HB3658 Engrossed LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 AN ACT concerning land.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. "An Act concerning State government", approved
5 September 25, 2007, Public Act 95-631, is amended by changing
6 Section 75 as follows:
7 (P.A. 95-631, Sec. 75)
8 Sec. 75. Upon the payment of the sum of $46,541.67 to the
9 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
10 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
11 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
12 over and through the following described land in Grundy County,
13 Illinois:
14 Parcel No. 3LR0101
15 Part of the Northeast Quarter and part of the Southeast Quarter
16 of Section 8, Township 31 North, Range 8 East of the Third
17 Principal Meridian described as follows:
18 Commencing at the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of
19 said Section 8; thence North 01 degree 50 minutes 02 seconds
20 West, 579.95 feet along the east line of the Northeast Quarter

HB3658 Engrossed - 2 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 of said Section 8; thence South 88 degrees 09 minutes 58
2 seconds West, 24.92 feet to the west right of way line of Maher
3 Road, and being the Point of Beginning; thence southwesterly
4 645.92 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the northwest
5 having a radius of 5678.78 feet and chord bearing and distance
6 of South 27 degrees 52 minutes 14 seconds West, 645.57 feet;
7 said curve being parallel with and 50 feet northwesterly of the
8 centerline of Illinois Route 129, to a point of tangency;
9 thence South 31 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, 96.36 feet
10 parallel with and 50 feet northwesterly of the said centerline
11 to a point of curvature; thence southwesterly 865.72 feet along
12 the arc of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of
13 3994.79 feet and a chord bearing and distance of South 37
14 degrees 20 minutes 15 seconds West, 864.02 feet to a point of
15 tangency; said curve being parallel with and 50 feet
16 northwesterly of the said centerline; thence South 43 degrees
17 32 minutes 45 seconds West, 88.03 feet parallel with and 50
18 feet northwesterly of said centerline; thence North 46 degrees
19 27 minutes 15 seconds West, 84.03 feet to the westerly right of
20 way of FA 5 according to the plat thereof recorded in Road Plat
21 Book 1 at Pages 58 and 59 in the Grundy County Recorder's
22 Office; thence northeasterly 1394.56 feet along the said
23 westerly right of way line along the arc of a curve concave to
24 the northwest having a radius of 5694.75 feet and a chord
25 bearing and distance of North 34 degrees 56 minutes 14 seconds
26 East, 1391.03 feet; thence northwesterly on a radial line North

HB3658 Engrossed - 3 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 62 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds West, 67.00 feet along the
2 said westerly right of way line; thence northeasterly 595.53
3 feet along the said westerly right of way line along the arc of
4 a curve that is concave to the northwest having a radius of
5 5582.75 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 24
6 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds East, 595.25 feet to the west
7 right of way line of Maher Road; thence South 01 degree 34
8 minutes 23 seconds East, 366.05 feet along the west right of
9 way line of Maher Road to the Point of Beginning, containing
10 4.573 acres, more or less, located in Garfield Township, Grundy
11 County, Illinois.
12 (Source: P.A. 95-631, eff. 9-25-07.)
13 Section 10. Upon the payment of the sum of $21,600.00 to
14 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
15 in Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
16 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
17 right, title and interest in and to the following described
18 land in Tazewell County, Illinois, to Jerry Eckstein.
19 Parcel No. 409599V
20 Part of Lot 48 in Cincinnati Addition to the Original Town,
21 now City of Pekin, Tazewell County, State of Illinois.
22 Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 48 as a

HB3658 Engrossed - 4 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Point of Beginning;
2 Thence South 00 degrees 35 minutes 52 seconds East
3 (bearings assumed for description purposes only), along
4 the east line of said Lot 48, a distance of 56.05 feet to a
5 point 10.00 feet perpendicularly distant north of the south
6 line of said lot; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 46
7 seconds West parallel with said south line, a distance of
8 112.73 feet to a point 27.50 feet perpendicularly distant
9 east of the centerline of said F.A.P. Route 656 (Third
10 Street); thence North 0 degrees 35 minutes 52 seconds West
11 parallel with said centerline, a distance of 56.05 feet to
12 a point on the north line of said Lot 48; thence North 89
13 degrees 26 minutes 46 seconds East, along said north line,
14 a distance of 112.73 feet to the Point of Beginning and
15 containing 6,319 square feet, more or less, or 0.145 acre,
16 more or less.
17 Section 15. Upon the payment of the sum of $7,900.00 to the
18 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
19 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
20 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
21 right, title and interest in and to the following described
22 land in Madison County, Illinois, to Dugan Tool and Die, Inc.
23 Parcel No. 800XC62

