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1 AN ACT concerning civil law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Public Employment Office Act is amended by
5changing Section 2 as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 1015/2)
7 Sec. 2. Persons unjustly imprisoned; job search and
8placement services. Each local office of the Department shall
9provide each person to whom this Section applies with job
10search and placement services, including assessment, resume
11assistance, interview preparation, occupational and labor
12market information, referral to employers with job openings to
13which the person is suited and referral to such job training
14and education program providers as may be appropriate and
15available through the partnering agencies with which the local
16office is affiliated. This Section applies to a person who has
17been discharged from a prison of this State if the person
18received a pardon from the Governor stating that such pardon is
19issued on the ground of innocence of the crime for which he or
20she was imprisoned or he or she has received a certificate of
21innocence from the Circuit Court under as provided in Section
222-702 or 2-702.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
23(Source: P.A. 95-970, eff. 9-22-08.)

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1 Section 10. The Court of Claims Act is amended by changing
2Sections 8, 11, and 22 as follows:
3 (705 ILCS 505/8) (from Ch. 37, par. 439.8)
4 Sec. 8. Court of Claims jurisdiction; deliberation
5periods. The court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear
6and determine the following matters:
7 (a) All claims against the State founded upon any law of
8the State of Illinois or upon any regulation adopted thereunder
9by an executive or administrative officer or agency; provided,
10however, the court shall not have jurisdiction (i) to hear or
11determine claims arising under the Workers' Compensation Act or
12the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, or claims for expenses
13in civil litigation, or (ii) to review administrative decisions
14for which a statute provides that review shall be in the
15circuit or appellate court.
16 (b) All claims against the State founded upon any contract
17entered into with the State of Illinois.
18 (c) All claims against the State for time unjustly served
19in prisons of this State when the person imprisoned received a
20pardon from the governor stating that such pardon is issued on
21the ground of innocence of the crime for which he or she was
22imprisoned or he or she received a certificate of innocence
23from the Circuit Court under as provided in Section 2-702 or
242-702.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure; provided, the amount of

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1the award is at the discretion of the court; and provided, the
2court shall make no award in excess of the following amounts:
3for imprisonment of 5 years or less, not more than $85,350; for
4imprisonment of 14 years or less but over 5 years, not more
5than $170,000; for imprisonment of over 14 years, not more than
6$199,150; and provided further, the court shall fix attorney's
7fees not to exceed 25% of the award granted. On or after the
8effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General
9Assembly, the court shall annually adjust the maximum awards
10authorized by this subsection (c) to reflect the increase, if
11any, in the Consumer Price Index For All Urban Consumers for
12the previous calendar year, as determined by the United States
13Department of Labor, except that no annual increment may exceed
145%. For the annual adjustments, if the Consumer Price Index
15decreases during a calendar year, there shall be no adjustment
16for that calendar year. The transmission by the Prisoner Review
17Board or the clerk of the circuit court of the information
18described in Section 11(b) to the clerk of the Court of Claims
19is conclusive evidence of the validity of the claim. The
20changes made by this amendatory Act of the 95th General
21Assembly apply to all claims pending on or filed on or after
22the effective date.
23 (d) All claims against the State for damages in cases
24sounding in tort, if a like cause of action would lie against a
25private person or corporation in a civil suit, and all like
26claims sounding in tort against the Medical Center Commission,

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1the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board
2of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of
3Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of
4Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors
5State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State
6University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois
7University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois
8University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois
9University, or the Board of Trustees of the Illinois
10Mathematics and Science Academy; provided, that an award for
11damages in a case sounding in tort, other than certain cases
12involving the operation of a State vehicle described in this
13paragraph, shall not exceed the sum of $100,000 to or for the
14benefit of any claimant. The $100,000 limit prescribed by this
15Section does not apply to an award of damages in any case
16sounding in tort arising out of the operation by a State
17employee of a vehicle owned, leased or controlled by the State.
18The defense that the State or the Medical Center Commission or
19the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board
20of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of
21Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of
22Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors
23State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State
24University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois
25University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois
26University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois

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1University, or the Board of Trustees of the Illinois
2Mathematics and Science Academy is not liable for the
3negligence of its officers, agents, and employees in the course
4of their employment is not applicable to the hearing and
5determination of such claims.
6 (e) All claims for recoupment made by the State of Illinois
7against any claimant.
8 (f) All claims pursuant to the Line of Duty Compensation
9Act. A claim under that Act must be heard and determined within
10one year after the application for that claim is filed with the
11Court as provided in that Act.
12 (g) All claims filed pursuant to the Crime Victims
13Compensation Act.
14 (h) All claims pursuant to the Illinois National
15Guardsman's Compensation Act. A claim under that Act must be
16heard and determined within one year after the application for
17that claim is filed with the Court as provided in that Act.
18 (i) All claims authorized by subsection (a) of Section
1910-55 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act for the
20expenses incurred by a party in a contested case on the
21administrative level.
22(Source: P.A. 95-970, eff. 9-22-08; 96-80, eff. 7-27-09.)
23 (705 ILCS 505/11) (from Ch. 37, par. 439.11)
24 Sec. 11. Filing claims.
25 (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this

