State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced , by Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez

See Index

Amends the Peace Officer and Probation Officer Firearm Training Act. Expands the definition of "peace officer" to include any child protective investigator of a Child Protective Services Unit assigned to perform the duties and responsibilities provided under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Requires a child protective investigator to complete a Crisis Intervention Team training program conducted by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board before becoming a peace officer. Amends the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Requires all personnel of the Department of Children and Family Services to adhere to specified Department procedures when conducting a child abuse or neglect investigation. Requires the Department to adopt policies on self-defense training for Department personnel. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Creates the offense of criminal threatening. Makes changes to provisions on stalking and aggravated stalking offenses. Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. In provisions concerning stalking offenses, makes changes to the definitions of "course of conduct", "contact", and "stalking".
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1 AN ACT concerning criminal law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Peace Officer and Probation Officer Firearm
5Training Act is amended by changing Sections 1 and 2 and by
6adding Section 4.5 as follows:
7 (50 ILCS 710/1) (from Ch. 85, par. 515)
8 Sec. 1. Definitions. As used in this Act:
9 (a) "Peace officer" means (i) any person who by virtue of
10his office or public employment is vested by law with a primary
11duty to maintain public order or to make arrests for offenses,
12whether that duty extends to all offenses or is limited to
13specific offenses, and who is employed in such capacity by any
14county or municipality; or (ii) any retired law enforcement
15officers qualified under federal law to carry a concealed
16weapon; or (iii) any child protective investigator of a Child
17Protective Services Unit assigned by the Director of the
18Department of Children and Family Services to perform the
19duties and responsibilities as provided under Section 7.2 of
20the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act.
21 (a-5) "Probation officer" means a county probation officer
22authorized by the Chief Judge of the Circuit Court to carry a
23firearm as part of his or her duties under Section 12 of the

HB5663- 2 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1Probation and Probation Officers Act and Section 24-2 of the
2Criminal Code of 2012.
3 (b) "Firearms" means any weapon or device defined as a
4firearm in Section 1.1 of "An Act relating to the acquisition,
5possession and transfer of firearms and firearm ammunition, to
6provide a penalty for the violation thereof and to make an
7appropriation in connection therewith", approved August 3,
81967, as amended.
9(Source: P.A. 98-725, eff. 1-1-15.)
10 (50 ILCS 710/2) (from Ch. 85, par. 516)
11 Sec. 2. Training course for peace officers and probation
13 (a) Except as provided in subsection (f), successful
14Successful completion of a 40 hour course of training in use of
15a suitable type firearm shall be a condition precedent to the
16possession and use of that respective firearm by any peace
17officer or probation officer in this State in connection with
18the officer's official duties. The training must be approved by
19the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board ("the
20Board") and may be given in logical segments but must be
21completed by a peace officer within 6 months from the date of
22the officer's initial employment and by a probation officer
23before possession and use of a firearm in connection with the
24probation officer's official duties. To satisfy the
25requirements of this Act, the training must include the

HB5663- 3 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
2 (1) Instruction in the dangers of misuse of the
3 firearm, safety rules, and care and cleaning of the
4 firearm.
5 (2) Practice firing on a range and qualification with
6 the firearm in accordance with the standards established by
7 the Board.
8 (3) Instruction in the legal use of firearms under the
9 Criminal Code of 2012 and relevant court decisions.
10 (4) A forceful presentation of the ethical and moral
11 considerations assumed by any person who uses a firearm.
12 (b) Any officer who successfully completes the Basic
13Training Course prescribed for recruits by the Board shall be
14presumed to have satisfied the requirements of this Act.
15 (c) The Board shall cause the training courses to be
16conducted twice each year within each of the Mobile Team
17Regions, but no training course need be held when there are no
18police officers or probation officers requiring the training.
19 (d) (Blank).
20 (e) The Board may waive, or may conditionally waive, the 40
21hour course of training if, in the Board's opinion, the officer
22has previously successfully completed a course of similar
23content and duration. In cases of waiver, the officer shall
24demonstrate his or her knowledge and proficiency by passing the
25written examination on firearms and by successfully passing the
26range qualification portion of the prescribed course of