HB3658 Engrossed - 5 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Part of Lots 59 and 60 of the First Addition to Fairfield
2 Annex, according to the plat thereof recorded April 8, 1937
3 in Plat Book 17, Page 44 and being located in the Northeast
4 Quarter of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 9 West of
5 the Third Principal Meridian, Madison County, Illinois,
6 described as follows:
7 Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 59; thence
8 on an assumed bearing of North 01 degree 40 minutes 19
9 seconds West, on the westerly line of said Lot 59, a
10 distance of 178.79 feet to the Point of Beginning.
11 From said Point of Beginning; thence North 01 degree 40
12 minutes 19 seconds West, on said westerly line of Lot 59, a
13 distance of 33.44 feet; thence South 84 degrees 29 minutes
14 24 seconds East, 115.29 feet; thence southeasterly, 36.11
15 feet on a curve to the right, having a radius of 25.00
16 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 43 degrees 06
17 minutes 33 seconds East, 33.05 feet; thence South 01 degree
18 43 minutes 42 seconds East, on the easterly line of said
19 Lot 60, a distance of 11.17 feet; thence North 84 degrees
20 35 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of 137.32 feet to
21 the Point of Beginning.
22 Said Parcel 800XC62 contains 0.1019 acres or 4,439 square

HB3658 Engrossed - 6 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 feet, more or less.
2 Section 20. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,166.67 to the
3 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
4 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
5 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
6 right, title and interest in and to the following described
7 land in St. Clair County, Illinois, to Randy Walta.
8 Parcel No. 800XB76
9 That part of Lot 3 in the Northeast Quarter of the
10 Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 7
11 West of the Third Principal Meridian, St. Clair County,
12 Illinois, reference being had to the plat thereof recorded
13 in Book of Plats "C", on Page 157 in the Recorder's Office
14 of St. Clair County, Illinois, described as follows:
15 Commencing at the point of intersection of the survey
16 centerline of F.A. Route 14 (Illinois Route 13) and the
17 southwesterly right-of-way line of the Illinois Central
18 Railroad; thence on an assumed bearing of North 50 degrees
19 21 minutes 40 seconds West on said southwesterly
20 right-of-way line, 470.89 feet to the southeast corner of
21 Parcel 29, Tract "X" as described in the Warranty Deed to
22 the State of Illinois as recorded on September 2, 1970 in

HB3658 Engrossed - 7 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Book 2239, on Page 688, said southeast corner being the
2 Point of Beginning;
3 From said Point of Beginning; thence North 72 degrees 50
4 minutes 04 seconds West on the southwesterly line of said
5 Parcel 29, Tract "X" described in Book 2239, on Page 688, a
6 distance of 421.76 feet to the southwest corner thereof;
7 thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds East on the
8 west line of said Parcel 29, Tract "X", 208.67 feet to the
9 north corner thereof, said north corner being on the
10 southwesterly right-of-way line of the Illinois Central
11 Railroad; thence South 50 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds
12 East on the northeasterly line of said Parcel 29, Tract
13 "X", also being said southwesterly right-of-way line of the
14 Illinois Central Railroad, 522.20 feet to the Point of
15 Beginning.
16 Parcel 800XB76 herein described contains 0.9664 acres or
17 42,094 square feet, more or less.
18 The above described parcel being the same tract of land
19 described in the Warranty Deed as recorded on September 2,
20 1970 in Book 2239, Page 688, in St. Clair County Recorder's
21 Office, described as follows:
22 All that part of Lot 3 in the Northeast Quarter of the

