Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez

Filed: 4/8/2014

09800HB4169ham001LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4169 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights Act.
6 Section 5. Purpose and findings. Domestic workers play a
7critical role in Illinois' economy, working to ensure the
8health and prosperity of Illinois families and freeing others
9to participate in the workforce. Despite the value of their
10work, domestic workers have historically been excluded from the
11protections under State law extended to workers in other
12industries. Domestic workers are predominantly women who labor
13to support families and children of their own and who receive
14low pay and minimal or no benefits. Without clear standards
15governing their workplaces and working alone and behind closed
16doors, domestic workers are among the most isolated and

09800HB4169ham001- 2 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1vulnerable workforce in the State. Workforce projections are
2one of growth for domestic workers, but the lack of decent pay
3and other workplace protections undermines the likelihood of
4building and maintaining a reliable and experienced workforce
5that is able to meet the needs of Illinois families. Therefore,
6the General Assembly finds that because domestic workers care
7for the most important elements of Illinoisans' lives--our
8families and our homes--it is in the interest of employees,
9employers, and the people of Illinois to ensure that the rights
10of domestic workers are respected, protected, and enforced, and
11that this Act shall be interpreted liberally to aid this
13 Section 10. Definitions. As used in this Act:
14 "Department" means the Department of Labor.
15 "Director" means the Director of Labor and his or her
16authorized representatives.
17 "Domestic work" means: (1) housekeeping; (2) house
18cleaning; (3) home management; (4) nanny services including
19childcare and child monitoring; (5) caregiving, personal care,
20or home health services for elderly persons or persons with an
21illness, injury, or disability who require assistance in caring
22for themselves; (6)laundering; (7) cooking; (8) companion
23services; (9)chauffeuring; and (10) other household services
24for members of households or their guests in or about a private
25home or residence or any other location where the domestic work

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1is performed.
2 "Domestic worker" means a person employed to perform
3domestic work. "Domestic worker" does not include: (i) a person
4performing domestic work who is the employer's parent, spouse,
5child, or other member of his or her immediate family,
6exclusive of individuals whose primary work duties are
7caregiving, companion services, personal care, or home health
8services for elderly persons or persons with an illness,
9injury, or disability who require assistance in caring for
10themselves;(ii) child and day care home providers
11participating in the child care assistance program under
12Section 9A-11 of the Illinois Public Aid Code; (iii) a person
13who is employed by one or more employers in or about a private
14home or residence or any other location where the domestic work
15is performed for less than 8 hours in the aggregate in any
16workweek on a regular basis, exclusive of individuals whose
17primary work duties are caregiving, companion services,
18personal care, or home health services for elderly persons or
19persons with an illness, injury, or disability who require
20assistance in caring for themselves; or (iv) a person who (A)
21has been and will continue to be free from control and
22direction over the performance of his or her work, both under a
23contract of service and in fact and (B) is engaged in an
24independently established trade, occupation, profession, or
25business or the person performing domestic work is deemed a
26legitimate sole proprietor or partnership under subsection (c)

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1of Section 10 of the Employee Classification Act, except that
2the terms "contractor" and "subcontractor" shall be
3substituted for "employer" and "domestic worker" respectively,
4as defined under this Act.
5 "Employee" means a domestic worker.
6 "Employ" includes to suffer or permit to work.
7 "Employer" means any individual; partnership; association;
8corporation; limited liability company; business trust;
9employment and labor placement agencies where wages are made
10directly or indirectly by the agency or business for work
11undertaken by employees under hire to a third party pursuant to
12a contract between the business or agency with the third party;
13the State of Illinois and local governments, or any political
14subdivision of the State or local government, or State or local
15government agency; for which one or more persons is gainfully
16employed, express or implied, whether lawfully or unlawfully
17employed, who employs a domestic worker or who exercises
18control over the domestic worker's wage, remuneration, or other
19compensation, hours of employment, place of employment, or
20working conditions, or whose agent or any other person or group
21of persons acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an
22employer in relation to the employee exercises control over the
23domestic worker's wage, remuneration or other compensation,
24hours of employment, place of employment, or working
26 "Live-in domestic worker" means a domestic worker residing

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1on the employer's premises during the tenure of employment.
2 "Work time" means the time during which a domestic worker
3is suffered or permitted to work, whether or not required to do
4so, and whether or not any physical or mental exertion is
5expended by the domestic worker.
6 Section 15. Work time.
7 (a) An employer shall pay the domestic worker for all work
9 (b) Only periods during which a domestic worker is
10completely relieved from duty and which are long enough to
11enable him or her to use the time effectively for his or her
12own purposes (at least 30 minutes) are not hours worked, such
13as a 30-minute meal period. Periods of shorter duration must be
14counted as work time.
15 (c) When a domestic worker is on duty for a period of 24
16consecutive hours or more on a regular basis, the employer and
17the domestic worker may agree in writing prior to performance
18of the work to exclude a regularly scheduled sleeping period of
19no more than 8 hours from working time for each 24-hour period,
20provided that the employer provides sleeping quarters that are
21adequate, decent, safe, and sanitary, and the domestic worker
22can usually enjoy an uninterrupted night's sleep. If the
23sleeping time is interrupted by a call to duty, the
24interruption must be counted as hours worked. If no prior
25written agreement is made, all meal, rest, and sleeping periods

