. 8-18-17; 100-364, eff. 1-1-18;
18100-448, eff. 7-1-19; 100-465, eff. 8-31-17; 100-807, eff.
198-10-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 100-1121, eff. 1-1-19; 101-68,
20eff. 1-1-20; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; revised 9-9-19.)
21 (105 ILCS 5/10-20.73 new)
22 Sec. 10-20.73. Computer literacy skills. All school
23districts shall ensure that students receive developmentally
24appropriate opportunities to gain computer literacy skills
25beginning in elementary school.

HB2170 Enrolled- 60 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (105 ILCS 5/10-20.74 new)
2 Sec. 10-20.74. Educational technology capacity and
3policies; report. School districts shall submit to the State
4Board of Education, or its designee, an annual report that
5shall include, at a minimum, information regarding educational
6technology capacity and policies, including device
7availability for students, school-based access and
8infrastructure, professional learning and training
9opportunities, and documentation of developmentally
10appropriate computer literacy instruction embedded in the
11district's curriculum at each grade level.
12 (105 ILCS 5/27-22) (from Ch. 122, par. 27-22)
13 Sec. 27-22. Required high school courses.
14 (a) (Blank).
15 (b) (Blank).
16 (c) (Blank).
17 (d) (Blank).
18 (e) As a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma,
19each pupil entering the 9th grade must, in addition to other
20course requirements, successfully complete all of the
21following courses:
22 (1) Four years of language arts.
23 (2) Two years of writing intensive courses, one of
24 which must be English and the other of which may be English

HB2170 Enrolled- 61 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 or any other subject. When applicable, writing-intensive
2 courses may be counted towards the fulfillment of other
3 graduation requirements.
4 (3) Three years of mathematics, one of which must be
5 Algebra I, one of which must include geometry content, and
6 one of which may be an Advanced Placement computer science
7 course. A mathematics course that includes geometry
8 content may be offered as an integrated, applied,
9 interdisciplinary, or career and technical education
10 course that prepares a student for a career readiness path.
11 (3.5) For pupils entering the 9th grade in the
12 2022-2023 school year and each school year thereafter, one
13 year of a course that includes intensive instruction in
14 computer literacy, which may be English, social studies, or
15 any other subject and which may be counted toward the
16 fulfillment of other graduation requirements.
17 (4) Two years of science.
18 (5) Two years of social studies, of which at least one
19 year must be history of the United States or a combination
20 of history of the United States and American government
21 and, beginning with pupils entering the 9th grade in the
22 2016-2017 school year and each school year thereafter, at
23 least one semester must be civics, which shall help young
24 people acquire and learn to use the skills, knowledge, and
25 attitudes that will prepare them to be competent and
26 responsible citizens throughout their lives. Civics course

HB2170 Enrolled- 62 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 content shall focus on government institutions, the
2 discussion of current and controversial issues, service
3 learning, and simulations of the democratic process.
4 School districts may utilize private funding available for
5 the purposes of offering civics education.
6 (6) One year chosen from (A) music, (B) art, (C)
7 foreign language, which shall be deemed to include American
8 Sign Language, or (D) vocational education.
9 (f) The State Board of Education shall develop and inform
10school districts of standards for writing-intensive
12 (f-5) If a school district offers an Advanced Placement
13computer science course to high school students, then the
14school board must designate that course as equivalent to a high
15school mathematics course and must denote on the student's
16transcript that the Advanced Placement computer science course
17qualifies as a mathematics-based, quantitative course for
18students in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (e)
19of this Section.
20 (g) This amendatory Act of 1983 does not apply to pupils
21entering the 9th grade in 1983-1984 school year and prior
22school years or to students with disabilities whose course of
23study is determined by an individualized education program.
24 This amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly does not
25apply to pupils entering the 9th grade in the 2004-2005 school
26year or a prior school year or to students with disabilities

HB2170 Enrolled- 63 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1whose course of study is determined by an individualized
2education program.
3 This amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly does not
4apply to pupils entering the 9th grade in the 2021-2022 school
5year or a prior school year or to students with disabilities
6whose course of study is determined by an individualized
7education program.
8 (h) The provisions of this Section are subject to the
9provisions of Section 27-22.05 of this Code and the
10Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act.
11 (i) The State Board of Education may adopt rules to modify
12the requirements of this Section for any students enrolled in
13grades 9 through 12 if the Governor has declared a disaster due
14to a public health emergency pursuant to Section 7 of the
15Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.
16(Source: P.A. 100-443, eff. 8-25-17; 101-464, eff. 1-1-20;
17101-643, eff. 6-18-20.)
18 (105 ILCS 5/27-23.15 new)
19 Sec. 27-23.15. Computer science.
20 (a) In this Section, "computer science" means the study of
21computers and algorithms, including their principles, their
22hardware and software designs, their implementation, and their
23impact on society. "Computer science" does not include the
24study of everyday uses of computers and computer applications,
25such as keyboarding or accessing the Internet.

HB2170 Enrolled- 64 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (b) Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the school
2board of a school district that maintains any of grades 9
3through 12 shall provide an opportunity for every high school
4student to take at least one computer science course aligned to
5rigorous learning standards of the State Board of Education.
Article 65.
7 Section 65-5. The School Code is amended by changing
8Sections 14A-10 and 14A-32 as follows:
9 (105 ILCS 5/14A-10)
10 Sec. 14A-10. Legislative findings. The General Assembly
11finds the following:
12 (1) that gifted and talented children (i) exhibit high
13 performance capabilities in intellectual, creative, and
14 artistic areas, (ii) possess an exceptional leadership
15 potential, (iii) excel in specific academic fields, and
16 (iv) have the potential to be influential in business,
17 government, health care, the arts, and other critical
18 sectors of our economic and cultural environment;
19 (2) that gifted and talented children require services
20 and activities that are not ordinarily provided by schools;
21 and
22 (3) that outstanding talents are present in children
23 and youth from all cultural groups, across all economic

HB2170 Enrolled- 65 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 strata, and in all areas of human endeavor; and .
2 (4) that inequitable access to advanced coursework and
3 enrollment in accelerated placement programs exists
4 between children enrolled in different school districts
5 and even within the same school district and more must be
6 done to eliminate the barriers to access to advanced
7 coursework and enrollment in accelerated placement
8 programs for all children.
9(Source: P.A. 94-151, eff. 7-8-05; 94-410, eff. 8-2-05.)
10 (105 ILCS 5/14A-32)
11 Sec. 14A-32. Accelerated placement; school district
13 (a) Each school district shall have a policy that allows
14for accelerated placement that includes or incorporates by
15reference the following components:
16 (1) a provision that provides that participation in
17 accelerated placement is not limited to those children who
18 have been identified as gifted and talented, but rather is
19 open to all children who demonstrate high ability and who
20 may benefit from accelerated placement;
21 (2) a fair and equitable decision-making process that
22 involves multiple persons and includes a student's parents
23 or guardians;
24 (3) procedures for notifying parents or guardians of a
25 child of a decision affecting that child's participation in

HB2170 Enrolled- 66 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 an accelerated placement program; and
2 (4) an assessment process that includes multiple
3 valid, reliable indicators.
4 (a-5) By no later than the beginning of the 2023-2024
5school year, a school district's accelerated placement policy
6shall allow for the automatic enrollment, in the following
7school term, of a student into the next most rigorous level of
8advanced coursework offered by the high school if the student
9meets or exceeds State standards in English language arts,
10mathematics, or science on a State assessment administered
11under Section 2-3.64a-5 as follows:
12 (1) A student who meets or exceeds State standards in
13 English language arts shall be automatically enrolled into
14 the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework in
15 English, social studies, humanities, or related subjects.
16 (2) A student who meets or exceeds State standards in
17 mathematics shall be automatically enrolled into the next
18 most rigorous level of advanced coursework in mathematics.
19 (3) A student who meets or exceeds State standards in
20 science shall be automatically enrolled into the next most
21 rigorous level of advanced coursework in science.
22 The next most rigorous level of advanced coursework under
23this subsection (a-5) may include a dual credit course, as
24defined in the Dual Credit Quality Act, an Advanced Placement
25course as defined in Section 10 of the College and Career
26Success for All Students Act, an International Baccalaureate

HB2170 Enrolled- 67 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1course, an honors class, an enrichment opportunity, a gifted
2program, or another program offered by the district.
3 A school district may use the student's most recent State
4assessment results to determine whether a student meets or
5exceeds State standards. For a student entering grade 9,
6results from the State assessment taken in grades 6 through 8
7may be used. For other high school grades, the results from a
8locally selected, nationally normed assessment may be used
9instead of the State assessment if those results are the most
11 A school district must provide the parent or guardian of a
12student eligible for automatic enrollment under this
13subsection (a-5) with the option to instead have the student
14enroll in alternative coursework that better aligns with the
15student's postsecondary education or career goals.
16 Nothing in this subsection (a-5) may be interpreted to
17preclude other students from enrolling in advanced coursework
18per the policy of a school district.
19 (b) Further, a school district's accelerated placement
20policy may include or incorporate by reference, but need not be
21limited to, the following components:
22 (1) procedures for annually informing the community
23 at-large, including parents or guardians, community-based
24 organizations, and providers of out-of-school programs,
25 about the accelerated placement program and the methods
26 used for the identification of children eligible for

HB2170 Enrolled- 68 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 accelerated placement, including strategies to reach
2 groups of students and families who have been historically
3 underrepresented in accelerated placement programs and
4 advanced coursework;
5 (2) a process for referral that allows for multiple
6 referrers, including a child's parents or guardians; other
7 referrers may include licensed education professionals,
8 the child, with the written consent of a parent or
9 guardian, a peer, through a licensed education
10 professional who has knowledge of the referred child's
11 abilities, or, in case of possible early entrance, a
12 preschool educator, pediatrician, or psychologist who
13 knows the child; and
14 (3) a provision that provides that children
15 participating in an accelerated placement program and
16 their parents or guardians will be provided a written plan
17 detailing the type of acceleration the child will receive
18 and strategies to support the child; .
19 (4) procedures to provide support and promote success
20 for students who are newly enrolled in an accelerated
21 placement program; and
22 (5) a process for the school district to review and
23 utilize disaggregated data on participation in an
24 accelerated placement program to address gaps among
25 demographic groups in accelerated placement opportunities.
26 (c) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to

HB2170 Enrolled- 69 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1determine data to be collected and disaggregated by demographic
2group regarding accelerated placement, including the rates of
3students who participate in and successfully complete advanced
4coursework, and a method of making the information available to
5the public.
6 (d) On or before November 1, 2022, following a review of
7disaggregated data on the participation and successful
8completion rates of students enrolled in an accelerated
9placement program, each school district shall develop a plan to
10expand access to its accelerated placement program and to
11ensure the teaching capacity necessary to meet the increased
13(Source: P.A. 100-421, eff. 7-1-18.)
Article 70.
15 Section 70-5. The School Code is amended by changing
16Section 22-45 as follows:
17 (105 ILCS 5/22-45)
18 Sec. 22-45. Illinois P-20 Council.
19 (a) The General Assembly finds that preparing Illinoisans
20for success in school and the workplace requires a continuum of
21quality education from preschool through graduate school. This
22State needs a framework to guide education policy and integrate
23education at every level. A statewide coordinating council to

HB2170 Enrolled- 70 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1study and make recommendations concerning education at all
2levels can avoid fragmentation of policies, promote improved
3teaching and learning, and continue to cultivate and
4demonstrate strong accountability and efficiency. Establishing
5an Illinois P-20 Council will develop a statewide agenda that
6will move the State towards the common goals of improving
7academic achievement, increasing college access and success,
8improving use of existing data and measurements, developing
9improved accountability, fostering innovative approaches to
10education, promoting lifelong learning, easing the transition
11to college, and reducing remediation. A pre-kindergarten
12through grade 20 agenda will strengthen this State's economic
13competitiveness by producing a highly-skilled workforce. In
14addition, lifelong learning plans will enhance this State's
15ability to leverage funding.
16 (b) There is created the Illinois P-20 Council. The
17Illinois P-20 Council shall include all of the following
19 (1) The Governor or his or her designee, to serve as
20 chairperson.
21 (2) Four members of the General Assembly, one appointed
22 by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one
23 appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
24 Representatives, one appointed by the President of the
25 Senate, and one appointed by the Minority Leader of the
26 Senate.

HB2170 Enrolled- 71 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (3) Six at-large members appointed by the Governor as
2 follows, with 2 members being from the City of Chicago, 2
3 members being from Lake County, McHenry County, Kane
4 County, DuPage County, Will County, or that part of Cook
5 County outside of the City of Chicago, and 2 members being
6 from the remainder of the State:
7 (A) one representative of civic leaders;
8 (B) one representative of local government;
9 (C) one representative of trade unions;
10 (D) one representative of nonprofit organizations
11 or foundations;
12 (E) one representative of parents' organizations;
13 and
14 (F) one education research expert.
15 (4) Five members appointed by statewide business
16 organizations and business trade associations.
17 (5) Six members appointed by statewide professional
18 organizations and associations representing
19 pre-kindergarten through grade 20 teachers, community
20 college faculty, and public university faculty.
21 (6) Two members appointed by associations representing
22 local school administrators and school board members. One
23 of these members must be a special education administrator.
24 (7) One member representing community colleges,
25 appointed by the Illinois Council of Community College
26 Presidents.

HB2170 Enrolled- 72 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (8) One member representing 4-year independent
2 colleges and universities, appointed by a statewide
3 organization representing private institutions of higher
4 learning.
5 (9) One member representing public 4-year
6 universities, appointed jointly by the university
7 presidents and chancellors.
8 (10) Ex-officio members as follows:
9 (A) The State Superintendent of Education or his or
10 her designee.
11 (B) The Executive Director of the Board of Higher
12 Education or his or her designee.
13 (C) The Executive Director of the Illinois
14 Community College Board or his or her designee.
15 (D) The Executive Director of the Illinois Student
16 Assistance Commission or his or her designee.
17 (E) The Co-chairpersons of the Illinois Workforce
18 Investment Board or their designee.
19 (F) The Director of Commerce and Economic
20 Opportunity or his or her designee.
21 (G) The Chairperson of the Illinois Early Learning
22 Council or his or her designee.
23 (H) The President of the Illinois Mathematics and
24 Science Academy or his or her designee.
25 (I) The president of an association representing
26 educators of adult learners or his or her designee.

HB2170 Enrolled- 73 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1Ex-officio members shall have no vote on the Illinois P-20
3 Appointed members shall serve for staggered terms expiring
4on July 1 of the first, second, or third calendar year
5following their appointments or until their successors are
6appointed and have qualified. Staggered terms shall be
7determined by lot at the organizing meeting of the Illinois
8P-20 Council.
9 Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original
10appointments, and any member so appointed shall serve during
11the remainder of the term for which the vacancy occurred.
12 (c) The Illinois P-20 Council shall be funded through State
13appropriations to support staff activities, research,
14data-collection, and dissemination. The Illinois P-20 Council
15shall be staffed by the Office of the Governor, in coordination
16with relevant State agencies, boards, and commissions. The
17Illinois Education Research Council shall provide research and
18coordinate research collection activities for the Illinois
19P-20 Council.
20 (d) The Illinois P-20 Council shall have all of the
21following duties:
22 (1) To make recommendations to do all of the following:
23 (A) Coordinate pre-kindergarten through grade 20
24 (graduate school) education in this State through
25 working at the intersections of educational systems to
26 promote collaborative infrastructure.

HB2170 Enrolled- 74 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (B) Coordinate and leverage strategies, actions,
2 legislation, policies, and resources of all
3 stakeholders to support fundamental and lasting
4 improvement in this State's public schools, community
5 colleges, and universities.
6 (C) Better align the high school curriculum with
7 postsecondary expectations.
8 (D) Better align assessments across all levels of
9 education.
10 (E) Reduce the need for students entering
11 institutions of higher education to take remedial
12 courses.
13 (F) Smooth the transition from high school to
14 college.
15 (G) Improve high school and college graduation
16 rates.
17 (H) Improve the rigor and relevance of academic
18 standards for college and workforce readiness.
19 (I) Better align college and university teaching
20 programs with the needs of Illinois schools.
21 (2) To advise the Governor, the General Assembly, the
22 State's education and higher education agencies, and the
23 State's workforce and economic development boards and
24 agencies on policies related to lifelong learning for
25 Illinois students and families.
26 (3) To articulate a framework for systemic educational

HB2170 Enrolled- 75 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 improvement and innovation that will enable every student
2 to meet or exceed Illinois learning standards and be
3 well-prepared to succeed in the workforce and community.
4 (4) To provide an estimated fiscal impact for
5 implementation of all Council recommendations.
6 (5) To make recommendations for short-term and
7 long-term learning recovery actions for public school
8 students in this State in the wake of the COVID-19
9 pandemic. The Illinois P-20 Council shall submit a report
10 with its recommendations for a multi-year recovery plan by
11 December 31, 2021 to the Governor, the State Board of
12 Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Illinois
13 Community College Board, and the General Assembly that
14 addresses all of the following:
15 (A) Closing the digital divide for all students,
16 including access to devices, Internet connectivity,
17 and ensuring that educators have the necessary support
18 and training to provide high quality remote and blended
19 learning to students.
20 (B) Evaluating the academic growth and proficiency
21 of students in order to understand the impact of school
22 closures and remote and blended remote learning
23 conditions on student academic outcomes, including
24 disaggregating data by race, income, diverse learners,
25 and English learners, in ways that balance the need to
26 understand that impact with the need to support student

HB2170 Enrolled- 76 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 well-being and also take into consideration the
2 logistical constraints facing schools and districts.
3 (C) Establishing a system for the collection and
4 review of student data at the State level, including
5 data about prekindergarten through higher education
6 student attendance, engagement and participation,
7 discipline, and social-emotional and mental health
8 inputs and outcomes, in order to better understand the
9 full impact of disrupted learning.
10 (D) Providing students with resources and programs
11 for academic support, such as enrichment
12 opportunities, tutoring corps, summer bridge programs,
13 youth leadership and development programs, youth and
14 community-led restorative and transformative justice
15 programs, and youth internship and apprenticeship
16 programs.
17 (E) Providing students with resources and support
18 to ensure access to social-emotional learning, mental
19 health services, and trauma responsive, restorative
20 justice and anti-racist practices in order to support
21 the growth of the whole child, such as investing in
22 community schools and providing comprehensive
23 year-round services and support for both students and
24 their families.
25 (F) Ensuring more time for students' academic,
26 social-emotional, and mental health needs by

HB2170 Enrolled- 77 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 considering such strategies as: (i) extending planning
2 time for teachers, (ii) extending the school day and
3 school year, and (iii) transitioning to year-round
4 schooling.
5 (G) Strengthening the transition from secondary
6 education to postsecondary education in the wake of
7 threats to alignment and affordability created by the
8 pandemic and related conditions.
9 (e) The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may
10authorize the creation of working groups focusing on areas of
11interest to Illinois educational and workforce development,
12including without limitation the following areas:
13 (1) Preparation, recruitment, and certification of
14 highly qualified teachers.
15 (2) Mentoring and induction of highly qualified
16 teachers.
17 (3) The diversity of highly qualified teachers.
18 (4) Funding for highly qualified teachers, including
19 developing a strategic and collaborative plan to seek
20 federal and private grants to support initiatives
21 targeting teacher preparation and its impact on student
22 achievement.
23 (5) Highly effective administrators.
24 (6) Illinois birth through age 3 education,
25 pre-kindergarten, and early childhood education.
26 (7) The assessment, alignment, outreach, and network

HB2170 Enrolled- 78 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 of college and workforce readiness efforts.
2 (8) Alternative routes to college access.
3 (9) Research data and accountability.
4 (10) Community schools, community participation, and
5 other innovative approaches to education that foster
6 community partnerships.
7 (11) Tuition, financial aid, and other issues related
8 to keeping postsecondary education affordable for Illinois
9 residents.
10 (12) Learning recovery in the wake of the COVID-19
11 pandemic.
12 The chairperson of the Illinois P-20 Council may designate
13Council members to serve as working group chairpersons. Working
14groups may invite organizations and individuals representing
15pre-kindergarten through grade 20 interests to participate in
16discussions, data collection, and dissemination.
17(Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 98-719, eff. 1-1-15;
1899-643, eff. 1-1-17.)
Article 75.
20 Section 75-5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
21Section 5.935 as follows:
22 (30 ILCS 105/5.935 new)
23 Sec. 5.935. The Freedom Schools Fund.

HB2170 Enrolled- 79 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Section 75-10. The School Code is amended by adding Section
22-3.186 as follows:
3 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.186 new)
4 Sec. 2-3.186. Freedom Schools; grant program.
5 (a) The General Assembly recognizes and values the
6contributions that Freedom Schools make to enhance the lives of
7Black students. The General Assembly makes all of the following
9 (1) The fundamental goal of the Freedom Schools of the
10 1960s was to provide quality education for all students, to
11 motivate active civic engagement, and to empower
12 disenfranchised communities. The renowned and progressive
13 curriculum of Freedom Schools allowed students of all ages
14 to experience a new and liberating form of education that
15 directly related to the imperatives of their lives, their
16 communities, and the Freedom Movement.
17 (2) Freedom Schools continue to demonstrate the proven
18 benefits of critical civic engagement and
19 intergenerational effects by providing historically
20 disadvantaged students, including African American
21 students and other students of color, with quality
22 instruction that fosters student confidence, critical
23 thinking, and social and emotional development.
24 (3) Freedom Schools offer culturally relevant learning

HB2170 Enrolled- 80 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 opportunities with the academic and social supports that
2 Black children need by utilizing quality teaching,
3 challenging and engaging curricula, wrap-around supports,
4 a positive school climate, and strong ties to family and
5 community. Freedom Schools have a clear focus on results.
6 (4) Public schools serve a foundational role in the
7 education of over 2,000,000 students in this State.
8 (b) The State Board of Education shall establish a Freedom
9School network to supplement the learning taking place in
10public schools by creating a 6-week summer program with an
11organization with a mission to improve the odds for children in
12poverty that operates Freedom Schools in multiple states using
13a research-based and multicultural curriculum for
14disenfranchised communities most affected by the opportunity
15gap and learning loss caused by the pandemic, and by expanding
16the teaching of African American history, developing
17leadership skills, and providing an understanding of the tenets
18of the civil rights movement. The teachers in Freedom Schools
19must be from the local community, with an emphasis on
20historically disadvantaged youth, including African American
21students and other students of color, so that (i) these
22individuals have access to summer jobs and teaching experiences
23that serve as a long-term pipeline to educational careers and
24the hiring of minority educators in public schools, (ii) these
25individuals are elevated as content experts and community
26leaders, and (iii) Freedom School students have access to both

HB2170 Enrolled- 81 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1mentorship and equitable educational resources.
2 (c) A Freedom School shall intentionally and imaginatively
3implement strategies that focus on all of the following:
4 (1) Racial justice and equity.
5 (2) Transparency and building trusting relationships.
6 (3) Self-determination and governance.
7 (4) Building on community strengths and community
8 wisdom.
9 (5) Utilizing current data, best practices, and
10 evidence.
11 (6) Shared leadership and collaboration.
12 (7) A reflective learning culture.
13 (8) A whole-child approach to education.
14 (9) Literacy.
15 (d) The State Board of Education, in the establishment of
16Freedom Schools, shall strive for authentic parent and
17community engagement during the development of Freedom Schools
18and their curriculum. Authentic parent and community
19engagement includes all of the following:
20 (1) A shared responsibility that values equal
21 partnerships between families and professionals.
22 (2) Ensuring that students and families who are
23 directly impacted by Freedom School policies and practices
24 are the decision-makers in the creation, design,
25 implementation, and assessment of those policies and
26 practices.

