Public Act 100-0654
HB4951 EnrolledLRB100 18006 LNS 33194 b
AN ACT concerning civil law.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Security Deposit Return Act is amended by
changing Section 1 as follows:
(765 ILCS 710/1) (from Ch. 80, par. 101)
Sec. 1. Statement of damage.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a lessor of
residential real property, containing 5 or more units, who has
received a security deposit from a lessee to secure the payment
of rent or to compensate for damage to the leased premises may
not withhold any part of that deposit as reimbursement for
property damage unless the lessor has, within 30 days of the
date that the lessee vacated the leased premises, furnished to
the lessee, by personal delivery, by postmarked mail directed
to his or her last known address, or by electronic mail to a
verified electronic mail address provided by the lessee, an
itemized statement of the damage allegedly caused to the leased
premises and the estimated or actual cost for repairing or
replacing each item on that statement, attaching the paid
receipts, or copies thereof, for the repair or replacement. If
the lessor utilizes his or her own labor to repair or replace
any damage or damaged items caused by the lessee, the lessor
may include the reasonable cost of his or her labor to repair
or replace such damage or damaged items. If estimated cost is
given, the lessor shall furnish to the lessee, delivered in
person or by postmarked mail directed to the last known address
of the lessee or another address provided by the lessee, paid
receipts, or copies thereof, within 30 days from the date the
statement showing estimated cost was furnished to the lessee,
as required by this Section. If a written lease specifies the
cost for cleaning, repair, or replacement of any component of
the leased premises or any component of the building or common
areas that, if damaged, will not be replaced, the lessor may
withhold the dollar amount specified in the lease. Costs
specified in a written lease shall be for damage beyond normal
wear and tear and reasonable to restore the leased premises to
the same condition as at the time the lease began. The itemized
statement shall reference the dollar amount specified in the
written lease associated with the specific building component
or amenity and include a copy of the applicable portion of the
lease. Deductions for costs or values not specified in the
lease shall otherwise comply with the requirements of this
Section. If no such statement and receipts, or copies thereof,
are furnished to the lessee as required by this Section, the
lessor shall return the security deposit in full within 45 days
of the date that the lessee vacated the premises, delivered in
person or by postmarked mail directed to the last known address
of the lessee or another address provided by the lessee. If the
lessee fails to provide the lessor with a mailing address or
electronic mail address, the lessor shall not be held liable
for any damages or penalties as a result of the lessee's
failure to provide an address.
(b) If, through no fault of the lessor, the lessor is
unable to produce as required in subsection (a) receipts for
repairs or replacements, or copies thereof, then the lessor
shall produce an itemized list of the cost of repair or
replacement, any other evidence the lessor has of the cost, and
a verified statement of the lessor or the agent of the lessor
detailing the specific reasons why the lessor is unable to
produce the required receipts or copies and verifying that the
lessor has provided all other evidence the lessor has of the
(c) Upon a finding by a circuit court that a lessor has
refused to supply the itemized statement required by this
Section, or has supplied such statement in bad faith, and has
failed or refused to return the amount of the security deposit
due within the time limits provided, the lessor shall be liable
for an amount equal to twice the amount of the security deposit
due, together with court costs and reasonable attorney's fees.
(Source: P.A. 100-269, eff. 1-1-18.)
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.