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1 AN ACT concerning civil law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Cemetery Care Act is amended by changing
5Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, and 15a and by adding Sections 3.1,
64.1, and 4.2 as follows:
7 (760 ILCS 100/2) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.2)
8 Sec. 2. Definitions. The following words, terms and
9phrases used in this Act, for the purpose of this Act, have the
10following meanings:
11 "Person" means any person, partnership, association,
12corporation, or other entity.
13 "Trustee" means any person authorized to hold funds under
14this Act.
15 "Comptroller" means the Comptroller of the State of
17 "Care" means the maintenance of a cemetery and of the
18lots, graves, crypts, niches, family mausoleums, memorials,
19and markers therein; including: (i) the cutting and trimming
20of lawn, shrubs, and trees at reasonable intervals; (ii)
21keeping in repair the drains, water lines, roads, buildings,
22fences, and other structures, in keeping with a well
23maintained cemetery; (iii) maintenance of machinery, tools,

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1and equipment for such care; (iv) compensation of employees,
2payment of insurance premiums, and reasonable payments for
3employees pension and other benefits plans; and (v) to the
4extent surplus income from the care fund is available, the
5payment of overhead expenses necessary for such purposes and
6for maintaining necessary records of lot ownership, transfers,
7and burials.
8 "Care funds" as distinguished from receipts from annual
9charges or gifts for current or annual care, means any realty
10or personalty impressed with a trust by the terms of any gift,
11grant, contribution, payment, legacy, or pursuant to contract,
12accepted by any cemetery authority owning, operating,
13controlling or managing a privately operated cemetery, or by
14any trustee or licensee, agent or custodian for the same,
15under Section 3 of this Act, and the amounts set aside under
16Section 4 of this Act, and any income accumulated therefrom,
17where legally so directed by the terms of the transaction by
18which the principal was established.
19 "Cemetery" means any land or structure in this State
20dedicated to and used, or intended to be used, for the
21interment of human remains.
22 "Cemetery authority" means any person, firm, corporation,
23trustee, partnership, association or municipality owning,
24operating, controlling or managing a cemetery or holding lands
25for burial grounds or burial purposes in this State.
26 "Mausoleum crypt" means a space in a mausoleum used or

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1intended to be used, above or under ground, to entomb human
3 "Family burying ground" means a cemetery in which no lots
4are sold to the public and in which interments are restricted
5to a group of persons related to each other by blood or
7 "Fraternal cemetery" means a cemetery owned, operated,
8controlled, or managed by any fraternal organization or
9auxiliary organizations thereof, in which the sale of lots,
10graves, crypts or niches is restricted principally to its
12 "Grave" means a space of ground in a cemetery, used, or
13intended to be used, for burial.
14 "Investment Company Act of 1940" means Title 15, of the
15United States Code, Sections 80a-1 to 80a-51, inclusive, as
17 "Investment Company" means any issuer (a) whose securities
18are purchasable only with care funds or trust funds, or both;
19and (b) which is an open and diversified management company as
20defined in and registered under the "Investment Company Act of
211940"; and (c) which has entered into an agreement with the
22Comptroller containing such provisions as the Comptroller by
23regulation reasonably requires for the proper administration
24of this Act.
25 "Municipal cemetery" means a cemetery owned, operated,
26controlled or managed by any city, village, incorporated town,

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1township, county, or other municipal corporation, political
2subdivision, or instrumentality thereof authorized by law to
3own, operate, or manage a cemetery.
4 "Niche" means a space in a columbarium used or intended to
5be used, for inurnment of cremated human remains.
6 "Privately operated cemetery" means any entity that offers
7interment rights, entombment rights, or inurnment rights,
8other than a fraternal, municipal, State, federal or religious
9cemetery or a family burying ground.
10 "Religious cemetery" means a cemetery owned, operated,
11controlled, or managed by any recognized church, religious
12society, association or denomination, or by any cemetery
13authority or any corporation administering, or through which
14is administered, the temporalities of any recognized church,
15religious society, association or denomination.
16 "State or federal cemetery" means a cemetery owned,
17operated, controlled, or managed by any State or the federal
18government or any political subdivision or instrumentality
20 "Entombment right" means the right to place individual
21human remains or individual cremated human remains in a
22specific mausoleum crypt or lawn crypt selected by the
23consumer for use as a final resting place.
24 "Interment right" means the right to place individual
25human remains or cremated human remains in a specific
26underground location selected by the consumer for use as a