HB2170 Enrolled- 82 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (3) Genuine respect for the culture and diversity of
2 families.
3 (4) Relationships that center around the goal of
4 supporting family well-being and children's development
5 and learning.
6 (e) Subject to appropriation, the State Board of Education
7shall establish and implement a grant program to provide grants
8to public schools, public community colleges, and
9not-for-profit, community-based organizations to facilitate
10improved educational outcomes for Black students in grades
11pre-kindergarten through 12 in alignment with the integrity and
12practices of the Freedom School model established during the
13civil rights movement. Grant recipients under the program may
14include, but are not limited to, entities that work with the
15Children's Defense Fund or offer established programs with
16proven results and outcomes. The State Board of Education shall
17award grants to eligible entities that demonstrate a likelihood
18of reasonable success in achieving the goals identified in the
19grant application, including, but not limited to, all of the
21 (1) Engaging, culturally relevant, and challenging
22 curricula.
23 (2) High-quality teaching.
24 (3) Wrap-around supports and opportunities.
25 (4) Positive discipline practices, such as restorative
26 justice.

HB2170 Enrolled- 83 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (5) Inclusive leadership.
2 (f) The Freedom Schools Fund is created as a special fund
3in the State treasury. the Fund shall consist of appropriations
4from the General Revenue Fund, grant funds from the federal
5government, and donations from educational and private
6foundations. All money in the Fund shall be used, subject to
7appropriation, by the State Board of Education for the purposes
8of this Section and to support related activities.
9 (g) The State Board of Education may adopt any rules
10necessary to implement this Section.
Article 85.
12 Section 85-5. The School Code is amended by changing
13Section 18-8.15 as follows:
14 (105 ILCS 5/18-8.15)
15 Sec. 18-8.15. Evidence-Based Funding for student success
16for the 2017-2018 and subsequent school years.
17 (a) General provisions.
18 (1) The purpose of this Section is to ensure that, by
19 June 30, 2027 and beyond, this State has a kindergarten
20 through grade 12 public education system with the capacity
21 to ensure the educational development of all persons to the
22 limits of their capacities in accordance with Section 1 of
23 Article X of the Constitution of the State of Illinois. To

HB2170 Enrolled- 84 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 accomplish that objective, this Section creates a method of
2 funding public education that is evidence-based; is
3 sufficient to ensure every student receives a meaningful
4 opportunity to learn irrespective of race, ethnicity,
5 sexual orientation, gender, or community-income level; and
6 is sustainable and predictable. When fully funded under
7 this Section, every school shall have the resources, based
8 on what the evidence indicates is needed, to:
9 (A) provide all students with a high quality
10 education that offers the academic, enrichment, social
11 and emotional support, technical, and career-focused
12 programs that will allow them to become competitive
13 workers, responsible parents, productive citizens of
14 this State, and active members of our national
15 democracy;
16 (B) ensure all students receive the education they
17 need to graduate from high school with the skills
18 required to pursue post-secondary education and
19 training for a rewarding career;
20 (C) reduce, with a goal of eliminating, the
21 achievement gap between at-risk and non-at-risk
22 students by raising the performance of at-risk
23 students and not by reducing standards; and
24 (D) ensure this State satisfies its obligation to
25 assume the primary responsibility to fund public
26 education and simultaneously relieve the

HB2170 Enrolled- 85 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 disproportionate burden placed on local property taxes
2 to fund schools.
3 (2) The Evidence-Based Funding formula under this
4 Section shall be applied to all Organizational Units in
5 this State. The Evidence-Based Funding formula outlined in
6 this Act is based on the formula outlined in Senate Bill 1
7 of the 100th General Assembly, as passed by both
8 legislative chambers. As further defined and described in
9 this Section, there are 4 major components of the
10 Evidence-Based Funding model:
11 (A) First, the model calculates a unique Adequacy
12 Target for each Organizational Unit in this State that
13 considers the costs to implement research-based
14 activities, the unit's student demographics, and
15 regional wage differences.
16 (B) Second, the model calculates each
17 Organizational Unit's Local Capacity, or the amount
18 each Organizational Unit is assumed to contribute
19 toward its Adequacy Target from local resources.
20 (C) Third, the model calculates how much funding
21 the State currently contributes to the Organizational
22 Unit and adds that to the unit's Local Capacity to
23 determine the unit's overall current adequacy of
24 funding.
25 (D) Finally, the model's distribution method
26 allocates new State funding to those Organizational

HB2170 Enrolled- 86 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Units that are least well-funded, considering both
2 Local Capacity and State funding, in relation to their
3 Adequacy Target.
4 (3) An Organizational Unit receiving any funding under
5 this Section may apply those funds to any fund so received
6 for which that Organizational Unit is authorized to make
7 expenditures by law.
8 (4) As used in this Section, the following terms shall
9 have the meanings ascribed in this paragraph (4):
10 "Adequacy Target" is defined in paragraph (1) of
11 subsection (b) of this Section.
12 "Adjusted EAV" is defined in paragraph (4) of
13 subsection (d) of this Section.
14 "Adjusted Local Capacity Target" is defined in
15 paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of this Section.
16 "Adjusted Operating Tax Rate" means a tax rate for all
17 Organizational Units, for which the State Superintendent
18 shall calculate and subtract for the Operating Tax Rate a
19 transportation rate based on total expenses for
20 transportation services under this Code, as reported on the
21 most recent Annual Financial Report in Pupil
22 Transportation Services, function 2550 in both the
23 Education and Transportation funds and functions 4110 and
24 4120 in the Transportation fund, less any corresponding
25 fiscal year State of Illinois scheduled payments excluding
26 net adjustments for prior years for regular, vocational, or

HB2170 Enrolled- 87 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 special education transportation reimbursement pursuant to
2 Section 29-5 or subsection (b) of Section 14-13.01 of this
3 Code divided by the Adjusted EAV. If an Organizational
4 Unit's corresponding fiscal year State of Illinois
5 scheduled payments excluding net adjustments for prior
6 years for regular, vocational, or special education
7 transportation reimbursement pursuant to Section 29-5 or
8 subsection (b) of Section 14-13.01 of this Code exceed the
9 total transportation expenses, as defined in this
10 paragraph, no transportation rate shall be subtracted from
11 the Operating Tax Rate.
12 "Allocation Rate" is defined in paragraph (3) of
13 subsection (g) of this Section.
14 "Alternative School" means a public school that is
15 created and operated by a regional superintendent of
16 schools and approved by the State Board.
17 "Applicable Tax Rate" is defined in paragraph (1) of
18 subsection (d) of this Section.
19 "Assessment" means any of those benchmark, progress
20 monitoring, formative, diagnostic, and other assessments,
21 in addition to the State accountability assessment, that
22 assist teachers' needs in understanding the skills and
23 meeting the needs of the students they serve.
24 "Assistant principal" means a school administrator
25 duly endorsed to be employed as an assistant principal in
26 this State.

HB2170 Enrolled- 88 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "At-risk student" means a student who is at risk of not
2 meeting the Illinois Learning Standards or not graduating
3 from elementary or high school and who demonstrates a need
4 for vocational support or social services beyond that
5 provided by the regular school program. All students
6 included in an Organizational Unit's Low-Income Count, as
7 well as all English learner and disabled students attending
8 the Organizational Unit, shall be considered at-risk
9 students under this Section.
10 "Average Student Enrollment" or "ASE" for fiscal year
11 2018 means, for an Organizational Unit, the greater of the
12 average number of students (grades K through 12) reported
13 to the State Board as enrolled in the Organizational Unit
14 on October 1 in the immediately preceding school year, plus
15 the pre-kindergarten students who receive special
16 education services of 2 or more hours a day as reported to
17 the State Board on December 1 in the immediately preceding
18 school year, or the average number of students (grades K
19 through 12) reported to the State Board as enrolled in the
20 Organizational Unit on October 1, plus the
21 pre-kindergarten students who receive special education
22 services of 2 or more hours a day as reported to the State
23 Board on December 1, for each of the immediately preceding
24 3 school years. For fiscal year 2019 and each subsequent
25 fiscal year, "Average Student Enrollment" or "ASE" means,
26 for an Organizational Unit, the greater of the average

HB2170 Enrolled- 89 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 number of students (grades K through 12) reported to the
2 State Board as enrolled in the Organizational Unit on
3 October 1 and March 1 in the immediately preceding school
4 year, plus the pre-kindergarten students who receive
5 special education services as reported to the State Board
6 on October 1 and March 1 in the immediately preceding
7 school year, or the average number of students (grades K
8 through 12) reported to the State Board as enrolled in the
9 Organizational Unit on October 1 and March 1, plus the
10 pre-kindergarten students who receive special education
11 services as reported to the State Board on October 1 and
12 March 1, for each of the immediately preceding 3 school
13 years. For the purposes of this definition, "enrolled in
14 the Organizational Unit" means the number of students
15 reported to the State Board who are enrolled in schools
16 within the Organizational Unit that the student attends or
17 would attend if not placed or transferred to another school
18 or program to receive needed services. For the purposes of
19 calculating "ASE", all students, grades K through 12,
20 excluding those attending kindergarten for a half day and
21 students attending an alternative education program
22 operated by a regional office of education or intermediate
23 service center, shall be counted as 1.0. All students
24 attending kindergarten for a half day shall be counted as
25 0.5, unless in 2017 by June 15 or by March 1 in subsequent
26 years, the school district reports to the State Board of

HB2170 Enrolled- 90 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Education the intent to implement full-day kindergarten
2 district-wide for all students, then all students
3 attending kindergarten shall be counted as 1.0. Special
4 education pre-kindergarten students shall be counted as
5 0.5 each. If the State Board does not collect or has not
6 collected both an October 1 and March 1 enrollment count by
7 grade or a December 1 collection of special education
8 pre-kindergarten students as of August 31, 2017 (the
9 effective date of Public Act 100-465), it shall establish
10 such collection for all future years. For any year in which
11 a count by grade level was collected only once, that count
12 shall be used as the single count available for computing a
13 3-year average ASE. Funding for programs operated by a
14 regional office of education or an intermediate service
15 center must be calculated using the Evidence-Based Funding
16 formula under this Section for the 2019-2020 school year
17 and each subsequent school year until separate adequacy
18 formulas are developed and adopted for each type of
19 program. ASE for a program operated by a regional office of
20 education or an intermediate service center must be
21 determined by the March 1 enrollment for the program. For
22 the 2019-2020 school year, the ASE used in the calculation
23 must be the first-year ASE and, in that year only, the
24 assignment of students served by a regional office of
25 education or intermediate service center shall not result
26 in a reduction of the March enrollment for any school

HB2170 Enrolled- 91 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 district. For the 2020-2021 school year, the ASE must be
2 the greater of the current-year ASE or the 2-year average
3 ASE. Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, the ASE must
4 be the greater of the current-year ASE or the 3-year
5 average ASE. School districts shall submit the data for the
6 ASE calculation to the State Board within 45 days of the
7 dates required in this Section for submission of enrollment
8 data in order for it to be included in the ASE calculation.
9 For fiscal year 2018 only, the ASE calculation shall
10 include only enrollment taken on October 1.
11 "Base Funding Guarantee" is defined in paragraph (10)
12 of subsection (g) of this Section.
13 "Base Funding Minimum" is defined in subsection (e) of
14 this Section.
15 "Base Tax Year" means the property tax levy year used
16 to calculate the Budget Year allocation of primary State
17 aid.
18 "Base Tax Year's Extension" means the product of the
19 equalized assessed valuation utilized by the county clerk
20 in the Base Tax Year multiplied by the limiting rate as
21 calculated by the county clerk and defined in PTELL.
22 "Bilingual Education Allocation" means the amount of
23 an Organizational Unit's final Adequacy Target
24 attributable to bilingual education divided by the
25 Organizational Unit's final Adequacy Target, the product
26 of which shall be multiplied by the amount of new funding

HB2170 Enrolled- 92 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 received pursuant to this Section. An Organizational
2 Unit's final Adequacy Target attributable to bilingual
3 education shall include all additional investments in
4 English learner students' adequacy elements.
5 "Budget Year" means the school year for which primary
6 State aid is calculated and awarded under this Section.
7 "Central office" means individual administrators and
8 support service personnel charged with managing the
9 instructional programs, business and operations, and
10 security of the Organizational Unit.
11 "Comparable Wage Index" or "CWI" means a regional cost
12 differentiation metric that measures systemic, regional
13 variations in the salaries of college graduates who are not
14 educators. The CWI utilized for this Section shall, for the
15 first 3 years of Evidence-Based Funding implementation, be
16 the CWI initially developed by the National Center for
17 Education Statistics, as most recently updated by Texas A &
18 M University. In the fourth and subsequent years of
19 Evidence-Based Funding implementation, the State
20 Superintendent shall re-determine the CWI using a similar
21 methodology to that identified in the Texas A & M
22 University study, with adjustments made no less frequently
23 than once every 5 years.
24 "Computer technology and equipment" means computers
25 servers, notebooks, network equipment, copiers, printers,
26 instructional software, security software, curriculum

HB2170 Enrolled- 93 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 management courseware, and other similar materials and
2 equipment.
3 "Computer technology and equipment investment
4 allocation" means the final Adequacy Target amount of an
5 Organizational Unit assigned to Tier 1 or Tier 2 in the
6 prior school year attributable to the additional $285.50
7 per student computer technology and equipment investment
8 grant divided by the Organizational Unit's final Adequacy
9 Target, the result of which shall be multiplied by the
10 amount of new funding received pursuant to this Section. An
11 Organizational Unit assigned to a Tier 1 or Tier 2 final
12 Adequacy Target attributable to the received computer
13 technology and equipment investment grant shall include
14 all additional investments in computer technology and
15 equipment adequacy elements.
16 "Core subject" means mathematics; science; reading,
17 English, writing, and language arts; history and social
18 studies; world languages; and subjects taught as Advanced
19 Placement in high schools.
20 "Core teacher" means a regular classroom teacher in
21 elementary schools and teachers of a core subject in middle
22 and high schools.
23 "Core Intervention teacher (tutor)" means a licensed
24 teacher providing one-on-one or small group tutoring to
25 students struggling to meet proficiency in core subjects.
26 "CPPRT" means corporate personal property replacement

HB2170 Enrolled- 94 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 tax funds paid to an Organizational Unit during the
2 calendar year one year before the calendar year in which a
3 school year begins, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the
4 abolition of ad valorem personal property tax and the
5 replacement of revenues lost thereby, and amending and
6 repealing certain Acts and parts of Acts in connection
7 therewith", certified August 14, 1979, as amended (Public
8 Act 81-1st S.S.-1).
9 "EAV" means equalized assessed valuation as defined in
10 paragraph (2) of subsection (d) of this Section and
11 calculated in accordance with paragraph (3) of subsection
12 (d) of this Section.
13 "ECI" means the Bureau of Labor Statistics' national
14 employment cost index for civilian workers in educational
15 services in elementary and secondary schools on a
16 cumulative basis for the 12-month calendar year preceding
17 the fiscal year of the Evidence-Based Funding calculation.
18 "EIS Data" means the employment information system
19 data maintained by the State Board on educators within
20 Organizational Units.
21 "Employee benefits" means health, dental, and vision
22 insurance offered to employees of an Organizational Unit,
23 the costs associated with the statutorily required payment
24 of the normal cost of the Organizational Unit's teacher
25 pensions, Social Security employer contributions, and
26 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund employer contributions.

HB2170 Enrolled- 95 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "English learner" or "EL" means a child included in the
2 definition of "English learners" under Section 14C-2 of
3 this Code participating in a program of transitional
4 bilingual education or a transitional program of
5 instruction meeting the requirements and program
6 application procedures of Article 14C of this Code. For the
7 purposes of collecting the number of EL students enrolled,
8 the same collection and calculation methodology as defined
9 above for "ASE" shall apply to English learners, with the
10 exception that EL student enrollment shall include
11 students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12.
12 "Essential Elements" means those elements, resources,
13 and educational programs that have been identified through
14 academic research as necessary to improve student success,
15 improve academic performance, close achievement gaps, and
16 provide for other per student costs related to the delivery
17 and leadership of the Organizational Unit, as well as the
18 maintenance and operations of the unit, and which are
19 specified in paragraph (2) of subsection (b) of this
20 Section.
21 "Evidence-Based Funding" means State funding provided
22 to an Organizational Unit pursuant to this Section.
23 "Extended day" means academic and enrichment programs
24 provided to students outside the regular school day before
25 and after school or during non-instructional times during
26 the school day.

HB2170 Enrolled- 96 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "Extension Limitation Ratio" means a numerical ratio
2 in which the numerator is the Base Tax Year's Extension and
3 the denominator is the Preceding Tax Year's Extension.
4 "Final Percent of Adequacy" is defined in paragraph (4)
5 of subsection (f) of this Section.
6 "Final Resources" is defined in paragraph (3) of
7 subsection (f) of this Section.
8 "Full-time equivalent" or "FTE" means the full-time
9 equivalency compensation for staffing the relevant
10 position at an Organizational Unit.
11 "Funding Gap" is defined in paragraph (1) of subsection
12 (g).
13 "Guidance counselor" means a licensed guidance
14 counselor who provides guidance and counseling support for
15 students within an Organizational Unit.
16 "Hybrid District" means a partial elementary unit
17 district created pursuant to Article 11E of this Code.
18 "Instructional assistant" means a core or special
19 education, non-licensed employee who assists a teacher in
20 the classroom and provides academic support to students.
21 "Instructional facilitator" means a qualified teacher
22 or licensed teacher leader who facilitates and coaches
23 continuous improvement in classroom instruction; provides
24 instructional support to teachers in the elements of
25 research-based instruction or demonstrates the alignment
26 of instruction with curriculum standards and assessment

HB2170 Enrolled- 97 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 tools; develops or coordinates instructional programs or
2 strategies; develops and implements training; chooses
3 standards-based instructional materials; provides teachers
4 with an understanding of current research; serves as a
5 mentor, site coach, curriculum specialist, or lead
6 teacher; or otherwise works with fellow teachers, in
7 collaboration, to use data to improve instructional
8 practice or develop model lessons.
9 "Instructional materials" means relevant instructional
10 materials for student instruction, including, but not
11 limited to, textbooks, consumable workbooks, laboratory
12 equipment, library books, and other similar materials.
13 "Laboratory School" means a public school that is
14 created and operated by a public university and approved by
15 the State Board.
16 "Librarian" means a teacher with an endorsement as a
17 library information specialist or another individual whose
18 primary responsibility is overseeing library resources
19 within an Organizational Unit.
20 "Limiting rate for Hybrid Districts" means the
21 combined elementary school and high school limiting rates.
22 "Local Capacity" is defined in paragraph (1) of
23 subsection (c) of this Section.
24 "Local Capacity Percentage" is defined in subparagraph
25 (A) of paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section.
26 "Local Capacity Ratio" is defined in subparagraph (B)

HB2170 Enrolled- 98 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 of paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this Section.
2 "Local Capacity Target" is defined in paragraph (2) of
3 subsection (c) of this Section.
4 "Low-Income Count" means, for an Organizational Unit
5 in a fiscal year, the higher of the average number of
6 students for the prior school year or the immediately
7 preceding 3 school years who, as of July 1 of the
8 immediately preceding fiscal year (as determined by the
9 Department of Human Services), are eligible for at least
10 one of the following low-income programs: Medicaid, the
11 Children's Health Insurance Program, Temporary Assistance
12 for Needy Families (TANF), or the Supplemental Nutrition
13 Assistance Program, excluding pupils who are eligible for
14 services provided by the Department of Children and Family
15 Services. Until such time that grade level low-income
16 populations become available, grade level low-income
17 populations shall be determined by applying the low-income
18 percentage to total student enrollments by grade level. The
19 low-income percentage is determined by dividing the
20 Low-Income Count by the Average Student Enrollment. The
21 low-income percentage for programs operated by a regional
22 office of education or an intermediate service center must
23 be set to the weighted average of the low-income
24 percentages of all of the school districts in the service
25 region. The weighted low-income percentage is the result of
26 multiplying the low-income percentage of each school

HB2170 Enrolled- 99 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 district served by the regional office of education or
2 intermediate service center by each school district's
3 Average Student Enrollment, summarizing those products and
4 dividing the total by the total Average Student Enrollment
5 for the service region.
6 "Maintenance and operations" means custodial services,
7 facility and ground maintenance, facility operations,
8 facility security, routine facility repairs, and other
9 similar services and functions.
10 "Minimum Funding Level" is defined in paragraph (9) of
11 subsection (g) of this Section.
12 "New Property Tax Relief Pool Funds" means, for any
13 given fiscal year, all State funds appropriated under
14 Section 2-3.170 of this the School Code.
15 "New State Funds" means, for a given school year, all
16 State funds appropriated for Evidence-Based Funding in
17 excess of the amount needed to fund the Base Funding
18 Minimum for all Organizational Units in that school year.
19 "Net State Contribution Target" means, for a given
20 school year, the amount of State funds that would be
21 necessary to fully meet the Adequacy Target of an
22 Operational Unit minus the Preliminary Resources available
23 to each unit.
24 "Nurse" means an individual licensed as a certified
25 school nurse, in accordance with the rules established for
26 nursing services by the State Board, who is an employee of