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1Section and subsection (4) of Section 24, the claimant shall in
2all cases set forth fully in his petition the claim, the action
3thereon, if any, on behalf of the State, what persons are
4owners thereof or interested therein, when and upon what
5consideration such persons became so interested; that no
6assignment or transfer of the claim or any part thereof or
7interest therein has been made, except as stated in the
8petition; that the claimant is justly entitled to the amount
9therein claimed from the State of Illinois, after allowing all
10just credits; and that claimant believes the facts stated in
11the petition to be true. The petition shall be verified, as to
12statements of facts, by the affidavit of the claimant, his
13agent, or attorney.
14 (b) Whenever a person has served a term of imprisonment and
15has received a pardon by the Governor stating that such pardon
16was issued on the ground of innocence of the crime for which he
17or she was imprisoned, the Prisoner Review Board shall transmit
18this information to the clerk of the Court of Claims, together
19with the claimant's current address. Whenever a person has
20served a term of imprisonment and has received a certificate of
21innocence from the Circuit Court under as provided in Section
222-702 or 2-702.5 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the clerk of
23the issuing Circuit Court shall transmit this information to
24the clerk of the Court of Claims, together with the claimant's
25current address. The clerk of the Court of Claims shall
26immediately docket the case for consideration by the Court of

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1Claims, and shall provide notice to the claimant of such
2docketing together with all hearing dates and applicable
3deadlines. The Court of Claims shall hear the case and render a
4decision within 90 days after its docketing.
5(Source: P.A. 95-970, eff. 9-22-08; 96-328, eff. 8-11-09.)
6 (705 ILCS 505/22) (from Ch. 37, par. 439.22)
7 Sec. 22. Every claim cognizable by the Court and not
8otherwise sooner barred by law shall be forever barred from
9prosecution therein unless it is filed with the Clerk of the
10Court within the time set forth as follows:
11 (a) All claims arising out of a contract must be filed
12within 5 years after it first accrues, saving to minors, and
13persons under legal disability at the time the claim accrues,
14in which cases the claim must be filed within 5 years from the
15time the disability ceases.
16 (b) All claims cognizable against the State by vendors of
17goods or services under "The Illinois Public Aid Code",
18approved April 11, 1967, as amended, must file within one year
19after the accrual of the cause of action, as provided in
20Section 11-13 of that Code.
21 (c) All claims arising under paragraph (c) of Section 8 of
22this Act must be automatically heard by the court within 120
23days after the person asserting such claim is either issued a
24certificate of innocence from the Circuit Court under as
25provided in Section 2-702 or 2-702.5 of the Code of Civil

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1Procedure, or is granted a pardon by the Governor, whichever
2occurs later, without the person asserting the claim being
3required to file a petition under Section 11 of this Act,
4except as otherwise provided by the Crime Victims Compensation
5Act. Any claims filed by the claimant under paragraph (c) of
6Section 8 of this Act must be filed within 2 years after the
7person asserting such claim is either issued a certificate of
8innocence under as provided in Section 2-702 or 2-702.5 of the
9Code of Civil Procedure, or is granted a pardon by the
10Governor, whichever occurs later.
11 (d) All claims arising under paragraph (f) of Section 8 of
12this Act must be filed within the time set forth in Section 3
13of the Line of Duty Compensation Act.
14 (e) All claims arising under paragraph (h) of Section 8 of
15this Act must be filed within one year of the date of the death
16of the guardsman or militiaman as provided in Section 3 of the
17"Illinois National Guardsman's and Naval Militiaman's
18Compensation Act", approved August 12, 1971, as amended.
19 (f) All claims arising under paragraph (g) of Section 8 of
20this Act must be filed within one year of the crime on which a
21claim is based as provided in Section 6.1 of the "Crime Victims
22Compensation Act", approved August 23, 1973, as amended.
23 (g) All claims arising from the Comptroller's refusal to
24issue a replacement warrant pursuant to Section 10.10 of the
25State Comptroller Act must be filed within 5 years after the
26issue date of such warrant.