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1shall constitute work time.
2 (d) All live-in domestic workers shall be provided a
3sleeping period of at least 8 hours. If the sleeping time is
4interrupted by a call to duty, the interruption must be counted
5as hours worked. If the period is interrupted to such an extent
6that the employee cannot get at least 5 continuous hours of
7sleep during the scheduled period on a regular basis the entire
8time is work time.
9 Section 20. Sleeping facilities, meals, and costs.
10 (a) An employer shall not charge a domestic worker for the
11cost of lodging, meals, equipment, uniforms, transportation,
12or any other cost related to his or her employment.
13 (b) All live-in domestic workers shall be provided private
14quarters for sleeping and dressing typically used for that
15purpose, with reasonable access to bathroom, kitchen, and
16laundry facilities. No domestic worker shall be required to
17share a bed.
18 (c) Lodging under this Section must be in a condition that
19is safe, healthful, fit for occupancy, and in compliance with
20terms of a lease, if any, and with the requirements of federal,
21State, and local law.
22 (d) Termination of a domestic worker's lodging with his or
23her employer is subject to a minimum of 14 days' notice to
24vacate if such lodging is the domestic worker's primary
25residence. If such notice is not provided, the employer shall

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1pay the domestic worker 14 days of pay at the regular rate to
2be paid on the date the domestic worker must vacate the lodging
3with his or her employer, in addition to any severance pay that
4is due the worker. Such notice need not be given nor payment
5made under limited and extraordinary circumstances, such as
6when there is probable cause the domestic worker has engaged in
7child or elder abuse as defined by Illinois law.
8 (e) An employer shall not employ a domestic worker for work
9time of more than 5 hours per day without the opportunity to
10eat a meal, whether during work time or not. The opportunity to
11eat a meal shall be provided no less than once in every 8 hours
12of consecutive work hours.
13 Section 25. Show-up time, scheduled work time and
15 (a) Two hours of pay at the regular rate shall be paid to
16any domestic worker who reports to work but is not put to work
17and has not received at least 2 hours prior notice to not to
18report for work.
19 (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), if an employer does not
20require the domestic worker to report to work for 2 or more
21consecutive days on a temporary basis for any reason, such as
22the employer's vacation, or any other change in the work time
23schedule on a temporary or permanent basis, the employer shall
24provide to the domestic worker notice at least 7 days in
25advance of the first day the worker is not required to report

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1to work or there is a change in schedule. If such notice is not
2provided and the change in work hours results in fewer work
3hours, the domestic worker shall be paid the hours scheduled to
4work or 4 hours, whichever is greater, at the regular rate of
5pay and shall be paid for each subsequent day of involuntary
6time off if no notice is provided. In circumstances where the
7change in the work time schedule is not foreseeable by the
8employer, making advance notice impossible, notice shall be
9given as soon as practical, but not less than 24 hours after
10the worker was scheduled for work but was not put to work. In
11that circumstance, the domestic worker shall be paid in
12accordance with subsection (a).
13 (c) If an employer terminates a domestic worker, the
14employer shall provide to the domestic worker notice of
15termination at least 14 days in advance of the first day the
16worker is not required to report to work. If such notice is not
17provided to domestic workers who work 20 or more hours in any
18workweek on a regular basis for the terminating employer, the
19employer shall pay the domestic worker 14 days of severance pay
20at the regular rate of pay from the date of termination, to be
21paid no later than the day of termination. If such notice is
22not provided to domestic workers who work more than 8 hours and
23less than 20 hours in any workweek on a regular basis for the
24terminating employer, the employer shall pay the domestic
25worker 7 days of severance pay at the regular rate of pay from
26the date of termination, to be paid no later than the date of

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1termination. Severance pay need not be paid under limited and
2extraordinary circumstances, such as when there is probable
3cause the domestic worker has engaged in child or elder abuse
4as defined by Illinois law.
5 (d) Any provision included in a relevant collective
6agreement supersedes this Section, if applicable.
7 Section 30. Paid time off.
8 (a) If a domestic worker works for one employer more than 8
9hours in any workweek on a regular basis, the employer shall
10provide paid time off.
11 (b) Paid time off shall accrue at the rate of one hour of
12paid time off for every 40 hours of working time for one
13employer up to the maximum of 50 hours paid time off. Paid time
14off shall be accrued from the first day of employment, but may
15not be used until the employee has worked for the employer for
166 months, unless the employer agrees. Once the employee has
17worked for 6 months, paid time off may be used as accrued, or
18be loaned by the employer, at its discretion, to the employee
19in advance of such accrual. In cases where an employer has
20loaned paid time off in advance of accrual, an employer shall
21not require a domestic worker to reimburse it for any unearned
22paid time off. Paid time off shall be permitted to be used in
23hourly increments. It is up to the domestic worker to determine
24when and how much accrued paid time off to take under this Act.
25However, paid time off shall not be used for more than 3