HB2170 Enrolled- 100 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 and is available to provide health care-related services
2 for students of an Organizational Unit.
3 "Operating Tax Rate" means the rate utilized in the
4 previous year to extend property taxes for all purposes,
5 except Bond and Interest, Summer School, Rent, Capital
6 Improvement, and Vocational Education Building purposes.
7 For Hybrid Districts, the Operating Tax Rate shall be the
8 combined elementary and high school rates utilized in the
9 previous year to extend property taxes for all purposes,
10 except Bond and Interest, Summer School, Rent, Capital
11 Improvement, and Vocational Education Building purposes.
12 "Organizational Unit" means a Laboratory School or any
13 public school district that is recognized as such by the
14 State Board and that contains elementary schools typically
15 serving kindergarten through 5th grades, middle schools
16 typically serving 6th through 8th grades, high schools
17 typically serving 9th through 12th grades, a program
18 established under Section 2-3.66 or 2-3.41, or a program
19 operated by a regional office of education or an
20 intermediate service center under Article 13A or 13B. The
21 General Assembly acknowledges that the actual grade levels
22 served by a particular Organizational Unit may vary
23 slightly from what is typical.
24 "Organizational Unit CWI" is determined by calculating
25 the CWI in the region and original county in which an
26 Organizational Unit's primary administrative office is

HB2170 Enrolled- 101 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 located as set forth in this paragraph, provided that if
2 the Organizational Unit CWI as calculated in accordance
3 with this paragraph is less than 0.9, the Organizational
4 Unit CWI shall be increased to 0.9. Each county's current
5 CWI value shall be adjusted based on the CWI value of that
6 county's neighboring Illinois counties, to create a
7 "weighted adjusted index value". This shall be calculated
8 by summing the CWI values of all of a county's adjacent
9 Illinois counties and dividing by the number of adjacent
10 Illinois counties, then taking the weighted value of the
11 original county's CWI value and the adjacent Illinois
12 county average. To calculate this weighted value, if the
13 number of adjacent Illinois counties is greater than 2, the
14 original county's CWI value will be weighted at 0.25 and
15 the adjacent Illinois county average will be weighted at
16 0.75. If the number of adjacent Illinois counties is 2, the
17 original county's CWI value will be weighted at 0.33 and
18 the adjacent Illinois county average will be weighted at
19 0.66. The greater of the county's current CWI value and its
20 weighted adjusted index value shall be used as the
21 Organizational Unit CWI.
22 "Preceding Tax Year" means the property tax levy year
23 immediately preceding the Base Tax Year.
24 "Preceding Tax Year's Extension" means the product of
25 the equalized assessed valuation utilized by the county
26 clerk in the Preceding Tax Year multiplied by the Operating

HB2170 Enrolled- 102 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Tax Rate.
2 "Preliminary Percent of Adequacy" is defined in
3 paragraph (2) of subsection (f) of this Section.
4 "Preliminary Resources" is defined in paragraph (2) of
5 subsection (f) of this Section.
6 "Principal" means a school administrator duly endorsed
7 to be employed as a principal in this State.
8 "Professional development" means training programs for
9 licensed staff in schools, including, but not limited to,
10 programs that assist in implementing new curriculum
11 programs, provide data focused or academic assessment data
12 training to help staff identify a student's weaknesses and
13 strengths, target interventions, improve instruction,
14 encompass instructional strategies for English learner,
15 gifted, or at-risk students, address inclusivity, cultural
16 sensitivity, or implicit bias, or otherwise provide
17 professional support for licensed staff.
18 "Prototypical" means 450 special education
19 pre-kindergarten and kindergarten through grade 5 students
20 for an elementary school, 450 grade 6 through 8 students
21 for a middle school, and 600 grade 9 through 12 students
22 for a high school.
23 "PTELL" means the Property Tax Extension Limitation
24 Law.
25 "PTELL EAV" is defined in paragraph (4) of subsection
26 (d) of this Section.

HB2170 Enrolled- 103 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "Pupil support staff" means a nurse, psychologist,
2 social worker, family liaison personnel, or other staff
3 member who provides support to at-risk or struggling
4 students.
5 "Real Receipts" is defined in paragraph (1) of
6 subsection (d) of this Section.
7 "Regionalization Factor" means, for a particular
8 Organizational Unit, the figure derived by dividing the
9 Organizational Unit CWI by the Statewide Weighted CWI.
10 "School site staff" means the primary school secretary
11 and any additional clerical personnel assigned to a school.
12 "Special education" means special educational
13 facilities and services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of
14 this Code.
15 "Special Education Allocation" means the amount of an
16 Organizational Unit's final Adequacy Target attributable
17 to special education divided by the Organizational Unit's
18 final Adequacy Target, the product of which shall be
19 multiplied by the amount of new funding received pursuant
20 to this Section. An Organizational Unit's final Adequacy
21 Target attributable to special education shall include all
22 special education investment adequacy elements.
23 "Specialist teacher" means a teacher who provides
24 instruction in subject areas not included in core subjects,
25 including, but not limited to, art, music, physical
26 education, health, driver education, career-technical

HB2170 Enrolled- 104 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 education, and such other subject areas as may be mandated
2 by State law or provided by an Organizational Unit.
3 "Specially Funded Unit" means an Alternative School,
4 safe school, Department of Juvenile Justice school,
5 special education cooperative or entity recognized by the
6 State Board as a special education cooperative,
7 State-approved charter school, or alternative learning
8 opportunities program that received direct funding from
9 the State Board during the 2016-2017 school year through
10 any of the funding sources included within the calculation
11 of the Base Funding Minimum or Glenwood Academy.
12 "Supplemental Grant Funding" means supplemental
13 general State aid funding received by an Organizational
14 Unit during the 2016-2017 school year pursuant to
15 subsection (H) of Section 18-8.05 of this Code (now
16 repealed).
17 "State Adequacy Level" is the sum of the Adequacy
18 Targets of all Organizational Units.
19 "State Board" means the State Board of Education.
20 "State Superintendent" means the State Superintendent
21 of Education.
22 "Statewide Weighted CWI" means a figure determined by
23 multiplying each Organizational Unit CWI times the ASE for
24 that Organizational Unit creating a weighted value,
25 summing all Organizational Units' weighted values, and
26 dividing by the total ASE of all Organizational Units,

HB2170 Enrolled- 105 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 thereby creating an average weighted index.
2 "Student activities" means non-credit producing
3 after-school programs, including, but not limited to,
4 clubs, bands, sports, and other activities authorized by
5 the school board of the Organizational Unit.
6 "Substitute teacher" means an individual teacher or
7 teaching assistant who is employed by an Organizational
8 Unit and is temporarily serving the Organizational Unit on
9 a per diem or per period-assignment basis to replace
10 another staff member.
11 "Summer school" means academic and enrichment programs
12 provided to students during the summer months outside of
13 the regular school year.
14 "Supervisory aide" means a non-licensed staff member
15 who helps in supervising students of an Organizational
16 Unit, but does so outside of the classroom, in situations
17 such as, but not limited to, monitoring hallways and
18 playgrounds, supervising lunchrooms, or supervising
19 students when being transported in buses serving the
20 Organizational Unit.
21 "Target Ratio" is defined in paragraph (4) of
22 subsection (g).
23 "Tier 1", "Tier 2", "Tier 3", and "Tier 4" are defined
24 in paragraph (3) of subsection (g).
25 "Tier 1 Aggregate Funding", "Tier 2 Aggregate
26 Funding", "Tier 3 Aggregate Funding", and "Tier 4 Aggregate

HB2170 Enrolled- 106 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Funding" are defined in paragraph (1) of subsection (g).
2 (b) Adequacy Target calculation.
3 (1) Each Organizational Unit's Adequacy Target is the
4 sum of the Organizational Unit's cost of providing
5 Essential Elements, as calculated in accordance with this
6 subsection (b), with the salary amounts in the Essential
7 Elements multiplied by a Regionalization Factor calculated
8 pursuant to paragraph (3) of this subsection (b).
9 (2) The Essential Elements are attributable on a pro
10 rata basis related to defined subgroups of the ASE of each
11 Organizational Unit as specified in this paragraph (2),
12 with investments and FTE positions pro rata funded based on
13 ASE counts in excess of or less than the thresholds set
14 forth in this paragraph (2). The method for calculating
15 attributable pro rata costs and the defined subgroups
16 thereto are as follows:
17 (A) Core class size investments. Each
18 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding required
19 to support that number of FTE core teacher positions as
20 is needed to keep the respective class sizes of the
21 Organizational Unit to the following maximum numbers:
22 (i) For grades kindergarten through 3, the
23 Organizational Unit shall receive funding required
24 to support one FTE core teacher position for every
25 15 Low-Income Count students in those grades and
26 one FTE core teacher position for every 20

HB2170 Enrolled- 107 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 non-Low-Income Count students in those grades.
2 (ii) For grades 4 through 12, the
3 Organizational Unit shall receive funding required
4 to support one FTE core teacher position for every
5 20 Low-Income Count students in those grades and
6 one FTE core teacher position for every 25
7 non-Low-Income Count students in those grades.
8 The number of non-Low-Income Count students in a
9 grade shall be determined by subtracting the
10 Low-Income students in that grade from the ASE of the
11 Organizational Unit for that grade.
12 (B) Specialist teacher investments. Each
13 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
14 to cover that number of FTE specialist teacher
15 positions that correspond to the following
16 percentages:
17 (i) if the Organizational Unit operates an
18 elementary or middle school, then 20.00% of the
19 number of the Organizational Unit's core teachers,
20 as determined under subparagraph (A) of this
21 paragraph (2); and
22 (ii) if such Organizational Unit operates a
23 high school, then 33.33% of the number of the
24 Organizational Unit's core teachers.
25 (C) Instructional facilitator investments. Each
26 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed

HB2170 Enrolled- 108 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 to cover one FTE instructional facilitator position
2 for every 200 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten
3 children with disabilities and all kindergarten
4 through grade 12 students of the Organizational Unit.
5 (D) Core intervention teacher (tutor) investments.
6 Each Organizational Unit shall receive the funding
7 needed to cover one FTE teacher position for each
8 prototypical elementary, middle, and high school.
9 (E) Substitute teacher investments. Each
10 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
11 to cover substitute teacher costs that is equal to
12 5.70% of the minimum pupil attendance days required
13 under Section 10-19 of this Code for all full-time
14 equivalent core, specialist, and intervention
15 teachers, school nurses, special education teachers
16 and instructional assistants, instructional
17 facilitators, and summer school and extended day
18 teacher positions, as determined under this paragraph
19 (2), at a salary rate of 33.33% of the average salary
20 for grade K through 12 teachers and 33.33% of the
21 average salary of each instructional assistant
22 position.
23 (F) Core guidance counselor investments. Each
24 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
25 to cover one FTE guidance counselor for each 450
26 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with

HB2170 Enrolled- 109 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 5
2 students, plus one FTE guidance counselor for each 250
3 grades 6 through 8 ASE middle school students, plus one
4 FTE guidance counselor for each 250 grades 9 through 12
5 ASE high school students.
6 (G) Nurse investments. Each Organizational Unit
7 shall receive the funding needed to cover one FTE nurse
8 for each 750 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children
9 with disabilities and all kindergarten through grade
10 12 students across all grade levels it serves.
11 (H) Supervisory aide investments. Each
12 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
13 to cover one FTE for each 225 combined ASE of
14 pre-kindergarten children with disabilities and all
15 kindergarten through grade 5 students, plus one FTE for
16 each 225 ASE middle school students, plus one FTE for
17 each 200 ASE high school students.
18 (I) Librarian investments. Each Organizational
19 Unit shall receive the funding needed to cover one FTE
20 librarian for each prototypical elementary school,
21 middle school, and high school and one FTE aide or
22 media technician for every 300 combined ASE of
23 pre-kindergarten children with disabilities and all
24 kindergarten through grade 12 students.
25 (J) Principal investments. Each Organizational
26 Unit shall receive the funding needed to cover one FTE

HB2170 Enrolled- 110 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 principal position for each prototypical elementary
2 school, plus one FTE principal position for each
3 prototypical middle school, plus one FTE principal
4 position for each prototypical high school.
5 (K) Assistant principal investments. Each
6 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
7 to cover one FTE assistant principal position for each
8 prototypical elementary school, plus one FTE assistant
9 principal position for each prototypical middle
10 school, plus one FTE assistant principal position for
11 each prototypical high school.
12 (L) School site staff investments. Each
13 Organizational Unit shall receive the funding needed
14 for one FTE position for each 225 ASE of
15 pre-kindergarten children with disabilities and all
16 kindergarten through grade 5 students, plus one FTE
17 position for each 225 ASE middle school students, plus
18 one FTE position for each 200 ASE high school students.
19 (M) Gifted investments. Each Organizational Unit
20 shall receive $40 per kindergarten through grade 12
21 ASE.
22 (N) Professional development investments. Each
23 Organizational Unit shall receive $125 per student of
24 the combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
25 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
26 students for trainers and other professional

HB2170 Enrolled- 111 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 development-related expenses for supplies and
2 materials.
3 (O) Instructional material investments. Each
4 Organizational Unit shall receive $190 per student of
5 the combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
6 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
7 students to cover instructional material costs.
8 (P) Assessment investments. Each Organizational
9 Unit shall receive $25 per student of the combined ASE
10 of pre-kindergarten children with disabilities and all
11 kindergarten through grade 12 students to cover
12 assessment costs.
13 (Q) Computer technology and equipment investments.
14 Each Organizational Unit shall receive $285.50 per
15 student of the combined ASE of pre-kindergarten
16 children with disabilities and all kindergarten
17 through grade 12 students to cover computer technology
18 and equipment costs. For the 2018-2019 school year and
19 subsequent school years, Organizational Units assigned
20 to Tier 1 and Tier 2 in the prior school year shall
21 receive an additional $285.50 per student of the
22 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
23 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
24 students to cover computer technology and equipment
25 costs in the Organizational Unit's Adequacy Target.
26 The State Board may establish additional requirements

HB2170 Enrolled- 112 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 for Organizational Unit expenditures of funds received
2 pursuant to this subparagraph (Q), including a
3 requirement that funds received pursuant to this
4 subparagraph (Q) may be used only for serving the
5 technology needs of the district. It is the intent of
6 Public Act 100-465 that all Tier 1 and Tier 2 districts
7 receive the addition to their Adequacy Target in the
8 following year, subject to compliance with the
9 requirements of the State Board.
10 (R) Student activities investments. Each
11 Organizational Unit shall receive the following
12 funding amounts to cover student activities: $100 per
13 kindergarten through grade 5 ASE student in elementary
14 school, plus $200 per ASE student in middle school,
15 plus $675 per ASE student in high school.
16 (S) Maintenance and operations investments. Each
17 Organizational Unit shall receive $1,038 per student
18 of the combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
19 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
20 students for day-to-day maintenance and operations
21 expenditures, including salary, supplies, and
22 materials, as well as purchased services, but
23 excluding employee benefits. The proportion of salary
24 for the application of a Regionalization Factor and the
25 calculation of benefits is equal to $352.92.
26 (T) Central office investments. Each

HB2170 Enrolled- 113 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Organizational Unit shall receive $742 per student of
2 the combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
3 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
4 students to cover central office operations, including
5 administrators and classified personnel charged with
6 managing the instructional programs, business and
7 operations of the school district, and security
8 personnel. The proportion of salary for the
9 application of a Regionalization Factor and the
10 calculation of benefits is equal to $368.48.
11 (U) Employee benefit investments. Each
12 Organizational Unit shall receive 30% of the total of
13 all salary-calculated elements of the Adequacy Target,
14 excluding substitute teachers and student activities
15 investments, to cover benefit costs. For central
16 office and maintenance and operations investments, the
17 benefit calculation shall be based upon the salary
18 proportion of each investment. If at any time the
19 responsibility for funding the employer normal cost of
20 teacher pensions is assigned to school districts, then
21 that amount certified by the Teachers' Retirement
22 System of the State of Illinois to be paid by the
23 Organizational Unit for the preceding school year
24 shall be added to the benefit investment. For any
25 fiscal year in which a school district organized under
26 Article 34 of this Code is responsible for paying the

HB2170 Enrolled- 114 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 employer normal cost of teacher pensions, then that
2 amount of its employer normal cost plus the amount for
3 retiree health insurance as certified by the Public
4 School Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of
5 Chicago to be paid by the school district for the
6 preceding school year that is statutorily required to
7 cover employer normal costs and the amount for retiree
8 health insurance shall be added to the 30% specified in
9 this subparagraph (U). The Teachers' Retirement System
10 of the State of Illinois and the Public School
11 Teachers' Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago shall
12 submit such information as the State Superintendent
13 may require for the calculations set forth in this
14 subparagraph (U).
15 (V) Additional investments in low-income students.
16 In addition to and not in lieu of all other funding
17 under this paragraph (2), each Organizational Unit
18 shall receive funding based on the average teacher
19 salary for grades K through 12 to cover the costs of:
20 (i) one FTE intervention teacher (tutor)
21 position for every 125 Low-Income Count students;
22 (ii) one FTE pupil support staff position for
23 every 125 Low-Income Count students;
24 (iii) one FTE extended day teacher position
25 for every 120 Low-Income Count students; and
26 (iv) one FTE summer school teacher position

HB2170 Enrolled- 115 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 for every 120 Low-Income Count students.
2 (W) Additional investments in English learner
3 students. In addition to and not in lieu of all other
4 funding under this paragraph (2), each Organizational
5 Unit shall receive funding based on the average teacher
6 salary for grades K through 12 to cover the costs of:
7 (i) one FTE intervention teacher (tutor)
8 position for every 125 English learner students;
9 (ii) one FTE pupil support staff position for
10 every 125 English learner students;
11 (iii) one FTE extended day teacher position
12 for every 120 English learner students;
13 (iv) one FTE summer school teacher position
14 for every 120 English learner students; and
15 (v) one FTE core teacher position for every 100
16 English learner students.
17 (X) Special education investments. Each
18 Organizational Unit shall receive funding based on the
19 average teacher salary for grades K through 12 to cover
20 special education as follows:
21 (i) one FTE teacher position for every 141
22 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with
23 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
24 students;
25 (ii) one FTE instructional assistant for every
26 141 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children with

HB2170 Enrolled- 116 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 disabilities and all kindergarten through grade 12
2 students; and
3 (iii) one FTE psychologist position for every
4 1,000 combined ASE of pre-kindergarten children
5 with disabilities and all kindergarten through
6 grade 12 students.
7 (3) For calculating the salaries included within the
8 Essential Elements, the State Superintendent shall
9 annually calculate average salaries to the nearest dollar
10 using the employment information system data maintained by
11 the State Board, limited to public schools only and
12 excluding special education and vocational cooperatives,
13 schools operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice, and
14 charter schools, for the following positions:
15 (A) Teacher for grades K through 8.
16 (B) Teacher for grades 9 through 12.
17 (C) Teacher for grades K through 12.
18 (D) Guidance counselor for grades K through 8.
19 (E) Guidance counselor for grades 9 through 12.
20 (F) Guidance counselor for grades K through 12.
21 (G) Social worker.
22 (H) Psychologist.
23 (I) Librarian.
24 (J) Nurse.
25 (K) Principal.
26 (L) Assistant principal.

HB2170 Enrolled- 117 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 For the purposes of this paragraph (3), "teacher"
2 includes core teachers, specialist and elective teachers,
3 instructional facilitators, tutors, special education
4 teachers, pupil support staff teachers, English learner
5 teachers, extended day teachers, and summer school
6 teachers. Where specific grade data is not required for the
7 Essential Elements, the average salary for corresponding
8 positions shall apply. For substitute teachers, the
9 average teacher salary for grades K through 12 shall apply.
10 For calculating the salaries included within the
11 Essential Elements for positions not included within EIS
12 Data, the following salaries shall be used in the first
13 year of implementation of Evidence-Based Funding:
14 (i) school site staff, $30,000; and
15 (ii) non-instructional assistant, instructional
16 assistant, library aide, library media tech, or
17 supervisory aide: $25,000.
18 In the second and subsequent years of implementation of
19 Evidence-Based Funding, the amounts in items (i) and (ii)
20 of this paragraph (3) shall annually increase by the ECI.
21 The salary amounts for the Essential Elements
22 determined pursuant to subparagraphs (A) through (L), (S)
23 and (T), and (V) through (X) of paragraph (2) of subsection
24 (b) of this Section shall be multiplied by a
25 Regionalization Factor.
26 (c) Local Capacity calculation.

HB2170 Enrolled- 118 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (1) Each Organizational Unit's Local Capacity
2 represents an amount of funding it is assumed to contribute
3 toward its Adequacy Target for purposes of the
4 Evidence-Based Funding formula calculation. "Local
5 Capacity" means either (i) the Organizational Unit's Local
6 Capacity Target as calculated in accordance with paragraph
7 (2) of this subsection (c) if its Real Receipts are equal
8 to or less than its Local Capacity Target or (ii) the
9 Organizational Unit's Adjusted Local Capacity, as
10 calculated in accordance with paragraph (3) of this
11 subsection (c) if Real Receipts are more than its Local
12 Capacity Target.
13 (2) "Local Capacity Target" means, for an
14 Organizational Unit, that dollar amount that is obtained by
15 multiplying its Adequacy Target by its Local Capacity
16 Ratio.
17 (A) An Organizational Unit's Local Capacity
18 Percentage is the conversion of the Organizational
19 Unit's Local Capacity Ratio, as such ratio is
20 determined in accordance with subparagraph (B) of this
21 paragraph (2), into a cumulative distribution
22 resulting in a percentile ranking to determine each
23 Organizational Unit's relative position to all other
24 Organizational Units in this State. The calculation of
25 Local Capacity Percentage is described in subparagraph
26 (C) of this paragraph (2).