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1final resting place.
2 "Inurnment right" means the right to place individual
3cremated human remains in a specific niche selected by the
4consumer for use as a final resting place.
5 "Lawn crypt" means a permanent underground crypt usually
6constructed of reinforced concrete or similar material
7installed in multiple units for the entombment of human
9 "Imputed value" means the retail price of comparable
10rights within the same or similar area of the cemetery.
11 "Average fair market value" means the average of the fair
12market values of assets held by the fund on the first day of
13the current fiscal year and the first day of each of the 2
14preceding fiscal years, or the average of the fair market
15value for the entire term of the fund if there are less than 2
16preceding years.
17 "Total return percentage" means the annual percentage
18selected by the fund's trustee or the cemetery authority, but
19no less than 3% and no more than 5% of the average fair market
20value of the fund.
21 "Net income" means:
22 (1) ordinary income, which means all net interest and
23 dividends, after fees and taxes taken from income, but
24 does not include any capital gains from the investment of
25 such care funds; or
26 (2) total return distribution, which means the

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1 distribution of funds from the care fund based on the
2 average fair market value of the fund assets multiplied by
3 the total return percentage.
4(Source: P.A. 92-651, eff. 7-11-02.)
5 (760 ILCS 100/3) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.3)
6 Sec. 3. Gifts and contributions - Trust funds. Any
7cemetery authority is hereby authorized and empowered to
8accept any gift, grant, contribution, payment, legacy, or
9pursuant to contract, any sum of money, funds, securities or
10property of any kind, or the income or avails thereof, and to
11establish a trust fund to hold the same in perpetuity for the
12care of its cemetery, or for the care of any lot, grave, crypt
13or niche in its cemetery; or for the special care of any lot,
14grave, crypt or niche or of any family mausoleum or memorial,
15marker, or monument in its cemetery.
16 The cemetery authority shall act as trustee of all amounts
17received for care until they have been deposited into the
18trust fund established under this Section. The cemetery
19authority may continue to be the trustee of up to $500,000 of
20care funds that have been deposited into the trust fund, but
21the cemetery authority must retain an independent trustee for
22any amount of care funds held in trust in excess of that
23$500,000. A cemetery authority holding care funds in excess of
24$500,000 on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996
25shall have 36 months to retain an independent trustee for the

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1excess amounts held in trust; any other cemetery authority
2must retain an independent trustee for its care funds in
3excess of $500,000 as soon as may be practical.
4 No gift, grant, legacy, payment or other contribution
5shall be invalid by reason of any indefiniteness or
6uncertainty as to the beneficiary designated in the instrument
7creating the gift, grant, legacy, payment or other
8contribution. If any gift, grant, legacy, payment or other
9contribution consists of non-income producing property, the
10cemetery authority accepting it is authorized and empowered to
11sell such property and to invest the funds obtained in
12accordance with the provisions of the next succeeding
14 The care funds authorized by this Section and provided for
15in Section 4 of this Act shall be held intact and, unless
16otherwise restricted by the terms of the gift, grant, legacy,
17contribution, payment, contract or other payment, as to
18investments made after June 11, 1951 the trustee of the care
19funds of the cemetery authority, in acquiring, investing,
20reinvesting, exchanging, retaining, selling and managing
21property for any such trust, shall exercise the judgment and
22care under the circumstances then prevailing, which persons of
23prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the
24management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation
25but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds,
26considering the probable income as well as the probable safety

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1of their capital. Within the limitations of the foregoing
2standard, the trustee of the care funds of the cemetery
3authority is authorized to acquire and retain every kind of
4property, real, personal or mixed, and every kind of
5investment, including specifically but without limiting the
6generality of the foregoing, bonds, debentures and other
7corporate obligations, preferred or common stocks and real
8estate mortgages, which persons of prudence, discretion and
9intelligence acquire or retain for their own account. Within
10the limitations of the foregoing standard, the trustee is
11authorized to retain property properly acquired, without
12limitation as to time and without regard to its suitability
13for original purchase. The care funds authorized by this
14Section may be commingled with other trust funds received by
15such cemetery authority for the care of its cemetery or for the
16care or special care of any lot, grave, crypt, niche, private
17mausoleum, memorial, marker, or monument in its cemetery,
18whether received by gift, grant, legacy, contribution,
19payment, contract or other conveyance heretofore or hereafter
20made to such cemetery authority. Such care funds may be
21invested with common trust funds as provided in the The Common
22Trust Fund Act. The net income only from the investment of such
23care funds shall be allocated and used for the purposes
24specified in the transaction by which the principal was
25established in the proportion that each contribution bears to
26the entire sum invested.

