State of Illinois
2019 and 2020

Introduced , by Rep. Jay Hoffman

See Index

Amends the Downstate Public Transportation Act. Provides that commencing with State fiscal year 2021 programs, and for each fiscal year thereafter, all appropriations made under the provisions of the Act are direct appropriations and shall not constitute a grant program. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall approve programs of proposed expenditures and services submitted by participants under specified provisions. Provides for the adoption of rules to govern participants. Provides requirements for participant applications for funding concerning a program of proposed expenditures and services. Provides additional requirements for specified units of local government when applying for the approval of the program of proposed expenditures and services. Provides that any program of proposed expenditures and services submitted by a participant that is not expressly approved or disapproved by the Department within 45 days after receipt shall be deemed approved, and the Department shall obligate the appropriation for the funding thereof with and to the Comptroller no later than the commencement of the applicable State fiscal year. Provides free of charge fixed route public transportation to senior citizens aged 65 and older who meet specified income eligibility limitations. Requires the Department on Aging to furnish all information reasonably necessary to determine eligibility for free of charge fixed route public transportation to senior citizens. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.
LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b


HB4311LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 AN ACT concerning finance.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Downstate Public Transportation Act is
5amended by changing Sections 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-5.1, 2-7, 2-9,
62-10, 2-11, 2-12, 2-13, 2-14, 2-15.2, 2-15.3, and 2-17 as
8 (30 ILCS 740/2-3) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 663)
9 Sec. 2-3. (a) As soon as possible after the first day of
10each month, beginning July 1, 1984, upon certification of the
11Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order
12transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General
13Revenue Fund to a special fund in the State Treasury which is
14hereby created, to be known as the Downstate Public
15Transportation Fund, an amount equal to 2/32 (beginning July 1,
162005, 3/32) of the net revenue realized from the Retailers'
17Occupation Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax
18Act, and the Service Use Tax Act from persons incurring
19municipal or county retailers' or service occupation tax
20liability for the benefit of any municipality or county located
21wholly within the boundaries of each participant, other than
22any Metro-East Transit District participant certified pursuant
23to subsection (c) of this Section during the preceding month,

HB4311- 2 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1except that the Department shall pay into the Downstate Public
2Transportation Fund 2/32 (beginning July 1, 2005, 3/32) of 80%
3of the net revenue realized under the State tax Acts named
4above within any municipality or county located wholly within
5the boundaries of each participant, other than any Metro-East
6participant, for tax periods beginning on or after January 1,
71990. Net revenue realized for a month shall be the revenue
8collected by the State pursuant to such Acts during the
9previous month from persons incurring municipal or county
10retailers' or service occupation tax liability for the benefit
11of any municipality or county located wholly within the
12boundaries of a participant, less the amount paid out during
13that same month as refunds or credit memoranda to taxpayers for
14overpayment of liability under such Acts for the benefit of any
15municipality or county located wholly within the boundaries of
16a participant.
17 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
18beginning on July 6, 2017 (the effective date of Public Act
19100-23), those amounts required under this subsection (a) to be
20transferred by the Treasurer into the Downstate Public
21Transportation Fund from the General Revenue Fund shall be
22directly deposited into the Downstate Public Transportation
23Fund as the revenues are realized from the taxes indicated.
24 (b) As soon as possible after the first day of each month,
25beginning July 1, 1989, upon certification of the Department of
26Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred, and the