HB2170 Enrolled- 119 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (B) An Organizational Unit's Local Capacity Ratio
2 in a given year is the percentage obtained by dividing
3 its Adjusted EAV or PTELL EAV, whichever is less, by
4 its Adequacy Target, with the resulting ratio further
5 adjusted as follows:
6 (i) for Organizational Units serving grades
7 kindergarten through 12 and Hybrid Districts, no
8 further adjustments shall be made;
9 (ii) for Organizational Units serving grades
10 kindergarten through 8, the ratio shall be
11 multiplied by 9/13;
12 (iii) for Organizational Units serving grades
13 9 through 12, the Local Capacity Ratio shall be
14 multiplied by 4/13; and
15 (iv) for an Organizational Unit with a
16 different grade configuration than those specified
17 in items (i) through (iii) of this subparagraph
18 (B), the State Superintendent shall determine a
19 comparable adjustment based on the grades served.
20 (C) The Local Capacity Percentage is equal to the
21 percentile ranking of the district. Local Capacity
22 Percentage converts each Organizational Unit's Local
23 Capacity Ratio to a cumulative distribution resulting
24 in a percentile ranking to determine each
25 Organizational Unit's relative position to all other
26 Organizational Units in this State. The Local Capacity

HB2170 Enrolled- 120 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Percentage cumulative distribution resulting in a
2 percentile ranking for each Organizational Unit shall
3 be calculated using the standard normal distribution
4 of the score in relation to the weighted mean and
5 weighted standard deviation and Local Capacity Ratios
6 of all Organizational Units. If the value assigned to
7 any Organizational Unit is in excess of 90%, the value
8 shall be adjusted to 90%. For Laboratory Schools, the
9 Local Capacity Percentage shall be set at 10% in
10 recognition of the absence of EAV and resources from
11 the public university that are allocated to the
12 Laboratory School. For programs operated by a regional
13 office of education or an intermediate service center,
14 the Local Capacity Percentage must be set at 10% in
15 recognition of the absence of EAV and resources from
16 school districts that are allocated to the regional
17 office of education or intermediate service center.
18 The weighted mean for the Local Capacity Percentage
19 shall be determined by multiplying each Organizational
20 Unit's Local Capacity Ratio times the ASE for the unit
21 creating a weighted value, summing the weighted values
22 of all Organizational Units, and dividing by the total
23 ASE of all Organizational Units. The weighted standard
24 deviation shall be determined by taking the square root
25 of the weighted variance of all Organizational Units'
26 Local Capacity Ratio, where the variance is calculated

HB2170 Enrolled- 121 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 by squaring the difference between each unit's Local
2 Capacity Ratio and the weighted mean, then multiplying
3 the variance for each unit times the ASE for the unit
4 to create a weighted variance for each unit, then
5 summing all units' weighted variance and dividing by
6 the total ASE of all units.
7 (D) For any Organizational Unit, the
8 Organizational Unit's Adjusted Local Capacity Target
9 shall be reduced by either (i) the school board's
10 remaining contribution pursuant to paragraph (ii) of
11 subsection (b-4) of Section 16-158 of the Illinois
12 Pension Code in a given year or (ii) the board of
13 education's remaining contribution pursuant to
14 paragraph (iv) of subsection (b) of Section 17-129 of
15 the Illinois Pension Code absent the employer normal
16 cost portion of the required contribution and amount
17 allowed pursuant to subdivision (3) of Section
18 17-142.1 of the Illinois Pension Code in a given year.
19 In the preceding sentence, item (i) shall be certified
20 to the State Board of Education by the Teachers'
21 Retirement System of the State of Illinois and item
22 (ii) shall be certified to the State Board of Education
23 by the Public School Teachers' Pension and Retirement
24 Fund of the City of Chicago.
25 (3) If an Organizational Unit's Real Receipts are more
26 than its Local Capacity Target, then its Local Capacity

HB2170 Enrolled- 122 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 shall equal an Adjusted Local Capacity Target as calculated
2 in accordance with this paragraph (3). The Adjusted Local
3 Capacity Target is calculated as the sum of the
4 Organizational Unit's Local Capacity Target and its Real
5 Receipts Adjustment. The Real Receipts Adjustment equals
6 the Organizational Unit's Real Receipts less its Local
7 Capacity Target, with the resulting figure multiplied by
8 the Local Capacity Percentage.
9 As used in this paragraph (3), "Real Percent of
10 Adequacy" means the sum of an Organizational Unit's Real
11 Receipts, CPPRT, and Base Funding Minimum, with the
12 resulting figure divided by the Organizational Unit's
13 Adequacy Target.
14 (d) Calculation of Real Receipts, EAV, and Adjusted EAV for
15purposes of the Local Capacity calculation.
16 (1) An Organizational Unit's Real Receipts are the
17 product of its Applicable Tax Rate and its Adjusted EAV. An
18 Organizational Unit's Applicable Tax Rate is its Adjusted
19 Operating Tax Rate for property within the Organizational
20 Unit.
21 (2) The State Superintendent shall calculate the
22 equalized assessed valuation, or EAV, of all taxable
23 property of each Organizational Unit as of September 30 of
24 the previous year in accordance with paragraph (3) of this
25 subsection (d). The State Superintendent shall then
26 determine the Adjusted EAV of each Organizational Unit in

HB2170 Enrolled- 123 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 accordance with paragraph (4) of this subsection (d), which
2 Adjusted EAV figure shall be used for the purposes of
3 calculating Local Capacity.
4 (3) To calculate Real Receipts and EAV, the Department
5 of Revenue shall supply to the State Superintendent the
6 value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue
7 of all taxable property of every Organizational Unit,
8 together with (i) the applicable tax rate used in extending
9 taxes for the funds of the Organizational Unit as of
10 September 30 of the previous year and (ii) the limiting
11 rate for all Organizational Units subject to property tax
12 extension limitations as imposed under PTELL.
13 (A) The Department of Revenue shall add to the
14 equalized assessed value of all taxable property of
15 each Organizational Unit situated entirely or
16 partially within a county that is or was subject to the
17 provisions of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property
18 Tax Code (i) an amount equal to the total amount by
19 which the homestead exemption allowed under Section
20 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code for real
21 property situated in that Organizational Unit exceeds
22 the total amount that would have been allowed in that
23 Organizational Unit if the maximum reduction under
24 Section 15-176 was (I) $4,500 in Cook County or $3,500
25 in all other counties in tax year 2003 or (II) $5,000
26 in all counties in tax year 2004 and thereafter and

HB2170 Enrolled- 124 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (ii) an amount equal to the aggregate amount for the
2 taxable year of all additional exemptions under
3 Section 15-175 of the Property Tax Code for owners with
4 a household income of $30,000 or less. The county clerk
5 of any county that is or was subject to the provisions
6 of Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property Tax Code
7 shall annually calculate and certify to the Department
8 of Revenue for each Organizational Unit all homestead
9 exemption amounts under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the
10 Property Tax Code and all amounts of additional
11 exemptions under Section 15-175 of the Property Tax
12 Code for owners with a household income of $30,000 or
13 less. It is the intent of this subparagraph (A) that if
14 the general homestead exemption for a parcel of
15 property is determined under Section 15-176 or 15-177
16 of the Property Tax Code rather than Section 15-175,
17 then the calculation of EAV shall not be affected by
18 the difference, if any, between the amount of the
19 general homestead exemption allowed for that parcel of
20 property under Section 15-176 or 15-177 of the Property
21 Tax Code and the amount that would have been allowed
22 had the general homestead exemption for that parcel of
23 property been determined under Section 15-175 of the
24 Property Tax Code. It is further the intent of this
25 subparagraph (A) that if additional exemptions are
26 allowed under Section 15-175 of the Property Tax Code

HB2170 Enrolled- 125 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 for owners with a household income of less than
2 $30,000, then the calculation of EAV shall not be
3 affected by the difference, if any, because of those
4 additional exemptions.
5 (B) With respect to any part of an Organizational
6 Unit within a redevelopment project area in respect to
7 which a municipality has adopted tax increment
8 allocation financing pursuant to the Tax Increment
9 Allocation Redevelopment Act, Division 74.4 of Article
10 11 of the Illinois Municipal Code, or the Industrial
11 Jobs Recovery Law, Division 74.6 of Article 11 of the
12 Illinois Municipal Code, no part of the current EAV of
13 real property located in any such project area that is
14 attributable to an increase above the total initial EAV
15 of such property shall be used as part of the EAV of
16 the Organizational Unit, until such time as all
17 redevelopment project costs have been paid, as
18 provided in Section 11-74.4-8 of the Tax Increment
19 Allocation Redevelopment Act or in Section 11-74.6-35
20 of the Industrial Jobs Recovery Law. For the purpose of
21 the EAV of the Organizational Unit, the total initial
22 EAV or the current EAV, whichever is lower, shall be
23 used until such time as all redevelopment project costs
24 have been paid.
25 (B-5) The real property equalized assessed
26 valuation for a school district shall be adjusted by

HB2170 Enrolled- 126 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 subtracting from the real property value, as equalized
2 or assessed by the Department of Revenue, for the
3 district an amount computed by dividing the amount of
4 any abatement of taxes under Section 18-170 of the
5 Property Tax Code by 3.00% for a district maintaining
6 grades kindergarten through 12, by 2.30% for a district
7 maintaining grades kindergarten through 8, or by 1.05%
8 for a district maintaining grades 9 through 12 and
9 adjusted by an amount computed by dividing the amount
10 of any abatement of taxes under subsection (a) of
11 Section 18-165 of the Property Tax Code by the same
12 percentage rates for district type as specified in this
13 subparagraph (B-5).
14 (C) For Organizational Units that are Hybrid
15 Districts, the State Superintendent shall use the
16 lesser of the adjusted equalized assessed valuation
17 for property within the partial elementary unit
18 district for elementary purposes, as defined in
19 Article 11E of this Code, or the adjusted equalized
20 assessed valuation for property within the partial
21 elementary unit district for high school purposes, as
22 defined in Article 11E of this Code.
23 (4) An Organizational Unit's Adjusted EAV shall be the
24 average of its EAV over the immediately preceding 3 years
25 or its EAV in the immediately preceding year if the EAV in
26 the immediately preceding year has declined by 10% or more

HB2170 Enrolled- 127 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 compared to the 3-year average. In the event of
2 Organizational Unit reorganization, consolidation, or
3 annexation, the Organizational Unit's Adjusted EAV for the
4 first 3 years after such change shall be as follows: the
5 most current EAV shall be used in the first year, the
6 average of a 2-year EAV or its EAV in the immediately
7 preceding year if the EAV declines by 10% or more compared
8 to the 2-year average for the second year, and a 3-year
9 average EAV or its EAV in the immediately preceding year if
10 the Adjusted EAV declines by 10% or more compared to the
11 3-year average for the third year. For any school district
12 whose EAV in the immediately preceding year is used in
13 calculations, in the following year, the Adjusted EAV shall
14 be the average of its EAV over the immediately preceding 2
15 years or the immediately preceding year if that year
16 represents a decline of 10% or more compared to the 2-year
17 average.
18 "PTELL EAV" means a figure calculated by the State
19 Board for Organizational Units subject to PTELL as
20 described in this paragraph (4) for the purposes of
21 calculating an Organizational Unit's Local Capacity Ratio.
22 Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (4), the
23 PTELL EAV of an Organizational Unit shall be equal to the
24 product of the equalized assessed valuation last used in
25 the calculation of general State aid under Section 18-8.05
26 of this Code (now repealed) or Evidence-Based Funding under

HB2170 Enrolled- 128 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 this Section and the Organizational Unit's Extension
2 Limitation Ratio. If an Organizational Unit has approved or
3 does approve an increase in its limiting rate, pursuant to
4 Section 18-190 of the Property Tax Code, affecting the Base
5 Tax Year, the PTELL EAV shall be equal to the product of
6 the equalized assessed valuation last used in the
7 calculation of general State aid under Section 18-8.05 of
8 this Code (now repealed) or Evidence-Based Funding under
9 this Section multiplied by an amount equal to one plus the
10 percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index
11 for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the
12 United States Department of Labor for the 12-month calendar
13 year preceding the Base Tax Year, plus the equalized
14 assessed valuation of new property, annexed property, and
15 recovered tax increment value and minus the equalized
16 assessed valuation of disconnected property.
17 As used in this paragraph (4), "new property" and
18 "recovered tax increment value" shall have the meanings set
19 forth in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
20 (e) Base Funding Minimum calculation.
21 (1) For the 2017-2018 school year, the Base Funding
22 Minimum of an Organizational Unit or a Specially Funded
23 Unit shall be the amount of State funds distributed to the
24 Organizational Unit or Specially Funded Unit during the
25 2016-2017 school year prior to any adjustments and
26 specified appropriation amounts described in this

HB2170 Enrolled- 129 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 paragraph (1) from the following Sections, as calculated by
2 the State Superintendent: Section 18-8.05 of this Code (now
3 repealed); Section 5 of Article 224 of Public Act 99-524
4 (equity grants); Section 14-7.02b of this Code (funding for
5 children requiring special education services); Section
6 14-13.01 of this Code (special education facilities and
7 staffing), except for reimbursement of the cost of
8 transportation pursuant to Section 14-13.01; Section
9 14C-12 of this Code (English learners); and Section 18-4.3
10 of this Code (summer school), based on an appropriation
11 level of $13,121,600. For a school district organized under
12 Article 34 of this Code, the Base Funding Minimum also
13 includes (i) the funds allocated to the school district
14 pursuant to Section 1D-1 of this Code attributable to
15 funding programs authorized by the Sections of this Code
16 listed in the preceding sentence and (ii) the difference
17 between (I) the funds allocated to the school district
18 pursuant to Section 1D-1 of this Code attributable to the
19 funding programs authorized by Section 14-7.02 (non-public
20 special education reimbursement), subsection (b) of
21 Section 14-13.01 (special education transportation),
22 Section 29-5 (transportation), Section 2-3.80
23 (agricultural education), Section 2-3.66 (truants'
24 alternative education), Section 2-3.62 (educational
25 service centers), and Section 14-7.03 (special education -
26 orphanage) of this Code and Section 15 of the Childhood

HB2170 Enrolled- 130 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Hunger Relief Act (free breakfast program) and (II) the
2 school district's actual expenditures for its non-public
3 special education, special education transportation,
4 transportation programs, agricultural education, truants'
5 alternative education, services that would otherwise be
6 performed by a regional office of education, special
7 education orphanage expenditures, and free breakfast, as
8 most recently calculated and reported pursuant to
9 subsection (f) of Section 1D-1 of this Code. The Base
10 Funding Minimum for Glenwood Academy shall be $625,500. For
11 programs operated by a regional office of education or an
12 intermediate service center, the Base Funding Minimum must
13 be the total amount of State funds allocated to those
14 programs in the 2018-2019 school year and amounts provided
15 pursuant to Article 34 of Public Act 100-586 and Section
16 3-16 of this Code. All programs established after June 5,
17 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 101-10) and
18 administered by a regional office of education or an
19 intermediate service center must have an initial Base
20 Funding Minimum set to an amount equal to the first-year
21 ASE multiplied by the amount of per pupil funding received
22 in the previous school year by the lowest funded similar
23 existing program type. If the enrollment for a program
24 operated by a regional office of education or an
25 intermediate service center is zero, then it may not
26 receive Base Funding Minimum funds for that program in the

HB2170 Enrolled- 131 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 next fiscal year, and those funds must be distributed to
2 Organizational Units under subsection (g).
3 (2) For the 2018-2019 and subsequent school years, the
4 Base Funding Minimum of Organizational Units and Specially
5 Funded Units shall be the sum of (i) the amount of
6 Evidence-Based Funding for the prior school year, (ii) the
7 Base Funding Minimum for the prior school year, and (iii)
8 any amount received by a school district pursuant to
9 Section 7 of Article 97 of Public Act 100-21.
10 (3) Subject to approval by the General Assembly as
11 provided in this paragraph (3), an Organizational Unit that
12 meets all of the following criteria, as determined by the
13 State Board, shall have District Intervention Money added
14 to its Base Funding Minimum at the time the Base Funding
15 Minimum is calculated by the State Board:
16 (A) The Organizational Unit is operating under an
17 Independent Authority under Section 2-3.25f-5 of this
18 Code for a minimum of 4 school years or is subject to
19 the control of the State Board pursuant to a court
20 order for a minimum of 4 school years.
21 (B) The Organizational Unit was designated as a
22 Tier 1 or Tier 2 Organizational Unit in the previous
23 school year under paragraph (3) of subsection (g) of
24 this Section.
25 (C) The Organizational Unit demonstrates
26 sustainability through a 5-year financial and

HB2170 Enrolled- 132 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 strategic plan.
2 (D) The Organizational Unit has made sufficient
3 progress and achieved sufficient stability in the
4 areas of governance, academic growth, and finances.
5 As part of its determination under this paragraph (3),
6 the State Board may consider the Organizational Unit's
7 summative designation, any accreditations of the
8 Organizational Unit, or the Organizational Unit's
9 financial profile, as calculated by the State Board.
10 If the State Board determines that an Organizational
11 Unit has met the criteria set forth in this paragraph (3),
12 it must submit a report to the General Assembly, no later
13 than January 2 of the fiscal year in which the State Board
14 makes it determination, on the amount of District
15 Intervention Money to add to the Organizational Unit's Base
16 Funding Minimum. The General Assembly must review the State
17 Board's report and may approve or disapprove, by joint
18 resolution, the addition of District Intervention Money.
19 If the General Assembly fails to act on the report within
20 40 calendar days from the receipt of the report, the
21 addition of District Intervention Money is deemed
22 approved. If the General Assembly approves the amount of
23 District Intervention Money to be added to the
24 Organizational Unit's Base Funding Minimum, the District
25 Intervention Money must be added to the Base Funding
26 Minimum annually thereafter.

HB2170 Enrolled- 133 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 For the first 4 years following the initial year that
2 the State Board determines that an Organizational Unit has
3 met the criteria set forth in this paragraph (3) and has
4 received funding under this Section, the Organizational
5 Unit must annually submit to the State Board, on or before
6 November 30, a progress report regarding its financial and
7 strategic plan under subparagraph (C) of this paragraph
8 (3). The plan shall include the financial data from the
9 past 4 annual financial reports or financial audits that
10 must be presented to the State Board by November 15 of each
11 year and the approved budget financial data for the current
12 year. The plan shall be developed according to the
13 guidelines presented to the Organizational Unit by the
14 State Board. The plan shall further include financial
15 projections for the next 3 fiscal years and include a
16 discussion and financial summary of the Organizational
17 Unit's facility needs. If the Organizational Unit does not
18 demonstrate sufficient progress toward its 5-year plan or
19 if it has failed to file an annual financial report, an
20 annual budget, a financial plan, a deficit reduction plan,
21 or other financial information as required by law, the
22 State Board may establish a Financial Oversight Panel under
23 Article 1H of this Code. However, if the Organizational
24 Unit already has a Financial Oversight Panel, the State
25 Board may extend the duration of the Panel.
26 (f) Percent of Adequacy and Final Resources calculation.

HB2170 Enrolled- 134 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (1) The Evidence-Based Funding formula establishes a
2 Percent of Adequacy for each Organizational Unit in order
3 to place such units into tiers for the purposes of the
4 funding distribution system described in subsection (g) of
5 this Section. Initially, an Organizational Unit's
6 Preliminary Resources and Preliminary Percent of Adequacy
7 are calculated pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection
8 (f). Then, an Organizational Unit's Final Resources and
9 Final Percent of Adequacy are calculated to account for the
10 Organizational Unit's poverty concentration levels
11 pursuant to paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection (f).
12 (2) An Organizational Unit's Preliminary Resources are
13 equal to the sum of its Local Capacity Target, CPPRT, and
14 Base Funding Minimum. An Organizational Unit's Preliminary
15 Percent of Adequacy is the lesser of (i) its Preliminary
16 Resources divided by its Adequacy Target or (ii) 100%.
17 (3) Except for Specially Funded Units, an
18 Organizational Unit's Final Resources are equal to the sum
19 of its Local Capacity, CPPRT, and Adjusted Base Funding
20 Minimum. The Base Funding Minimum of each Specially Funded
21 Unit shall serve as its Final Resources, except that the
22 Base Funding Minimum for State-approved charter schools
23 shall not include any portion of general State aid
24 allocated in the prior year based on the per capita tuition
25 charge times the charter school enrollment.
26 (4) An Organizational Unit's Final Percent of Adequacy

HB2170 Enrolled- 135 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 is its Final Resources divided by its Adequacy Target. An
2 Organizational Unit's Adjusted Base Funding Minimum is
3 equal to its Base Funding Minimum less its Supplemental
4 Grant Funding, with the resulting figure added to the
5 product of its Supplemental Grant Funding and Preliminary
6 Percent of Adequacy.
7 (g) Evidence-Based Funding formula distribution system.
8 (1) In each school year under the Evidence-Based
9 Funding formula, each Organizational Unit receives funding
10 equal to the sum of its Base Funding Minimum and the unit's
11 allocation of New State Funds determined pursuant to this
12 subsection (g). To allocate New State Funds, the
13 Evidence-Based Funding formula distribution system first
14 places all Organizational Units into one of 4 tiers in
15 accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection (g), based
16 on the Organizational Unit's Final Percent of Adequacy. New
17 State Funds are allocated to each of the 4 tiers as
18 follows: Tier 1 Aggregate Funding equals 50% of all New
19 State Funds, Tier 2 Aggregate Funding equals 49% of all New
20 State Funds, Tier 3 Aggregate Funding equals 0.9% of all
21 New State Funds, and Tier 4 Aggregate Funding equals 0.1%
22 of all New State Funds. Each Organizational Unit within
23 Tier 1 or Tier 2 receives an allocation of New State Funds
24 equal to its tier Funding Gap, as defined in the following
25 sentence, multiplied by the tier's Allocation Rate
26 determined pursuant to paragraph (4) of this subsection

HB2170 Enrolled- 136 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (g). For Tier 1, an Organizational Unit's Funding Gap
2 equals the tier's Target Ratio, as specified in paragraph
3 (5) of this subsection (g), multiplied by the
4 Organizational Unit's Adequacy Target, with the resulting
5 amount reduced by the Organizational Unit's Final
6 Resources. For Tier 2, an Organizational Unit's Funding Gap
7 equals the tier's Target Ratio, as described in paragraph
8 (5) of this subsection (g), multiplied by the
9 Organizational Unit's Adequacy Target, with the resulting
10 amount reduced by the Organizational Unit's Final
11 Resources and its Tier 1 funding allocation. To determine
12 the Organizational Unit's Funding Gap, the resulting
13 amount is then multiplied by a factor equal to one minus
14 the Organizational Unit's Local Capacity Target
15 percentage. Each Organizational Unit within Tier 3 or Tier
16 4 receives an allocation of New State Funds equal to the
17 product of its Adequacy Target and the tier's Allocation
18 Rate, as specified in paragraph (4) of this subsection (g).
19 (2) To ensure equitable distribution of dollars for all
20 Tier 2 Organizational Units, no Tier 2 Organizational Unit
21 shall receive fewer dollars per ASE than any Tier 3
22 Organizational Unit. Each Tier 2 and Tier 3 Organizational
23 Unit shall have its funding allocation divided by its ASE.
24 Any Tier 2 Organizational Unit with a funding allocation
25 per ASE below the greatest Tier 3 allocation per ASE shall
26 get a funding allocation equal to the greatest Tier 3