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1consecutive weeks if it results in a complete absence from
2employment from the employer subject to the paid time off,
3unless the employer agrees. Paid time off shall be provided
4upon the oral request of the domestic worker and for any
5purpose of the domestic worker's choosing. If the necessity for
6paid time off is foreseeable, the domestic worker shall provide
7the employer with not less than 7 days' oral notice before the
8date the leave is to begin. If the necessity for leave is not
9foreseeable, the domestic worker shall provide such notice as
10soon as is practical after the domestic worker is aware of the
11necessity of such leave. The employer may not require, as a
12condition of providing paid time off under this Act, that the
13domestic worker search for or find a replacement worker to
14cover the hours during which the domestic worker is on paid
15time off leave.
16 (c) Paid time off shall carry over annually to the extent
17not used by the domestic worker, provided that nothing in this
18Act shall be construed to require an employer to allow a worker
19to use more than 50 hours of paid time off in a year unless an
20employer agrees to do so.
21 (d) Upon oral request, an employer shall provide to a
22domestic worker an annual statement in writing indicating the
23amount and periods of accrued paid time off, unless the
24employer requires the employee to maintain such records as
25provided in Section 40 of this Act.
26 (e) During any period a domestic worker takes leave under

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1this Act, the employer shall maintain coverage for the domestic
2worker and any family member under any group health plan for
3the duration of such leave at at least the level and conditions
4of coverage that would have been provided if the domestic
5worker had not taken the leave.
6 Section 35. Privacy. An employer is not permitted to
7videotape or otherwise record the domestic worker in any of the
8bathrooms, in the area where the sleeping accommodations are
9provided while the domestic worker is sleeping, or, in the case
10of a live-in domestic worker, the domestic worker's living
12 Section 40. Recordkeeping requirements.
13 (a) An employer subject to any provision of this Act shall
14make and preserve records that document the name and address of
15each employee, whether or not the employee was a live-in
16domestic worker, the work hours each day in each workweek, the
17rates of pay, the amount paid each pay period, all deductions
18made from wages or final compensation, the number of paid time
19off hours earned each year and the dates on which paid time off
20hours were taken and paid, a copy of a written contract, if
21applicable, any charges or deduction from wages for any reason,
22and any other information the Director may by rule deem
23necessary and appropriate for enforcement of this Act. The
24employer may use an accountant or payroll or similar service to

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1make and preserve records on the employer's behalf required
2under this Section.
3 (b) The employer is required to maintain these records
4however, the employer may require the employee to record hours
5worked and paid time off information and submit such record to
6the employer. Where there is a reasonable agreement, documented
7as provided under subsection (b) of Section 45, the written
8contract may be used to establish the employee's hours of work
9in lieu of maintaining precise records of the hours actually
10worked. The employer shall keep a copy of the contract and
11indicate that the employee's work time generally coincides with
12the contract. If it is found there is a significant deviation
13from the initial contract, a separate record shall be kept for
14that period or a new contract shall be reached that reflects
15actual facts.
16 (c) An employer subject to any provision of this Act shall
17preserve those records for a period of not less than 3 years
18and shall make reports from the records as prescribed by rule
19or order of the Director, unless the records relate to an
20ongoing investigation or enforcement action under this Act, in
21which case the records must be maintained until there is an
22exhaustion of remedies.
23 (d) An employer shall, upon the oral request of a current
24or former employee or his or her representative, make these
25records available for inspection and copying by a current or
26former employee or his or her representative, at an agreed upon

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1location and time within 7 calendar days after such a request.
2If, however, the employer can reasonably show such deadline
3cannot be met, the employer shall have an additional 7 days to
4comply. An employer may charge a fee for providing a copy of
5such information. The fee shall be limited to the actual cost
6of duplicating the information.
7 (e) In the absence of employer records, a domestic worker
8may not be denied recovery of wages or final compensation on
9the basis that the domestic worker is unable to prove the
10precise extent of uncompensated work or final compensation. If
11an employer requires evidence of hours worked for other
12employers, a sworn statement by the employee stating that he or
13she has performed or is scheduled to perform domestic work for
14more than 8 hours in the aggregate for the relevant workweek
15shall satisfy any documentation requirements of hours worked
16under this Act. The employer shall not require more than one
17sworn statement in a calendar quarter if the hours the employee
18has performed or is scheduled to perform domestic work have not
19decreased to less than 9 hours in the aggregate in any workweek
20in that calendar quarter or less than 100 hours in the
21aggregate in the calendar quarter. An employer that requires
22evidence of hours worked must give the domestic worker written
23notice of such request and allow no less than 10 days or until
24the next scheduled work day, whichever is greater, for the
25domestic worker to comply.

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1 Section 45. Notice and written contract. The Department of
2Labor shall create a sample written notice and a sample written
3contract and shall make these documents available for retrieval
4from the Department's website.
5 (a) Notice. An employer shall notify all domestic workers
6and, upon oral request disclose in writing, the following
7information, when an offer of employment is made to a domestic
9 (1) the starting date, time, and place of employment;
10 (2) the wage rates to be paid;
11 (3) the frequency of the payment of wages;
12 (4) the kinds of domestic work for which the domestic
13 worker may be employed;
14 (5) the hours per day, days per week, and period of
15 employment, including any meal breaks and rest periods.
16 Where work hours are irregular from day to day or week to
17 week by mutual agreement, an average monthly work schedule
18 may satisfy this requirement;
19 (6) leave policies for both paid and unpaid time off
20 for the domestic worker;
21 (7) notice and other policies for involuntary time off
22 for the domestic worker;
23 (8)policies regarding notice of termination and
24 severance pay;
25 (9) any employee benefit to be provided, and any costs
26 to be charged for each of them;