HB5663- 4 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
2 (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or
3other law, no peace officer who is a child protective
4investigator of a Child Protective Services Unit assigned by
5the Director of the Department of Children and Family Services
6to perform the duties and responsibilities as provided under
7Section 7.2 of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act is
8permitted to possess or use any firearm during the performance
9of his or her official duties and responsibilities.
10(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13; 98-725, eff. 1-1-15.)
11 (50 ILCS 710/4.5 new)
12 Sec. 4.5. Crisis Intervention Team training; child
13protective investigator. Before becoming a peace officer, a
14child protective investigator of a Child Protective Services
15Unit assigned by the Director of the Department of Children and
16Family Services to perform the duties and responsibilities as
17provided under Section 7.2 of the Abused and Neglected Child
18Reporting Act must complete a Crisis Intervention Team training
19program conducted by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training
20Standards Board as is required of law enforcement officers
21under Section 10-17 of the Illinois Police Training Act before
22becoming a peace officer.
23 Section 10. The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act is
24amended by adding Section 7.2a as follows:

HB5663- 5 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (325 ILCS 5/7.2a new)
2 Sec. 7.2a. Compliance with Department investigation rules;
3safety training study.
4 (a) When conducting an investigation on a report of child
5abuse or neglect all Department personnel, including child
6protective investigators, child protective specialists, and
7other members of a Child Protective Services Unit, must adhere
8to the following procedures and policies enumerated in the
102015 – PT 2015.23 - PROCEDURES 300" published on the Department
11of Children and Family Services' website:
12 (1) Procedure 300.50 (c)(1), Initiation of the
13 Investigation.
14 (2) Procedure 300.50(c)(2), Good Faith Attempt to
15 Initiate an Investigation.
16 (3) Procedure 300.50(c)(3), Attempts to Locate the
17 Child Victim.
18 (4) Procedure 300.50(c)(4), In-Person Contact with
19 Alleged Child Victims.
20 (5) Procedure 300.50(k), Referrals to Law Enforcement
21 and State's Attorney.
22 (6) Procedure 300.50(l), Parallel Investigations.
23 (7) Procedure 300.80, Child Protection Supervisor/Area
24 Administrator Waivers.
25 (8) Procedures 300.Appendix B, The Allegation System.

HB5663- 6 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (b) When conducting an investigation on a report of child
2abuse or neglect all Department personnel, including child
3protective investigators, child protective specialists, and
4other members of a Child Protective Services Unit, must contact
5the appropriate local law enforcement agency for assistance if
6necessary for the protection of the child, a Department
7employee, or another person involved in the investigation.
8Notification to the appropriate local law enforcement agency
9must always be conducted in the following instances:
10 (1) to provide notification that a possible criminal
11 act was committed;
12 (2) to request assistance in protecting the child and
13 the child protective specialist or child protective
14 investigator;
15 (3) to request assistance in taking temporary
16 protective custody of a child;
17 (4) to request assistance in preserving evidence; or
18 (5) to request assistance in conducting a child abuse
19 or neglect investigation.
20 (c) To ensure the safety of all Department personnel,
21including child protective investigators, child protective
22specialists, and other members of a Child Protective Services
23Unit, the Department must adopt and implement policies on:
24 (1) self-defense training for Department personnel,
25 including the use and possession of mace, pepper spray, or
26 any other toxic air-released compound; and

HB5663- 7 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (2) official Department vehicle placards and outerwear
2 or uniforms for Department personnel to utilize when
3 conducting an investigation.
4(d) The Director of the Department of Children and Family
5Services, in collaboration with its grantees and contractors
6and a labor organization representing State employees, shall
7conduct a review of safety training available to Department
8employees, contractors, and grantees and to other State
9employees. On or before July 1, 2019, the Director shall report
10any findings and recommendations on safety training for
11Department employees to the following House committees:
12Judiciary - Civil, Human Services, and State Government
13Administration; and to the following Senate committees:
14Judiciary, Human Services, and State Government.
15 Section 15. The Criminal Code of 2012 is amended by
16changing Sections 12-7.3 and 12-7.4 and by adding Section 12-6a
17as follows:
18 (720 ILCS 5/12-6a new)
19 Sec. 12-6a. Criminal threatening.
20 (a) As used in this Section:
21 "Serious bodily injury" has the meaning ascribed to that
22term in Section 12C-60.
23 "Threat" and "threaten" shall not include constitutionally
24protected activity.

