HB4773 EnrolledLRB098 16799 KTG 51868 b
1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Youth
6Advisory Board Act.
7 Section 5. Statewide Youth Advisory Board; regional youth
8advisory boards. The Department of Children and Family Services
9shall convene and maintain a Statewide Youth Advisory Board and
10regional youth advisory boards. Each regional youth advisory
11board shall work with the Department or its designee to
12determine how to best provide services to current and former
13youth in foster care living within each of the regions. The
14Statewide Youth Advisory Board shall advise the Department and
15the General Assembly with respect to all matters involving or
16affecting current and former youth in foster care.
17Responsibilities of the Statewide Youth Advisory Board shall
19 (1) providing the Department and the General Assembly with
20the perspective of youth under the care of the Department;
21 (2) identifying, analyzing, and recommending solutions to
22any issues concerning adoption and guardianship and youth in
23foster care;

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1 (3) reviewing and advising the Department on proposed or
2pending legislation, primarily as it concerns current and
3former youth in foster care; and
4 (4) reviewing and making recommendations on Department
5foster care and child welfare service delivery policies,
6guidelines, procedures, and training.
7 Section 10. Membership.
8 (a) The Statewide Youth Advisory Board shall consist of
9executive regional board members elected to represent the
10regional youth advisory boards.
11 (b) The Statewide Youth Advisory Board and each regional
12youth advisory board shall be composed of youth 14 to 21 years
13of age who are former or current youth in foster care appointed
14by the Department of Children and Family Services or its
16 Section 15. Meetings.
17 (a) Regular meetings of the regional youth advisory boards
18shall be held monthly.
19 (b) Regular meetings of the Statewide Youth Advisory Board
20shall be held at least 5 times per year.
21 (c) The Director of the Department or his or her designee
22shall meet with the Statewide Youth Advisory Board at least
23quarterly in order to discuss the issues and concerns of youth
24in foster care.

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1 (d) All meetings shall take place at locations, dates, and
2times determined by the Department or its designee in
3accordance with the bylaws for the Statewide Youth Advisory
4Board and the regional youth advisory boards.
5 Section 20. Operations. The Department or its designee
6shall manage each board, facilitate meetings, and develop
7further necessary procedures, including, but not limited to,
8bylaws for the Statewide Youth Advisory Board and the regional
9youth advisory boards. The Department shall provide funding
10necessary to maintain the operations of each board. The
11Department shall not provide a Statewide Youth Advisory Board
12or a regional youth advisory board with any records or
13information that a public body may withhold or redact pursuant
14to Section 7 of the Freedom of Information Act.
15 Section 25. Reporting. The Statewide Youth Advisory Board
16shall report annually to the General Assembly on issues
17concerning adoption and guardianship and youth in foster care,
18and make recommendations regarding legislation, policies,
19guidelines, procedures, and training.
20 Section 30. Public access to information.
21 (a) Meetings of the Statewide Youth Advisory Board and each
22regional youth advisory board shall be closed to the public.
23Meetings of the Statewide Youth Advisory Board and each

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1regional youth advisory board shall not be subject to the Open
2Meetings Act.
3 (b) Records and information produced by the Statewide Youth
4Advisory Board and each regional youth advisory board, except a
5report submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to Section 25
6of this Act, shall be confidential and not subject to the
7Freedom of Information Act.
8 Section 35. The Open Meetings Act is amended by changing
9Section 1.02 as follows:
10 (5 ILCS 120/1.02) (from Ch. 102, par. 41.02)
11 Sec. 1.02. For the purposes of this Act:
12 "Meeting" means any gathering, whether in person or by
13video or audio conference, telephone call, electronic means
14(such as, without limitation, electronic mail, electronic
15chat, and instant messaging), or other means of contemporaneous
16interactive communication, of a majority of a quorum of the
17members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing
18public business or, for a 5-member public body, a quorum of the
19members of a public body held for the purpose of discussing
20public business.
21 Accordingly, for a 5-member public body, 3 members of the
22body constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of 3 members
23is necessary to adopt any motion, resolution, or ordinance,
24unless a greater number is otherwise required.