HB3658 Engrossed - 8 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 7
2 West of the Third Principal Meridian in St. Clair County,
3 Illinois, reference being had to a plat thereof recorded in
4 the Recorder's Office of said County in Book of Plats "C",
5 on page 157, more particularly described as follows:
6 Commencing at a stone at the southeast corner of the
7 Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section
8 2; thence North 2 degrees, 31 minutes 00 seconds West,
9 816.07 feet along the east line of said Southeast Quarter
10 of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 2 to a point on
11 the survey centerline of a highway known as F.A. Route 14,
12 at Station 564+50.00, as said centerline is now surveyed
13 and staked out for the Department of Public Works and
14 Buildings of the State of Illinois; thence North 74 degrees
15 11 minutes 30 seconds West, 3,884.18 feet along said survey
16 centerline to Station 525+65.82; thence North 1 degree 44
17 minutes 30 seconds West, 188.79 feet to a point 180.00 feet
18 northeasterly from Station 525+08.89, said point being the
19 point of beginning of the tract herein intended to be
20 described; thence continuing North 1 degree 44 minutes 30
21 seconds West to a point on the existing southwesterly right
22 of way line of the Illinois Central Railroad; thence
23 southeasterly and along said southwesterly railroad right
24 of way to a point which is 180.00 feet northeasterly of
25 said survey centerline at Station 529+33.32; thence North

HB3658 Engrossed - 9 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 74 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds West along a line parallel
2 to and 180.00 feet northeasterly from said survey
3 centerline to the Point of Beginning.
4 It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right
5 of access nor will access be permitted in the future by the
6 State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or
7 over the premises above described to and from IL Route 13,
8 previously declared a freeway.
9 Section 25. Upon the payment of the sum of $2,500.00 to the
10 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
11 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
12 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
13 right, title and interest in and to the following described
14 land in Jefferson County, Illinois, to Marc and Allison Harris.
15 Parcel No. 9NY0172
16 A part of Lots 15 and 16 in George D. Williams' Fourth
17 Addition to the City of Mt. Vernon, Illinois, situated in
18 Jefferson County, Illinois, more particularly described as
19 follows: Commencing at a point on the southerly line of Lot
20 16 of said George D. Williams' Fourth Addition that is
21 25.00 feet northerly of the centerline of Warren Avenue and
22 30.00 feet westerly of the centerline of FAU 8736 (Illinois

HB3658 Engrossed - 10 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 37) at Station 1108+67.92; thence westerly along said
2 southerly line of Lot 16, North 88 degrees 48 minutes 52
3 seconds West a distance of 126.40 feet to a point located
4 147.08 feet westerly of said centerline at Station
5 1108+19.50, said point being the Point of Beginning of this
6 description; thence continuing along the southerly line of
7 Lot 16, North 88 degrees 48 minutes 52 seconds West a
8 distance of 30.00 feet to a point located 174.80 feet
9 westerly of said centerline at Station 1108+07.69; thence
10 North 01 degree 20 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of
11 100.00 feet to a point on the northerly line of Lot 15
12 located 135.46 feet westerly of said centerline at Station
13 1107+13.13; thence South 88 degrees 48 minutes 52 seconds
14 East, along said north line a distance of 30.00 feet to a
15 point located 107.93 feet westerly of said centerline at
16 Station 1107+25.32; thence South 01 degree 20 minutes 48
17 seconds West a distance of 100.00 feet to the Point of
18 Beginning.
19 The above described parcel contains 0.069 acres (3000.00
20 sq. ft.), more or less.
21 All distances measured from the centerline of FAU. 8736
22 (Illinois Route 37) are measured normal to said centerline.
23 The basis of the bearings in this description is the

HB3658 Engrossed - 11 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Illinois State Plane Coordinate System.
2 Section 30. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,200.00 to the
3 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
4 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
5 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
6 right, title and interest in and to the following described
7 land in Sangamon County, Illinois, to Golds Gym of Springfield.
8 Parcel No. 675X255
9 Part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 in Hickox and Chestnut's
10 Addition to the City of Springfield, described more
11 particularly as follows:
12 Commencing at an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of
13 Block 1 in Hickox and Chestnut's Addition, thence North 89
14 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West along the north line of
15 Washington Street a distance of 16.52 feet, thence North 62
16 degrees 31 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 61.73
17 feet to a point on the east line of Block 2 in Hickox and
18 Chestnut's Addition, said point marks the true Point of
19 Beginning, thence continuing North 62 degrees 31 minutes 35
20 seconds West, a distance of 75.54 feet to an iron pipe,
21 thence North 72 degrees 28 minutes 25 seconds East a
22 distance of 19.80 feet to an iron pipe, thence North 27