HB5663- 8 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (b) A person shall not by words or conduct knowingly:
2 (1) threaten another person; and
3 (2) as a result of the threat, place the other person
4 in reasonable apprehension of death or serious bodily
5 injury.
6 (c) A person who violates subsection (b) of this Section
7shall be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more
8than $1,000, or both.
9 (d) A person who violates subsection (b) of this Section
10with the intent to prevent another person from reporting to the
11Department for Children and Family Services the suspected abuse
12or neglect of a child shall be imprisoned not more than 2 years
13or fined not more than $1,000 or both.
14 (e) Any person charged under this Section who is under 18
15years of age shall be adjudicated as a juvenile delinquent.
16 (f) It shall be an affirmative defense to a charge under
17this Section that the person did not have the ability to carry
18out the threat. The burden shall be on the defendant to prove
19the affirmative defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
20 (720 ILCS 5/12-7.3) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-7.3)
21 Sec. 12-7.3. Stalking.
22 (a) A person commits stalking when he or she knowingly
23engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person,
24and he or she knows or should know that this course of conduct
25would cause a reasonable person to:

HB5663- 9 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (1) fear for his or her safety or the safety of a third
2 person; or
3 (2) would cause a reasonable person substantial suffer
4 other emotional distress.
5 (a-3) A person commits stalking when he or she, knowingly
6and without lawful justification, on at least 2 separate
7occasions follows another person or places the person under
8surveillance or any combination thereof and:
9 (1) at any time transmits a threat of immediate or
10 future bodily harm, sexual assault, confinement or
11 restraint and the threat is directed towards that person or
12 a family member of that person; or
13 (2) places that person in reasonable apprehension of
14 immediate or future bodily harm, sexual assault,
15 confinement or restraint to or of that person or a family
16 member of that person.
17 (a-5) A person commits stalking when he or she has
18previously been convicted of stalking another person and
19knowingly and without lawful justification on one occasion:
20 (1) follows that same person or places that same person
21 under surveillance; and
22 (2) transmits a threat of immediate or future bodily
23 harm, sexual assault, confinement or restraint to that
24 person or a family member of that person.
25 (b) Sentence. Stalking is a Class 4 felony; a second or
26subsequent conviction is a Class 3 felony.

HB5663- 10 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (c) Definitions. For purposes of this Section:
2 (1) "Course of conduct" means 2 or more acts, including
3 but not limited to acts in which a defendant directly,
4 indirectly, or through third parties, by any action,
5 method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes,
6 surveils, threatens or makes threats about another person,
7 or communicates to or about, a person, engages in other
8 non-consensual contact, or interferes with or damages a
9 person's property or pet. A course of conduct may include
10 contact via electronic communications. This definition
11 shall apply to acts conducted by the person directly or
12 indirectly, and by any action, method, device, or means. As
13 used in this paragraph, "threaten" shall not be construed
14 to require an express or overt threat.
15 (2) "Electronic communication" means any transfer of
16 signs, signals, writings, sounds, data, or intelligence of
17 any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire,
18 radio, electromagnetic, photoelectric, or photo-optical
19 system. "Electronic communication" includes transmissions
20 by a computer through the Internet to another computer.
21 (3) "Emotional distress" means significant mental
22 suffering, anxiety or alarm that may, but does not
23 necessarily, require medical or other professional
24 treatment or counseling.
25 (4) "Family member" means a parent, grandparent,
26 brother, sister, or child, whether by whole blood,

HB5663- 11 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 half-blood, or adoption and includes a step-grandparent,
2 step-parent, step-brother, step-sister or step-child.
3 "Family member" also means any other person who regularly
4 resides in the household, or who, within the prior 6
5 months, regularly resided in the household.
6 (5) "Follows another person" means (i) to move in
7 relative proximity to a person as that person moves from
8 place to place or (ii) to remain in relative proximity to a
9 person who is stationary or whose movements are confined to
10 a small area. "Follows another person" does not include a
11 following within the residence of the defendant.
12 (6) "Non-consensual contact" means any contact with
13 the victim that is initiated or continued without the
14 victim's consent, including but not limited to being in the
15 physical presence of the victim; appearing within the sight
16 of the victim; approaching or confronting the victim in a
17 public place or on private property; appearing at the
18 workplace or residence of the victim; entering onto or
19 remaining on property owned, leased, or occupied by the
20 victim; or placing an object on, or delivering an object
21 to, property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim.
22 (7) "Places a person under surveillance" means: (1)
23 remaining present outside the person's school, place of
24 employment, vehicle, other place occupied by the person, or
25 residence other than the residence of the defendant; or (2)
26 placing an electronic tracking device on the person or the