HB4311- 3 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1Treasurer shall transfer, from the General Revenue Fund to a
2special fund in the State Treasury which is hereby created, to
3be known as the Metro-East Public Transportation Fund, an
4amount equal to 2/32 of the net revenue realized, as above,
5from within the boundaries of Madison, Monroe, and St. Clair
6Counties, except that the Department shall pay into the
7Metro-East Public Transportation Fund 2/32 of 80% of the net
8revenue realized under the State tax Acts specified in
9subsection (a) of this Section within the boundaries of
10Madison, Monroe and St. Clair Counties for tax periods
11beginning on or after January 1, 1990. A local match equivalent
12to an amount which could be raised by a tax levy at the rate of
13.05% on the assessed value of property within the boundaries of
14Madison County is required annually to cause a total of 2/32 of
15the net revenue to be deposited in the Metro-East Public
16Transportation Fund. Failure to raise the required local match
17annually shall result in only 1/32 being deposited into the
18Metro-East Public Transportation Fund after July 1, 1989, or
191/32 of 80% of the net revenue realized for tax periods
20beginning on or after January 1, 1990.
21 (b-5) As soon as possible after the first day of each
22month, beginning July 1, 2005, upon certification of the
23Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order
24transferred, and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General
25Revenue Fund to the Downstate Public Transportation Fund, an
26amount equal to 3/32 of 80% of the net revenue realized from

HB4311- 4 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1within the boundaries of Monroe and St. Clair Counties under
2the State Tax Acts specified in subsection (a) of this Section
3and provided further that, beginning July 1, 2005, the
4provisions of subsection (b) shall no longer apply with respect
5to such tax receipts from Monroe and St. Clair Counties.
6 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
7beginning on July 6, 2017 (the effective date of Public Act
8100-23), those amounts required under this subsection (b-5) to
9be transferred by the Treasurer into the Downstate Public
10Transportation Fund from the General Revenue Fund shall be
11directly deposited into the Downstate Public Transportation
12Fund as the revenues are realized from the taxes indicated.
13 (b-6) As soon as possible after the first day of each
14month, beginning July 1, 2008, upon certification by the
15Department of Revenue, the Comptroller shall order transferred
16and the Treasurer shall transfer, from the General Revenue Fund
17to the Downstate Public Transportation Fund, an amount equal to
183/32 of 80% of the net revenue realized from within the
19boundaries of Madison County under the State Tax Acts specified
20in subsection (a) of this Section and provided further that,
21beginning July 1, 2008, the provisions of subsection (b) shall
22no longer apply with respect to such tax receipts from Madison
24 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,
25beginning on July 6, 2017 (the effective date of Public Act
26100-23), those amounts required under this subsection (b-6) to

HB4311- 5 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1be transferred by the Treasurer into the Downstate Public
2Transportation Fund from the General Revenue Fund shall be
3directly deposited into the Downstate Public Transportation
4Fund as the revenues are realized from the taxes indicated.
5 (b-7) Beginning July 1, 2018, notwithstanding the other
6provisions of this Section, instead of the Comptroller making
7monthly transfers from the General Revenue Fund to the
8Downstate Public Transportation Fund, the Department of
9Revenue shall deposit the designated fraction of the net
10revenue realized from collections under the Retailers'
11Occupation Tax Act, the Service Occupation Tax Act, the Use Tax
12Act, and the Service Use Tax Act directly into the Downstate
13Public Transportation Fund.
14 (c) The Department shall certify to the Department of
15Revenue the eligible participants under this Article and the
16territorial boundaries of such participants for the purposes of
17the Department of Revenue in subsections (a) and (b) of this
19 (d) For the purposes of this Article, beginning in fiscal
20year 2009 the General Assembly shall appropriate an amount from
21the Downstate Public Transportation Fund equal to the sum total
22funds projected to be paid to the participants pursuant to
23Section 2-7. If the General Assembly fails to make
24appropriations sufficient to cover the amounts projected to be
25paid pursuant to Section 2-7, this Act shall constitute an
26irrevocable and continuing appropriation from the Downstate