HB2170 Enrolled- 137 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 funding allocation per ASE multiplied by the
2 Organizational Unit's ASE. Each Tier 2 Organizational
3 Unit's Tier 2 funding allocation shall be multiplied by the
4 percentage calculated by dividing the original Tier 2
5 Aggregate Funding by the sum of all Tier 2 Organizational
6 Units' Tier 2 funding allocation after adjusting
7 districts' funding below Tier 3 levels.
8 (3) Organizational Units are placed into one of 4 tiers
9 as follows:
10 (A) Tier 1 consists of all Organizational Units,
11 except for Specially Funded Units, with a Percent of
12 Adequacy less than the Tier 1 Target Ratio. The Tier 1
13 Target Ratio is the ratio level that allows for Tier 1
14 Aggregate Funding to be distributed, with the Tier 1
15 Allocation Rate determined pursuant to paragraph (4)
16 of this subsection (g).
17 (B) Tier 2 consists of all Tier 1 Units and all
18 other Organizational Units, except for Specially
19 Funded Units, with a Percent of Adequacy of less than
20 0.90.
21 (C) Tier 3 consists of all Organizational Units,
22 except for Specially Funded Units, with a Percent of
23 Adequacy of at least 0.90 and less than 1.0.
24 (D) Tier 4 consists of all Organizational Units
25 with a Percent of Adequacy of at least 1.0.
26 (4) The Allocation Rates for Tiers 1 through 4 are

HB2170 Enrolled- 138 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 determined as follows:
2 (A) The Tier 1 Allocation Rate is 30%.
3 (B) The Tier 2 Allocation Rate is the result of the
4 following equation: Tier 2 Aggregate Funding, divided
5 by the sum of the Funding Gaps for all Tier 2
6 Organizational Units, unless the result of such
7 equation is higher than 1.0. If the result of such
8 equation is higher than 1.0, then the Tier 2 Allocation
9 Rate is 1.0.
10 (C) The Tier 3 Allocation Rate is the result of the
11 following equation: Tier 3 Aggregate Funding, divided
12 by the sum of the Adequacy Targets of all Tier 3
13 Organizational Units.
14 (D) The Tier 4 Allocation Rate is the result of the
15 following equation: Tier 4 Aggregate Funding, divided
16 by the sum of the Adequacy Targets of all Tier 4
17 Organizational Units.
18 (5) A tier's Target Ratio is determined as follows:
19 (A) The Tier 1 Target Ratio is the ratio level that
20 allows for Tier 1 Aggregate Funding to be distributed
21 with the Tier 1 Allocation Rate.
22 (B) The Tier 2 Target Ratio is 0.90.
23 (C) The Tier 3 Target Ratio is 1.0.
24 (6) If, at any point, the Tier 1 Target Ratio is
25 greater than 90%, then than all Tier 1 funding shall be
26 allocated to Tier 2 and no Tier 1 Organizational Unit's

HB2170 Enrolled- 139 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 funding may be identified.
2 (7) In the event that all Tier 2 Organizational Units
3 receive funding at the Tier 2 Target Ratio level, any
4 remaining New State Funds shall be allocated to Tier 3 and
5 Tier 4 Organizational Units.
6 (8) If any Specially Funded Units, excluding Glenwood
7 Academy, recognized by the State Board do not qualify for
8 direct funding following the implementation of Public Act
9 100-465 from any of the funding sources included within the
10 definition of Base Funding Minimum, the unqualified
11 portion of the Base Funding Minimum shall be transferred to
12 one or more appropriate Organizational Units as determined
13 by the State Superintendent based on the prior year ASE of
14 the Organizational Units.
15 (8.5) If a school district withdraws from a special
16 education cooperative, the portion of the Base Funding
17 Minimum that is attributable to the school district may be
18 redistributed to the school district upon withdrawal. The
19 school district and the cooperative must include the amount
20 of the Base Funding Minimum that is to be reapportioned in
21 their withdrawal agreement and notify the State Board of
22 the change with a copy of the agreement upon withdrawal.
23 (9) The Minimum Funding Level is intended to establish
24 a target for State funding that will keep pace with
25 inflation and continue to advance equity through the
26 Evidence-Based Funding formula. The target for State

HB2170 Enrolled- 140 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 funding of New Property Tax Relief Pool Funds is
2 $50,000,000 for State fiscal year 2019 and subsequent State
3 fiscal years. The Minimum Funding Level is equal to
4 $350,000,000. In addition to any New State Funds, no more
5 than $50,000,000 New Property Tax Relief Pool Funds may be
6 counted toward the Minimum Funding Level. If the sum of New
7 State Funds and applicable New Property Tax Relief Pool
8 Funds are less than the Minimum Funding Level, than funding
9 for tiers shall be reduced in the following manner:
10 (A) First, Tier 4 funding shall be reduced by an
11 amount equal to the difference between the Minimum
12 Funding Level and New State Funds until such time as
13 Tier 4 funding is exhausted.
14 (B) Next, Tier 3 funding shall be reduced by an
15 amount equal to the difference between the Minimum
16 Funding Level and New State Funds and the reduction in
17 Tier 4 funding until such time as Tier 3 funding is
18 exhausted.
19 (C) Next, Tier 2 funding shall be reduced by an
20 amount equal to the difference between the Minimum
21 Funding Level and New State Funds and the reduction in
22 Tier 4 and Tier 3.
23 (D) Finally, Tier 1 funding shall be reduced by an
24 amount equal to the difference between the Minimum
25 Funding level and New State Funds and the reduction in
26 Tier 2, 3, and 4 funding. In addition, the Allocation

HB2170 Enrolled- 141 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Rate for Tier 1 shall be reduced to a percentage equal
2 to the Tier 1 Allocation Rate set by paragraph (4) of
3 this subsection (g), multiplied by the result of New
4 State Funds divided by the Minimum Funding Level.
5 (9.5) For State fiscal year 2019 and subsequent State
6 fiscal years, if New State Funds exceed $300,000,000, then
7 any amount in excess of $300,000,000 shall be dedicated for
8 purposes of Section 2-3.170 of this Code up to a maximum of
9 $50,000,000.
10 (10) In the event of a decrease in the amount of the
11 appropriation for this Section in any fiscal year after
12 implementation of this Section, the Organizational Units
13 receiving Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding, as determined under
14 paragraph (3) of this subsection (g), shall be held
15 harmless by establishing a Base Funding Guarantee equal to
16 the per pupil kindergarten through grade 12 funding
17 received in accordance with this Section in the prior
18 fiscal year. Reductions shall be made to the Base Funding
19 Minimum of Organizational Units in Tier 3 and Tier 4 on a
20 per pupil basis equivalent to the total number of the ASE
21 in Tier 3-funded and Tier 4-funded Organizational Units
22 divided by the total reduction in State funding. The Base
23 Funding Minimum as reduced shall continue to be applied to
24 Tier 3 and Tier 4 Organizational Units and adjusted by the
25 relative formula when increases in appropriations for this
26 Section resume. In no event may State funding reductions to

HB2170 Enrolled- 142 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Organizational Units in Tier 3 or Tier 4 exceed an amount
2 that would be less than the Base Funding Minimum
3 established in the first year of implementation of this
4 Section. If additional reductions are required, all school
5 districts shall receive a reduction by a per pupil amount
6 equal to the aggregate additional appropriation reduction
7 divided by the total ASE of all Organizational Units.
8 (11) The State Superintendent shall make minor
9 adjustments to the distribution formula set forth in this
10 subsection (g) to account for the rounding of percentages
11 to the nearest tenth of a percentage and dollar amounts to
12 the nearest whole dollar.
13 (h) State Superintendent administration of funding and
14district submission requirements.
15 (1) The State Superintendent shall, in accordance with
16 appropriations made by the General Assembly, meet the
17 funding obligations created under this Section.
18 (2) The State Superintendent shall calculate the
19 Adequacy Target for each Organizational Unit and Net State
20 Contribution Target for each Organizational Unit under
21 this Section. No Evidence-Based Funding shall be
22 distributed within an Organizational Unit without the
23 approval of the unit's school board.
24 (3) Annually, the State Superintendent shall calculate
25 and report to each Organizational Unit the unit's aggregate
26 financial adequacy amount, which shall be the sum of the

HB2170 Enrolled- 143 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Adequacy Target for each Organizational Unit. The State
2 Superintendent shall calculate and report separately for
3 each Organizational Unit the unit's total State funds
4 allocated for its students with disabilities. The State
5 Superintendent shall calculate and report separately for
6 each Organizational Unit the amount of funding and
7 applicable FTE calculated for each Essential Element of the
8 unit's Adequacy Target.
9 (4) Annually, the State Superintendent shall calculate
10 and report to each Organizational Unit the amount the unit
11 must expend on special education and bilingual education
12 and computer technology and equipment for Organizational
13 Units assigned to Tier 1 or Tier 2 that received an
14 additional $285.50 per student computer technology and
15 equipment investment grant to their Adequacy Target
16 pursuant to the unit's Base Funding Minimum, Special
17 Education Allocation, Bilingual Education Allocation, and
18 computer technology and equipment investment allocation.
19 (5) Moneys distributed under this Section shall be
20 calculated on a school year basis, but paid on a fiscal
21 year basis, with payments beginning in August and extending
22 through June. Unless otherwise provided, the moneys
23 appropriated for each fiscal year shall be distributed in
24 22 equal payments at least 2 times monthly to each
25 Organizational Unit. If moneys appropriated for any fiscal
26 year are distributed other than monthly, the distribution

HB2170 Enrolled- 144 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 shall be on the same basis for each Organizational Unit.
2 (6) Any school district that fails, for any given
3 school year, to maintain school as required by law or to
4 maintain a recognized school is not eligible to receive
5 Evidence-Based Funding. In case of non-recognition of one
6 or more attendance centers in a school district otherwise
7 operating recognized schools, the claim of the district
8 shall be reduced in the proportion that the enrollment in
9 the attendance center or centers bears to the enrollment of
10 the school district. "Recognized school" means any public
11 school that meets the standards for recognition by the
12 State Board. A school district or attendance center not
13 having recognition status at the end of a school term is
14 entitled to receive State aid payments due upon a legal
15 claim that was filed while it was recognized.
16 (7) School district claims filed under this Section are
17 subject to Sections 18-9 and 18-12 of this Code, except as
18 otherwise provided in this Section.
19 (8) Each fiscal year, the State Superintendent shall
20 calculate for each Organizational Unit an amount of its
21 Base Funding Minimum and Evidence-Based Funding that shall
22 be deemed attributable to the provision of special
23 educational facilities and services, as defined in Section
24 14-1.08 of this Code, in a manner that ensures compliance
25 with maintenance of State financial support requirements
26 under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education

HB2170 Enrolled- 145 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Act. An Organizational Unit must use such funds only for
2 the provision of special educational facilities and
3 services, as defined in Section 14-1.08 of this Code, and
4 must comply with any expenditure verification procedures
5 adopted by the State Board.
6 (9) All Organizational Units in this State must submit
7 annual spending plans by the end of September of each year
8 to the State Board as part of the annual budget process,
9 which shall describe how each Organizational Unit will
10 utilize the Base Funding Minimum and Evidence-Based
11 Funding it receives from this State under this Section with
12 specific identification of the intended utilization of
13 Low-Income, English learner, and special education
14 resources. Additionally, the annual spending plans of each
15 Organizational Unit shall describe how the Organizational
16 Unit expects to achieve student growth and how the
17 Organizational Unit will achieve State education goals, as
18 defined by the State Board. The State Superintendent may,
19 from time to time, identify additional requisites for
20 Organizational Units to satisfy when compiling the annual
21 spending plans required under this subsection (h). The
22 format and scope of annual spending plans shall be
23 developed by the State Superintendent and the State Board
24 of Education. School districts that serve students under
25 Article 14C of this Code shall continue to submit
26 information as required under Section 14C-12 of this Code.

HB2170 Enrolled- 146 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (10) No later than January 1, 2018, the State
2 Superintendent shall develop a 5-year strategic plan for
3 all Organizational Units to help in planning for adequacy
4 funding under this Section. The State Superintendent shall
5 submit the plan to the Governor and the General Assembly,
6 as provided in Section 3.1 of the General Assembly
7 Organization Act. The plan shall include recommendations
8 for:
9 (A) a framework for collaborative, professional,
10 innovative, and 21st century learning environments
11 using the Evidence-Based Funding model;
12 (B) ways to prepare and support this State's
13 educators for successful instructional careers;
14 (C) application and enhancement of the current
15 financial accountability measures, the approved State
16 plan to comply with the federal Every Student Succeeds
17 Act, and the Illinois Balanced Accountability Measures
18 in relation to student growth and elements of the
19 Evidence-Based Funding model; and
20 (D) implementation of an effective school adequacy
21 funding system based on projected and recommended
22 funding levels from the General Assembly.
23 (11) On an annual basis, the State Superintendent must
24 recalibrate all of the following per pupil elements of the
25 Adequacy Target and applied to the formulas, based on the
26 study of average expenses and as reported in the most

HB2170 Enrolled- 147 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 recent annual financial report:
2 (A) Gifted under subparagraph (M) of paragraph (2)
3 of subsection (b).
4 (B) Instructional materials under subparagraph (O)
5 of paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
6 (C) Assessment under subparagraph (P) of paragraph
7 (2) of subsection (b).
8 (D) Student activities under subparagraph (R) of
9 paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
10 (E) Maintenance and operations under subparagraph
11 (S) of paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
12 (F) Central office under subparagraph (T) of
13 paragraph (2) of subsection (b).
14 (i) Professional Review Panel.
15 (1) A Professional Review Panel is created to study and
16 review topics related to the implementation and effect of
17 Evidence-Based Funding, as assigned by a joint resolution
18 or Public Act of the General Assembly or a motion passed by
19 the State Board of Education. The Panel must provide
20 recommendations to and serve the Governor, the General
21 Assembly, and the State Board. The State Superintendent or
22 his or her designee must serve as a voting member and
23 chairperson of the Panel. The State Superintendent must
24 appoint a vice chairperson from the membership of the
25 Panel. The Panel must advance recommendations based on a
26 three-fifths majority vote of Panel members present and

HB2170 Enrolled- 148 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 voting. A minority opinion may also accompany any
2 recommendation of the Panel. The Panel shall be appointed
3 by the State Superintendent, except as otherwise provided
4 in paragraph (2) of this subsection (i) and include the
5 following members:
6 (A) Two appointees that represent district
7 superintendents, recommended by a statewide
8 organization that represents district superintendents.
9 (B) Two appointees that represent school boards,
10 recommended by a statewide organization that
11 represents school boards.
12 (C) Two appointees from districts that represent
13 school business officials, recommended by a statewide
14 organization that represents school business
15 officials.
16 (D) Two appointees that represent school
17 principals, recommended by a statewide organization
18 that represents school principals.
19 (E) Two appointees that represent teachers,
20 recommended by a statewide organization that
21 represents teachers.
22 (F) Two appointees that represent teachers,
23 recommended by another statewide organization that
24 represents teachers.
25 (G) Two appointees that represent regional
26 superintendents of schools, recommended by

HB2170 Enrolled- 149 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 organizations that represent regional superintendents.
2 (H) Two independent experts selected solely by the
3 State Superintendent.
4 (I) Two independent experts recommended by public
5 universities in this State.
6 (J) One member recommended by a statewide
7 organization that represents parents.
8 (K) Two representatives recommended by collective
9 impact organizations that represent major metropolitan
10 areas or geographic areas in Illinois.
11 (L) One member from a statewide organization
12 focused on research-based education policy to support
13 a school system that prepares all students for college,
14 a career, and democratic citizenship.
15 (M) One representative from a school district
16 organized under Article 34 of this Code.
17 The State Superintendent shall ensure that the
18 membership of the Panel includes representatives from
19 school districts and communities reflecting the
20 geographic, socio-economic, racial, and ethnic diversity
21 of this State. The State Superintendent shall additionally
22 ensure that the membership of the Panel includes
23 representatives with expertise in bilingual education and
24 special education. Staff from the State Board shall staff
25 the Panel.
26 (2) In addition to those Panel members appointed by the

HB2170 Enrolled- 150 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 State Superintendent, 4 members of the General Assembly
2 shall be appointed as follows: one member of the House of
3 Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of
4 Representatives, one member of the Senate appointed by the
5 President of the Senate, one member of the House of
6 Representatives appointed by the Minority Leader of the
7 House of Representatives, and one member of the Senate
8 appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate. There shall
9 be one additional member appointed by the Governor. All
10 members appointed by legislative leaders or the Governor
11 shall be non-voting, ex officio members.
12 (3) The Panel must study topics at the direction of the
13 General Assembly or State Board of Education, as provided
14 under paragraph (1). The Panel may also study the following
15 topics at the direction of the chairperson:
16 (A) The format and scope of annual spending plans
17 referenced in paragraph (9) of subsection (h) of this
18 Section.
19 (B) The Comparable Wage Index under this Section.
20 (C) Maintenance and operations, including capital
21 maintenance and construction costs.
22 (D) "At-risk student" definition.
23 (E) Benefits.
24 (F) Technology.
25 (G) Local Capacity Target.
26 (H) Funding for Alternative Schools, Laboratory

HB2170 Enrolled- 151 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Schools, safe schools, and alternative learning
2 opportunities programs.
3 (I) Funding for college and career acceleration
4 strategies.
5 (J) Special education investments.
6 (K) Early childhood investments, in collaboration
7 with the Illinois Early Learning Council.
8 (4) (Blank).
9 (5) Within 5 years after the implementation of this
10 Section, and every 5 years thereafter, the Panel shall
11 complete an evaluative study of the entire Evidence-Based
12 Funding model, including an assessment of whether or not
13 the formula is achieving State goals. The Panel shall
14 report to the State Board, the General Assembly, and the
15 Governor on the findings of the study.
16 (6) (Blank).
17 (7) To ensure that (i) the Adequacy Target calculation
18 under subsection (b) accurately reflects the needs of
19 students living in poverty or attending schools located in
20 areas of high poverty, (ii) racial equity within the
21 Evidence-Based Funding formula is explicitly explored and
22 advanced, and (iii) the funding goals of the formula
23 distribution system established under this Section are
24 sufficient to provide adequate funding for every student
25 and to fully fund every school in this State, the Panel
26 shall review the Essential Elements under paragraph (2) of

HB2170 Enrolled- 152 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 subsection (b). The Panel shall consider all of the
2 following in its review:
3 (A) The financial ability of school districts to
4 provide instruction in a foreign language to every
5 student and whether an additional Essential Element
6 should be added to the formula to ensure that every
7 student has access to instruction in a foreign
8 language.
9 (B) The adult-to-student ratio for each Essential
10 Element in which a ratio is identified. The Panel shall
11 consider whether the ratio accurately reflects the
12 staffing needed to support students living in poverty
13 or who have traumatic backgrounds.
14 (C) Changes to the Essential Elements that may be
15 required to better promote racial equity and eliminate
16 structural racism within schools.
17 (D) The impact of investing $350,000,000 in
18 additional funds each year under this Section and an
19 estimate of when the school system will become fully
20 funded under this level of appropriation.
21 (E) Provide an overview of alternative funding
22 structures that would enable the State to become fully
23 funded at an earlier date.
24 (F) The potential to increase efficiency and to
25 find cost savings within the school system to expedite
26 the journey to a fully funded system.

HB2170 Enrolled- 153 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (G) The appropriate levels for reenrolling and
2 graduating high-risk high school students who have
3 been previously out of school. These outcomes shall
4 include enrollment, attendance, skill gains, credit
5 gains, graduation or promotion to the next grade level,
6 and the transition to college, training, or
7 employment, with an emphasis on progressively
8 increasing the overall attendance.
9 (H) The evidence-based or research-based practices
10 that are shown to reduce the gaps and disparities
11 experienced by African American students in academic
12 achievement and educational performance, including
13 practices that have been shown to reduce parities in
14 disciplinary rates, drop-out rates, graduation rates,
15 college matriculation rates, and college completion
16 rates.
17 On or before December 31, 2021, the Panel shall report
18 to the State Board, the General Assembly, and the Governor
19 on the findings of its review. This paragraph (7) is
20 inoperative on and after July 1, 2022.
21 (j) References. Beginning July 1, 2017, references in other
22laws to general State aid funds or calculations under Section
2318-8.05 of this Code (now repealed) shall be deemed to be
24references to evidence-based model formula funds or
25calculations under this Section.
26(Source: P.A. 100-465, eff. 8-31-17; 100-578, eff. 1-31-18;

HB2170 Enrolled- 154 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1100-582, eff. 3-23-18; 101-10, eff. 6-5-19; 101-17, eff.
26-14-19; 101-643, eff. 6-18-20; revised 8-21-20.)
Article 95.
4 Section 95-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as the
5Equity in Higher Education Act. References in this Article to
6"this Act" mean this Article.
7 Section 95-5. Findings; policies.
8 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
9 (1) Historic and continuous systemic racism has
10 created significant disparities in college access,
11 affordability, and completion for Black, Latinx,
12 low-income, and other underrepresented and historically
13 underserved students.
14 (2) Higher education is examining its role as a
15 contributor to systemic racism, while recognizing its
16 place in providing opportunity and upward mobility, and its
17 role as a powerful actor in dismantling systemic racism.
18 (3) Chicago State University has created the Equity
19 Working Group, which includes statewide representation of
20 private, community, and public sector stakeholders, to
21 create an action plan for employers, the secondary and
22 postsecondary education systems, philanthropic
23 organizations, community-based organizations, and our

HB2170 Enrolled- 155 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 executive and legislative bodies to improve college
2 access, completion, and post-graduation outcomes for Black
3 college students in Illinois.
4 (4) Despite similar numbers of Black high school
5 graduates, Illinois saw about 25,000 fewer Black enrollees
6 in Illinois higher education in 2018 compared to 2008.
7 (5) Illinois must address wide disparities in degree
8 completion at Illinois community colleges, which currently
9 graduate Black and Latinx students at a rate of 14% and 26%
10 respectively compared to the rate of 38% for White
11 students, as well as at public universities, which
12 currently graduate Black and Latinx students at a rate of
13 34% and 49% respectively compared to 66% of White students,
14 within 6 years.
15 (6) The State of Illinois benefits from a diverse
16 public higher education system that includes universities
17 and community colleges with different missions and scopes
18 that maximize college enrollment, persistence, and
19 completion of underrepresented and historically
20 underserved students, including Black and Latinx students
21 and students from low-income families.
22 (7) Illinois has a moral obligation and an economic
23 interest in dismantling and reforming structures that
24 create or exacerbate racial and socioeconomic inequities
25 in K-12 and higher education.
26 (8) The Board of Higher Education has a statutory

HB2170 Enrolled- 156 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 obligation to create a strategic plan for higher education
2 and has adopted core principles to guide this plan.
3 (9) The Board of Higher Education has included among
4 its core principles designed to guide the strategic plan
5 the assumption that excellence coupled with equity should
6 drive the higher education system and that the higher
7 education system will make equity-driven decisions,
8 elevating the voices of those who have been underserved,
9 and actively identify and remove systemic barriers that
10 have prevented students of color, first generation college
11 students, low-income students, adult learners, and rural
12 students from accessing and succeeding in higher
13 education; access and affordability as well as high quality
14 are embedded in the definition of equity.
15 (b) The General Assembly supports all of the following work
16and goals of the Board of Higher Education:
17 (1) Its work on the strategic plan for higher education
18 and the vision it has set forth that over the next 10 years
19 Illinois will have an equitable, accessible, innovative,
20 nimble, and aligned higher education ecosystem that
21 ensures individuals, families, and communities across the
22 state thrive.
23 (2) Its goal to close equity gaps in higher education
24 in Illinois and that the strategic plan will identify
25 multiple strategies to achieve this goal.
26 (3) Its goal to increase postsecondary

HB2170 Enrolled- 157 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 credential/degree attainment and develop talent to drive
2 the economy of Illinois and that the strategic plan will
3 identify strategies to achieve this goal, including
4 embedding equity in the State's attainment goal.
5 (4) Its goal to improve higher education
6 affordability, increase access, and manage costs and the
7 expectation that the strategic plan will identify
8 strategies for stakeholders to achieve these goals,
9 including opportunities to improve efficiency and
10 principles for equitable and adequate ways to fund higher
11 education.
12 (c) The General Assembly encourages the Board of Higher
13Education to prepare an array of policy, practice, and proposed
14legislative changes required to implement the strategic plan,
15along with an implementation process and timeline by May 1,
162021 and to regularly evaluate the impact of the implementation
17of the strategic plan and publicly report the evaluation to
18ensure that the goals are achieved as intended and lead to a
19high-quality, equitable, and diverse higher education system
20in Illinois.
Article 100.
22 Section 100-1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
23Developmental Education Reform Act. References in this Article
24to "this Act" mean this Article.