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1(Source: P.A. 89-615, eff. 8-9-96.)
2 (760 ILCS 100/3.1 new)
3 Sec. 3.1. Master trust fund. For the purposes of
4collective investment and administration, a trustee may apply
5to the Comptroller to establish a master trust fund in which
6deposits are made pursuant to the provisions of this Act. The
7operation of the master trust fund shall be subject to the
8provisions of this Act and rules applicable to this Act. The
9master trust fund shall be subject to the following
11 (1) it shall include only cemetery authorities located
12 in this State that have given written consent to
13 participate in a master trust fund;
14 (2) it must be administered by an independent trustee;
15 (3) the trustee of a master trust fund shall maintain
16 separate records of principal and income for each
17 participant in the master trust fund;
18 (4) the income and associated expenses of the master
19 trust fund shall be divided among the participants in the
20 master trust fund based on the proportion that each
21 participant contributes to the balance of the master trust
22 fund; and
23 (5) the trustee shall make accounting records of the
24 trust, including a report that will include itemized
25 separate accounting for each participant in the master

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1 trust fund, available for review and audit upon request by
2 the Comptroller.
3 (760 ILCS 100/4) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.4)
4 Sec. 4. Care funds; deposits; investments.
5 Whenever a cemetery authority owning, operating,
6controlling or managing a privately operated cemetery accepts
7care funds, either in connection with the sale or giving away
8at an imputed value of an interment right, entombment right or
9inurnment right, or in pursuance of a contract, or whenever,
10as a condition precedent to the purchase or acceptance of an
11interment right, entombment right or inurnment right, such
12cemetery authority requires the establishment of a care fund
13or a deposit in an already existing care fund, then such
14cemetery authority shall execute and deliver to the person
15from whom received an instrument in writing which shall
16specifically state: (a) the nature and extent of the care to be
17furnished, and (b) that such care shall be furnished only in so
18far as the net income derived from the amount deposited in
19trust will permit (the income from the amount so deposited,
20less necessary expenditures of administering the trust, shall
21be deemed the net income), and (c) that not less than the
22following amounts will be set aside and deposited in trust:
23 1. For interment rights, $1 per square foot of the
24 space sold or 15% of the sales price or imputed value,
25 whichever is the greater, with a minimum of $25 for each

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1 individual interment right.
2 2. For entombment rights, not less than 10% of the
3 sales price or imputed value with a minimum of $25 for each
4 individual entombment right.
5 3. For inurnment rights, not less than 10% of the
6 sales price or imputed value with a minimum of $15 for each
7 individual inurnment right.
8 4. For any transfer of interment rights, entombment
9 rights, or inurnment rights recorded in the records of the
10 cemetery authority, excepting only transfers between
11 members of the immediate family of the transferor, a
12 minimum of $25 for each such right transferred. For the
13 purposes of this paragraph "immediate family of the
14 transferor" means the spouse, parents, grandparents,
15 children, grandchildren, and siblings of the transferor.
16 5. Upon an interment, entombment, or inurnment in a
17 grave, crypt, or niche in which rights of interment,
18 entombment, or inurnment were originally acquired from a
19 cemetery authority prior to January 1, 1948, a minimum of
20 $25 for each such right exercised.
21 6. For the special care of any lot, grave, crypt, or
22 niche or of a family mausoleum, memorial, marker, or
23 monument, the full amount received.
24 Such setting aside and deposit shall be made by such
25cemetery authority not later than 30 days after the close of
26the month in which the cemetery authority gave away for an