HB4311- 6 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1Public Transportation Fund of all amounts necessary for those
3 (e) (Blank).
4 (f) (Blank).
5 (g) (Blank).
6 (h) For State fiscal year 2020 only, notwithstanding any
7provision of law to the contrary, the total amount of revenue
8and deposits under this Section attributable to revenues
9realized during State fiscal year 2020 shall be reduced by 5%.
10 (i) Commencing with State fiscal year 2021 programs, and
11for each fiscal year thereafter, all appropriations made under
12the provisions of this Act are direct appropriations and shall
13not constitute a grant program. The Department shall approve
14programs of proposed expenditures and services submitted by
15participants under the requirements of Sections 2-5 and 2-11.
16(Source: P.A. 100-23, eff. 7-6-17; 100-363, eff. 7-1-18;
17100-587, eff. 6-4-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-10, eff.
19 (30 ILCS 740/2-4) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 664)
20 Sec. 2-4. The Department shall establish forms for the
21reporting of projected and actual operating deficits and
22expenses and other required information by the participants,
23and has the power to promulgate rules and regulations for the
24filing of such reports within the limitations set out in
25Sections 2-5, 2-6 and 2-7. Each participant shall be governed

HB4311- 7 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1by the rules and regulations established under this Section,
2but for State fiscal year 2021 programs, and for each fiscal
3year thereafter, no such rule or regulation shall: (1) require
4or mandate that a participant enter into an agreement or
5contract with the Department to qualify as a participant or
6receive funding under this Article; or (2) require or mandate
7that a participant receive the express approval of its program
8of proposed expenditures and services by the Department to
9qualify as a participant or receive funding under this Article
10after the expiration of the review period established in
11Section 2-11.
12(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
13 (30 ILCS 740/2-5) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 665)
14 Sec. 2-5. Applications.
15 (a) Through State fiscal year 2020, each Each participant
16making application for grants pursuant to this Article shall
17submit to the Department at the time of making such
18application, on forms provided by the Department: (a) an
19estimate of projected operating deficits and a separate
20statement of eligible operating expenses and an estimate of all
21projected operating income or revenues; and (b) a program of
22proposed expenditures; all such submittals to be for the period
23of such grant. The program of proposed expenditures shall be
24directly related to the operation, maintenance or improvement
25of an existing system of public transportation serving the

HB4311- 8 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1residents of the participant, and shall include the proposed
2expenditures for eligible operating expenses.
3 For Fiscal Year 1980 grant applications shall be submitted
4to the Department within 60 days of the effective date of this
5amendatory Act of 1979. Beginning with Fiscal Year 1981 and
6thereafter, grant applications shall be submitted to the
7Department by April 1 of the preceding fiscal year.
8 (b) For Fiscal Year 2021 applications for funding, and for
9each fiscal year thereafter, each participant shall submit to
10the Department by April 1 of the preceding fiscal year, a
11program of proposed expenditures and services on forms provided
12by the Department, consisting of the following information: (1)
13an estimate of projected operating deficits and a separate
14statement of eligible operating expenses and an estimate of all
15projected operating income or revenues; and (2) a program of
16proposed expenditures and services; all such submittals to be
17for the period of such transportation project. The program of
18proposed expenditures and services shall be directly related to
19the operation, maintenance, or improvement of an existing
20system of public transportation serving the residents of the
21participant, and shall include the proposed expenditures and
22services for eligible operating expenses.
23(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
24 (30 ILCS 740/2-5.1)
25 Sec. 2-5.1. Additional requirements.

HB4311- 9 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 (a) Through State fiscal year 2020, any Any unit of local
2government that becomes a participant on or after the effective
3date of this amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly shall,
4in addition to any other requirements under this Article, meet
5all of the following requirements when applying for grants
6under this Article:
7 (1) The grant application must demonstrate the
8 participant's plan to provide general public
9 transportation with an emphasis on persons with
10 disabilities and elderly and economically disadvantaged
11 populations.
12 (2) The grant application must demonstrate the
13 participant's plan for interagency coordination that, at a
14 minimum, allows the participation of all State-funded and
15 federally-funded agencies and programs with transportation
16 needs in the proposed service area in the development of
17 the applicant's public transportation program.
18 (3) Any participant serving a nonurbanized area that is
19 not receiving Federal Section 5311 funding must meet the
20 operating and safety compliance requirements as set forth
21 in that federal program.
22 (4) The participant is required to hold public hearings
23 to allow comment on the proposed service plan in all
24 municipalities with populations of 1,500 inhabitants or
25 more within the proposed service area.
26 (a-5) Any unit of local government that becomes a

