State of Illinois
2023 and 2024

Introduced , by Rep. David Friess

405 ILCS 5/2-107.4
405 ILCS 5/Ch. III Art. I heading
405 ILCS 5/3-101 from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-101
405 ILCS 5/3-806.1
405 ILCS 5/3-814 from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-814
405 ILCS 5/3-902 from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-902
405 ILCS 5/4-701 from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-701
405 ILCS 5/5-113 from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 5-113

Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. Provides that the Attorney General (rather than the State's Attorneys of the several counties) shall represent the people of the State of Illinois in court proceedings under the Act, shall attend such proceedings either in person or by assistant, and shall ensure that petitions, reports and orders are properly prepared. Changes references from "State's Attorney" to "Attorney General". Makes corresponding changes.
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1 AN ACT concerning health.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Mental Health and Developmental
5Disabilities Code is amended by changing the heading of
6Article III Art. I and Sections 2-107.4, 3-101, 3-806.1,
73-814, 3-902, 4-701, and 5-113 as follows:
8 (405 ILCS 5/2-107.4)
9 Sec. 2-107.4. Video conferencing.
10 (a) The Illinois Supreme Court or any circuit court of
11this State may adopt rules permitting the use of video
12conferencing equipment in any hearing under Section 2-107.1
13subject to the following conditions:
14 (1) if the parties, including the respondent, and
15 their attorneys, including the Attorney General State's
16 Attorney, are at a mental health facility, or some other
17 location to which the respondent may be safely and
18 conveniently transported, and the judge and any court
19 personnel are in another location; or
20 (2) if the respondent and his or her attorney are at a
21 mental health facility or some other location to which the
22 respondent may be safely and conveniently transported, and
23 all of the other participants including the judge are in

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1 another location, if, and only if, agreed to by the
2 respondent and the respondent's attorney.
3 (b) In any hearing under Section 2-107.1, any court may
4permit any witness, including a psychiatrist, to testify by
5video conferencing equipment from any location in the absence
6of a court rule specifically prohibiting that testimony.
7(Source: P.A. 99-535, eff. 1-1-17.)
8 (405 ILCS 5/Ch. III Art. I heading)
11 (405 ILCS 5/3-101) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-101)
12 Sec. 3-101. (a) The Attorney General State's Attorneys of
13the several counties shall represent the people of the State
14of Illinois in court proceedings under this Chapter and in
15proceedings under Section 2-107.1 in their respective
16counties, shall attend such proceedings either in person or by
17assistant, and shall ensure that petitions, reports and orders
18are properly prepared. Nothing herein contained shall prevent
19any party, including any petitioner, from being represented by
20his own counsel.
21 (b) Any community mental health provider or inpatient
22mental health facility, including hospitals operated by the
23Department, may be represented by counsel in court proceedings
24under this Chapter if they are providing services or funding

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1for services to the respondent, or if an order by the court
2directing said entity to provide services or funding for
3services to the respondent is being sought by any party.
4(Source: P.A. 97-375, eff. 8-15-11.)
5 (405 ILCS 5/3-806.1)
6 Sec. 3-806.1. Video conferencing.
7 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 3-806, the
8Illinois Supreme Court or any circuit court of this State may
9adopt rules permitting the use of video conferencing equipment
10in all hearings under this Chapter subject to the following
12 (1) Such hearings are permitted if the parties,
13 including the respondent, and their lawyers, including the
14 Attorney General State's Attorney, are at a mental health
15 facility, or some other location to which the respondent
16 may be safely and conveniently transported, and the judge
17 and any court personnel are in another location.
18 (2) Such hearings are permitted if the respondent and
19 his or her counsel are at a mental health facility or some
20 other location to which the respondent may be safely and
21 conveniently transported, and all of the other
22 participants including the judge are in another location,
23 if, and only if, agreed to by the respondent and the
24 respondent's counsel.
25 (3) Video conferencing under this subsection (a) shall