HB5663- 12 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 person's property.
2 (8) "Reasonable person" means a reasonable person in
3 the victim's situation.
4 (9) "Transmits a threat" means a verbal or written
5 threat or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct or a
6 combination of verbal or written statements or conduct.
7 (d) Exemptions.
8 (1) This Section does not apply to any individual or
9 organization (i) monitoring or attentive to compliance
10 with public or worker safety laws, wage and hour
11 requirements, or other statutory requirements, or (ii)
12 picketing occurring at the workplace that is otherwise
13 lawful and arises out of a bona fide labor dispute,
14 including any controversy concerning wages, salaries,
15 hours, working conditions or benefits, including health
16 and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or
17 retirement provisions, the making or maintaining of
18 collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be
19 included in those agreements.
20 (2) This Section does not apply to an exercise of the
21 right to free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful.
22 (3) Telecommunications carriers, commercial mobile
23 service providers, and providers of information services,
24 including, but not limited to, Internet service providers
25 and hosting service providers, are not liable under this
26 Section, except for willful and wanton misconduct, by

HB5663- 13 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 virtue of the transmission, storage, or caching of
2 electronic communications or messages of others or by
3 virtue of the provision of other related
4 telecommunications, commercial mobile services, or
5 information services used by others in violation of this
6 Section.
7 (d-5) The incarceration of a person in a penal institution
8who commits the course of conduct or transmits a threat is not
9a bar to prosecution under this Section.
10 (d-10) A defendant who directed the actions of a third
11party to violate this Section, under the principles of
12accountability set forth in Article 5 of this Code, is guilty
13of violating this Section as if the same had been personally
14done by the defendant, without regard to the mental state of
15the third party acting at the direction of the defendant.
16 (e) It shall not be a defense under this Section that the
17defendant was not provided actual notice that the course of
18conduct was unwanted.
19(Source: P.A. 96-686, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1551, eff. 7-1-11;
2097-311, eff. 8-11-11; 97-1109, eff. 1-1-13.)
21 (720 ILCS 5/12-7.4) (from Ch. 38, par. 12-7.4)
22 Sec. 12-7.4. Aggravated stalking.
23 (a) A person commits aggravated stalking when he or she
24commits stalking and:
25 (1) causes bodily harm to the victim;

HB5663- 14 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (2) confines or restrains the victim; or
2 (3) violates a temporary restraining order, an order of
3 protection, a stalking no contact order, a civil no contact
4 order, or an injunction prohibiting the behavior described
5 in subsection (b)(1) of Section 214 of the Illinois
6 Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
7 (a-1) A person commits aggravated stalking when he or she
8is required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act
9or has been previously required to register under that Act and
10commits the offense of stalking when the victim of the stalking
11is also the victim of the offense for which the sex offender is
12required to register under the Sex Offender Registration Act or
13a family member of the victim.
14 (b) Sentence. Aggravated stalking is a Class 3 felony; a
15second or subsequent conviction is a Class 2 felony.
16 (c) Exemptions.
17 (1) This Section does not apply to any individual or
18 organization (i) monitoring or attentive to compliance
19 with public or worker safety laws, wage and hour
20 requirements, or other statutory requirements, or (ii)
21 picketing occurring at the workplace that is otherwise
22 lawful and arises out of a bona fide labor dispute
23 including any controversy concerning wages, salaries,
24 hours, working conditions or benefits, including health
25 and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or
26 retirement provisions, the managing or maintenance of

HB5663- 15 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be
2 included in those agreements.
3 (2) This Section does not apply to an exercise of the
4 right of free speech or assembly that is otherwise lawful.
5 (3) Telecommunications carriers, commercial mobile
6 service providers, and providers of information services,
7 including, but not limited to, Internet service providers
8 and hosting service providers, are not liable under this
9 Section, except for willful and wanton misconduct, by
10 virtue of the transmission, storage, or caching of
11 electronic communications or messages of others or by
12 virtue of the provision of other related
13 telecommunications, commercial mobile services, or
14 information services used by others in violation of this
15 Section.
16 (d) A defendant who directed the actions of a third party
17to violate this Section, under the principles of accountability
18set forth in Article 5 of this Code, is guilty of violating
19this Section as if the same had been personally done by the
20defendant, without regard to the mental state of the third
21party acting at the direction of the defendant.
22 (e) It shall not be a defense under this Section that the
23defendant was not provided actual notice that the course of
24conduct was unwanted.
25(Source: P.A. 96-686, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1551, eff. 7-1-11;
2697-311, eff. 8-11-11; 97-468, eff. 1-1-12; 97-1109, eff.