HB4311- 10 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1participant on or after the effective date of this amendatory
2Act of the 101st General Assembly shall, in addition to any
3other requirements under this Article, meet all of the
4following requirements when applying for the approval of the
5program of proposed expenditures and services under this
7 (1) The program of proposed expenditures and services
8 must demonstrate the participant's plan to provide general
9 public transportation with an emphasis on persons with
10 disabilities and elderly and economically disadvantaged
11 populations.
12 (2) The program of proposed expenditures and services
13 must demonstrate the participant's plan for interagency
14 coordination that, at a minimum, allows the participation
15 of all State-funded and federally-funded agencies and
16 programs with transportation needs in the proposed service
17 area in the development of the applicant's public
18 transportation program.
19 (3) Any participant serving a non-urbanized area that
20 is not receiving Federal Section 5311 Program funding must
21 meet the operating and safety compliance requirements as
22 set forth in that federal program.
23 (4) The participant is required to hold public hearings
24 to allow comment on the proposed service plan in all
25 municipalities with populations of 1,500 inhabitants or
26 more within the proposed service area.

HB4311- 11 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 (b) Service extensions by any participant after July 1,
22005 by either annexation or intergovernmental agreement must
3meet the 4 requirements of subsection (a).
4 (c) In order to receive funding, the Department shall
5certify that the participant has met the requirements of this
6Section no later than the beginning of the applicable fiscal
7year. Funding priority shall be given to service extension,
8multi-county, and multi-jurisdictional projects.
9 (d) The Department shall develop an annual application
10process for existing or potential participants to request an
11initial appropriation or an appropriation exceeding the
12formula amount found in subsection (b-10) of Section 2-7 for
13funding service in new areas in the next fiscal year. The
14application shall include, but not be limited to, a description
15of the new service area, proposed service in the new area, and
16a budget for providing existing and new service. The Department
17shall review the application for reasonableness and compliance
18with the requirements of this Section, and, if it approves the
19application, shall recommend to the Governor an appropriation
20for the next fiscal year in an amount sufficient to provide 65%
21of projected eligible operating expenses associated with a new
22participant's service area or the portion of an existing
23participant's service area that has been expanded by annexation
24or intergovernmental agreement. The recommended appropriation
25for the next fiscal year may exceed the formula amount found in
26subsection (b-10) of Section 2-7.

HB4311- 12 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
2 (30 ILCS 740/2-7) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 667)
3 Sec. 2-7. Quarterly reports; annual audit.
4 (a) Any Metro-East Transit District participant shall, no
5later than 60 days following the end of each quarter of any
6fiscal year, file with the Department on forms provided by the
7Department for that purpose, a report of the actual operating
8deficit experienced during that quarter. The Department shall,
9upon receipt of the quarterly report, determine whether the
10operating deficits were incurred in conformity with the program
11of proposed expenditures and services approved by the
12Department pursuant to Section 2-11. Any Metro-East District
13may either monthly or quarterly for any fiscal year file a
14request for the participant's eligible share, as allocated in
15accordance with Section 2-6, of the amounts transferred into
16the Metro-East Public Transportation Fund.
17 (b) Each participant other than any Metro-East Transit
18District participant shall, 30 days before the end of each
19quarter, file with the Department on forms provided by the
20Department for such purposes a report of the projected eligible
21operating expenses to be incurred in the next quarter and 30
22days before the third and fourth quarters of any fiscal year a
23statement of actual eligible operating expenses incurred in the
24preceding quarters. Except as otherwise provided in subsection
25(b-5), within 45 days of receipt by the Department of such