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1imputed value or received the final payment on the purchase
2price of interment rights, entombment rights, or inurnment
3rights, or received the final payment for the general or
4special care of a lot, grave, crypt or niche or of a family
5mausoleum, memorial, marker or monument; and such amounts
6shall be held by the trustee of the care funds of such cemetery
7authority in trust in perpetuity for the specific purposes
8stated in said written instrument. For all care funds received
9by a cemetery authority, except for care funds received by a
10cemetery authority pursuant to a specific gift, grant,
11contribution, payment, legacy, or contract that are subject to
12investment restrictions more restrictive than the investment
13provisions set forth in this Act, and except for care funds
14otherwise subject to a trust agreement executed by a person or
15persons responsible for transferring the specific gift, grant,
16contribution, payment, or legacy to the cemetery authority
17that contains investment restrictions more restrictive than
18the investment provisions set forth in this Act, the cemetery
19authority may, without the necessity of having to obtain prior
20approval from any court in this State, designate a new trustee
21in accordance with this Act and invest the care funds in
22accordance with this Section, notwithstanding any contrary
23limitation contained in the trust agreement.
24 Any such cemetery authority engaged in selling or giving
25away at an imputed value interment rights, entombment rights
26or inurnment rights, in conjunction with the selling or giving

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1away at an imputed value any other merchandise or services not
2covered by this Act, shall be prohibited from increasing the
3sales price or imputed value of those items not requiring a
4care fund deposit under this Act with the purpose of
5allocating a lesser sales price or imputed value to items that
6require a care fund deposit.
7 In the event any sale that would require a deposit to such
8cemetery authority's care fund is made by a cemetery authority
9on an installment basis, and the installment contract is
10factored, discounted, or sold to a third party, the cemetery
11authority shall deposit the amount due to the care fund within
1230 days after the close of the month in which the installment
13contract was factored, discounted, or sold. If, subsequent to
14such deposit, the purchaser defaults on the contract such that
15no care fund deposit on that contract would have been
16required, the cemetery authority may apply the amount
17deposited as a credit against future required deposits.
18 The trust authorized by this Section shall be a single
19purpose trust fund. In the event of the seller's bankruptcy,
20insolvency, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or an
21adverse judgment, the trust funds shall not be available to
22any creditor as assets of the cemetery authority or to pay any
23expenses of any bankruptcy or similar proceeding, but shall be
24retained intact to provide for the future maintenance of the
25cemetery. Except in an action by the Comptroller to revoke a
26license issued pursuant to this Act and for creation of a

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1receivership as provided in this Act, the trust shall not be
2subject to judgment, execution, garnishment, attachment, or
3other seizure by process in bankruptcy or otherwise, nor to
4sale, pledge, mortgage, or other alienation, and shall not be
5assignable except as approved by the Comptroller. The changes
6made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are
7intended to clarify existing law regarding the inability of
8licensees to pledge the trust.
9(Source: P.A. 91-7, eff. 6-1-99.)
10 (760 ILCS 100/4.1 new)
11 Sec. 4.1. Distributions.
12 (a) A cemetery authority may take distributions from its
13fund either by distributing:
14 (1) ordinary income; or
15 (2) total return distribution.
16 (b) If a cemetery authority takes distributions from its
17fund by total return distribution, the following apply:
18 (1) Fees and taxes may be paid from corpus.
19 (2) If the fees paid by the care fund exceed 2% of the
20 fair market value at the end of a given year, the amount in
21 excess shall be paid from the distributions.
22 (c) A cemetery authority may select a distribution method
23by delivering written instructions to the trustee of the fund
24no later than 30 days before the beginning of the calendar
25year. The distribution method and the distribution rate

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1selected shall remain in effect unless the cemetery notifies
2the trustee of its desire to effect a change, application for
3the change has been submitted to the Comptroller as required
4in Section 4.2, and copies of the documentation are submitted
5to the trustee. If the trustee does not receive written
6instructions from the cemetery authority informing the trustee
7of the method of calculating chosen, then the trustee shall
8calculate and distribute based on the ordinary income
9distribution method. The trustee shall distribute income to
10the cemetery authority at least annually or in more frequent
11installments as agreed to by the trustee and cemetery
13 (760 ILCS 100/4.2 new)
14 Sec. 4.2. Application for total return distribution and
16 (a) An application for the implementation of the total
17return distribution method shall be submitted to the
18Comptroller at least 120 days before the effective date of the
19election to receive total return distribution. In addition to
20submitting payment of a reasonable application fee, the
21cemetery authority shall provide the Comptroller with all of
22the following:
23 (1) A written investment policy. The investment goals
24 shall be to achieve principal growth through allowable
25 investments for care fund trusts with a secondary goal of