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1 "Public body" includes all legislative, executive,
2administrative or advisory bodies of the State, counties,
3townships, cities, villages, incorporated towns, school
4districts and all other municipal corporations, boards,
5bureaus, committees or commissions of this State, and any
6subsidiary bodies of any of the foregoing including but not
7limited to committees and subcommittees which are supported in
8whole or in part by tax revenue, or which expend tax revenue,
9except the General Assembly and committees or commissions
10thereof. "Public body" includes tourism boards and convention
11or civic center boards located in counties that are contiguous
12to the Mississippi River with populations of more than 250,000
13but less than 300,000. "Public body" includes the Health
14Facilities and Services Review Board. "Public body" does not
15include a child death review team or the Illinois Child Death
16Review Teams Executive Council established under the Child
17Death Review Team Act, an ethics commission acting under the
18State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, a regional youth
19advisory board or the Statewide Youth Advisory Board
20established under the Department of Children and Family
21Services Statewide Youth Advisory Board Act, or the Illinois
22Independent Tax Tribunal.
23(Source: P.A. 96-31, eff. 6-30-09; 97-1129, eff. 8-28-12.)
24 Section 40. The Freedom of Information Act is amended by
25changing Section 2 as follows:

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1 (5 ILCS 140/2) (from Ch. 116, par. 202)
2 Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act:
3 (a) "Public body" means all legislative, executive,
4administrative, or advisory bodies of the State, state
5universities and colleges, counties, townships, cities,
6villages, incorporated towns, school districts and all other
7municipal corporations, boards, bureaus, committees, or
8commissions of this State, any subsidiary bodies of any of the
9foregoing including but not limited to committees and
10subcommittees thereof, and a School Finance Authority created
11under Article 1E of the School Code. "Public body" does not
12include a child death review team or the Illinois Child Death
13Review Teams Executive Council established under the Child
14Death Review Team Act, or a regional youth advisory board or
15the Statewide Youth Advisory Board established under the
16Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Youth
17Advisory Board Act.
18 (b) "Person" means any individual, corporation,
19partnership, firm, organization or association, acting
20individually or as a group.
21 (c) "Public records" means all records, reports, forms,
22writings, letters, memoranda, books, papers, maps,
23photographs, microfilms, cards, tapes, recordings, electronic
24data processing records, electronic communications, recorded
25information and all other documentary materials pertaining to

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1the transaction of public business, regardless of physical form
2or characteristics, having been prepared by or for, or having
3been or being used by, received by, in the possession of, or
4under the control of any public body.
5 (c-5) "Private information" means unique identifiers,
6including a person's social security number, driver's license
7number, employee identification number, biometric identifiers,
8personal financial information, passwords or other access
9codes, medical records, home or personal telephone numbers, and
10personal email addresses. Private information also includes
11home address and personal license plates, except as otherwise
12provided by law or when compiled without possibility of
13attribution to any person.
14 (c-10) "Commercial purpose" means the use of any part of a
15public record or records, or information derived from public
16records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or
17advertisement for sales or services. For purposes of this
18definition, requests made by news media and non-profit,
19scientific, or academic organizations shall not be considered
20to be made for a "commercial purpose" when the principal
21purpose of the request is (i) to access and disseminate
22information concerning news and current or passing events, (ii)
23for articles of opinion or features of interest to the public,
24or (iii) for the purpose of academic, scientific, or public
25research or education.
26 (d) "Copying" means the reproduction of any public record

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1by means of any photographic, electronic, mechanical or other
2process, device or means now known or hereafter developed and
3available to the public body.
4 (e) "Head of the public body" means the president, mayor,
5chairman, presiding officer, director, superintendent,
6manager, supervisor or individual otherwise holding primary
7executive and administrative authority for the public body, or
8such person's duly authorized designee.
9 (f) "News media" means a newspaper or other periodical
10issued at regular intervals whether in print or electronic
11format, a news service whether in print or electronic format, a
12radio station, a television station, a television network, a
13community antenna television service, or a person or
14corporation engaged in making news reels or other motion
15picture news for public showing.
16 (g) "Recurrent requester", as used in Section 3.2 of this
17Act, means a person that, in the 12 months immediately
18preceding the request, has submitted to the same public body
19(i) a minimum of 50 requests for records, (ii) a minimum of 15
20requests for records within a 30-day period, or (iii) a minimum
21of 7 requests for records within a 7-day period. For purposes
22of this definition, requests made by news media and non-profit,
23scientific, or academic organizations shall not be considered
24in calculating the number of requests made in the time periods
25in this definition when the principal purpose of the requests
26is (i) to access and disseminate information concerning news

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1and current or passing events, (ii) for articles of opinion or
2features of interest to the public, or (iii) for the purpose of
3academic, scientific, or public research or education.
4 For the purposes of this subsection (g), "request" means a
5written document (or oral request, if the public body chooses
6to honor oral requests) that is submitted to a public body via
7personal delivery, mail, telefax, electronic mail, or other
8means available to the public body and that identifies the
9particular public record the requester seeks. One request may
10identify multiple records to be inspected or copied.
11(Source: P.A. 96-261, eff. 1-1-10; 96-542, eff. 1-1-10;
1296-1000, eff. 7-2-10; 97-579, eff. 8-26-11.)