HB4311- 13 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1quarterly report, the Comptroller shall order paid and the
2Treasurer shall pay from the Downstate Public Transportation
3Fund to each participant an amount equal to one-third of such
4participant's eligible operating expenses; provided, however,
5that in Fiscal Year 1997, the amount paid to each participant
6from the Downstate Public Transportation Fund shall be an
7amount equal to 47% of such participant's eligible operating
8expenses and shall be increased to 49% in Fiscal Year 1998, 51%
9in Fiscal Year 1999, 53% in Fiscal Year 2000, 55% in Fiscal
10Years 2001 through 2007, and 65% in Fiscal Year 2008 and
11thereafter; however, in any year that a participant receives
12funding under subsection (i) of Section 2705-305 of the
13Department of Transportation Law (20 ILCS 2705/2705-305), that
14participant shall be eligible only for assistance equal to the
15following percentage of its eligible operating expenses: 42% in
16Fiscal Year 1997, 44% in Fiscal Year 1998, 46% in Fiscal Year
171999, 48% in Fiscal Year 2000, and 50% in Fiscal Year 2001 and
18thereafter. Any such payment for the third and fourth quarters
19of any fiscal year shall be adjusted to reflect actual eligible
20operating expenses for preceding quarters of such fiscal year.
21However, no participant shall receive an amount less than that
22which was received in the immediate prior year, provided in the
23event of a shortfall in the fund those participants receiving
24less than their full allocation pursuant to Section 2-6 of this
25Article shall be the first participants to receive an amount
26not less than that received in the immediate prior year.

HB4311- 14 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 (b-5) (Blank.)
2 (b-10) On July 1, 2008, each participant shall receive an
3appropriation in an amount equal to 65% of its fiscal year 2008
4eligible operating expenses adjusted by the annual 10% increase
5required by Section 2-2.04 of this Act. In no case shall any
6participant receive an appropriation that is less than its
7fiscal year 2008 appropriation. Every fiscal year thereafter,
8each participant's appropriation shall increase by 10% over the
9appropriation established for the preceding fiscal year as
10required by Section 2-2.04 of this Act.
11 (b-15) Beginning on July 1, 2007, and for each fiscal year
12thereafter, each participant shall maintain a minimum local
13share contribution (from farebox and all other local revenues)
14equal to the actual amount provided in Fiscal Year 2006 or, for
15new recipients, an amount equivalent to the local share
16provided in the first year of participation. The local share
17contribution shall be reduced by an amount equal to the total
18amount of lost revenue for services provided under Section
192-15.2 and Section 2-15.3 of this Act.
20 (b-20) Any participant in the Downstate Public
21Transportation Fund may use State operating assistance funding
22pursuant to this Section to provide transportation services
23within any county that is contiguous to its territorial
24boundaries as defined by the Department and subject to
25Departmental approval. Any such contiguous-area service
26provided by a participant after July 1, 2007 must meet the

HB4311- 15 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1requirements of subsection (a) of Section 2-5.1.
2 (c) No later than 180 days following the last day of the
3Fiscal Year each participant shall provide the Department with
4an audit prepared by a Certified Public Accountant covering
5that Fiscal Year. For those participants other than a
6Metro-East Transit District, any discrepancy between the funds
7grants paid and the percentage of the eligible operating
8expenses provided for by paragraph (b) of this Section shall be
9reconciled by appropriate payment or credit. In the case of any
10Metro-East Transit District, any amount of payments from the
11Metro-East Public Transportation Fund which exceed the
12eligible deficit of the participant shall be reconciled by
13appropriate payment or credit.
14(Source: P.A. 94-70, eff. 6-22-05; 95-708, eff. 1-18-08;
1595-906, eff. 8-26-08.)
16 (30 ILCS 740/2-9) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 669)
17 Sec. 2-9. Each program of proposed expenditures and
18services shall, in the case of a system of public
19transportation owned and operated by a participant, undertake
20to meet operating deficits directly. The purchase of service
21agreements with a provider of public transportation services
22shall constitute an eligible expense Grants to a participant
23may be made for services provided through purchase of service
24agreements with a provider of public transportation services.
25(Source: P.A. 82-783.)

