Rep. Frank J. Mautino

Filed: 3/13/2013

09800HB2609ham001LRB098 08395 HLH 42796 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2609 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing
5Sections 11-10, 11-15, and 11-25 as follows:
6 (35 ILCS 200/11-10)
7 Sec. 11-10. Definition of pollution control facilities.
8"Pollution control facilities" means any system, method,
9construction, device or appliance appurtenant thereto, or any
10portion of any building or equipment, that is designed,
11constructed, installed or operated for the primary purpose of:
12 (a) eliminating, preventing, or reducing air or water
13pollution, as the terms "air pollution" and "water pollution"
14are defined in the Environmental Protection Act, or for
15complying with federal or State requirements enacted or
16promulgated to eliminate, prevent, or reduce air pollution or

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1water pollution; or
2 (b) treating, pretreating, modifying or disposing of any
3potential solid, liquid or gaseous pollutant which if released
4without treatment, pretreatment, modification or disposal
5might be harmful, detrimental or offensive to human, plant or
6animal life, or to property. "Pollution control facilities"
7shall not include, however,
8 (1) any facility with the primary purpose of (i)
9 eliminating, containing, preventing or reducing
10 radioactive contaminants or energy, or (ii) treating waste
11 water produced by the nuclear generation of electric power,
12 (2) any large diameter pipes or piping systems used to
13 remove and disperse heat from water involved in the nuclear
14 generation of electric power,
15 (3) any facility operated by any person other than a
16 unit of government, whether within or outside of the
17 territorial boundaries of a unit of local government, for
18 sewage disposal or treatment, or
19 (4) land underlying a cooling pond.
20(Source: P.A. 83-883; 88-455.)
21 (35 ILCS 200/11-15)
22 Sec. 11-15. Method of valuation for pollution control
23facilities. To determine 33 1/3% of the fair cash value of any
24certified pollution control facilities in assessing those
25facilities, the Department shall take into consideration the

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1actual or probable net earnings attributable to the facilities
2in question, capitalized on the basis of their productive
3earning value to their owner; the probable net value which
4could be realized by their owner if the facilities were removed
5and sold at a fair, voluntary sale, giving due account to the
6expense of removal and condition of the particular facilities
7in question; and other information as the Department may
8consider as bearing on the fair cash value of the facilities to
9their owner, consistent with the principles set forth in this
10Section. For the purposes of this Code, earnings shall be
11attributed to a pollution control facility only to the extent
12that its operation results in the production of a commercially
13saleable by-product or increases the production or reduces the
14production costs of the products or services otherwise sold by
15the owner of such facility.
16(Source: P.A. 83-121; 88-455.)
17 (35 ILCS 200/11-25)
18 Sec. 11-25. Certification procedure. Application for a
19pollution control facility certificate shall be filed with the
20Pollution Control Board in a manner and form prescribed in
21regulations issued by that board. The application shall contain
22appropriate and available descriptive information concerning
23anything claimed to be entitled in whole or in part to tax
24treatment as a pollution control facility. If it is found that
25the claimed facility or relevant portion thereof is a pollution

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1control facility as defined in Section 11-10, the Pollution
2Control Board, acting through its Chairman or his or her
3specifically authorized delegate, shall enter a finding and
4issue a certificate to that effect. The certificate shall
5require tax treatment as a pollution control facility, but only
6for the portion certified if only a portion is certified. The
7effective date of a certificate shall be January 1 of the year
8in which the certificate is issued the date of application for
9the certificate or the date of the construction of the
10facility, which ever is later.
11(Source: P.A. 76-2451; 88-455.)".