HB5663- 16 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
2 Section 20. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 is
3amended by changing Section 112A-3 as follows:
4 (725 ILCS 5/112A-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 112A-3)
5 Sec. 112A-3. Definitions.
6 (a) For the purposes of this Article, "protective order"
7means a domestic violence order of protection, a civil no
8contact order, or a stalking no contact order.
9 (b) For the purposes of domestic violence cases, the
10following terms shall have the following meanings in this
12 (1) "Abuse" means physical abuse, harassment,
13 intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal
14 liberty or willful deprivation but does not include
15 reasonable direction of a minor child by a parent or person
16 in loco parentis.
17 (2) "Domestic violence" means abuse as described in
18 paragraph (1).
19 (3) "Family or household members" include spouses,
20 former spouses, parents, children, stepchildren and other
21 persons related by blood or by present or prior marriage,
22 persons who share or formerly shared a common dwelling,
23 persons who have or allegedly have a child in common,
24 persons who share or allegedly share a blood relationship

HB5663- 17 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 through a child, persons who have or have had a dating or
2 engagement relationship, persons with disabilities and
3 their personal assistants, and caregivers as defined in
4 subsection (e) of Section 12-4.4a of the Criminal Code of
5 2012. For purposes of this paragraph, neither a casual
6 acquaintanceship nor ordinary fraternization between 2
7 individuals in business or social contexts shall be deemed
8 to constitute a dating relationship.
9 (4) "Harassment" means knowing conduct which is not
10 necessary to accomplish a purpose which is reasonable under
11 the circumstances; would cause a reasonable person
12 emotional distress; and does cause emotional distress to
13 the petitioner. Unless the presumption is rebutted by a
14 preponderance of the evidence, the following types of
15 conduct shall be presumed to cause emotional distress:
16 (i) creating a disturbance at petitioner's place
17 of employment or school;
18 (ii) repeatedly telephoning petitioner's place of
19 employment, home or residence;
20 (iii) repeatedly following petitioner about in a
21 public place or places;
22 (iv) repeatedly keeping petitioner under
23 surveillance by remaining present outside his or her
24 home, school, place of employment, vehicle or other
25 place occupied by petitioner or by peering in
26 petitioner's windows;

HB5663- 18 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 (v) improperly concealing a minor child from
2 petitioner, repeatedly threatening to improperly
3 remove a minor child of petitioner's from the
4 jurisdiction or from the physical care of petitioner,
5 repeatedly threatening to conceal a minor child from
6 petitioner, or making a single such threat following an
7 actual or attempted improper removal or concealment,
8 unless respondent was fleeing from an incident or
9 pattern of domestic violence; or
10 (vi) threatening physical force, confinement or
11 restraint on one or more occasions.
12 (5) "Interference with personal liberty" means
13 committing or threatening physical abuse, harassment,
14 intimidation or willful deprivation so as to compel another
15 to engage in conduct from which she or he has a right to
16 abstain or to refrain from conduct in which she or he has a
17 right to engage.
18 (6) "Intimidation of a dependent" means subjecting a
19 person who is dependent because of age, health or
20 disability to participation in or the witnessing of:
21 physical force against another or physical confinement or
22 restraint of another which constitutes physical abuse as
23 defined in this Article, regardless of whether the abused
24 person is a family or household member.
25 (7) "Order of protection" means an order, granted
26 pursuant to this Article, which includes any or all of the

HB5663- 19 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 remedies authorized by Section 112A-14 of this Code.
2 (8) "Petitioner" may mean not only any named petitioner
3 for the order of protection and any named victim of abuse
4 on whose behalf the petition is brought, but also any other
5 person protected by this Article.
6 (9) "Physical abuse" includes sexual abuse and means
7 any of the following:
8 (i) knowing or reckless use of physical force,
9 confinement or restraint;
10 (ii) knowing, repeated and unnecessary sleep
11 deprivation; or
12 (iii) knowing or reckless conduct which creates an
13 immediate risk of physical harm.
14 (9.3) "Respondent" in a petition for an order of
15 protection means the defendant.
16 (9.5) "Stay away" means for the respondent to refrain
17 from both physical presence and nonphysical contact with
18 the petitioner whether direct, indirect (including, but
19 not limited to, telephone calls, mail, email, faxes, and
20 written notes), or through third parties who may or may not
21 know about the order of protection.
22 (10) "Willful deprivation" means wilfully denying a
23 person who because of age, health or disability requires
24 medication, medical care, shelter, accessible shelter or
25 services, food, therapeutic device, or other physical
26 assistance, and thereby exposing that person to the risk of

