Rep. Joe Sosnowski

Filed: 3/8/2011

09700HB2984ham001LRB097 05307 RPM 52433 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2984 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
522-70 as follows:
6 (105 ILCS 5/22-70 new)
7 Sec. 22-70. Tuition Voucher Program Task Force.
8 (a) The Tuition Voucher Program Task Force is created to
9study the feasibility of a statewide tuition voucher program.
10The task force shall consist of all of the following members:
11 (1) Two members of the public appointed by the
12 Governor.
13 (2) Two members of the General Assembly appointed by
14 the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
15 (3) Two members of the General Assembly appointed by
16 the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.

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1 (4) Two members of the General Assembly appointed by
2 the President of the Senate.
3 (5) Two members of the General Assembly appointed by
4 the Minority Leader of the Senate.
5 (6) One representative of a statewide professional
6 teachers organization appointed by the head of that
7 organization.
8 (7) One representative of a different statewide
9 professional teachers organization appointed by the head
10 of that organization.
11 (8) Two representatives of a statewide school
12 management alliance organization.
13 (9) One representative of the State Board of Education.
14 The members of the task force shall serve without
15compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable and
16necessary expenses from appropriations to the State Board of
17Education for that purpose. Reimbursement for travel expenses
18shall be subject to the rules of the appropriate travel control
20 The members of the task force shall meet initially at the
21call of the Governor, shall select one member as chairperson at
22its initial meeting, and shall thereafter meet at the call of
23the chairperson.
24 The State Board of Education shall provide administrative
25and other support to the task force.
26 (b) The Tuition Voucher Program Task Force shall file a

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1report on the feasibility of a statewide tuition voucher
2program with the Governor and the General Assembly as provided
3in Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act. The
4following topics must be included without limitation in the
6 (1) Eligible students, either in grades kindergarten
7 through 7 or in grades kindergarten through 12.
8 (2) Education expenses and what are the reasonable
9 costs incurred by a student in attending a nonpublic
10 school, such as for books, tuition, fees, and extra
11 curricular activities.
12 (3) What qualifies as a nonpublic school to be eligible
13 for a tuition voucher program and whether the school must
14 consent to participate in the tuition voucher program.
15 (4) Application processes and application date
16 limitations as prescribed in Senate Bill 2494 of the 96th
17 General Assembly.
18 (5) The amount of a voucher as prescribed in Senate
19 Bill 2494 of the 96th General Assembly.
20 (6) Assessments of students using vouchers as
21 prescribed in Senate Bill 2494 of the 96th General
22 Assembly.
23 (7) Possible fiscal impacts of a tuition voucher
24 program.
25 Upon filing its report with the Governor and the General
26Assembly, the Tuition Voucher Program Task Force is

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