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1 (10) any other terms and conditions of employment,
2 including any workplace hazards that may make the domestic
3 worker vulnerable to illnesses and other physical
4 problems;
5 (11) the employer's contact information, including his
6 or her full name, mailing address, and phone number; and
7 (12) any provision included in a relevant collective
8 bargaining agreement, if applicable.
9 (b) Written contract. If the domestic worker works for one
10employer more than 8 hours in any workweek on a regular basis,
11the employer shall provide a written contract that includes:
12 (1) the starting date, time, and place of employment;
13 (2) the rate of pay including overtime and additional
14 compensation for added duties or multilingual skills;
15 (3) the frequency of the payment of wages;
16 (4) work time and, when applicable, meal breaks and
17 rest periods, paid and unpaid time off, vacations and
18 holidays, and any foreseeable changes in work schedule,
19 such as a reduction or increase in hours per week or weeks
20 per month;
21 (5) any benefits the employer provides and any costs
22 the domestic worker is expected to pay associated with
23 those benefits such as health insurance, if any;
24 (6) living accommodations provided by the employer and
25 policies on vacating the premises;
26 (7) the responsibilities associated with the job;

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1 (8) any other terms and conditions of employment,
2 including workplace hazards that may make the domestic
3 worker vulnerable to illnesses and other physical
4 problems;
5 (9) the process for addressing increasing wages and the
6 process for addressing grievances;
7 (10) the right to privacy as required under Section 35
8 of this Act;
9 (11) show up time, changes in scheduled work time
10 policies, and termination and severance pay policies;
11 (12) the contract period;
12 (13) reimbursement for work-related expenses; and
13 (14) any other rights or benefits afforded to the
14 domestic worker, including State and federal employment
15 taxes paid or to be paid by the employer related to the
16 domestic worker's employment and notice of employment
17 rights in State law; and
18 (15) any provision included in a relevant collective
19 bargaining agreement, if applicable.
20 If a valid written contract that complies with this Section
21is entered into by an individual domestic worker and an
22employer, the written contract may include an alternative
23reasonable agreement as to certain provisions of this Act, as
24indicated in those subsections, as long as the domestic worker
25is compensated for all work time.

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1 Section 50. Prohibited acts.
2 (a) Interference with rights.
3 (1) It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Act
4 for any employer or any other person who discharges,
5 threatens, penalizes, or in any other manner
6 discriminates, retaliates, or takes any adverse action
7 against an employee, because the employee or a person or
8 organization acting on the employee's behalf: (i)
9 exercises rights or attempts to exercise rights under this
10 Act; (ii) opposes practices such employee believes to be in
11 violation of this Act; or (iii) supports the exercise of
12 rights under this Act. Exercising rights, opposing
13 practices, or supporting the exercise of rights under this
14 Act shall include, but not be limited to: (i) filing an
15 action or instituting or causing to be instituted any
16 proceeding under or related to this Act; (ii) providing or
17 preparing to provide any information in connection with any
18 inquiry or proceeding relating to any right provided under
19 this Act; (iii) testifying or preparing to testify in any
20 inquiry or proceeding relating to any right provided under
21 this Act, in a public hearing, or to a community
22 organization; or (iv) informing any other person that his
23 or her employer engages in conduct that the employee
24 reasonably and in good faith believes violates any
25 provisions of this Act.
26 (2) An agreement by an employee to waive his or her

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1 rights under this Act is void as against public policy. The
2 benefits provided to employees under this Act may not be
3 diminished by a collective bargaining agreement or an
4 employment benefit program or plan entered into or renewed
5 after the effective date of this Act.
6 (3) It shall be unlawful for an employer to interfere
7 with, restrain, or deny the exercise of or the attempt to
8 exercise any right provided under or in connection with
9 this Act including, but not limited to, using the taking of
10 paid time off as a negative factor in an employment action
11 such as hiring, termination, evaluation, promotion,
12 discipline, or counting the paid time off under a no-fault
13 attendance policy.
14 (b) Nothing in this Act shall limit an employer's ability
15to provide more generous wages, benefits, or working conditions
16than those provided under this Act.
17 Section 55. Enforcement.
18 (a) A domestic worker aggrieved by a violation of this Act
19or any rule adopted under this Act shall be entitled to
20recover, through a claim filed with the Department of Labor or
21in a civil action, all legal relief, including actual,
22compensatory, and punitive damages plus the penalties provided
23herein, with interest at the prevailing rate as is necessary to
24remedy violations of this Act, and such equitable relief as may
25be appropriate. An action may be brought to the Department of

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1Labor or in a civil action no more than 3 years after the date
2of the last event constituting the alleged violation for which
3the action is brought. Actions may be brought by one or more
4domestic workers for and on behalf of themselves and other
5domestic workers similarly situated. The Department and the
6court in such an action shall, in addition to any judgment
7awarded to the domestic worker, allow reasonable attorney's
8fees, reasonable expert witness fees, and other costs of the
9action to be paid by the defendant or employer. In addition,
10any employer that the Department or a court finds to have
11violated any provision of this Act or any rule adopted under
12this Act, when the damages equal to the amount of wages,
13salary, employment benefits, final compensation, or other
14compensation denied or lost the Department or the court has
15ordered to be paid by such employer is less than $1,000 and
16when the employer's conduct is proven by a preponderance of the
17evidence to be willful, repeated, or with reckless disregard of
18this Act or any rule adopted under this Act, the employer is
19subject to a civil money penalty not to exceed $250 for each
20separate offense, payable to the domestic worker. Any employer
21that the Department or a court finds to have violated any
22provision of this Act or any rule adopted under this Act, and
23the damages equal to the amount of wages, salary, employment
24benefits, final compensation, or other compensation denied or
25lost the Department or the court has ordered to be paid by such
26employer is $1,000 or more, and where the employer's conduct is