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1 (h) All other claims must be filed within 2 years after it
2first accrues, saving to minors, and persons under legal
3disability at the time the claim accrues, in which case the
4claim must be filed within 2 years from the time the disability
6 (i) The changes made by this amendatory Act of 1989 shall
7apply to all warrants issued within the 5 year period preceding
8the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989.
9 (j) All time limitations established under this Act and the
10rules promulgated under this Act shall be binding and
11jurisdictional, except upon extension authorized by law or rule
12and granted pursuant to a motion timely filed.
13(Source: P.A. 95-928, eff. 8-26-08; 95-970, eff. 9-22-08;
1496-328, eff. 8-11-09.)
15 Section 15. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by
16changing Section 3-1-2 as follows:
17 (730 ILCS 5/3-1-2) (from Ch. 38, par. 1003-1-2)
18 Sec. 3-1-2. Definitions.
19 (a) "Chief Administrative Officer" means the person
20designated by the Director to exercise the powers and duties of
21the Department of Corrections in regard to committed persons
22within a correctional institution or facility, and includes the
23superintendent of any juvenile institution or facility.
24 (a-5) "Sex offense" for the purposes of paragraph (16) of

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1subsection (a) of Section 3-3-7, paragraph (10) of subsection
2(a) of Section 5-6-3, and paragraph (18) of subsection (c) of
3Section 5-6-3.1 only means:
4 (i) A violation of any of the following Sections of the
5 Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012: 10-7
6 (aiding or abetting child abduction under Section
7 10-5(b)(10)), 10-5(b)(10) (child luring), 11-6 (indecent
8 solicitation of a child), 11-6.5 (indecent solicitation of
9 an adult), 11-14.4 (promoting juvenile prostitution),
10 11-15.1 (soliciting for a juvenile prostitute), 11-17.1
11 (keeping a place of juvenile prostitution), 11-18.1
12 (patronizing a juvenile prostitute), 11-19.1 (juvenile
13 pimping), 11-19.2 (exploitation of a child), 11-20.1
14 (child pornography), 11-20.1B or 11-20.3 (aggravated child
15 pornography), 11-1.40 or 12-14.1 (predatory criminal
16 sexual assault of a child), or 12-33 (ritualized abuse of a
17 child). An attempt to commit any of these offenses.
18 (ii) A violation of any of the following Sections of
19 the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012:
20 11-1.20 or 12-13 (criminal sexual assault), 11-1.30 or
21 12-14 (aggravated criminal sexual assault), 11-1.60 or
22 12-16 (aggravated criminal sexual abuse), and subsection
23 (a) of Section 11-1.50 or subsection (a) of Section 12-15
24 (criminal sexual abuse). An attempt to commit any of these
25 offenses.
26 (iii) A violation of any of the following Sections of

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1 the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 when
2 the defendant is not a parent of the victim:
3 10-1 (kidnapping),
4 10-2 (aggravated kidnapping),
5 10-3 (unlawful restraint),
6 10-3.1 (aggravated unlawful restraint).
7 An attempt to commit any of these offenses.
8 (iv) A violation of any former law of this State
9 substantially equivalent to any offense listed in this
10 subsection (a-5).
11 An offense violating federal law or the law of another
12state that is substantially equivalent to any offense listed in
13this subsection (a-5) shall constitute a sex offense for the
14purpose of this subsection (a-5). A finding or adjudication as
15a sexually dangerous person under any federal law or law of
16another state that is substantially equivalent to the Sexually
17Dangerous Persons Act shall constitute an adjudication for a
18sex offense for the purposes of this subsection (a-5).
19 (b) "Commitment" means a judicially determined placement
20in the custody of the Department of Corrections on the basis of
21delinquency or conviction.
22 (c) "Committed Person" is a person committed to the
23Department, however a committed person shall not be considered
24to be an employee of the Department of Corrections for any
25purpose, including eligibility for a pension, benefits, or any
26other compensation or rights or privileges which may be

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1provided to employees of the Department.
2 (c-5) "Computer scrub software" means any third-party
3added software, designed to delete information from the
4computer unit, the hard drive, or other software, which would
5eliminate and prevent discovery of browser activity, including
6but not limited to Internet history, address bar or bars, cache
7or caches, and/or cookies, and which would over-write files in
8a way so as to make previous computer activity, including but
9not limited to website access, more difficult to discover.
10 (d) "Correctional Institution or Facility" means any
11building or part of a building where committed persons are kept
12in a secured manner.
13 (e) In the case of functions performed before the effective
14date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly,
15"Department" means the Department of Corrections of this State.
16In the case of functions performed on or after the effective
17date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly,
18"Department" has the meaning ascribed to it in subsection
20 (f) In the case of functions performed before the effective
21date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly,
22"Director" means the Director of the Department of Corrections.
23In the case of functions performed on or after the effective
24date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly,
25"Director" has the meaning ascribed to it in subsection (f-5).
26 (f-5) In the case of functions performed on or after the