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1 achieving current income.
2 (2) A care fund trust agreement that clearly shows the
3 selection of the total return distribution method.
4 (3) A written distribution policy establishing the
5 total return percentage and initial estimated average fair
6 market value, using the most recent month-end balances as
7 the estimate for the current year, signed by the cemetery
8 authority or trustee, along with supporting documentation
9 and additional information as may be required by the rules
10 adopted under this Act.
11 (b) The application shall be considered approved unless
12the cemetery authority or trustee is notified otherwise by the
13Comptroller within 90 days of receipt. The notification shall
14contain details of the information needed to remedy any
15deficiencies in the application.
16 (c) The total return percentage elected may be reduced but
17may not be increased unless additional application is made to
18the Comptroller with documentation demonstrating the rate of
19return of the care funds over the last 3 years to support an
20increase in the percentage. The total return distribution
21shall not exceed 5% of the average fair market value of the
22fund assets in a given calendar year.
23 (d) A cemetery authority that has elected the total return
24distribution method may elect to reconvert to the ordinary
25income distribution method by submitting written documentation
26to the Comptroller in support of the reconversion, including a

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1copy of the trust agreement, notification on the proposed
2effective date of the reconversion, and any additional
3information required by the Comptroller.
4 (e) The Comptroller may take corrective measures,
5including reducing the total return percentage or requiring a
6distribution of only ordinary income for a year under one or
7more of the following circumstances:
8 (1) if the average fair market value of the care fund
9 from one 3-year period to the previous 3-year period
10 declines by 10% or more;
11 (2) if the average fair market value of the care fund
12 declines by more than 30% during a rolling 5-year period;
13 (3) if the fair market value of the fund at the
14 beginning of a fiscal year is less than 80% of the fair
15 market value of the fund on the first day of the fiscal
16 year when the care fund started making distributions based
17 on the total return distribution method;
18 (4) if there is an uncorrected care fund deficiency as
19 determined by the Comptroller's review of the annual
20 report; or
21 (5) if the Comptroller determines that the trustee is
22 not able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge and expertise
23 regarding the effective implementation of distributing
24 income for the maintenance of the cemetery using the total
25 return distribution method.
26 (f) The Comptroller may evaluate the care fund conditions

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1and choose not to impose corrective measures if the
2Comptroller finds that:
3 (1) the reasons are due to unusual or temporary
4 factors not within the control of the cemetery authority
5 or the trustee and that could not have been reasonably
6 anticipated;
7 (2) the current investment policy of the fund is
8 reasonably designed to protect the fund from further
9 declines in fair market value; or
10 (3) the exception appears to be both necessary and
11 appropriate for the continued protections of the care
12 fund.
13 (760 ILCS 100/5) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.5)
14 Sec. 5. No cemetery authority, nor any agent, servant, or
15employee of it, nor any other person, shall advertise,
16represent, guarantee, promise, or contract that perpetual
17care, permanent care, perpetual or permanent maintenance, care
18forever, continuous care, eternal care, everlasting care, or
19any similar or equivalent care, or care for any number of years
20of any cemetery or of any lot, grave, crypt or niche, or of any
21family mausoleum, memorial, marker, or monument, will be
22furnished: Provided, however, that any cemetery authority may
23advertise, represent, guarantee, promise or contract that care
24will be furnished from the net income only derived from funds
25held in trust as provided in Sections Section 3 and 4 of this

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1Act; and may advertise, represent, guarantee, promise or
2contract that care will be given any lot, grave, crypt, or
3niche, or any family mausoleum, memorial, marker, or monument
4for any definite number of years, such care to be furnished
5under a contract providing that the principal of the amount
6paid under the contract shall be used to furnish the care and
7further providing specifically the care to be given and the
8number of years for which it is to be given.
9(Source: Laws 1947, p. 338.)
10 (760 ILCS 100/14) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.14)
11 Sec. 14. The Comptroller may at any time investigate the
12cemetery business of every licensee with respect to its care
13funds. The Comptroller shall examine at least annually every
14licensee who has holds $250,000 or more in its care funds. For
15that purpose, the Comptroller shall have free access to the
16office and places of business and to such records of all
17licensees and of all trustees of the care funds of all
18licensees as shall relate to the acceptance, use and
19investment of care funds. The Comptroller may require the
20attendance of and examine under oath all persons whose
21testimony he may require relative to such business and in such
22cases the Comptroller or any qualified representative of the
23Comptroller whom the Comptroller may designate, may administer
24oaths to all such persons called as witnesses, and the
25Comptroller, or any such qualified representative of the