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1proven by a preponderance of the evidence to be willful,
2repeated, or with reckless disregard of this Act or any rule
3adopted under this Act, the employer is subject to a civil
4money penalty not to exceed $3,000 for each separate offense,
5payable to the domestic worker. In determining the amount of
6the penalty, the gravity of the violation shall be considered.
7Employers who have employed less than 3 domestic workers
8throughout the duration of employment of the aggrieved employee
9and have been found to have violated only one provision of this
10Act, and where the employer's conduct is not proven to be
11willful, repeated, or with reckless disregard of this Act or
12any rule adopted under this Act, that employer shall not be
13subject to the civil money penalties in this subsection.
14 (b) It shall be the duty of the Department of Labor to
15enforce the provisions of this Act. Any person may file a
16complaint with the Department against an entity or employer
17covered under this Act alleging that the entity or employer is
18in violation of this Act. The Department shall have the power
19to conduct investigations in connection with the
20administration and enforcement of this Act. The Director of
21Labor or his or her representative may compel, by subpoena, the
22attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of
23books, payrolls, records, papers, and other evidence in any
24investigation and may administer oaths to witnesses. If, upon
25investigation, the Department finds cause to believe that this
26Act has been violated, the Department shall notify the parties

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1in writing, and the matter will be referred to an
2Administrative Law Judge to schedule a formal hearing.
3 (c) The Department may establish an administrative
4procedure to adjudicate claims and to issue final and binding
5administrative decisions on such claims subject to the
6Administrative Review Law. To establish such a procedure, the
7Director of Labor or her or his authorized representative may
8promulgate rules and regulations. The adoption, amendment, or
9rescission of rules and regulations for such a procedure shall
10be in conformity with the requirements of the Illinois
11Administrative Procedure Act.
12 (d) An individual whose rights have been violated under
13this Act may seek any and all legal and equitable relief to
14remedy violations of this Act, including but not limited to
15wages and overtime not paid. The administrative procedures
16established under subsection (c) for enforcement shall
17supersede the administrative enforcement procedures set forth
18in the Minimum Wage Law and the One Day in Rest in Seven Act.
19 (e) Where the Department has found that an employer has
20failed to pay wages or overtime to an employee as required by
21the Minimum Wage Law the employee shall be entitled to receive
22the penalties provided for under the Minimum Wage Law.
23 (f) Where a complaint has been filed with the Department,
24any employer who has been ordered by the Department or ordered
25by the court to pay wages, and benefits, and other compensation
26or other relief due under this Act to an employee shall be

09800HB4169ham001- 22 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1required to pay a non-waivable administrative fee to the
2Department of Labor in the amount of $100 if the amount ordered
3by the Department as wages owed is $1,000 or less; $250 if the
4amount ordered by the Department as wages owed is more than
5$1,000, but $3,000 or less; $500 if the amount ordered by the
6Department as wages owed is more than $3,000, but less than
7$10,000; and $1,000 if the amount ordered by the Department as
8wages owed is $10,000 or more. Any employer who has been
9ordered by the Department or ordered by a court to pay such
10wages, benefits, and other compensation or relief, and who
11fails to seek timely review of such an order as provided under
12this Act and who fails to comply within 15 calendar days after
13such demand or within 35 days of an administrative or court
14order is entered shall also be liable to pay a penalty to the
15Department of Labor of 20% of the amount found owing.
16 (g) Any employer, or any agent of an employer, who
17discharges or in any manner discriminates against any employee
18because that employee has made a complaint to his employer, to
19the Director of Labor or his authorized representative, in a
20public hearing, or to a community organization that he or she
21has not been paid in accordance with the provisions of this
22Act, or because that employee has caused to be instituted any
23proceeding under or related to this Act, or because that
24employee has testified in an investigation or proceeding under
25this Act, shall be entitled to recover through a claim filed
26with the Department of Labor or in a civil action, in the case

09800HB4169ham001- 23 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1of discrimination or retaliation, all legal and equitable
2relief as may be appropriate and attorney's fees and costs.
3 (h) A final decision of an Administrative Law Judge issued
4pursuant to this Section is subject to the provisions of the
5Administrative Review Law and shall be enforceable in an action
6brought in the name of the people of the State of Illinois by
7the Attorney General.
8 (i) Necessary legal action may be brought by the Department
9on behalf of the domestic worker to collect the judgment, and
10the employer shall be required to pay the costs incurred in
11collecting the judgment.
12 (j) A domestic worker or a representative of domestic
13workers aggrieved by a violation of this Act or any rule under
14this Act may file suit in circuit court in the county where the
15alleged violation occurred or where any domestic worker who is
16a party to this action resides, without regard to exhaustion of
17remedies provided in this Act. Actions may be brought by one or
18more domestic workers for and on behalf of themselves and other
19domestic workers similarly situated.
20 (k) All moneys recovered as fees and civil penalties by the
21Department under this Act, except those owing to the affected
22employee, shall be deposited into the Domestic Workers' Fund, a
23special fund that is hereby created in the State treasury.
24Moneys shall be used by the Department for administration,
25investigation and other expenses incurred in carrying out its
26duties under this Act. Any moneys in the Fund at the end of the