HB3658 Engrossed - 12 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 degrees 28 minutes, 25 seconds East a distance of 68.31
2 feet to an iron pipe marking the beginning of a 169.00 foot
3 radius curve to the left, thence northeasterly 44.81 feet
4 along said curve, having a long chord which bears North 19
5 degrees 52 minutes 38 seconds East for a distance of 44.68
6 feet to a drill hole on the east line of Block 2 in Hickox
7 and Chestnut's Addition. Thence South 00 degrees 34 minutes
8 25 seconds East along said east line a distance of 143.45
9 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said parcel contains
10 (3706 square feet), 0.085 acre, more or less, all in the
11 County of Sangamon, State of Illinois.
12 Basis of bearing is North 89 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds
13 West along the north line of Washington Street.
14 Excepting that the Department will retain an easement over
15 and across the below described parcel for sewer
16 maintenance.
17 Part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 in Hickox and Chestnut's
18 Addition to the City of Springfield, and part of vacated
19 17th Street lying between Blocks 1 and 2 in Hickox and
20 Chestnut's Addition; described more particularly as
21 follows:
22 Commencing at an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of

HB3658 Engrossed - 13 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 Block 1 in Hickox and Chestnut's Addition, thence North 89
2 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West along the north line of
3 Washington Street a distance of 16.52 feet, thence North 62
4 degrees 31 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 41.73
5 feet to the true Point of Beginning, thence continuing
6 North 62 degrees 31 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of
7 72.24 feet, thence North 26 degrees 42 minutes 08 seconds
8 East a distance of 28.01 feet, thence South 64 degrees 56
9 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 36.90 feet, thence
10 South 22 degrees 56 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of
11 46.38 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Said parcel
12 contains 1584 square feet (0.036 acre) more or less, all in
13 the County of Sangamon, State of Illinois.
14 Basis of bearing is North 89 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds
15 West along the north line of Washington Street.
16 Section 35. Upon the payment of the sum of $300.00 to the
17 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
18 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
19 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
20 over and through the following described land in Ogle County,
21 Illinois:
22 Parcel No. 2DOGX47

HB3658 Engrossed - 14 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of
2 Section 17, Township 24 North, Range 8 East of the Fourth
3 Principal Meridian, Ogle County, State of Illinois,
4 described as follows:
5 Commencing at a PK nail at the northeast corner of the
6 Northeast Quarter of said Section 17; thence South 0
7 degrees 44 minutes 53 seconds East, 487.80 feet (Bearings
8 and Grid Distances are referenced to the Illinois State
9 Plane Coordinate System West Zone Datum of 1983(97)), on
10 the east line of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 89
11 degrees 15 minutes 07 seconds West, 32.39 feet, to the west
12 line of the formerly dedicated right of way for Illinois
13 State Route 26 (S.B.I. 26), as recorded on January 3, 1933,
14 as Document Number 192417, in Book 1 at Page 144 in the
15 Recorder's Office of Ogle County, State of Illinois, and
16 the Point of Beginning.
17 From the Point of Beginning thence South 1 degree 44
18 minutes 23 seconds East, 60.01 feet on said west right of
19 way line; thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 04 seconds
20 East, 100.00 feet on said west right of way line; thence
21 South 0 degrees 00 minutes 42 seconds West, 72.01 feet on
22 said west right of way line; thence North 0 degrees 47
23 minutes 04 seconds West, 232.00 feet on said west right of
24 way line, to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.005 acre,

HB3658 Engrossed - 15 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 more or less.
2 Section 40. Upon the payment of the sum of $20,914.00 to
3 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
4 in Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
5 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
6 over and through the following described land in Rock Island
7 County, Illinois:
8 Parcel No. 2DRIX93
9 A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of
10 Section 1, Township 17 North, Range 1 West of the Fourth
11 Principal Meridian, Rock Island County, State of Illinois,
12 described as follows:
13 Beginning at a 1/2" iron pin w/cap at the northeast corner
14 of Lot 1 in Block 2 as designated upon the Plat of Oak Lawn
15 Subdivision, a subdivision of the Southwest Quarter of said
16 Section 1, the Plat of said Subdivision is recorded in Plat
17 Book 27 at Page 237 in the Recorder of Deeds Office of Rock
18 Island County; thence South 89 degrees 02 minutes 32
19 seconds West (Bearings assumed for description purposes
20 only), 213.98 feet (214.00 feet platted) on the north line
21 of said Block 2, to a 1/2" iron pin w/cap at the northwest
22 corner of Lot 51 in said Block 2; thence North 0 degrees 05