HB4311- 16 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 (30 ILCS 740/2-10) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 670)
2 Sec. 2-10. Cooperative projects. Nothing in this Act shall
3prohibit any participant from including in a program of
4proposed expenditures and services funding for a portion of a
5cooperative public transportation project or purpose, the
6total cost of which is shared among one or more other
7participants or other financial contributors, as long as the
8residents of the participant are served by any such project or
10(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
11 (30 ILCS 740/2-11) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 671)
12 Sec. 2-11. The Department shall review and approve or
13disapprove within 45 days of receipt each program of proposed
14expenditures and services submitted by any participant
15pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-5. Any program of
16proposed expenditures and services submitted by a participant
17that is not expressly approved or disapproved by the Department
18within 45 days after receipt shall be deemed approved, and the
19Department shall obligate the appropriation for the funding
20thereof with and to the Comptroller no later than the
21commencement of the applicable State fiscal year. The
22Department may disapprove a program of proposed expenditures
23and services or portions thereof only for the following

HB4311- 17 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1 (a) A finding that expenditures are proposed for projects
2or purposes which are not in compliance with Section 2-5; or
3 (b) A finding that expenditures are proposed for projects
4or purposes which are in conflict with established
5comprehensive transportation plans for a participant or a
6region of which it is a part; or
7 (c) In Fiscal Year 1980, with regard to the participants
8which have not received State operating assistance prior to the
9effective date of this amendatory Act of 1979, a finding by the
10Department that a proposed program submitted by such
11participant or any portion thereof is not in the public
12interest in that levels or kinds of service proposed exceeds
13the reasonable needs of the community served by such
14participant as demonstrated in the transportation development
15plan for such community or other studies and information
16available to the Department.
17(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
18 (30 ILCS 740/2-12) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 672)
19 Sec. 2-12. Disapproval of program. Upon disapproval of any
20program of proposed expenditures and services, the Department
21shall so notify the chief official of the participant having
22submitted such program, setting forth in detail the reasons for
23such disapproval. Thereupon, any such participant shall have 45
24days from the date of receipt of such notice of disapproval by
25the Department to submit to the Department one or more amended

HB4311- 18 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1programs of proposed expenditures and services.
2(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
3 (30 ILCS 740/2-13) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 673)
4 Sec. 2-13. Review of amended programs. The Department shall
5review each amended program of proposed expenditures and
6services submitted to it pursuant to the provisions of Section
72-12 and may disapprove any such amended program of proposed
8expenditures and services only for the reasons and in the same
9fashion set forth in Section 2-11.
10(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
11 (30 ILCS 740/2-14) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 674)
12 Sec. 2-14. Grants.
13 (a) Upon a determination by the Department that any initial
14or amended program of proposed expenditures is in compliance
15with the provisions of this Act, and upon approval thereof, the
16Department shall enter into one or more grant agreements with
17and shall make grants to that participant as necessary to
18implement the adopted program of expenditures.
19 (b) All grants by the Department pursuant to this Act shall
20be administered upon such conditions as the Secretary of
21Transportation shall determine, consistent with the provisions
22and purpose of this Act.
23 (c) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to, or
24be of force or effect for, any program of proposed expenditures

HB4311- 19 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1and services, or the funding therefor, for State fiscal year
22021 and each fiscal year thereafter.
3(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
4 (30 ILCS 740/2-15.2)
5 Sec. 2-15.2. Free services; eligibility.
6 (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no later than
760 days following the effective date of this amendatory Act of
8the 95th General Assembly and until subsection (b) is
9implemented, any fixed route public transportation services
10provided by, or under grant or purchase of service contracts
11of, every participant, as defined in Section 2-2.02 (1)(a),
12shall be provided without charge to all senior citizen
13residents of the participant aged 65 and older, under such
14conditions as shall be prescribed by the participant.
15 (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no later than
16180 days following the effective date of this amendatory Act of
17the 96th General Assembly, but only through State fiscal year
182020, any fixed route public transportation services provided
19by, or under grant or purchase of service contracts of, every
20participant, as defined in Section 2-2.02 (1)(a), shall be
21provided without charge to senior citizens aged 65 and older
22who meet the income eligibility limitation set forth in
23subsection (a-5) of Section 4 of the Senior Citizens and
24Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, under such
25conditions as shall be prescribed by the participant. The

