Rep. Sam Yingling

Filed: 3/19/2014

09800HB5646ham001LRB098 17163 HLH 57233 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 5646 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by adding
5Section 18-184.15 as follows:
6 (35 ILCS 200/18-184.15 new)
7 Sec. 18-184.15. Abatement for commercial or industrial
8facilities. Any county or municipality may, by a majority vote
9of its governing body, order the county clerk to abate a
10portion of the taxes imposed by each taxing district located
11within that county or municipality on property upon which a
12commercial or industrial facility has been newly constructed or
13improved. The total amount of the abatement under this Section
14shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the amount attributable to
15the construction or improvements or (ii) $50,000 in each
16taxable year if the facility is a LEEDS certified facility or a

09800HB5646ham001- 2 -LRB098 17163 HLH 57233 a
1facility that will be used to provide direct medical services
2or $30,000 in each taxable year for all other facilities. The
3governing body of the county or municipality shall determine
4the period of time during which the abatement will apply, which
5shall not exceed: (i) 10 years if the facility is a LEEDS
6certified facility or a facility that will be used to provide
7direct medical services; or (ii) 5 years in the case of all
8other qualified facilities. Notwithstanding any other
9provision of law, no county or municipality may grant an
10abatement under this Section if the first year of the abatement
11will be taxable year 2024 or thereafter.".