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1 not be permitted in a jury trial under Section 3-802 of
2 this Article.
3 (b) Notwithstanding the above provisions, any court may
4permit any witness, including a psychiatrist, to testify by
5video conferencing equipment from any location in the absence
6of a court rule specifically prohibiting such testimony.
7(Source: P.A. 96-1321, eff. 1-1-11.)
8 (405 ILCS 5/3-814) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-814)
9 Sec. 3-814. Treatment plan.
10 (a) Not more than 30 days after admission under this
11Article, the facility director shall file with the court a
12current treatment plan which shall include: all the
13requirements listed in Section 3-209, an evaluation of the
14recipient's progress and the extent to which he is benefiting
15from treatment, the criteria which form the basis for the
16determination that the patient is subject to involuntary
17admission as defined in Section 1-119, and the specific
18behaviors or conditions that demonstrate that the recipient
19meets these criteria for continued confinement. If the
20facility director is unable to determine any of the required
21information, the treatment plan shall include an explanation
22of why the facility director is unable to make this
23determination, what the facility director is doing to enable
24himself or herself to determine the information, and the date
25by which the facility director expects to be able to make this

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1determination. The facility director shall forward a copy of
2the plan to the Attorney General State's Attorney, the
3recipient's attorney, if the recipient is represented by
4counsel, the recipient, and any guardian of the recipient.
5 (b) The purpose of the filing, forwarding, and review of
6treatment plans and treatment is to ensure that the recipient
7is receiving adequate and humane care and services as defined
8in Section 1-101.2 and to ensure that the recipient continues
9to meet the standards for involuntary confinement.
10 (c) On request of the recipient or an interested person on
11his behalf, or on the court's own initiative, the court shall
12review the current treatment plan to determine whether its
13contents comply with the requirements of this Section and
14Section 3-209. A request to review the current treatment plan
15may be made by the recipient, or by an interested person on his
16behalf, 30 days after initial commitment under Section 3-813,
1790 days after the initial commitment, and 90 days after each
18additional period of commitment under subsection (b) of
19Section 3-813. If the court determines that any of the
20information required by this Section or Section 3-209 to be
21included in the treatment plan is not in the treatment plan or
22that the treatment plan does not contain information from
23which the court can determine whether the recipient continues
24to meet the criteria for continued confinement, the court
25shall indicate what is lacking and order the facility director
26to revise the current treatment plan to comply with this

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1Section and Section 3-209. If the recipient has been ordered
2committed to the facility after he has been found not guilty by
3reason of insanity, the treatment plan and its review shall be
4subject to the provisions of Section 5-2-4 of the Unified Code
5of Corrections.
6 (d) The recipient or an interested person on his or her
7behalf may request a hearing or the court on its own motion may
8order a hearing to review the treatment being received by the
9recipient. The court, the recipient, or the Attorney General
10State's Attorney may call witnesses at the hearing. The court
11may order any public agency, officer, or employee to render
12such information, cooperation, and assistance as is within its
13legal authority and as may be appropriate to achieve the
14objectives of this Section. The court may order an independent
15examination on its own initiative and shall order such an
16evaluation if either the recipient or the Attorney General
17State's Attorney so requests and has demonstrated to the court
18that the plan cannot be effectively reviewed by the court
19without such an examination. Under no circumstances shall the
20court be required to order an independent examination pursuant
21to this Section more than once each year. The examination
22shall be conducted by persons authorized to conduct
23independent examinations under Section 3-804. If the court is
24satisfied that the recipient is benefiting from treatment, it
25may continue the original order for the remainder of the
26admission period. If the court is not so satisfied, it may

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1modify its original order or it may order the recipient
3 (e) In lieu of a treatment plan, the facility director may
4file a typed summary of the treatment plan which contains the
5information required under Section 3-209 and subsection (a) of
6this Section.
7(Source: P.A. 91-536, eff. 1-1-00.)
8 (405 ILCS 5/3-902) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 3-902)
9 Sec. 3-902. Director initiated discharge.
10 (a) The facility director may at any time discharge an
11informal, voluntary, or minor recipient who is clinically
12suitable for discharge.
13 (b) The facility director shall discharge a recipient
14admitted upon court order under this Chapter or any prior
15statute where he is no longer subject to involuntary admission
16on an inpatient basis. If the facility director believes that
17continuing treatment is advisable for such recipient, he shall
18inform the recipient of his right to remain as an informal or
19voluntary recipient. If the facility director determines that
20the recipient is subject to involuntary admission on an
21outpatient basis, he or she shall petition the court for such a
22commitment pursuant to this Chapter.
23 (c) When a facility director discharges or changes the
24status of a recipient pursuant to this Section he shall
25promptly notify the clerk of the court which entered the