09800HB4169ham001- 24 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1fiscal year in excess of those moneys necessary for the
2Department to carry out its powers and duties under this Act
3shall be available to the Department for the next fiscal year
4for any of its duties.
5 (l) The Director shall adopt rules necessary to administer
6and enforce this Act in accordance with the Illinois
7Administrative Procedure Act. The Attorney General of Illinois
8may intervene on behalf of the Department if the Department
9certifies that the case is of general public importance. Upon
10such intervention the court may award such relief as is
11authorized to be granted an employee who has filed a complaint
12or whose representative has filed a complaint under this
14 (m) Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any
15employee from making complaint or prosecuting his or her own
16claim. Any employee aggrieved by a violation of this Act or any
17rule adopted under this Act may file suit in circuit court of
18Illinois, in the county where the alleged violation occurred or
19where any employee who is party to the action resides, without
20regard to exhaustion of administrative remedies provided in
21this Act. Actions may be brought by one or more employees for
22and on behalf of themselves and other employees similarly
24 (n) An individual whose rights have been violated under
25this Act may seek any and all remedies provided in this Act,
26including reasonable attorney's fees for the prevailing

09800HB4169ham001- 25 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1employee, whether those remedies are obtained through court
2order, a suit, or a claim that is settled by private agreement.
3The rights and remedies specified under this Act are cumulative
4and nonexclusive and are in addition to any other rights or
5remedies afforded by contract or under other provisions of
6Illinois law.
7 Section 90. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
8Section 5.855 as follows:
9 (30 ILCS 105/5.855 new)
10 Sec. 5.855. The Domestic Workers' Fund.
11 Section 91. The Illinois Human Rights Act is amended by
12changing Section 2-101 as follows:
13 (775 ILCS 5/2-101) (from Ch. 68, par. 2-101)
14 Sec. 2-101. Definitions. The following definitions are
15applicable strictly in the context of this Article.
16 (A) Employee.
17 (1) "Employee" includes:
18 (a) Any individual performing services for
19 remuneration within this State for an employer;
20 (b) An apprentice;
21 (c) An applicant for any apprenticeship.
22 (2) "Employee" does not include:

09800HB4169ham001- 26 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 (a) (Blank); Domestic servants in private homes;
2 (b) Individuals employed by persons who are not
3 "employers" as defined by this Act;
4 (c) Elected public officials or the members of
5 their immediate personal staffs;
6 (d) Principal administrative officers of the State
7 or of any political subdivision, municipal corporation
8 or other governmental unit or agency;
9 (e) A person in a vocational rehabilitation
10 facility certified under federal law who has been
11 designated an evaluee, trainee, or work activity
12 client.
13 (B) Employer.
14 (1) "Employer" includes:
15 (a) Any person employing 15 or more employees
16 within Illinois during 20 or more calendar weeks within
17 the calendar year of or preceding the alleged
18 violation;
19 (b) Any person employing one or more employees when
20 a complainant alleges civil rights violation due to
21 unlawful discrimination based upon his or her physical
22 or mental disability unrelated to ability or sexual
23 harassment;
24 (c) The State and any political subdivision,
25 municipal corporation or other governmental unit or
26 agency, without regard to the number of employees;

09800HB4169ham001- 27 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 (d) Any party to a public contract without regard
2 to the number of employees;
3 (e) A joint apprenticeship or training committee
4 without regard to the number of employees.
5 (2) "Employer" does not include any religious
6 corporation, association, educational institution,
7 society, or non-profit nursing institution conducted by
8 and for those who rely upon treatment by prayer through
9 spiritual means in accordance with the tenets of a
10 recognized church or religious denomination with respect
11 to the employment of individuals of a particular religion
12 to perform work connected with the carrying on by such
13 corporation, association, educational institution, society
14 or non-profit nursing institution of its activities.
15 (C) Employment Agency. "Employment Agency" includes both
16public and private employment agencies and any person, labor
17organization, or labor union having a hiring hall or hiring
18office regularly undertaking, with or without compensation, to
19procure opportunities to work, or to procure, recruit, refer or
20place employees.
21 (D) Labor Organization. "Labor Organization" includes any
22organization, labor union, craft union, or any voluntary
23unincorporated association designed to further the cause of the
24rights of union labor which is constituted for the purpose, in
25whole or in part, of collective bargaining or of dealing with
26employers concerning grievances, terms or conditions of

09800HB4169ham001- 28 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1employment, or apprenticeships or applications for
2apprenticeships, or of other mutual aid or protection in
3connection with employment, including apprenticeships or
4applications for apprenticeships.
5 (E) Sexual Harassment. "Sexual harassment" means any
6unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any
7conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct
8is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of
9an individual's employment, (2) submission to or rejection of
10such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for
11employment decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such
12conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering
13with an individual's work performance or creating an
14intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.
15 (F) Religion. "Religion" with respect to employers
16includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as
17well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is
18unable to reasonably accommodate an employee's or prospective
19employee's religious observance or practice without undue
20hardship on the conduct of the employer's business.
21 (G) Public Employer. "Public employer" means the State, an
22agency or department thereof, unit of local government, school
23district, instrumentality or political subdivision.
24 (H) Public Employee. "Public employee" means an employee of
25the State, agency or department thereof, unit of local
26government, school district, instrumentality or political