HB4311- 20 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1Department on Aging shall furnish all information reasonably
2necessary to determine eligibility, including updated lists of
3individuals who are eligible for services without charge under
4this Section. Nothing in this Section shall relieve the
5participant from providing reduced fares as may be required by
6federal law.
7 (c) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, commencing
8with State fiscal year 2021 programs, any fixed route public
9transportation services provided by, or State funded or
10purchase of service contract of, every participant, as defined
11in item (a) of paragraph (1) of Section 2-2.02, shall be
12provided without charge to senior citizens aged 65 and older
13who meet the income eligibility limitation set forth in
14subsection (a-5) of Section 4 of the Senior Citizens and
15Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act, under
16conditions as shall be prescribed by the participant. The
17Department on Aging shall furnish all information reasonably
18necessary to determine eligibility, including updated lists of
19individuals who are eligible for services without charge under
20this Section. Nothing in this Section shall relieve the
21participant from providing reduced fares as may be required by
22federal law.
23(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
24 (30 ILCS 740/2-15.3)
25 Sec. 2-15.3. Transit services for individuals with

HB4311- 21 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
2 (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, no later than
360 days following the effective date of this amendatory Act of
4the 95th General Assembly, but only through State fiscal year
52020, all fixed route public transportation services provided
6by, or under grant or purchase of service contract of, any
7participant shall be provided without charge to all persons
8with disabilities who meet the income eligibility limitation
9set forth in subsection (a-5) of Section 4 of the Senior
10Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act,
11under such procedures as shall be prescribed by the
12participant. The Department on Aging shall furnish all
13information reasonably necessary to determine eligibility,
14including updated lists of individuals who are eligible for
15services without charge under this Section.
16 (b) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, commencing
17with State fiscal year 2021 programs, all fixed route public
18transportation services provided by, or services provided
19under a State-funded or purchase of service contract of, any
20participant shall be provided without charge to all persons
21with disabilities who meet the income eligibility limitation
22set forth in subsection (a-5) of Section 4 of the Senior
23Citizens and Persons with Disabilities Property Tax Relief Act,
24under procedures as shall be prescribed by the participant. The
25Department on Aging shall furnish all information reasonably
26necessary to determine eligibility, including updated lists of

HB4311- 22 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1individuals who are eligible for services without charge under
2this Section.
3(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
4 (30 ILCS 740/2-17) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 678)
5 Sec. 2-17. County authorization to provide public
6transportation and to receive funds from appropriations to
7apply for funding grants in connection therewith. (a) Any
8county or counties may, by ordinance, operate or otherwise
9provide for public transportation within such county or
10counties. In order to so provide for such public
11transportation, any county or counties may enter into
12agreements with any individual, corporation or other person or
13private or public entity to operate or otherwise assist in the
14provision of such public transportation services. Upon the
15execution of an agreement for the operation of such public
16transportation, the operator shall file 3 copies of such
17agreement certified by the clerk of the county executing the
18same with the Illinois Commerce Commission. Thereafter the
19Illinois Commerce Commission shall enter an order directing
20compliance by the operator with the provisions of Sections 55a
21and 55b of "An Act concerning public utilities", approved June
2228, 1921, as amended.
23 (b) Any county may apply for, accept and expend moneys
24grants, loans or other funds from the State of Illinois or any
25department or agency thereof, from any unit of local

HB4311- 23 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
1government, from the federal government or any department or
2agency thereof, or from any other person or entity, for use in
3connection with any public transportation provided pursuant to
4this Section.
5(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
6 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
7becoming law.

HB4311- 24 -LRB101 17602 RJF 67023 b
2 Statutes amended in order of appearance