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1effective date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General
2Assembly, references to "Department" or "Director" refer to
3either the Department of Corrections or the Director of
4Corrections or to the Department of Juvenile Justice or the
5Director of Juvenile Justice unless the context is specific to
6the Department of Juvenile Justice or the Director of Juvenile
8 (g) "Discharge" means the final termination of a commitment
9to the Department of Corrections.
10 (h) "Discipline" means the rules and regulations for the
11maintenance of order and the protection of persons and property
12within the institutions and facilities of the Department and
13their enforcement.
14 (i) "Escape" means the intentional and unauthorized
15absence of a committed person from the custody of the
17 (j) "Furlough" means an authorized leave of absence from
18the Department of Corrections for a designated purpose and
19period of time.
20 (k) "Parole" means the conditional and revocable release of
21a committed person under the supervision of a parole officer.
22 (l) "Prisoner Review Board" means the Board established in
23Section 3-3-1(a), independent of the Department, to review
24rules and regulations with respect to good time credits, to
25hear charges brought by the Department against certain
26prisoners alleged to have violated Department rules with

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1respect to good time credits, to set release dates for certain
2prisoners sentenced under the law in effect prior to the
3effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1977, to hear requests
4and make recommendations to the Governor with respect to
5pardon, reprieve or commutation, to set conditions for parole
6and mandatory supervised release and determine whether
7violations of those conditions justify revocation of parole or
8release, and to assume all other functions previously exercised
9by the Illinois Parole and Pardon Board.
10 (m) Whenever medical treatment, service, counseling, or
11care is referred to in this Unified Code of Corrections, such
12term may be construed by the Department or Court, within its
13discretion, to include treatment, service or counseling by a
14Christian Science practitioner or nursing care appropriate
15therewith whenever request therefor is made by a person subject
16to the provisions of this Act.
17 (n) "Victim" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in
18subsection (a) of Section 3 of the Bill of Rights for Victims
19and Witnesses of Violent Crime Act.
20 (o) "Wrongfully imprisoned person" means a person who has
21been discharged from a prison of this State and has received:
22 (1) a pardon from the Governor stating that such pardon
23 is issued on the ground of innocence of the crime for which
24 he or she was imprisoned; or
25 (2) a certificate of innocence from the Circuit Court
26 under as provided in Section 2-702 or 702.5 of the Code of

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1 Civil Procedure.
2(Source: P.A. 96-362, eff. 1-1-10; 96-710, eff. 1-1-10;
396-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 96-1550, eff. 7-1-11; 96-1551, eff.
47-1-11; 97-1109, eff. 1-1-13; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
5 Section 20. The Code of Civil Procedure is amended by
6adding Section 2-702.5 as follows:
7 (735 ILCS 5/2-702.5 new)
8 Sec. 2-702.5. Automatic issuance of certificate of
10 (a) If a person is released from prison after his or her
11judgment of conviction was reversed or vacated, and the
12indictment or information dismissed or, if a new trial was
13ordered, either he or she was found not guilty at the new trial
14or he or she was not retried and the indictment or information
15dismissed; or the statute, or application thereof, on which the
16indictment or information was based violated the Constitution
17of the United States or the Constitution of the State of
18Illinois; the court shall sua sponte enter a certificate of
19innocence finding that the petitioner was innocent of all
20offenses for which he or she was incarcerated.
21 (b) A certificate of innocence issued under this Section
22shall be provided to an eligible person upon his or her release
23from prison, or shall be made available for pickup from the
24clerk of the circuit court within a reasonable time after the

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1person's release from prison.
2 (c) Upon entry of the certificate of innocence: (1) the
3clerk of the court shall transmit a copy of the certificate of
4innocence to the clerk of the Court of Claims, together with
5the claimant's current address; and (2) the court shall enter
6an order expunging or sealing the record of arrest from the
7official records of the arresting authority and directing that
8the records of the clerk of the circuit court and Department of
9State Police be sealed until further order of the court upon
10good cause shown or as otherwise provided by law, and that the
11name of the defendant be obliterated from the official index
12requested to be kept by the circuit court clerk under Section
1316 of the Clerks of Courts Act in connection with the arrest
14and conviction for the offense, but the order shall not affect
15any index issued by the circuit court clerk before the entry of
16the order.
17 (d) Nothing in this Section may be construed as preventing
18a person from filing a petition under Section 2-702 of this

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2 Statutes amended in order of appearance