09800HB4169ham001- 29 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1subdivision. "Public employee" does not include public
2officers or employees of the General Assembly or agencies
4 (I) Public Officer. "Public officer" means a person who is
5elected to office pursuant to the Constitution or a statute or
6ordinance, or who is appointed to an office which is
7established, and the qualifications and duties of which are
8prescribed, by the Constitution or a statute or ordinance, to
9discharge a public duty for the State, agency or department
10thereof, unit of local government, school district,
11instrumentality or political subdivision.
12 (J) Eligible Bidder. "Eligible bidder" means a person who,
13prior to a bid opening, has filed with the Department a
14properly completed, sworn and currently valid employer report
15form, pursuant to the Department's regulations. The provisions
16of this Article relating to eligible bidders apply only to bids
17on contracts with the State and its departments, agencies,
18boards, and commissions, and the provisions do not apply to
19bids on contracts with units of local government or school
21 (K) Citizenship Status. "Citizenship status" means the
22status of being:
23 (1) a born U.S. citizen;
24 (2) a naturalized U.S. citizen;
25 (3) a U.S. national; or
26 (4) a person born outside the United States and not a

09800HB4169ham001- 30 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 U.S. citizen who is not an unauthorized alien and who is
2 protected from discrimination under the provisions of
3 Section 1324b of Title 8 of the United States Code, as now
4 or hereafter amended.
5(Source: P.A. 97-877, eff. 8-2-12.)
6 Section 92. The Minimum Wage Law is amended by changing
7Section 3 as follows:
8 (820 ILCS 105/3) (from Ch. 48, par. 1003)
9 Sec. 3. As used in this Act:
10 (a) "Director" means the Director of the Department of
11Labor, and "Department" means the Department of Labor.
12 (b) "Wages" means compensation due to an employee by reason
13of his employment, including allowances determined by the
14Director in accordance with the provisions of this Act for
15gratuities and, when furnished by the employer, for meals and
16lodging actually used by the employee.
17 (c) "Employer" includes any individual, partnership,
18association, corporation, limited liability company, business
19trust, governmental or quasi-governmental body, or any person
20or group of persons acting directly or indirectly in the
21interest of an employer in relation to an employee, for which
22one or more persons are gainfully employed on some day within a
23calendar year. An employer is subject to this Act in a calendar
24year on and after the first day in such calendar year in which

09800HB4169ham001- 31 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1he employs one or more persons, and for the following calendar
3 (d) "Employee" includes any individual permitted to work by
4an employer in an occupation including one or more domestic
5workers, as defined in the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights
6Act, but does not include any individual permitted to work:
7 (1) For an employer employing fewer than 4 employees
8 exclusive of the employer's parent, spouse or child or
9 other members of his immediate family.
10 (2) As an employee employed in agriculture or
11 aquaculture (A) if such employee is employed by an employer
12 who did not, during any calendar quarter during the
13 preceding calendar year, use more than 500 man-days of
14 agricultural or aquacultural labor, (B) if such employee is
15 the parent, spouse or child, or other member of the
16 employer's immediate family, (C) if such employee (i) is
17 employed as a hand harvest laborer and is paid on a piece
18 rate basis in an operation which has been, and is
19 customarily and generally recognized as having been, paid
20 on a piece rate basis in the region of employment, (ii)
21 commutes daily from his permanent residence to the farm on
22 which he is so employed, and (iii) has been employed in
23 agriculture less than 13 weeks during the preceding
24 calendar year, (D) if such employee (other than an employee
25 described in clause (C) of this subparagraph): (i) is 16
26 years of age or under and is employed as a hand harvest

09800HB4169ham001- 32 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 laborer, is paid on a piece rate basis in an operation
2 which has been, and is customarily and generally recognized
3 as having been, paid on a piece rate basis in the region of
4 employment, (ii) is employed on the same farm as his parent
5 or person standing in the place of his parent, and (iii) is
6 paid at the same piece rate as employees over 16 are paid
7 on the same farm.
8 (3) (Blank) In domestic service in or about a private
9 home.
10 (4) As an outside salesman.
11 (5) As a member of a religious corporation or
12 organization.
13 (6) At an accredited Illinois college or university
14 employed by the college or university at which he is a
15 student who is covered under the provisions of the Fair
16 Labor Standards Act of 1938, as heretofore or hereafter
17 amended.
18 (7) For a motor carrier and with respect to whom the
19 U.S. Secretary of Transportation has the power to establish
20 qualifications and maximum hours of service under the
21 provisions of Title 49 U.S.C. or the State of Illinois
22 under Section 18b-105 (Title 92 of the Illinois
23 Administrative Code, Part 395 - Hours of Service of
24 Drivers) of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
25 The above exclusions from the term "employee" may be
26further defined by regulations of the Director.

