State of Illinois
2013 and 2014

Introduced , by Rep. Emily McAsey

755 ILCS 5/11-5.4

Amends the Probate Act of 1975. Provides that the appointment of a short-term guardian shall terminate upon the appointment of a temporary custodian for the minor under certain provisions of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
LRB098 08060 HEP 38151 b


HB2434LRB098 08060 HEP 38151 b
1 AN ACT concerning civil law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Probate Act of 1975 is amended by changing
5Section 11-5.4 as follows:
6 (755 ILCS 5/11-5.4)
7 Sec. 11-5.4. Short-term guardian.
8 (a) A parent, adoptive parent, or adjudicated parent whose
9parental rights have not been terminated, or the guardian of
10the person of a minor may appoint in writing, without court
11approval, a short-term guardian of an unmarried minor or a
12child likely to be born. The written instrument appointing a
13short-term guardian shall be dated and shall identify the
14appointing parent or guardian, the minor, and the person
15appointed to be the short-term guardian. The written instrument
16shall be signed by, or at the direction of, the appointing
17parent in the presence of at least 2 credible witnesses at
18least 18 years of age, neither of whom is the person appointed
19as the short-term guardian. The person appointed as the
20short-term guardian shall also sign the written instrument, but
21need not sign at the same time as the appointing parent.
22 (b) A parent or guardian shall not appoint a short-term
23guardian of a minor if the minor has another living parent,

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1adoptive parent or adjudicated parent, whose parental rights
2have not been terminated, whose whereabouts are known, and who
3is willing and able to make and carry out day-to-day child care
4decisions concerning the minor, unless the nonappointing
5parent consents to the appointment by signing the written
6instrument of appointment.
7 (c) The appointment of the short-term guardian is effective
8immediately upon the date the written instrument is executed,
9unless the written instrument provides for the appointment to
10become effective upon a later specified date or event. Except
11as provided in subsection (c-5) of this Section, the The
12short-term guardian shall have authority to act as guardian of
13the minor as provided in Section 11-13.2 for a period of 365
14days from the date the appointment is effective, unless the
15written instrument provides for the appointment to terminate
16upon an earlier specified date or event. Only one written
17instrument appointing a short-term guardian may be in force at
18any given time.
19 (c-5) The appointment of a short-term guardian under this
20Section shall terminate upon the appointment of a temporary
21custodian for the minor under Section 2-10, 3-12, or 4-6 of the
22Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
23 (d) Every appointment of a short-term guardian may be
24amended or revoked by the appointing parent or by the
25appointing guardian of the person of the minor at any time and
26in any manner communicated to the short-term guardian or to any

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1other person. Any person other than the short-term guardian to
2whom a revocation or amendment is communicated or delivered
3shall make all reasonable efforts to inform the short-term
4guardian of that fact as promptly as possible.
5 (e) The appointment of a short-term guardian or successor
6short-term guardian does not affect the rights of the other
7parent in the minor.
8 (f) The written instrument appointing a short-term
9guardian may, but need not, be in the following form:
12 By properly completing this form, a parent or the guardian
13of the person of the child is appointing a guardian of a child
14of the parent (or a minor ward of the guardian, as the case may
15be) for a period of up to 365 days. A separate form should be
16completed for each child. The person appointed as the guardian
17must sign the form, but need not do so at the same time as the
18parent or parents or guardian.
19 This form may not be used to appoint a guardian if there is
20a guardian already appointed for the child, except that if a
21guardian of the person of the child has been appointed, that
22guardian may use this form to appoint a short-term guardian.
23Both living parents of a child may together appoint a guardian
24of the child, or the guardian of the person of the child may

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1appoint a guardian of the child, for a period of up to 365 days
2through the use of this form. If the short-term guardian is
3appointed by both living parents of the child, the parents need
4not sign the form at the same time.]
5 1. Parent (or guardian) and Child. I, (insert name of
6 appointing parent or guardian), currently residing at
7 (insert address of appointing parent or guardian), am a
8 parent (or the guardian of the person) of the following
9 child (or of a child likely to be born): (insert name and
10 date of birth of child, or insert the words "not yet born"
11 to appoint a short-term guardian for a child likely to be
12 born and the child's expected date of birth).
13 2. Guardian. I hereby appoint the following person as
14 the short-term guardian for the child: (insert name and
15 address of appointed person).
16 3. Effective date. This appointment becomes effective:
17 (check one if you wish it to be applicable)
18 ( ) On the date that I state in writing that I am
19 no longer either willing or able to make and carry out
20 day-to-day child care decisions concerning the child.
21 ( ) On the date that a physician familiar with my
22 condition certifies in writing that I am no longer
23 willing or able to make and carry out day-to-day child
24 care decisions concerning the child.
25 ( ) On the date that I am admitted as an in-patient
26 to a hospital or other health care institution.

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1 ( ) On the following date: (insert date).
2 ( ) Other: (insert other).
3[NOTE: If this item is not completed, the appointment is
4effective immediately upon the date the form is signed and
5dated below.]
6 4. Termination. This appointment shall terminate 365
7 days after the effective date, unless it terminates sooner
8 as determined by the event or date I have indicated below:
9 (check one if you wish it to be applicable)
10 ( ) On the date that I state in writing that I am
11 willing and able to make and carry out day-to-day child
12 care decisions concerning the child.
13 ( ) On the date that a physician familiar with my
14 condition certifies in writing that I am willing and
15 able to make and carry out day-to-day child care
16 decisions concerning the child.
17 ( ) On the date that I am discharged from the
18 hospital or other health care institution where I was
19 admitted as an in-patient, which established the
20 effective date.
21 ( ) On the date which is (state a number of days,
22 but no more than 365 days) days after the effective
23 date.
24 ( ) Other: (insert other).
25[NOTE: If this item is not completed, the appointment will be
26effective for a period of 365 days, beginning on the effective

HB2434- 6 -LRB098 08060 HEP 38151 b
2 5. Date and signature of appointing parent or guardian.
3 This appointment is made this (insert day) day of (insert
4 month and year).
5 Signed: (appointing parent)
6 6. Witnesses. I saw the parent (or the guardian of the
7 person of the child) sign this instrument or I saw the
8 parent (or the guardian of the person of the child) direct
9 someone to sign this instrument for the parent (or the
10 guardian). Then I signed this instrument as a witness in
11 the presence of the parent (or the guardian). I am not
12 appointed in this instrument to act as the short-term
13 guardian for the child. (Insert space for names, addresses,
14 and signatures of 2 witnesses)
15 7. Acceptance of short-term guardian. I accept this
16 appointment as short-term guardian on this (insert day) day
17 of (insert month and year).
18 Signed: (short-term guardian)
19 8. Consent of child's other parent. I, (insert name of
20 the child's other living parent), currently residing at
21 (insert address of child's other living parent), hereby
22 consent to this appointment on this (insert day) day of
23 (insert month and year).
24 Signed: (consenting parent)
25[NOTE: The signature of a consenting parent is not necessary if
26one of the following applies: (i) the child's other parent has

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1died; or (ii) the whereabouts of the child's other parent are
2not known; or (iii) the child's other parent is not willing or
3able to make and carry out day-to-day child care decisions
4concerning the child; or (iv) the child's parents were never
5married and no court has issued an order establishing
7(Source: P.A. 95-568, eff. 6-1-08.)