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1Comptroller, may conduct such examinations. The cost of an
2initial examination shall be borne by the cemetery authority
3if it has $10,000 or more in such fund; otherwise, by the
4Comptroller. The charge made by the Comptroller for such
5examination shall be based upon the total amount of care funds
6held by the cemetery authority as of the end of the calendar or
7fiscal year for which a report is required by Section 12 of
8this Act and shall be in accordance with the following
10 less than $10,000.........................no charge;
11 $10,000 or more but less than
13 $50,000 or more but less than
15 $100,000 or more but less than
17 $250,000 or more....................................$100.
18 Any licensee which is not required to be examined annually
19shall submit an annual report to the Comptroller containing
20such information as the Comptroller reasonably may request.
21 The Comptroller may order additional audits or
22examinations as he or she may deem necessary or advisable to
23ensure the safety and stability of the trust funds and to
24ensure compliance with this Act. These additional audits or
25examinations shall only be made after good cause is
26established by the Comptroller in the written order. The

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1grounds for ordering these additional audits or examinations
2may include, but shall not be limited to:
3 (1) material and unverified changes or fluctuations in
4 trust balances;
5 (2) the licensee changing trustees more than twice in
6 any 12-month period;
7 (3) any withdrawals or attempted withdrawals from the
8 trusts in violation of this Act; or
9 (4) failure to maintain or produce documentation
10 required by this Act for deposits into trust accounts or
11 trust investment activities.
12 Prior to ordering an additional audit or examination, the
13Comptroller shall request the licensee to respond and comment
14upon the factors identified by the Comptroller as warranting
15the subsequent examination or audit. The licensee shall have
1630 days to provide a response to the Comptroller. If the
17Comptroller decides to proceed with the additional examination
18or audit, the licensee shall bear the full cost of that
19examination or audit, up to a maximum of $7,500. The
20Comptroller may elect to pay for the examination or audit and
21receive reimbursement from the licensee. Payment of the costs
22of the examination or audit by a licensee shall be a condition
23of receiving or maintaining a license under this Act. All
24moneys received by the Comptroller for examination or audit
25fees shall be maintained in a separate account to be known as
26the Comptroller's Administrative Fund. This Fund, subject to

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1appropriation by the General Assembly, may be utilized by the
2Comptroller for enforcing this Act and other purposes that may
3be authorized by law.
4(Source: P.A. 89-615, eff. 8-9-96.)
5 (760 ILCS 100/15a) (from Ch. 21, par. 64.15a)
6 Sec. 15a. Where any cemetery authority owning, operating,
7controlling or managing a privately operated cemetery or any
8trustee for the same has accepted care funds within the
9meaning of this Act, and is considered abandoned or seeks
10dissolution dissolution is sought by such cemetery authority
11in any manner, by resolution of such cemetery authority, or
12the trustees thereof, notice shall be given to the Comptroller
13of such intention to dissolve, and proper disposition shall be
14made of the care funds so held for the general benefit of such
15lot owners by or for the benefit of such cemetery authority, as
16provided by law, or in accordance with the trust provisions of
17any gift, grant, contribution, payment, legacy or pursuant to
18any contract whereby such funds were created. The Comptroller
19represented by the Attorney General may apply to the circuit
20court for the appointment of a receiver, trustee, successor in
21trust, or for directions of such court as to the proper
22disposition to be made of such care funds, to the end that the
23uses and purposes for which such trust or care funds were
24created may be accomplished. Where no such receiver is
25available, the circuit court may order a willing local

HB3102 Engrossed- 23 -LRB103 30889 LNS 57421 b
1municipality, township, county, or city to take over the
2cemetery. Any existing deed or care funds may be conveyed or
3transferred to the unit of local government. If there is no
4party available to convey the deed or transfer the care funds,
5then a judicial deed and court order may be obtained in the
6county in which the cemetery is located, and such deed or other
7writing, if it relates to land, shall promptly, after its
8execution by a judge or the sheriff, be recorded in the
9recorder's office of the county wherein the land is situated.
10Any cemetery taken over by a local municipality, township,
11county, or city shall be considered a municipal cemetery for
12the purposes of this Act.
13(Source: P.A. 87-747; 88-477.)
14 (760 ILCS 100/25 rep.)
15 Section 10. The Cemetery Care Act is amended by repealing
16Section 25.