09800HB4169ham001- 33 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 (e) "Occupation" means an industry, trade, business or
2class of work in which employees are gainfully employed.
3 (f) "Gratuities" means voluntary monetary contributions to
4an employee from a guest, patron or customer in connection with
5services rendered.
6 (g) "Outside salesman" means an employee regularly engaged
7in making sales or obtaining orders or contracts for services
8where a major portion of such duties are performed away from
9his employer's place of business.
10 (h) "Day camp" means a seasonal recreation program in
11operation for no more than 16 weeks intermittently throughout
12the calendar year, accommodating for profit or under
13philanthropic or charitable auspices, 5 or more children under
1418 years of age, not including overnight programs. The term
15"day camp" does not include a "day care agency", "child care
16facility" or "foster family home" as licensed by the Illinois
17Department of Children and Family Services.
18(Source: P.A. 94-1025, eff. 7-14-06; 95-945, eff. 1-1-09.)
19 Section 93. The Wages of Women and Minors Act is amended by
20changing Section 1 as follows:
21 (820 ILCS 125/1) (from Ch. 48, par. 198.1)
22 Sec. 1. As used in this Act:
23 "Department" means the Department of Labor.
24 "Director" means the Director of the Department of Labor.

09800HB4169ham001- 34 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1 "Wage Board" means a board created as provided in this Act.
2 "Woman" means a female of 18 years or over.
3 "Minor" means a person under the age of 18 years.
4 "Occupation" means an industry, trade or business or branch
5thereof or class of work therein in which women or minors are
6gainfully employed, but does not include domestic service in
7the home of the employer or labor on a farm.
8 "An oppressive and unreasonable wage" means a wage which is
9both less than the fair and reasonable value of the services
10rendered and less than sufficient to meet the minimum cost of
11living necessary for health.
12 "A fair wage" means a wage fairly and reasonably
13commensurate with the value of the services or class of service
14rendered. In establishing a minimum fair wage for any service
15or class of service under this Act the Department and the wage
16board without being bound by any technical rules of evidence or
17procedure (1) may take into account all relevant circumstances
18affecting the value of the service or class of service
19rendered, and (2) may be guided by like considerations as would
20guide a court in a suit for the reasonable value of services
21rendered where services are rendered at the request of an
22employer without contract as to the amount of the wage to be
23paid, and (3) may consider the wages paid in the State for work
24of like or comparable character by employers who voluntarily
25maintain minimum fair wage standards.
26 "A directory order" means an order the nonobservance of

09800HB4169ham001- 35 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1which may be published as provided in Section 9 of this Act.
2 "A mandatory order" means an order the violation of which
3is subject to the penalties prescribed in paragraph 2 of
4Section 15 of this Act.
5(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
6 Section 94. The One Day Rest In Seven Act is amended by
7changing Section 2 as follows:
8 (820 ILCS 140/2) (from Ch. 48, par. 8b)
9 Sec. 2. Hours and days of rest in every calendar week.
10 (a) Every employer shall allow every employee except those
11specified in this Section at least twenty-four consecutive
12hours of rest in every calendar week in addition to the regular
13period of rest allowed at the close of each working day. A
14person employed as a domestic worker, as defined in Section 10
15of the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights Act, shall be allowed
16at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every calendar week.
17This subsection (a) does not prohibit a domestic worker from
18voluntarily agreeing to work on such day of rest required by
19this subsection (a); provided that the worker is compensated at
20the overtime rate for all hours worked on such day of rest. The
21day of rest authorized under this subsection (a) should,
22whenever possible, coincide with the traditional day reserved
23by the domestic worker for religious worship. The hours and
24days of rest allowed under this Act shall be in addition to any

09800HB4169ham001- 36 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1paid time off earned under Section 40 of the Domestic Workers'
2Bill of Rights Act.
3 (b) Subsection (a) This Section does not apply to the
5 (1) Part-time employees whose total work hours for one
6employer during a calendar week do not exceed 20; and
7 (2) Employees needed in case of breakdown of machinery or
8equipment or other emergency requiring the immediate services
9of experienced and competent labor to prevent injury to person,
10damage to property, or suspension of necessary operation; and
11 (3) Employees employed in agriculture or coal mining; and
12 (4) Employees engaged in the occupation of canning and
13processing perishable agricultural products, if such employees
14are employed by an employer in such occupation on a seasonal
15basis and for not more than 20 weeks during any calendar year
16or 12 month period; and
17 (5) Employees employed as watchmen or security guards; and
18 (6) Employees who are employed in a bonafide executive,
19administrative, or professional capacity or in the capacity of
20an outside salesman, as defined in Section 12 (a) (1) of the
21federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and those
22employed as supervisors as defined in Section 2 (11) of the
23National Labor Relations Act, as amended; and
24 (7) Employees who are employed as crew members of any
25uninspected towing vessel, as defined by Section 2101(40) of
26Title 46 of the United States Code, operating in any navigable

09800HB4169ham001- 37 -LRB098 15723 JLS 58412 a
1waters in or along the boundaries of the State of Illinois.
2(Source: P.A. 92-623, eff. 7-11-02.)
3 Section 97. Severability. If any provision of this Act or
4the application of such provision to any person or circumstance
5is preempted by or held to be in violation of Illinois or
6federal law or regulation, the remainder of the provisions of
7this Act and the application of those provisions to any person
8or circumstance shall not be affected.
9 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10becoming law.".