HB2170 Enrolled- 158 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Section 100-5. Findings. The General Assembly makes all of
2the following findings:
3 (1) Nearly 50% of this State's high school graduates
4 who enroll full-time in a community college are placed in
5 developmental education coursework in at least one
6 subject. Community colleges place nearly 71% of Black
7 students in developmental education courses compared to
8 42% of white students.
9 (2) Traditional developmental education courses cost
10 students time and money and expend their financial aid
11 because a student does not receive college credit for the
12 successful completion of a traditional developmental
13 education course. This can be a barrier to enrollment,
14 persistence, and certificate or degree completion.
15 (3) Developmental education courses can exacerbate
16 inequities in higher education. Community colleges
17 graduate Black students who are placed in developmental
18 education courses at a rate of approximately 8% compared to
19 a graduation rate of 26% for white students who are placed
20 in developmental education courses.
21 (4) A history of inconsistent and inadequate
22 approaches to student placement in community college
23 coursework, such as the reliance on standardized test
24 scores, has resulted in too many students being placed in
25 developmental education coursework who could otherwise

HB2170 Enrolled- 159 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 succeed in introductory college-level coursework or
2 introductory college-level coursework with concurrent
3 support.
4 (5) Developmental education reform is in progress, and
5 public institutions of higher education and State agencies
6 have undertaken voluntary efforts and committed resources
7 to improve placement and to address disparities in the
8 successful completion of introductory college-level
9 coursework.
10 (6) The Illinois Council of Community College
11 Presidents, the Illinois Community College Chief Academic
12 Officers Commission, the Illinois Community College Chief
13 Student Services Officers Commission, and the Illinois
14 Mathematics Association of Community Colleges have already
15 developed and approved a more equitable, multiple measures
16 framework for placement in coursework that is currently
17 implemented at many but not all community colleges.
18 (7) In 2019, members of the General Assembly, faculty
19 and administrators from public institutions of higher
20 education, board trustees from community college
21 districts, representatives from the Board of Higher
22 Education, the Illinois Community College Board, and other
23 appointed stakeholders convened a task force to inventory
24 and study developmental education models employed by
25 public community colleges and universities in this State
26 and to submit a detailed plan for scaling developmental

HB2170 Enrolled- 160 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 education reforms in which all students who are placed in
2 developmental education coursework are enrolled in an
3 evidence-based developmental education model that
4 maximizes a student's likelihood of completing an
5 introductory college-level course within his or her first 2
6 semesters at an institution of higher education. The data
7 released by the task force indicates all of the following:
8 (A) Despite more effective developmental education
9 models, community colleges and universities use the
10 traditional developmental education model for 77% of
11 students who place in a developmental education
12 mathematics course and for 67% of students who place in
13 a developmental English language course.
14 (B) Improved policies, programs, and practices are
15 essential to address the systemic inequities that
16 exist in postsecondary education in this State, such as
17 the disproportionate enrollment of Black students in
18 developmental education courses.
19 (8) To support further reform to developmental
20 education in mathematics, additional work needs to be done
21 in order to more adequately define the math pathways and
22 the various ways that students satisfy mathematics credit
23 requirements depending upon their academic and career
24 pathways.
25 Section 100-10. Definitions. In this Act:

HB2170 Enrolled- 161 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "College-level English language or mathematics course" or
2"college-level English language or mathematics coursework"
3means a course that bears credit and fulfills English language
4or mathematics credit requirements for a baccalaureate degree,
5a certificate, or an associate degree from a postsecondary
6educational institution.
7 "Community college" means a public community college in
8this State.
9 "Developmental education" means instruction through which
10a high school graduate who applies to a college credit program
11may attain the communication and computation skills necessary
12to successfully complete college-level coursework.
13 "Developmental education course" or "developmental
14education coursework" means a course or a category of courses
15in which students are placed based on an institution's finding
16that a student does not have the proficiency necessary to
17succeed in an introductory college-level English language or
18mathematics course.
19 "Institution of higher education" or "institution" means a
20public community college or university in this State.
21 "University" means a public university in this State.
22 Section 100-15. Placement measures.
23 (a) On or before May 1, 2022, a community college shall use
24each of the following measures, as appropriate, to determine
25the placement of a student in introductory college-level

HB2170 Enrolled- 162 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1English language or mathematics coursework and shall use the
2scores set forth in recommendations approved by the Illinois
3Council of Community College Presidents on June 1, 2018:
4 (1) A student's cumulative high school grade point
5 average.
6 (2) A student's successful completion of an
7 appropriate high school transition course in mathematics
8 or English.
9 (3) A student's successful completion of an
10 appropriate developmental education or introductory
11 college-level English language or mathematics course at
12 another regionally accredited postsecondary educational
13 institution.
14 (b) In determining the placement of a student in
15introductory college-level English language or mathematics
16coursework, a community college shall consider the
17standardized test scores provided by the student for placement
18in an introductory college-level English language or
19mathematics course.
20 In addition, a community college is encouraged to use the
21scores set forth in recommendations approved by the Illinois
22Council of Community College Presidents on June 1, 2018 and
23should also consider other individual measures for placement in
24an introductory college-level English language or mathematics
25course, as set forth in recommendations approved by the
26Illinois Council of Community College Presidents on June 1,

HB2170 Enrolled- 163 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
12018, and the scores set forth in those recommendations.
2 In its discretion, a community college may accept a lower
3score on individual placement measures or accept lower scores
4in combination with other placement measures than those set
5forth in the recommendations.
6 (c) If a student qualifies for placement in an introductory
7college-level English language or mathematics course using a
8single measure under subsection (a) or (b), no additional
9measures need to be considered for placement of the student in
10the introductory college-level English language or mathematics
12 Section 100-20. Recommendations of Illinois Council of
13Community College Presidents recommendation revisions; math
15 (a) If the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents
16approves any revised recommendations for determining the
17placement of students in introductory college-level English
18language or mathematics courses in response to changes in
19scoring systems, the introduction and use of additional
20measures, or evidence that demonstrates the inaccuracy in the
21use of scores in previous recommendations, then, within one
22year after the date of the adoption of those revised
23recommendations, references in this Act to recommendations
24approved by the Illinois Council of Community College
25Presidents on June 1, 2018 shall mean the revised

HB2170 Enrolled- 164 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1recommendations. The General Assembly may request that the
2Illinois Council of Community College Presidents provide to the
3General Assembly the rationale and supporting evidence for any
4revision to the Council's recommendations.
5 (b) Beginning no later than December 1, 2021, the Illinois
6Board of Higher Education shall convene stakeholders to
7consider a multiple measures framework for placement into
8college-level coursework for Illinois public universities with
9considerations for math pathways and major requirements.
10 Section 100-25. Placement policy; report.
11 (a) Each institution of higher education shall publicly
12post its placement policy in a manner that is easily accessible
13to both students and prospective students.
14 (b) On or before July 1, 2023, the Illinois Community
15College Board shall issue a report, which shall be made
16available to the public on its Internet website, concerning
17each community college's developmental education and
18college-level coursework placement policy and the policy's
19outcomes. The data disclosed in the report must be consistent
20with the Illinois Community College Board's requirements for
21data collection and should be disaggregated by developmental
22education course model, as defined by the Illinois Community
23College Board, and by gender, race and ethnicity, and federal
24Pell Grant status.

HB2170 Enrolled- 165 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Section 100-30. Institutional plans; report.
2 (a) On or before May 1, 2022, each university shall submit
3to the Board of Higher Education and each community college
4shall submit to the Illinois Community College Board its
5institutional plan for scaling evidence-based developmental
6education reforms to maximize the probability that a student
7will be placed in and successfully complete introductory
8college-level English language or mathematics coursework
9within 2 semesters at the institution. At a minimum, a plan
10submitted by an institution shall include all of the following:
11 (1) A description of the current developmental
12 education models offered by the institution. If the
13 institution does not currently offer developmental
14 education coursework, it must provide details regarding
15 its decision not to offer developmental education
16 coursework and the pathways that are available to students
17 deemed to be insufficiently prepared for introductory
18 college-level English language or mathematics coursework.
19 (2) A description of the developmental education
20 models that will be implemented and scaled and the basis of
21 the evidence and associated data that the institution
22 considered in making the decision to scale each model.
23 (3) Baseline data and benchmarks for progress,
24 including, but not limited to, (i) enrollment in
25 credit-bearing English language or mathematics courses,
26 (ii) rates of successful completion of introductory

HB2170 Enrolled- 166 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 college-level English language or mathematics courses, and
2 (iii) college-credit accumulation.
3 (4) Detailed plans for scaling reforms and improving
4 outcomes for all students placed in traditional
5 developmental education models or models with comparable
6 introductory college-level course completion rates. The
7 plan shall provide details about the expected improvements
8 in educational outcomes for Black students as result of the
9 proposed reforms.
10 (b) On or before January 1, 2023 and every 2 years
11thereafter, the Board of Higher Education and Illinois
12Community College Board shall collect data and report to the
13General Assembly and the public the status of developmental
14education reforms at institutions. The report must include data
15on the progress of the developmental education reforms,
16including, but not limited to, (i) enrollment in credit-bearing
17English language or mathematics courses, (ii) rates of
18successful completion of introductory college-level English
19language or mathematics courses, and (iii) college-credit
20accumulation. The data should be disaggregated by gender, race
21and ethnicity, federal Pell Grant status, and other variables
22of interest to the Board of Higher Education and the Illinois
23Community College Board.
24 (c) On or before January 1, 2024 and every 2 years
25thereafter, the Board of Higher Education and Illinois
26Community College Board, in consultation with institutions of

HB2170 Enrolled- 167 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1higher education and other stakeholders, shall consider
2additional data reporting requirements to facilitate the
3rigorous and continuous evaluation of each institution's
4implementation plan and its impact on improving outcomes for
5students in developmental education, particularly for Black
7 Section 100-90. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
8of 1974. Nothing in this Act supersedes the federal Family
9Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 or rules adopted
10pursuant to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy
11Act of 1974.
Article 115.
13 Section 115-5. The School Code is amended by changing
14Section 21B-50 as follows:
15 (105 ILCS 5/21B-50)
16 Sec. 21B-50. Alternative Educator Licensure Program.
17 (a) There is established an alternative educator licensure
18program, to be known as the Alternative Educator Licensure
19Program for Teachers.
20 (b) The Alternative Educator Licensure Program for
21Teachers may be offered by a recognized institution approved to
22offer educator preparation programs by the State Board of

HB2170 Enrolled- 168 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1Education, in consultation with the State Educator Preparation
2and Licensure Board.
3 The program shall be comprised of 4 phases:
4 (1) A course of study that at a minimum includes
5 instructional planning; instructional strategies,
6 including special education, reading, and English language
7 learning; classroom management; and the assessment of
8 students and use of data to drive instruction.
9 (2) A year of residency, which is a candidate's
10 assignment to a full-time teaching position or as a
11 co-teacher for one full school year. An individual must
12 hold an Educator License with Stipulations with an
13 alternative provisional educator endorsement in order to
14 enter the residency and must complete additional program
15 requirements that address required State and national
16 standards, pass the State Board's teacher performance
17 assessment no later than the end of the first semester of
18 the second year of residency, as required under phase (3)
19 of this subsection (b), and be recommended by the principal
20 or qualified equivalent of a principal, as required under
21 subsection (d) of this Section, and the program coordinator
22 to continue with the second year of the residency.
23 (3) A second year of residency, which shall include the
24 candidate's assignment to a full-time teaching position
25 for one school year. The candidate must be assigned an
26 experienced teacher to act as a mentor and coach the

HB2170 Enrolled- 169 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 candidate through the second year of residency.
2 (4) A comprehensive assessment of the candidate's
3 teaching effectiveness, as evaluated by the principal or
4 qualified equivalent of a principal, as required under
5 subsection (d) of this Section, and the program
6 coordinator, at the end of the second year of residency. If
7 there is disagreement between the 2 evaluators about the
8 candidate's teaching effectiveness, the candidate may
9 complete one additional year of residency teaching under a
10 professional development plan developed by the principal
11 or qualified equivalent and the preparation program. At the
12 completion of the third year, a candidate must have
13 positive evaluations and a recommendation for full
14 licensure from both the principal or qualified equivalent
15 and the program coordinator or no Professional Educator
16 License shall be issued.
17 Successful completion of the program shall be deemed to
18satisfy any other practice or student teaching and content
19matter requirements established by law.
20 (c) An alternative provisional educator endorsement on an
21Educator License with Stipulations is valid for 2 years of
22teaching in the public schools, including without limitation a
23preschool educational program under Section 2-3.71 of this Code
24or charter school, or in a State-recognized nonpublic school in
25which the chief administrator is required to have the licensure
26necessary to be a principal in a public school in this State

HB2170 Enrolled- 170 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1and in which a majority of the teachers are required to have
2the licensure necessary to be instructors in a public school in
3this State, but may be renewed for a third year if needed to
4complete the Alternative Educator Licensure Program for
5Teachers. The endorsement shall be issued only once to an
6individual who meets all of the following requirements:
7 (1) Has graduated from a regionally accredited college
8 or university with a bachelor's degree or higher.
9 (2) (Blank). Has a cumulative grade point average of
10 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent on another
11 scale.
12 (3) Has completed a major in the content area if
13 seeking a middle or secondary level endorsement or, if
14 seeking an early childhood, elementary, or special
15 education endorsement, has completed a major in the content
16 area of reading, English/language arts, mathematics, or
17 one of the sciences. If the individual does not have a
18 major in a content area for any level of teaching, he or
19 she must submit transcripts to the State Board of Education
20 to be reviewed for equivalency.
21 (4) Has successfully completed phase (1) of subsection
22 (b) of this Section.
23 (5) Has passed a content area test required for the
24 specific endorsement for admission into the program, as
25 required under Section 21B-30 of this Code.
26 A candidate possessing the alternative provisional

HB2170 Enrolled- 171 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1educator endorsement may receive a salary, benefits, and any
2other terms of employment offered to teachers in the school who
3are members of an exclusive bargaining representative, if any,
4but a school is not required to provide these benefits during
5the years of residency if the candidate is serving only as a
6co-teacher. If the candidate is serving as the teacher of
7record, the candidate must receive a salary, benefits, and any
8other terms of employment. Residency experiences must not be
9counted towards tenure.
10 (d) The recognized institution offering the Alternative
11Educator Licensure Program for Teachers must partner with a
12school district, including without limitation a preschool
13educational program under Section 2-3.71 of this Code or
14charter school, or a State-recognized, nonpublic school in this
15State in which the chief administrator is required to have the
16licensure necessary to be a principal in a public school in
17this State and in which a majority of the teachers are required
18to have the licensure necessary to be instructors in a public
19school in this State. A recognized institution that partners
20with a public school district administering a preschool
21educational program under Section 2-3.71 of this Code must
22require a principal to recommend or evaluate candidates in the
23program. A recognized institution that partners with an
24eligible entity administering a preschool educational program
25under Section 2-3.71 of this Code and that is not a public
26school district must require a principal or qualified

HB2170 Enrolled- 172 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1equivalent of a principal to recommend or evaluate candidates
2in the program. The program presented for approval by the State
3Board of Education must demonstrate the supports that are to be
4provided to assist the provisional teacher during the 2-year
5residency period. These supports must provide additional
6contact hours with mentors during the first year of residency.
7 (e) Upon completion of the 4 phases outlined in subsection
8(b) of this Section and all assessments required under Section
921B-30 of this Code, an individual shall receive a Professional
10Educator License.
11 (f) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the
12State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board, may adopt such
13rules as may be necessary to establish and implement the
14Alternative Educator Licensure Program for Teachers.
15(Source: P.A. 100-596, eff. 7-1-18; 100-822, eff. 1-1-19;
16101-220, eff. 8-7-19; 101-570, eff. 8-23-19; 101-643, eff.
Article 120.
19 Section 120-5. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act
20is amended by changing Section 50 as follows:
21 (110 ILCS 947/50)
22 Sec. 50. Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship

HB2170 Enrolled- 173 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (a) As used in this Section:
2 "Eligible applicant" means a minority student who has
3 graduated from high school or has received a high school
4 equivalency certificate and has maintained a cumulative
5 grade point average of no less than 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and
6 who by reason thereof is entitled to apply for scholarships
7 to be awarded under this Section.
8 "Minority student" means a student who is any of the
9 following:
10 (1) American Indian or Alaska Native (a person
11 having origins in any of the original peoples of North
12 and South America, including Central America, and who
13 maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment).
14 (2) Asian (a person having origins in any of the
15 original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or
16 the Indian subcontinent, including, but not limited
17 to, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
18 Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and
19 Vietnam).
20 (3) Black or African American (a person having
21 origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa).
22 Terms such as "Haitian" or "Negro" can be used in
23 addition to "Black or African American".
24 (4) Hispanic or Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican,
25 Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other
26 Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race).

HB2170 Enrolled- 174 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (5) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (a
2 person having origins in any of the original peoples of
3 Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands).
4 "Qualified bilingual minority applicant" means a
5 qualified student who demonstrates proficiency in a
6 language other than English by (i) receiving a State Seal
7 of Biliteracy from the State Board of Education or (ii)
8 receiving a passing score on an educator licensure target
9 language proficiency test.
10 "Qualified student" means a person (i) who is a
11 resident of this State and a citizen or permanent resident
12 of the United States; (ii) who is a minority student, as
13 defined in this Section; (iii) who, as an eligible
14 applicant, has made a timely application for a minority
15 teaching scholarship under this Section; (iv) who is
16 enrolled on at least a half-time basis at a qualified
17 Illinois institution of higher learning; (v) who is
18 enrolled in a course of study leading to teacher licensure,
19 including alternative teacher licensure, or, if the
20 student is already licensed to teach, in a course of study
21 leading to an additional teaching endorsement or a master's
22 degree in an academic field in which he or she is teaching
23 or plans to teach or who has received one or more College
24 and Career Pathway Endorsements pursuant to Section 80 of
25 the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act and commits
26 to enrolling in a course of study leading to teacher

HB2170 Enrolled- 175 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 licensure, including alternative teacher licensure; (vi)
2 who maintains a grade point average of no less than 2.5 on
3 a 4.0 scale; and (vii) who continues to advance
4 satisfactorily toward the attainment of a degree.
5 (b) In order to encourage academically talented Illinois
6minority students to pursue teaching careers at the preschool
7or elementary or secondary school level and to address and
8alleviate the teacher shortage crisis in this State described
9under the provisions of the Transitions in Education Act, each
10qualified student shall be awarded a minority teacher
11scholarship to any qualified Illinois institution of higher
12learning. However, preference may be given to qualified
13applicants enrolled at or above the junior level.
14 (c) Each minority teacher scholarship awarded under this
15Section shall be in an amount sufficient to pay the tuition and
16fees and room and board costs of the qualified Illinois
17institution of higher learning at which the recipient is
18enrolled, up to an annual maximum of $5,000; except that in the
19case of a recipient who does not reside on-campus at the
20institution at which he or she is enrolled, the amount of the
21scholarship shall be sufficient to pay tuition and fee expenses
22and a commuter allowance, up to an annual maximum of $5,000.
23However, if at least $2,850,000 is appropriated in a given
24fiscal year for the Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship
25program, then, in each fiscal year thereafter, each scholarship
26awarded under this Section shall be in an amount sufficient to

HB2170 Enrolled- 176 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1pay the tuition and fees and room and board costs of the
2qualified Illinois institution of higher learning at which the
3recipient is enrolled, up to an annual maximum of $7,500;
4except that in the case of a recipient who does not reside
5on-campus at the institution at which he or she is enrolled,
6the amount of the scholarship shall be sufficient to pay
7tuition and fee expenses and a commuter allowance, up to an
8annual maximum of $7,500.
9 (d) The total amount of minority teacher scholarship
10assistance awarded by the Commission under this Section to an
11individual in any given fiscal year, when added to other
12financial assistance awarded to that individual for that year,
13shall not exceed the cost of attendance at the institution at
14which the student is enrolled. If the amount of minority
15teacher scholarship to be awarded to a qualified student as
16provided in subsection (c) of this Section exceeds the cost of
17attendance at the institution at which the student is enrolled,
18the minority teacher scholarship shall be reduced by an amount
19equal to the amount by which the combined financial assistance
20available to the student exceeds the cost of attendance.
21 (e) The maximum number of academic terms for which a
22qualified student can receive minority teacher scholarship
23assistance shall be 8 semesters or 12 quarters.
24 (f) In any academic year for which an eligible applicant
25under this Section accepts financial assistance through the
26Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship Program, as authorized by

HB2170 Enrolled- 177 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1Section 551 et seq. of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the
2applicant shall not be eligible for scholarship assistance
3awarded under this Section.
4 (g) All applications for minority teacher scholarships to
5be awarded under this Section shall be made to the Commission
6on forms which the Commission shall provide for eligible
7applicants. The form of applications and the information
8required to be set forth therein shall be determined by the
9Commission, and the Commission shall require eligible
10applicants to submit with their applications such supporting
11documents or recommendations as the Commission deems
13 (h) Subject to a separate appropriation for such purposes,
14payment of any minority teacher scholarship awarded under this
15Section shall be determined by the Commission. All scholarship
16funds distributed in accordance with this subsection shall be
17paid to the institution and used only for payment of the
18tuition and fee and room and board expenses incurred by the
19student in connection with his or her attendance at a qualified
20Illinois institution of higher learning. Any minority teacher
21scholarship awarded under this Section shall be applicable to 2
22semesters or 3 quarters of enrollment. If a qualified student
23withdraws from enrollment prior to completion of the first
24semester or quarter for which the minority teacher scholarship
25is applicable, the school shall refund to the Commission the
26full amount of the minority teacher scholarship.