HB3658 Engrossed - 16 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 minutes 04 seconds East, 40.01 feet; thence North 89
2 degrees 02 minutes 32 seconds East, 143.25 feet; thence
3 South 61 degrees 12 minutes 41 seconds East, 80.63 feet, to
4 the Point of Beginning, containing 7,145 square feet (0.164
5 acre), more or less.
6 Section 45. Upon the payment of the sum of $9,167.00 to the
7 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
8 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
9 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
10 over and through the following described land in DeKalb County,
11 Illinois:
12 Parcel No. 3LR0112
13 TRACT 1:
14 That part of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section
15 30, Township 41 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal
16 Meridian, more particularly described as follows using
17 bearings referenced to an assumed North:
18 Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest
19 Fractional Quarter of Section 30; thence North 88 degrees
20 37 minutes 02 seconds East, 269.52 feet along the north
21 line of said Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 30 to

HB3658 Engrossed - 17 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 the northeasterly right of way line of Illinois State Route
2 64 (F.A. 17); thence South 76 degrees 05 minutes 24 seconds
3 East, 42.93 feet along said northeasterly right of way
4 line; thence South 69 degrees 48 minutes 47 seconds East,
5 29.96 feet along said northeasterly right of way line to
6 the northerly line of the formerly dedicated right of way
7 for Illinois State Route 64 (S.B.I. 64 Ext.) as recorded on
8 February 16, 1945 in Volume "H" of Plats on page 56 in the
9 Recorder's Office of DeKalb County, Illinois and the Point
10 of Beginning; thence North 88 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds
11 East, 364.42 feet along said formerly dedicated line;
12 thence southeasterly on the northeasterly line of the
13 formerly dedicated right of way, 465.35 feet along a
14 1045.18 foot radius curve to the right whose chord bears
15 South 59 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds East, 461.52 feet to
16 the westerly right of way line of Esmond Road; thence South
17 37 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West, 80.34 feet along the
18 westerly right of way line of Esmond Road to the
19 southwesterly line of said formerly dedicated right of way
20 for Illinois State Route 64 (S.B.I. 64 Ext.); thence
21 northwesterly on said formerly dedicated southwesterly
22 right of way line, 717.60 feet along a 965.18 foot radius
23 curve to the left whose chord bears North 67 degrees 50
24 minutes 06 seconds West, 701.19 feet to the northeasterly
25 right of way line of Illinois State Route 64 (F.A. 17);
26 thence North 69 degrees 48 minutes 47 seconds West, 68.30

HB3658 Engrossed - 18 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 feet along said northeasterly right of way line of Illinois
2 State Route 64 (F.A. 17) to the Point of Beginning,
3 containing 1.143 acres, more or less, in DeKalb County,
4 Illinois.
5 TRACT 2:
6 That part of the Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section
7 30, Township 41 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal
8 Meridian, more particularly described as follows using
9 bearings referenced to an assumed North:
10 Commencing at the northeast corner of said Northwest
11 Fractional Quarter of Section 30; thence South 1 degree 09
12 minutes 59 seconds East, 1071.23 feet along the east line
13 of said Northwest Fractional Quarter of Section 30 to the
14 northeasterly right of way line of Illinois State Route 64
15 (F.A. 17); thence North 17 degrees 15 minutes 53 seconds
16 West, 113.32 feet along said northeasterly right of way
17 line to the easterly line of the formerly dedicated right
18 of way for Illinois State Route 64 (S.B.I. 64 Ext.) as
19 recorded on February 16, 1945 in Volume "H" of Plats on
20 page 56 in the Recorder's Office of DeKalb County, Illinois
21 and the Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 17
22 degrees 15 minutes 53 seconds West, 47.54 feet along said
23 northeasterly right of way line of Illinois State Route 64

