HB4122 EngrossedLRB101 16205 RJF 65577 b
1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 (20 ILCS 4050/7 rep.)
5 Section 5. The Hospital Basic Services Preservation Act is
6amended by repealing Section 7.
7 Section 10. The Hospital Basic Services Preservation Act is
8amended by changing Section 15 and by adding Section 7.5 as
10 (20 ILCS 4050/7.5 new)
11 Sec. 7.5. Dissolution of Hospital Basic Services Review
12Board; transfer provisions.
13 (a) The Hospital Basic Services Review Board is dissolved.
14The Health Facilities and Services Review Board shall succeed
15to all of the powers, duties, rights, and property, including
16contractual rights and obligations, of the Hospital Basic
17Services Review Board. Rules, procedures, and decisions of the
18Hospital Basic Services Review Board in effect at the time of
19its dissolution shall be deemed to be those of the Health
20Facilities and Services Review Board. Matters pending before
21the Hospital Basic Services Review Board at the time of its
22dissolution shall continue as matters before the Health

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1Facilities and Services Review Board. The Health Facilities and
2Services Review Board shall be deemed successor in interest to
3the Hospital Basic Services Review Board for the purposes of
4any pending litigation.
5 (b) Any remaining appropriations available for use by the
6Hospital Basic Services Review Board at the time of its
7dissolution may be expended by the Health Facilities and
8Services Review Board.
9 (c) Persons employed by the Hospital Basic Services Review
10Board on the date of its dissolution shall thereupon become
11employees of the Health Facilities and Services Review Board
12without loss of seniority or accrued benefits.
13 (20 ILCS 4050/15)
14 (For Act Repeal see Section 30)
15 Sec. 15. Basic services loans.
16 (a) Essential community hospitals seeking
17collateralization of loans under this Act must apply to the
18Health Facilities and Services Review Board on a form
19prescribed by the Health Facilities and Services Review Board
20by rule. The Health Facilities and Services Review Board shall
21review the application and, if it approves the applicant's
22plan, shall forward the application and its approval to the
23Hospital Basic Services Review Board.
24 (b) Upon review receipt of the applicant's application and
25approval from the Health Facilities and Services Review Board,

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1the Health Facilities and Services Review Board Hospital Basic
2Services Review Board shall request from the applicant and the
3applicant shall submit to the Health Facilities and Services
4Review Board Hospital Basic Services Review Board all of the
5following information:
6 (1) A copy of the hospital's last audited financial
7 statement.
8 (2) The percentage of the hospital's patients each year
9 who are Medicaid patients.
10 (3) The percentage of the hospital's patients each year
11 who are Medicare patients.
12 (4) The percentage of the hospital's patients each year
13 who are uninsured.
14 (5) The percentage of services provided by the hospital
15 each year for which the hospital expected payment but for
16 which no payment was received.
17 (6) Any other information required by the Health
18 Facilities and Services Review Board Hospital Basic
19 Services Review Board by rule.
20The Health Facilities and Services Review Board Hospital Basic
21Services Review Board shall review the applicant's original
22application, the approval of the Health Facilities and Services
23Review Board, and the information provided by the applicant to
24the Health Facilities and Services Review Board Hospital Basic
25Services Review Board under this Section and make a
26recommendation to the State Treasurer to accept or deny the

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2 (c) If the Health Facilities and Services Review Board
3Hospital Basic Services Review Board recommends that the
4application be accepted, the State Treasurer may collateralize
5the applicant's basic service loan for eligible expenses
6related to completing, attaining, or upgrading basic services,
7including, but not limited to, delivery, installation, staff
8training, and other eligible expenses as defined by the State
9Treasurer by rule. The total cost for any one project to be
10undertaken by the applicants shall not exceed $10,000,000 and
11the amount of each basic services loan collateralized under
12this Act shall not exceed $5,000,000. Expenditures related to
13basic service loans shall not exceed the amount available in
14the Fund necessary to collateralize the loans. The terms of any
15basic services loan collateralized under this Act must be
16approved by the State Treasurer in accordance with standards
17established by the State Treasurer by rule.
18(Source: P.A. 96-31, eff. 6-30-09.)