HB2170 Enrolled- 178 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (i) The Commission shall administer the minority teacher
2scholarship aid program established by this Section and shall
3make all necessary and proper rules not inconsistent with this
4Section for its effective implementation.
5 (j) When an appropriation to the Commission for a given
6fiscal year is insufficient to provide scholarships to all
7qualified students, the Commission shall allocate the
8appropriation in accordance with this subsection. If funds are
9insufficient to provide all qualified students with a
10scholarship as authorized by this Section, the Commission shall
11allocate the available scholarship funds for that fiscal year
12to qualified students who submit a complete application form on
13or before a date specified by the Commission based on the
14following order of priority:
15 (1) To students who received a scholarship under this
16 Section in the prior academic year and who remain eligible
17 for a minority teacher scholarship under this Section.
18 (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (k), to
19 students who demonstrate financial need, as determined by
20 the Commission. on the basis of the date the Commission
21 receives a complete application form.
22 (k) Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of the provisions of
23subsection (j) or any other provision of this Section, at least
2435% 30% of the funds appropriated for scholarships awarded
25under this Section in each fiscal year shall be reserved for
26qualified male minority applicants, with priority being given

HB2170 Enrolled- 179 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1to qualified Black male applicants beginning with fiscal year
22023. If the Commission does not receive enough applications
3from qualified male minorities on or before January 1 of each
4fiscal year to award 35% 30% of the funds appropriated for
5these scholarships to qualified male minority applicants, then
6the Commission may award a portion of the reserved funds to
7qualified female minority applicants in accordance with
8subsection (j).
9 Beginning with fiscal year 2023, if at least $2,850,000 but
10less than $4,200,000 is appropriated in a given fiscal year for
11scholarships awarded under this Section, then at least 10% of
12the funds appropriated shall be reserved for qualified
13bilingual minority applicants, with priority being given to
14qualified bilingual minority applicants who are enrolled in an
15educator preparation program with a concentration in
16bilingual, bicultural education. Beginning with fiscal year
172023, if at least $4,200,000 is appropriated in a given fiscal
18year for the Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship program,
19then at least 30% of the funds appropriated shall be reserved
20for qualified bilingual minority applicants, with priority
21being given to qualified bilingual minority applicants who are
22enrolled in an educator preparation program with a
23concentration in bilingual, bicultural education. Beginning
24with fiscal year 2023, if at least $2,850,000 is appropriated
25in a given fiscal year for scholarships awarded under this
26Section but the Commission does not receive enough applications

HB2170 Enrolled- 180 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1from qualified bilingual minority applicants on or before
2January 1 of that fiscal year to award at least 10% of the
3funds appropriated to qualified bilingual minority applicants,
4then the Commission may, in its discretion, award a portion of
5the reserved funds to other qualified students in accordance
6with subsection (j).
7 (l) Prior to receiving scholarship assistance for any
8academic year, each recipient of a minority teacher scholarship
9awarded under this Section shall be required by the Commission
10to sign an agreement under which the recipient pledges that,
11within the one-year period following the termination of the
12program for which the recipient was awarded a minority teacher
13scholarship, the recipient (i) shall begin teaching for a
14period of not less than one year for each year of scholarship
15assistance he or she was awarded under this Section; and (ii)
16shall fulfill this teaching obligation at a nonprofit Illinois
17public, private, or parochial preschool, elementary school, or
18secondary school at which no less than 30% of the enrolled
19students are minority students in the year during which the
20recipient begins teaching at the school or may instead, if the
21recipient received a scholarship as a qualified bilingual
22minority applicant, fulfill this teaching obligation in a
23program in transitional bilingual education pursuant to
24Article 14C of the School Code or in a school in which 20 or
25more English learner students in the same language
26classification are enrolled; and (iii) shall, upon request by

HB2170 Enrolled- 181 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1the Commission, provide the Commission with evidence that he or
2she is fulfilling or has fulfilled the terms of the teaching
3agreement provided for in this subsection.
4 (m) If a recipient of a minority teacher scholarship
5awarded under this Section fails to fulfill the teaching
6obligation set forth in subsection (l) of this Section, the
7Commission shall require the recipient to repay the amount of
8the scholarships received, prorated according to the fraction
9of the teaching obligation not completed, at a rate of interest
10equal to 5%, and, if applicable, reasonable collection fees.
11The Commission is authorized to establish rules relating to its
12collection activities for repayment of scholarships under this
13Section. All repayments collected under this Section shall be
14forwarded to the State Comptroller for deposit into the State's
15General Revenue Fund.
16 (n) A recipient of minority teacher scholarship shall not
17be considered in violation of the agreement entered into
18pursuant to subsection (l) if the recipient (i) enrolls on a
19full time basis as a graduate student in a course of study
20related to the field of teaching at a qualified Illinois
21institution of higher learning; (ii) is serving, not in excess
22of 3 years, as a member of the armed services of the United
23States; (iii) is a person with a temporary total disability for
24a period of time not to exceed 3 years as established by sworn
25affidavit of a qualified physician; (iv) is seeking and unable
26to find full time employment as a teacher at an Illinois

HB2170 Enrolled- 182 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1public, private, or parochial preschool or elementary or
2secondary school that satisfies the criteria set forth in
3subsection (l) of this Section and is able to provide evidence
4of that fact; (v) becomes a person with a permanent total
5disability as established by sworn affidavit of a qualified
6physician; (vi) is taking additional courses, on at least a
7half-time basis, needed to obtain licensure as a teacher in
8Illinois; or (vii) is fulfilling teaching requirements
9associated with other programs administered by the Commission
10and cannot concurrently fulfill them under this Section in a
11period of time equal to the length of the teaching obligation.
12 (o) Scholarship recipients under this Section who withdraw
13from a program of teacher education but remain enrolled in
14school to continue their postsecondary studies in another
15academic discipline shall not be required to commence repayment
16of their Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship so long as
17they remain enrolled in school on a full-time basis or if they
18can document for the Commission special circumstances that
19warrant extension of repayment.
20 (p) If the Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship
21program does not expend at least 90% of the amount appropriated
22for the program in a given fiscal year for 3 consecutive fiscal
23years and the Commission does not receive enough applications
24from the groups identified in subsection (k) on or before
25January 1 in each of those fiscal years to meet the percentage
26reserved for those groups under subsection (k), then up to 3%

HB2170 Enrolled- 183 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1of amount appropriated for the program for each of next 3
2fiscal years shall be allocated to increasing awareness of the
3program and for the recruitment of Black male applicants. The
4Commission shall make a recommendation to the General Assembly
5by January 1 of the year immediately following the end of that
6third fiscal year regarding whether the amount allocated to
7increasing awareness and recruitment should continue.
8 (q) Each qualified Illinois institution of higher learning
9that receives funds from the Minority Teachers of Illinois
10scholarship program shall host an annual information session at
11the institution about the program for teacher candidates of
12color in accordance with rules adopted by the Commission.
13Additionally, the institution shall ensure that each
14scholarship recipient enrolled at the institution meets with an
15academic advisor at least once per academic year to facilitate
16on-time completion of the recipient's educator preparation
18 (r) The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act
19of the 101st General Assembly will first take effect with
20awards made for the 2022-2023 academic year.
21(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; 100-235, eff. 6-1-18.)
Article 125.
23 Section 125-5. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act
24is amended by changing Section 65.100 as follows:

HB2170 Enrolled- 184 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (110 ILCS 947/65.100)
2 (Section scheduled to be repealed on October 1, 2024)
3 Sec. 65.100. AIM HIGH Grant Pilot Program.
4 (a) The General Assembly makes all of the following
6 (1) Both access and affordability are important
7 aspects of the Illinois Public Agenda for College and
8 Career Success report.
9 (2) This State is in the top quartile with respect to
10 the percentage of family income needed to pay for college.
11 (3) Research suggests that as loan amounts increase,
12 rather than an increase in grant amounts, the probability
13 of college attendance decreases.
14 (4) There is further research indicating that
15 socioeconomic status may affect the willingness of
16 students to use loans to attend college.
17 (5) Strategic use of tuition discounting can decrease
18 the amount of loans that students must use to pay for
19 tuition.
20 (6) A modest, individually tailored tuition discount
21 can make the difference in a student choosing to attend
22 college and enhance college access for low-income and
23 middle-income families.
24 (7) Even if the federally calculated financial need for
25 college attendance is met, the federally determined

HB2170 Enrolled- 185 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Expected Family Contribution can still be a daunting
2 amount.
3 (8) This State is the second largest exporter of
4 students in the country.
5 (9) When talented Illinois students attend
6 universities in this State, the State and those
7 universities benefit.
8 (10) State universities in other states have adopted
9 pricing and incentives that allow many Illinois residents
10 to pay less to attend an out-of-state university than to
11 remain in this State for college.
12 (11) Supporting Illinois student attendance at
13 Illinois public universities can assist in State efforts to
14 maintain and educate a highly trained workforce.
15 (12) Modest tuition discounts that are individually
16 targeted and tailored can result in enhanced revenue for
17 public universities.
18 (13) By increasing a public university's capacity to
19 strategically use tuition discounting, the public
20 university will be capable of creating enhanced tuition
21 revenue by increasing enrollment yields.
22 (b) In this Section:
23 "Eligible applicant" means a student from any high school
24in this State, whether or not recognized by the State Board of
25Education, who is engaged in a program of study that in due
26course will be completed by the end of the school year and who

HB2170 Enrolled- 186 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1meets all of the qualifications and requirements under this
3 "Tuition and other necessary fees" includes the customary
4charge for instruction and use of facilities in general and the
5additional fixed fees charged for specified purposes that are
6required generally of non-grant recipients for each academic
7period for which the grant applicant actually enrolls, but does
8not include fees payable only once or breakage fees and other
9contingent deposits that are refundable in whole or in part.
10The Commission may adopt, by rule not inconsistent with this
11Section, detailed provisions concerning the computation of
12tuition and other necessary fees.
13 (c) Beginning with the 2019-2020 academic year, each public
14university may establish a merit-based scholarship pilot
15program known as the AIM HIGH Grant Pilot Program. Each year,
16the Commission shall receive and consider applications from
17public universities under this Section. Subject to
18appropriation and any tuition waiver limitation established by
19the Board of Higher Education, a public university campus may
20award a grant to a student under this Section if it finds that
21the applicant meets all of the following criteria:
22 (1) He or she is a resident of this State and a citizen
23 or eligible noncitizen of the United States.
24 (2) He or she files a Free Application for Federal
25 Student Aid and demonstrates financial need with a
26 household income no greater than 6 times the poverty

HB2170 Enrolled- 187 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by
2 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services under the
3 authority of 42 U.S.C. 9902(2). The household income of the
4 applicant at the time of initial application shall be
5 deemed to be the household income of the applicant for the
6 duration of the pilot program.
7 (3) He or she meets the minimum cumulative grade point
8 average or ACT or SAT college admissions test score, as
9 determined by the public university campus.
10 (4) He or she is enrolled in a public university as an
11 undergraduate student on a full-time basis.
12 (5) He or she has not yet received a baccalaureate
13 degree or the equivalent of 135 semester credit hours.
14 (6) He or she is not incarcerated.
15 (7) He or she is not in default on any student loan or
16 does not owe a refund or repayment on any State or federal
17 grant or scholarship.
18 (8) Any other reasonable criteria, as determined by the
19 public university campus.
20 (d) Each public university campus shall determine grant
21renewal criteria consistent with the requirements under this
23 (e) Each participating public university campus shall post
24on its Internet website criteria and eligibility requirements
25for receiving awards that use funds under this Section that
26include a range in the sizes of these individual awards. The

HB2170 Enrolled- 188 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1criteria and amounts must also be reported to the Commission
2and the Board of Higher Education, who shall post the
3information on their respective Internet websites.
4 (f) After enactment of an appropriation for this Program,
5the Commission shall determine an allocation of funds to each
6public university in an amount proportionate to the number of
7undergraduate students who are residents of this State and
8citizens or eligible noncitizens of the United States and who
9were enrolled at each public university campus in the previous
10academic year. All applications must be made to the Commission
11on or before a date determined by the Commission and on forms
12that the Commission shall provide to each public university
13campus. The form of the application and the information
14required shall be determined by the Commission and shall
15include, without limitation, the total public university
16campus funds used to match funds received from the Commission
17in the previous academic year under this Section, if any, the
18total enrollment of undergraduate students who are residents of
19this State from the previous academic year, and any supporting
20documents as the Commission deems necessary. Each public
21university campus shall match the amount of funds received by
22the Commission with financial aid for eligible students.
23 A public university in which an average of at least 49% of
24the students seeking a bachelor's degree or certificate
25received a Pell Grant over the prior 3 academic years, as
26reported to the Commission, shall match 20% of the amount of

HB2170 Enrolled- 189 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1funds awarded in a given academic year with non-loan financial
2aid for eligible students. A public university in which an
3average of less than 49% of the students seeking a bachelor's
4degree or certificate received a Pell Grant over the prior 3
5academic years, as reported to the Commission, shall match 60%
6of the amount of funds awarded in a given academic year with
7non-loan financial aid for eligible students.
8 A public university campus is not required to claim its
9entire allocation. The Commission shall make available to all
10public universities, on a date determined by the Commission,
11any unclaimed funds and the funds must be made available to
12those public university campuses in the proportion determined
13under this subsection (f), excluding from the calculation those
14public university campuses not claiming their full
16 Each public university campus may determine the award
17amounts for eligible students on an individual or broad basis,
18but, subject to renewal eligibility, each renewed award may not
19be less than the amount awarded to the eligible student in his
20or her first year attending the public university campus.
21Notwithstanding this limitation, a renewal grant may be reduced
22due to changes in the student's cost of attendance, including,
23but not limited to, if a student reduces the number of credit
24hours in which he or she is enrolled, but remains a full-time
25student, or switches to a course of study with a lower tuition

HB2170 Enrolled- 190 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 An eligible applicant awarded grant assistance under this
2Section is eligible to receive other financial aid. Total grant
3aid to the student from all sources may not exceed the total
4cost of attendance at the public university campus.
5 (g) All money allocated to a public university campus under
6this Section may be used only for financial aid purposes for
7students attending the public university campus during the
8academic year, not including summer terms. Notwithstanding any
9other provision of law to the contrary, any funds received by a
10public university campus under this Section that are not
11granted to students in the academic year for which the funds
12are received may be retained by the public university campus
13for expenditure on students participating in the Program or
14students eligible to participate in the Program.
15 (h) Each public university campus that establishes a
16Program under this Section must annually report to the
17Commission, on or before a date determined by the Commission,
18the number of undergraduate students enrolled at that campus
19who are residents of this State.
20 (i) Each public university campus must report to the
21Commission the total non-loan financial aid amount given by the
22public university campus to undergraduate students in the
232017-2018 academic year, not including the summer term. To be
24eligible to receive funds under the Program, a public
25university campus may not decrease the total amount of non-loan
26financial aid it gives to undergraduate students, not including

HB2170 Enrolled- 191 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1any funds received from the Commission under this Section or
2any funds used to match grant awards under this Section, to an
3amount lower than the reported amount for the 2017-2018
4academic year, not including the summer term.
5 (j) On or before a date determined by the Commission, each
6public university campus that participates in the Program under
7this Section shall annually submit a report to the Commission
8with all of the following information:
9 (1) The Program's impact on tuition revenue and
10 enrollment goals and increase in access and affordability
11 at the public university campus.
12 (2) Total funds received by the public university
13 campus under the Program.
14 (3) Total non-loan financial aid awarded to
15 undergraduate students attending the public university
16 campus.
17 (4) Total amount of funds matched by the public
18 university campus.
19 (5) Total amount of claimed and unexpended funds
20 retained by the public university campus.
21 (6) The percentage of total financial aid distributed
22 under the Program by the public university campus.
23 (7) The total number of students receiving grants from
24 the public university campus under the Program and those
25 students' grade level, race, gender, income level, family
26 size, Monetary Award Program eligibility, Pell Grant

HB2170 Enrolled- 192 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 eligibility, and zip code of residence and the amount of
2 each grant award. This information shall include unit
3 record data on those students regarding variables
4 associated with the parameters of the public university's
5 Program, including, but not limited to, a student's ACT or
6 SAT college admissions test score, high school or
7 university cumulative grade point average, or program of
8 study.
9 On or before October 1, 2020 and annually on or before
10October 1 thereafter, the Commission shall submit a report with
11the findings under this subsection (j) and any other
12information regarding the AIM HIGH Grant Pilot Program to (i)
13the Governor, (ii) the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
14(iii) the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, (iv)
15the President of the Senate, and (v) the Minority Leader of the
16Senate. The reports to the General Assembly shall be filed with
17the Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Secretary of
18the Senate in electronic form only, in the manner that the
19Clerk and the Secretary shall direct. The Commission's report
20may not disaggregate data to a level that may disclose
21personally identifying information of individual students.
22 The sharing and reporting of student data under this
23subsection (j) must be in accordance with the requirements
24under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
251974 and the Illinois School Student Records Act. All parties
26must preserve the confidentiality of the information as

HB2170 Enrolled- 193 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1required by law. The names of the grant recipients under this
2Section are not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of
3Information Act.
4 Public university campuses that fail to submit a report
5under this subsection (j) or that fail to adhere to any other
6requirements under this Section may not be eligible for
7distribution of funds under the Program for the next academic
8year, but may be eligible for distribution of funds for each
9academic year thereafter.
10 (k) The Commission shall adopt rules to implement this
12 (l) This Section is repealed on October 1, 2024.
13(Source: P.A. 100-587, eff. 6-4-18; 100-1015, eff. 8-21-18;
14100-1183, eff. 4-4-19; 101-81, eff. 7-12-19; 101-613, eff.
156-1-20; 101-643, eff. 6-18-20.)
Article 130.
17 Section 130-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as
18the Transitions in Education Act. References in this Article to
19"this Act" mean this Article.
20 Section 130-5. Findings; policies.
21 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
22 (1) Teachers are the single most important in-school
23 factor in supporting student outcomes and success; yet,

HB2170 Enrolled- 194 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Illinois is suffering from a profound teacher shortage
2 across the State.
3 (2) To reverse this shortage, Illinois needs to develop
4 and invest in a robust and diverse educator pipeline,
5 addressing any barriers or gaps that limit high quality
6 candidates, particularly candidates of color, from
7 becoming teachers.
8 (3) Illinois loses many high quality, diverse educator
9 candidates in postsecondary programs due to confusion or
10 lack of course transfer credits and course articulation
11 from Illinois's 2-year to 4-year institutions.
12 (4) Lack of alignment and transferability of course
13 credits may often force candidates to spend additional time
14 and money to earn a degree or lead to an inability to
15 complete a degree.
16 (5) In 1993, the Board of Higher Education, the
17 Illinois Community College Board, and the Transfer
18 Coordinators of Illinois Colleges and Universities brought
19 together faculty from public and independent, associate,
20 and baccalaureate degree-granting institutions across the
21 State to develop the Illinois Articulation Initiative
22 (IAI).
23 (6) The goal of IAI is to facilitate the transfer of
24 courses from one participating college or university to
25 another in order to complete a baccalaureate degree.
26 (7) The Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR)

HB2170 Enrolled- 195 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Act, as mandated by subsection (b) of Section 25 of the
2 Act, is designed to facilitate transfer among Illinois
3 public institutions, particularly for students with a
4 completed Associate of Arts or an Associate of Science
5 degree.
6 (8) While Illinois is a leading state for college
7 completion rates for adult learners and transfer students
8 from community colleges, it needs to increase the number of
9 high-quality postsecondary teaching credentials to meet
10 the demands of our schools and education workforce.
11 (9) With the rising costs of higher education for
12 Illinois students and families, the State needs to ensure
13 to the maximize extent possible that community college
14 courses will transfer with full credit for the student and
15 be accepted at an Illinois public or private institution as
16 they pursue a baccalaureate degree in education.
17 (10) Illinois can do this by improving transitions all
18 along the education pipeline; for postsecondary education,
19 this means strengthening articulation through stable
20 funding and the expansion of transfer tools, such as
21 Transferology and the IAI through development of an
22 objective measure of transfer and acceptance of credits in
23 education degrees.
24 (11) The IAI Education Pathway can be modeled off of
25 existing IAI major pathways like Early Childhood Education
26 and Criminal Justice.

HB2170 Enrolled- 196 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (b) The General Assembly encourages the Board of Higher
2Education, the State Board of Education, and the Illinois
3Community College Board, as part of the IAI, to do the
5 (1) The Board of Higher Education, the State Board of
6 Education, and the Illinois Community College Board are
7 encouraged to jointly establish a task force for a Major
8 Panel in Education and identify respective recommended
9 major courses that would be accepted as credit toward the
10 education major at the receiving institutions.
11 (2) As part of the report on the status of the Illinois
12 Articulation Initiative pursuant to Section 25 of the
13 Illinois Articulation Initiative Act, the Board of Higher
14 Education and the Illinois Community College Board are
15 encouraged to include in the annual report to the General
16 Assembly, the Governor, and the Illinois P-20 Council the
17 progress made on the task force on the Education Major
18 Panel.
19 (3) The Board of Higher Education, the State Board of
20 Education, and the Illinois Community College Board are
21 encouraged to further promote and encourage the enrollment
22 of minority students into educator preparation programs,
23 such as the annual information session about the Minority
24 Teachers of Illinois scholarship program pursuant to
25 subsection (q) of Section 50 of the Higher Education
26 Student Assistance Act.