HB3658 Engrossed - 19 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 (F.A. 17); thence North 25 degrees 51 minutes 41 seconds
2 West, 18.92 feet along said northeasterly right of way line
3 of Illinois State Route 64 (F.A. 17) to the southwesterly
4 right of way line of said formerly dedicated right of way
5 for Illinois State Route 64 (S.B.I. 64 Ext.); thence
6 northwesterly on said formerly dedicated right of way line,
7 526.01 feet along a 965.18 foot radius curve to the left
8 whose chord bears North 23 degrees 41 minutes 43 seconds
9 West, 519.52 feet to the easterly right of way line of
10 Esmond Road; thence North 29 degrees 10 minutes 37 seconds
11 East, 85.49 feet along the easterly right of way line of
12 Esmond Road to the northeasterly line of said formerly
13 dedicated right of way for Illinois State Route 64 (S.B.I.
14 64 Ext.); thence southeasterly on said formerly dedicated
15 northeasterly right of way line, 359.75 feet along a
16 1045.18 foot radius curve to the right whose chord bears
17 South 31 degrees 09 minutes 59 seconds East, 357.97 feet to
18 the east line of said formerly dedicated right of way;
19 thence South 0 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East, 306.52
20 feet on the east line of said formerly dedicated right of
21 way to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.864 acre, more
22 or less, in DeKalb County, Illinois.
23 Section 50. Upon the payment of the sum of $1,000.00 to the
24 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
25 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes

HB3658 Engrossed - 20 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
2 over and through the following described land in Woodford
3 County, Illinois:
4 Parcel No. 409615V
5 A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 27
6 North, Range 1 West of the Third Principal Meridian,
7 Woodford County, State of Illinois, more particularly
8 described as follows:
9 Commencing at the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter
10 of said Section 16, said point being 4.84 feet normally
11 distant southerly of the existing centerline of S.B.I. 116;
12 thence North 87 degrees 56 minutes 53 seconds East along
13 the south line of said Section 16 a distance of 1,325.39
14 feet to a point being 5.33 feet normally distant southerly
15 of said centerline; thence North 01 degree 09 minutes 24
16 seconds East, along the west line of the East Half of the
17 Southwest Quarter of said Section 16, a distance of 65.34
18 feet to a point being 60.00 feet normally distant northerly
19 of said centerline, said point being on the northerly
20 existing right of way and access control line and the Point
21 of Beginning.
22 From the Point of Beginning thence North 87 degrees 57

HB3658 Engrossed - 21 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 minutes 05 seconds East along said right of way and access
2 control line a distance of 895.27 feet to a point being
3 60.00 feet normally distant northerly of said centerline.
4 The described tract contains 895.27 lineal feet of access
5 control rights to be vacated.
6 Section 55. Upon the payment of the sum of $7,625.00 to the
7 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
8 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
9 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
10 over and through the following described land in Peoria County,
11 Illinois:
12 Parcel No. 409616V
13 Part of the North Half (N1/2) of the Northwest Quarter
14 (NW1/4) of Section Twenty-eight (28), Township Nine (9)
15 North, Range Eight (8) East of the Fourth (4th) Principal
16 Meridian, Peoria County, State of Illinois;
17 Beginning at the northeast corner of Outlot 5 in Knollcrest
18 Subdivision #3 for a Point of Beginning;
19 Thence, South 00 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds East
20 (bearings assumed for description purposes only), parallel

HB3658 Engrossed - 22 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 with the east line of said Outlot 5, a distance of 158.00
2 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West, a
3 distance of 20.00 feet to a point on the southerly
4 extension of the east line of said Outlot 5; thence North
5 00 degrees 14 minutes 04 seconds West, along said east line
6 and its southerly extension, a distance of 158.00 feet;
7 thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds East along
8 the easterly extension of the north line of said Outlot 5,
9 a distance of 20.00 feet to the Point of Beginning.
10 The said tract of land contains 3,160 square feet, more or
11 less, or 0.073 acre, more or less.
12 Section 60. Upon the payment of the sum of $4,500.00 to the
13 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
14 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
15 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed the
16 rights of access to the following described land in Saline
17 County, Illinois, to Wayne Head and Martha Head, as joint
18 tenants with right of survivorship.
19 Parcel No. 9NY0176
20 In the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of
21 Section 15, T9S, R7E, 3rd P.M. on Illinois Route 13, Saline
22 County, IL, where the access shall be changed from a farming

HB3658 Engrossed - 23 - LRB096 03762 AJO 13792 b
1 purposes only to a single family residence and/or farming
2 purposes only entrance centered at Station 1397+00 left to a
3 maximum total width of 40 feet.
4 Section 900. The Secretary of Transportation shall obtain a
5 certified copy of the portion of this Act containing the title,
6 enacting clause, the effective date, the appropriate Section
7 containing the land description of the property to be
8 transferred or otherwise affected under this Act within 69 days
9 after its effective date and, upon receipt of payment required
10 by the Section shall record the certified document in the
11 Recorder's Office in the county in which the land is located.
12 Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
13 becoming law.