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1original order of the discharge or change in status. Upon
2receipt of such notice, the clerk of the court shall note the
3action taken in the court record. If the person being
4discharged is a person under legal disability, the facility
5director shall also submit a certificate regarding his legal
6status without disability pursuant to Section 3-907.
7 (d) When the facility director determines that discharge
8is appropriate for a recipient pursuant to this Section or
9Section 3-403 he or she shall notify the Attorney General
10state's attorney of the county in which the recipient resided
11immediately prior to his admission to a mental health facility
12and the state's attorney of the county where the last petition
13for commitment was filed at least 48 hours prior to the
14discharge when the Attorney General either state's attorney
15has requested in writing such notification on that individual
16recipient or when the facility director regards a recipient as
17a continuing threat to the peace and safety of the community.
18Upon receipt of such notice, the Attorney General state's
19attorney may take any court action or notify such peace
20officers that he deems appropriate. When the facility director
21determines that discharge is appropriate for a recipient
22pursuant to this Section or Section 3-403, he or she shall
23notify the person whose petition pursuant to Section 3-701
24resulted in the current hospitalization of the recipient's
25discharge at least 48 hours prior to the discharge, if the
26petitioner has requested in writing such notification on that

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1individual recipient.
2 (e) The facility director may grant a temporary release to
3a recipient whose condition is not considered appropriate for
4discharge where such release is considered to be clinically
5appropriate, provided that the release does not endanger the
6public safety.
7(Source: P.A. 96-570, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1399, eff. 7-29-10;
896-1453, eff. 8-20-10.)
9 (405 ILCS 5/4-701) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 4-701)
10 Sec. 4-701. (a) Any client admitted to a developmental
11disabilities facility under this Chapter may be discharged
12whenever the facility director determines that he is suitable
13for discharge.
14 (b) Any client admitted to a facility or program of
15nonresidential services upon court order under Article V of
16this Chapter or admitted upon court order as a person with an
17intellectual disability or as mentally deficient under any
18prior statute shall be discharged whenever the facility
19director determines that he no longer meets the standard for
20judicial admission. When the facility director believes that
21continued residence is advisable for such a client, he shall
22inform the client and his guardian, if any, that the client may
23remain at the facility on administrative admission status.
24When a facility director discharges or changes the status of
25such client, he shall promptly notify the clerk of the court

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1who shall note the action in the court record.
2 (c) When the facility director discharges a client
3pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section, he shall promptly
4notify the Attorney General State's Attorney of the county in
5which the client resided immediately prior to his admission to
6a developmental disabilities facility. Upon receipt of such
7notice, the Attorney General State's Attorney may notify such
8peace officers that he deems appropriate.
9 (d) The facility director may grant a temporary release to
10any client when such release is appropriate and consistent
11with the habilitation needs of the client.
12(Source: P.A. 98-463, eff. 8-16-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
13 (405 ILCS 5/5-113) (from Ch. 91 1/2, par. 5-113)
14 Sec. 5-113. Upon receiving a petition for review under
15Section 5-111, the Department shall thereupon notify the Board
16of Reimbursement Appeals which shall render its decision
17thereon within 30 days after the petition is filed and certify
18such decision to the Department. Concurrence of a majority of
19the Board is necessary in any such decision. Upon request of
20the Department, the Attorney General State's Attorney of the
21county in which a responsible relative or a recipient who is
22liable under this Act for payment of sums representing
23services charges resides, shall institute appropriate legal
24action against any such responsible relative, or the
25recipient, or within the time provided by law shall file a

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