HB2170 Enrolled- 197 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
Article 135.
2 Section 135-5. The School Code is amended by changing
3Sections 2-3.25 and 27-20.4 and by adding Section 2-3.187 as
5 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.25) (from Ch. 122, par. 2-3.25)
6 Sec. 2-3.25. Standards for schools.
7 (a) To determine for all types of schools conducted under
8this Act efficient and adequate standards for the physical
9plant, heating, lighting, ventilation, sanitation, safety,
10equipment and supplies, instruction and teaching, curriculum,
11library, operation, maintenance, administration and
12supervision, and to issue, refuse to issue or revoke
13certificates of recognition for schools or school districts
14pursuant to standards established hereunder; to determine and
15establish efficient and adequate standards for approval of
16credit for courses given and conducted by schools outside of
17the regular school term.
18 (a-5) On or before July 1, 2021, the State Board of
19Education must adopt revised social science learning standards
20that are inclusive and reflective of all individuals in this
22 (b) Whenever it appears that a secondary or unit school
23district may be unable to offer courses enabling students in

HB2170 Enrolled- 198 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1grades 9 through 12 to meet the minimum preparation and
2admission requirements for public colleges and universities
3adopted by the Board of Higher Education, the State Board of
4Education shall assist the district in reviewing and analyzing
5its existing curriculum with particular reference to the
6educational needs of all pupils of the district and the
7sufficiency of existing and future revenues and payments
8available to the district for development of a curriculum which
9will provide maximum educational opportunity to pupils of the
10district. The review and analysis may consider achievement of
11this goal not only through implementation of traditional
12classroom methods but also through development of and
13participation in joint educational programs with other school
14districts or institutions of higher education, or alternative
15programs employing modern technological methods including but
16not limited to the use of television, telephones, computers,
17radio and other electronic devices.
18(Source: P.A. 87-559.)
19 (105 ILCS 5/2-3.187 new)
20 Sec. 2-3.187. Inclusive American History Commission.
21 (a) The Inclusive American History Commission is created to
22provide assistance to the State Board of Education in revising
23its social science learning standards under subsection (a-5) of
24Section 2-3.25.
25 (b) The State Board of Education shall convene the

HB2170 Enrolled- 199 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1Inclusive American History Commission to do all of the
3 (1) Review available resources for use in school
4 districts that reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of
5 this State and country. The resources identified by the
6 Commission may be posted on the State Board of Education's
7 Internet website.
8 (2) Provide guidance for each learning standard
9 developed for educators on how to ensure that instruction
10 and content are not biased to value specific cultures, time
11 periods, and experiences over other cultures, time
12 periods, and experiences.
13 (3) Develop guidance, tools, and support for
14 professional learning on how to locate and utilize
15 resources for non-dominant cultural narratives and sources
16 of historical information.
17 (c) The Commission shall consist of all of the following
19 (1) One Representative appointed by the Speaker of the
20 House of Representatives.
21 (2) One Representative appointed by the Minority
22 Leader of the House of Representatives.
23 (3) One Senator appointed by the President of the
24 Senate.
25 (4) One Senator appointed by the Minority Leader of the
26 Senate.

HB2170 Enrolled- 200 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (5) Two members who are history scholars appointed by
2 the State Superintendent of Education.
3 (6) Eight members who are teachers at schools in this
4 State recommended by professional teachers' organizations
5 and appointed by the State Superintendent of Education.
6 (7) One representative of the State Board of Education
7 appointed by the State Superintendent of Education who
8 shall serve as chairperson.
9 (8) One member who represents a statewide organization
10 that represents south suburban school districts appointed
11 by the State Superintendent of Education.
12 (9) One member who represents a west suburban school
13 district appointed by the State Superintendent of
14 Education.
15 (10) One member who represents a school district
16 organized under Article 34 appointed by the State
17 Superintendent of Education.
18 (11) One member who represents a statewide
19 organization that represents school librarians appointed
20 by the State Superintendent of Education.
21 (12) One member who represents a statewide
22 organization that represents principals appointed by the
23 State Superintendent of Education.
24 (13) One member who represents a statewide
25 organization that represents superintendents appointed by
26 the State Superintendent of Education.

HB2170 Enrolled- 201 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (14) One member who represents a statewide
2 organization that represents school boards appointed by
3 the State Superintendent of Education.
4 Members appointed to the Commission must reflect the
5racial, ethnic, and geographic diversity of this State.
6 (d) Members of the Commission shall serve without
7compensation but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses from
8funds appropriated to the State Board of Education for that
9purpose, including travel, subject to the rules of the
10appropriate travel control board.
11 (e) The State Board of Education shall provide
12administrative and other support to the Commission.
13 (f) The Commission must submit a report about its work to
14the State Board of Education, the Governor, and the General
15Assembly on or before December 31, 2021. The Commission is
16dissolved upon the submission of its report.
17 (g) This Section is repealed on January 1, 2023.
18 (105 ILCS 5/27-20.4) (from Ch. 122, par. 27-20.4)
19 Sec. 27-20.4. Black History study. Every public elementary
20school and high school shall include in its curriculum a unit
21of instruction studying the events of Black History, including
22the history of the pre-enslavement of Black people from 3,000
23BCE to AD 1619, the African slave trade, slavery in America,
24the study of the reasons why Black people came to be enslaved,
25and the vestiges of slavery in this country, and the study of

HB2170 Enrolled- 202 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1the American civil rights renaissance. These events shall
2include not only the contributions made by individual
3African-Americans in government and in the arts, humanities and
4sciences to the economic, cultural and political development of
5the United States and Africa, but also the socio-economic
6struggle which African-Americans experienced collectively in
7striving to achieve fair and equal treatment under the laws of
8this nation. The studying of this material shall constitute an
9affirmation by students of their commitment to respect the
10dignity of all races and peoples and to forever eschew every
11form of discrimination in their lives and careers.
12 The State Superintendent of Education may prepare and make
13available to all school boards instructional materials,
14including those established by the Amistad Commission, which
15may be used as guidelines for development of a unit of
16instruction under this Section; provided, however, that each
17school board shall itself determine the minimum amount of
18instruction time which shall qualify as a unit of instruction
19satisfying the requirements of this Section.
20 A school may meet the requirements of this Section through
21an online program or course.
22(Source: P.A. 100-634, eff. 1-1-19.)
Article 145.
24 Section 145-1. Short title. This Article may be cited as

HB2170 Enrolled- 203 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1the Early Education Act. References in this Article to "this
2Act" means this Article.
3 Section 145-5. Findings; policies.
4 (a) The General Assembly finds the following:
5 (1) Part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities
6 Education Act and the Early Intervention Services System
7 Act provide that all eligible infants and toddlers and
8 their families are entitled to receive a broad range of
9 developmental, social, and emotional services designed to
10 maximize their development, including speech and language,
11 developmental, occupational, and physical therapies and
12 social work services.
13 (2) The General Assembly finds that early intervention
14 services as outlined in Part C of the federal Individuals
15 with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are cost-effective
16 and effectively serve the developmental needs of eligible
17 infants and toddlers and their families.
18 (3) Early intervention services to young children who
19 have or are at risk for developmental delays have been
20 shown to positively impact outcomes across developmental
21 domains, including language and communication, cognitive
22 development, and social and emotional development.
23 (4) Families benefit by being able to better meet their
24 child's developmental needs from an early age and
25 throughout their lives.

HB2170 Enrolled- 204 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 (5) Benefits to society include reducing the economic
2 burden through a decreased need for special education.
3 (6) Data shows that early intervention services in
4 Illinois are at least two and a half times less costly
5 annually than special education services in preschool and
6 elementary years.
7 (7) Nationwide, nearly 70% of children in early
8 intervention programs exhibit growth greater than
9 expected; this includes acquiring skills at a faster rate
10 even after they leave the program.
11 (8) Nationwide, nearly half of children leave early
12 intervention programs functioning at age level and do not
13 need special education at kindergarten age.
14 (9) Early intervention services are underutilized in
15 Illinois and nationally with only 4% of Illinois infants
16 and toddlers currently receiving services, while the
17 research shows that about 13% of Illinois children are
18 eligible.
19 (10) In Illinois and nationally, only approximately 1%
20 of infants are enrolled in early intervention, which is far
21 below the percentage of children who should be receiving
22 these services; this is of concern because intervention at
23 the earliest possible point improves children's outcomes,
24 and children born with low or very low birth weights or
25 otherwise leaving the NICU too often do not receive the
26 needed connection to early intervention services,

HB2170 Enrolled- 205 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 particularly those children on Medicaid.
2 (11) Data indicates that early intervention services
3 in Illinois are underutilized in the medical diagnosis and
4 environmental factors with substantial risk of delay
5 categories; these are the 2 eligibility areas in which
6 infants and toddlers are automatically eligible.
7 (12) Experts conclude that early intervention
8 eligibility needs to be clearly understood and documented
9 so that children and families who meet eligibility
10 requirements can be appropriately referred, served, and
11 supported.
12 (13) The Early Intervention Services System Act
13 requires the State to provide a comprehensive,
14 coordinated, interagency, and interdisciplinary early
15 intervention services system for eligible infants and
16 toddlers and their families by enhancing the capacity to
17 provide quality early intervention services, expanding and
18 improving existing services, and facilitating coordination
19 of payments for early intervention services from various
20 public and private sources.
21 (14) Black and Latinx children in Illinois are more
22 likely to be on a waiting list for services. This is due to
23 a number of reasons, including the reluctance to provide
24 services in certain neighborhoods due to the perception of
25 safety issues and in cases in which families experience
26 multiple challenges, such as child welfare involvement or

HB2170 Enrolled- 206 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 families experiencing homelessness, which are all
2 predictive factors of children that could benefit from
3 early intervention services.
4 (15) Inequitable access to appropriate early
5 intervention services is disproportionately more likely to
6 be experienced by Black and Latinx families.
7 (b) The General Assembly encourages the Department of Human
8Services, in consultation with advocates and experts in the
9field, including the Interagency Council on Early
10Intervention, to take all of the following actions:
11 (1) to re-examine the definition of "at-risk" and also
12 the diagnosed medical conditions that typically result in
13 delay to ensure that they effectively increase eligibility
14 and access to early intervention services;
15 (2) to charge the Early Intervention Training Program,
16 in collaboration with experts and beneficiaries, to create
17 and execute a plan for designing and disseminating
18 affirmative outreach through multiple modalities to
19 primary referral services as defined by statute,
20 providers, and families;
21 (3) to include explanations and provide examples in the
22 affirmative outreach plan about how the medical conditions
23 resulting in high probability of developmental delay and
24 at-risk of developmental delay categories do not require
25 the child to have any present delay;
26 (4) to present to the General Assembly a report that

HB2170 Enrolled- 207 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 includes the affirmative outreach plan and plans for
2 disseminating that information, including data on the
3 all-children-served eligibility category, services
4 provided, and information on race and geographic area to
5 the General Assembly no later than June 30, 2022;
6 (5) to develop a plan for the State to launch early
7 intervention specialized teams that can address the
8 complex needs that families face; the General Assembly
9 urges recommendations for the plan to be developed by a
10 public-private early intervention specialized teams work
11 group and to include the participation of at least 2 Child
12 Family Connection Providers in an early intervention
13 specialized team pilot; this plan should build on work by
14 the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention and
15 should specifically address modifications to billing and
16 other policies to support new teaming structure, budget
17 implications for pilot execution, corresponding
18 professional development opportunities for early
19 intervention providers, a prearranged mechanism to collect
20 feedback from both families and providers, a mechanism for
21 tracking outcomes, and ways to refine the approach for
22 scale; the General Assembly urges this plan to be developed
23 and launched by January 1, 2022; and
24 (6) to work in a public-private partnership to
25 establish demonstration projects with at least 2 hospital
26 neo-natal intensive care departments, in-patient and

HB2170 Enrolled- 208 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 out-patient, with the goal of better coordination and
2 timely connections to early intervention services; the
3 General Assembly encourages this implementation to be
4 underway no later than January 1, 2022.
Article 150.
6 Section 150-20. The Illinois Workforce Investment Board
7Act is amended by changing Section 4.5 as follows:
8 (20 ILCS 3975/4.5)
9 Sec. 4.5. Duties.
10 (a) The Board must perform all the functions of a state
11workforce innovation board under the federal Workforce
12Innovation and Opportunity Act, any amendments to that Act, and
13any other applicable federal statutes. The Board must also
14perform all other functions that are not inconsistent with the
15federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act or this Act
16and that are assumed by the Board under its bylaws or assigned
17to it by the Governor.
18 (b) The Board must cooperate with the General Assembly and
19make recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly
20concerning legislation necessary to improve upon statewide and
21local workforce development systems in order to increase
22occupational skill attainment, employment, retention, or
23earnings of participants and thereby improve the quality of the

HB2170 Enrolled- 209 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the
2productivity and competitiveness of the State. The Board must
3annually submit a report to the General Assembly on the
4progress of the State in achieving state performance measures
5under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,
6including information on the levels of performance achieved by
7the State with respect to the core indicators of performance
8and the customer satisfaction indicator under that Act. The
9report must include any other items that the Governor may be
10required to report to the Secretary of the United States
11Department of Labor.
12 (b-5) The Board shall implement a method for measuring the
13progress of the State's workforce development system by using
14benchmarks specified in the federal Workforce Innovation and
15Opportunity Act.
16 The Board shall identify the most significant early
17indicators for each benchmark, establish a mechanism to collect
18data and track the benchmarks on an annual basis, and then use
19the results to set goals for each benchmark, to inform
20planning, and to ensure the effective use of State resources.
21 (c) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to require or
22allow the Board to assume or supersede the statutory authority
23granted to, or impose any duties or requirements on, the State
24Board of Education, the Board of Higher Education, the Illinois
25Community College Board, any State agencies created under the
26Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, or any local education

HB2170 Enrolled- 210 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
2 (d) No actions taken by the Illinois Human Resource
3Investment Council before the effective date of this amendatory
4Act of the 92nd General Assembly and no rights, powers, duties,
5or obligations from those actions are impaired solely by this
6amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly. All actions taken
7by the Illinois Human Resource Investment Council before the
8effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General
9Assembly are ratified and validated.
10 (e) Upon the effective date of this amendatory Act of the
11101st General Assembly, the Board shall conduct a feasibility
12study regarding the consolidation of all workforce development
13programs funded by the federal Workforce Innovation and
14Opportunity Act and conducted by the State of Illinois into one
15solitary agency to create greater access to job training for
16underserved populations. The Board shall utilize resources
17currently made available to them, including, but not limited
18to, partnering with institutions of higher education and those
19agencies currently charged with overseeing or administering
20workforce programs. The feasibility study shall:
21 (1) assess the impact of consolidation on access for
22 participants, including minority persons as defined in
23 Section 2 of the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women,
24 and Persons with Disabilities Act, persons with limited
25 English proficiency, persons with disabilities, and youth,
26 and how consolidation would increase equitable access to

HB2170 Enrolled- 211 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 workforce resources;
2 (2) assess the cost of consolidation and estimate any
3 long-term savings anticipated from the action;
4 (3) assess the impact of consolidation on agencies in
5 which the programs currently reside, including, but not
6 limited to, the Department of Commerce and Economic
7 Opportunity, the Department of Employment Security, the
8 Department of Human Services, the Community College Board,
9 the Board of Higher Education, the Department of
10 Corrections, the Department on Aging, the Department of
11 Veterans' Affairs, and the Department of Children and
12 Family Services;
13 (4) assess the impact of consolidation on State
14 government employees and union contracts;
15 (5) consider if the consolidation will provide avenues
16 to maximize federal funding;
17 (6) provide recommendations for the future structure
18 of workforce development programs, including a proposed
19 timeline for implementation;
20 (7) provide direction for implementation by July 1,
21 2022 with regard to recommendations that do not require
22 legislative change;
23 (8) if legislative change is necessary, include
24 legislative language for consideration by the 102nd
25 General Assembly.
26 The Board shall submit its recommendations the Governor and

HB2170 Enrolled- 212 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1the General Assembly by May 1, 2021.
2(Source: P.A. 100-477, eff. 9-8-17.)
Article 155.
4 Section 155-5. The School Code is amended by changing
5Section 21B-70 as follows:
6 (105 ILCS 5/21B-70)
7 Sec. 21B-70. Illinois Teaching Excellence Program.
8 (a) As used in this Section:
9 "Diverse candidate" means a candidate who identifies with
10any of the ethnicities reported on the Illinois Report Card
11other than White.
12 "National Board certified teacher candidate cohort
13facilitator" means a National Board certified teacher who
14collaborates to advance the goal of supporting all other
15candidate cohorts other than diverse candidate cohorts through
16the Illinois National Board for Professional Teaching
17Standards Comprehensive Support System.
18 "National Board certified teacher diverse candidate cohort
19facilitator" means a National Board certified teacher who
20collaborates to advance the goal of supporting racially and
21ethnically diverse candidates through the Illinois National
22Board for Professional Teaching Standards Comprehensive
23Support System.

HB2170 Enrolled- 213 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "National Board certified teacher diverse liaison" means
2an individual or entity that supports the National Board
3certified teacher leading a diverse candidate cohort.
4 "National Board certified teacher liaison" means an
5individual or entity that supports the National Board certified
6teacher leading candidate cohorts other than diverse candidate
8 "National Board certified teacher rural or remote or
9distant candidate cohort facilitator" means a National Board
10certified teacher who collaborates to advance the goal of
11supporting rural or remote candidates through the Illinois
12National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
13Comprehensive Support System.
14 "National Board certified teacher rural or remote or
15distant liaison" means an individual or entity that who
16supports the National Board certified teacher leading a rural
17or remote candidate cohort.
18 "Qualified educator" means a teacher or school counselor
19currently employed in a school district who is in the process
20of obtaining certification through the National Board for
21Professional Teaching Standards or who has completed
22certification and holds a current Professional Educator
23License with a National Board for Professional Teaching
24Standards designation or a retired teacher or school counselor
25who holds a Professional Educator License with a National Board
26for Professional Teaching Standards designation.

HB2170 Enrolled- 214 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 "Rural or remote" or "rural or remote or distant" means
2local codes 32, 33, 41, 42, and 43 of the New Urban-Centric
3Locale Codes, as defined by the National Center for Education
5 "Tier 1" has the meaning given to that term under Section
7 "Tier 2" has the meaning given to that term under Section
9 (b) Any funds appropriated for the Illinois Teaching
10Excellence Program must be used to provide monetary assistance
11and incentives for qualified educators who are employed by or
12retired from school districts and who have or are in the
13process of obtaining licensure through the National Board for
14Professional Teaching Standards. The goal of the program is to
15improve instruction and student performance.
16 The State Board of Education shall allocate an amount as
17annually appropriated by the General Assembly for the Illinois
18Teaching Excellence Program for (i) application or re-take fees
19for each qualified educator seeking to complete certification
20through the National Board for Professional Teaching
21Standards, to be paid directly to the National Board for
22Professional Teaching Standards, and (ii) incentives under
23paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (c) for each
24qualified educator, to be distributed to the respective school
25district, and incentives under paragraph (5) of subsection (c),
26to be distributed to the respective school district or directly

HB2170 Enrolled- 215 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1to the qualified educator. The school district shall distribute
2this payment to each eligible teacher or school counselor as a
3single payment.
4 The State Board of Education's annual budget must set out
5by separate line item the appropriation for the program. Unless
6otherwise provided by appropriation, qualified educators are
7eligible for monetary assistance and incentives outlined in
8subsections (c) and (d) of this Section.
9 (c) When there are adequate funds available, monetary
10assistance and incentives shall include the following:
11 (1) A maximum of $2,000 towards the application or
12 re-take fee for teachers or school counselors in a Tier 1
13 school district who apply on a first-come, first-serve
14 basis for National Board certification.
15 (2) A maximum of $2,000 towards the application or
16 re-take fee for teachers or school counselors in a school
17 district other than a Tier 1 school district who apply on a
18 first-come, first-serve basis for National Board
19 certification.
20 (3) A maximum of $1,000 towards the National Board for
21 Professional Teaching Standards' renewal application fee.
22 (4) (Blank).
23 (5) An annual incentive of no more than equal to $1,500
24 prorated at $50 per hour, which shall be paid to each
25 qualified educator currently employed in a school district
26 who holds both a National Board for Professional Teaching

HB2170 Enrolled- 216 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1 Standards designation and a current corresponding
2 certificate issued by the National Board for Professional
3 Teaching Standards and who agrees, in writing, to provide
4 up to at least 30 hours of mentoring or National Board for
5 Professional Teaching Standards professional development
6 or both during the school year to classroom teachers or
7 school counselors, as applicable. Funds must be disbursed
8 on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority given to
9 Tier 1 school districts. Mentoring shall include, either
10 singly or in combination, the following:
11 (A) National Board for Professional Teaching
12 Standards certification candidates.
13 (B) National Board for Professional Teaching
14 Standards re-take candidates.
15 (C) National Board for Professional Teaching
16 Standards renewal candidates.
17 (D) (Blank).
18 Funds may also be used for instructional leadership
19training for qualified educators interested in supporting
20implementation of the Illinois Learning Standards or teaching
21and learning priorities of the State Board of Education or
23 (d) In addition to the monetary assistance and incentives
24provided under subsection (c), if adequate funds are available,
25incentives shall include the following incentives for the
26program in rural or remote schools or school districts or for

HB2170 Enrolled- 217 -LRB101 07409 AXK 52449 b
1programs working with diverse candidates, to be distributed to
2the respective school district or directly to the qualified
3educator or entity:
4 (1) A one-time incentive of $3,000 payable to National
5 Board certified teachers teaching in Tier 1 or Tier 2 rural
6 or remote school districts or rural or remote schools in
7 Tier 1 or Tier 2 school districts, with priority given to
8 teachers teaching in Tier 1 rural or remote school
9 districts or rural or remote schools in Tier 1 school
10 districts.
11 (2) An annual incentive of $3,200 for National Board
12 certified teacher rural or remote or distant candidate
13 cohort facilitators, diverse candidate cohort
14 facilitators, and candidate cohort facilitators. Priority
15 shall be given to rural or remote candidate cohort
16 facilitators and diverse candidate cohort facilitators.
17 (3) An annual incentive of $2,500 for National Board
18 certified teacher rural or remote or distant liaisons,
19 diverse liaisons, and liaisons. Priority shall be given to
20 rural or remote liaisons and diverse liaisons.
21(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17; 101-333, eff. 1-1-20.)
Article 999.