HB5663- 20 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 physical, mental or emotional harm, except with regard to
2 medical care and treatment when such dependent person has
3 expressed the intent to forgo such medical care or
4 treatment. This paragraph does not create any new
5 affirmative duty to provide support to dependent persons.
6 (c) For the purposes of cases involving sexual offenses,
7the following terms shall have the following meanings in this
9 (1) "Civil no contact order" means an order granted
10 under this Article, which includes a remedy authorized by
11 Section 112A-14.5 of this Code.
12 (2) "Family or household members" include spouses,
13 parents, children, stepchildren, and persons who share a
14 common dwelling.
15 (3) "Non-consensual" means a lack of freely given
16 agreement.
17 (4) "Petitioner" means not only any named petitioner
18 for the civil no contact order and any named victim of
19 non-consensual sexual conduct or non-consensual sexual
20 penetration on whose behalf the petition is brought, but
21 includes any other person sought to be protected under this
22 Article.
23 (5) "Respondent" in a petition for a civil no contact
24 order means the defendant.
25 (6) "Sexual conduct" means any intentional or knowing
26 touching or fondling by the petitioner or the respondent,

HB5663- 21 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 either directly or through clothing, of the sex organs,
2 anus, or breast of the petitioner or the respondent, or any
3 part of the body of a child under 13 years of age, or any
4 transfer or transmission of semen by the respondent upon
5 any part of the clothed or unclothed body of the
6 petitioner, for the purpose of sexual gratification or
7 arousal of the petitioner or the respondent.
8 (7) "Sexual penetration" means any contact, however
9 slight, between the sex organ or anus of one person by an
10 object, the sex organ, mouth or anus of another person, or
11 any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the body of
12 one person or of any animal or object into the sex organ or
13 anus of another person, including but not limited to
14 cunnilingus, fellatio or anal penetration. Evidence of
15 emission of semen is not required to prove sexual
16 penetration.
17 (8) "Stay away" means to refrain from both physical
18 presence and nonphysical contact with the petitioner
19 directly, indirectly, or through third parties who may or
20 may not know of the order. "Nonphysical contact" includes,
21 but is not limited to, telephone calls, mail, e-mail, fax,
22 and written notes.
23 (d) For the purposes of cases involving stalking offenses,
24the following terms shall have the following meanings in this
26 (1) "Course of conduct" means 2 or more acts,

HB5663- 22 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 including, but not limited to, acts in which a respondent
2 directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any
3 action, method, device, or means follows, monitors,
4 observes, surveils, threatens or makes threats about
5 another person, or communicates to or about, a person,
6 engages in other contact, or interferes with or damages a
7 person's property or pet. A course of conduct may include
8 contact via electronic communications. The incarceration
9 of a person in a penal institution who commits the course
10 of conduct is not a bar to prosecution. This definition
11 shall apply to acts conducted by the person directly or
12 indirectly, and by any action, method, device, or means. As
13 used in this paragraph, "threaten" shall not be construed
14 to require an express or overt threat.
15 (2) "Emotional distress" means significant mental
16 suffering, anxiety or alarm.
17 (3) "Contact" includes any contact with the victim,
18 that is initiated or continued without the victim's
19 consent, or that is in disregard of the victim's expressed
20 desire that the contact be avoided or discontinued,
21 including, but not limited to, being in the physical
22 presence of the victim; appearing within the sight of the
23 victim; approaching or confronting the victim in a public
24 place or on private property; appearing at the workplace or
25 residence of the victim; entering onto or remaining on
26 property owned, leased, or occupied by the victim; or

HB5663- 23 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 placing an object on, or delivering an object to, property
2 owned, leased, or occupied by the victim; or non-physical
3 contact. "Nonphysical contact" includes telephone calls,
4 mail, e-mail, social media commentary or comment, or other
5 electronic communication, fax, and written notes.
6 (4) "Petitioner" means any named petitioner for the
7 stalking no contact order or any named victim of stalking
8 on whose behalf the petition is brought.
9 (5) "Reasonable person" means a person in the
10 petitioner's circumstances with the petitioner's knowledge
11 of the respondent and the respondent's prior acts.
12 (6) "Respondent" in a petition for a civil no contact
13 order means the defendant.
14 (7) "Stalking" means engaging purposefully in a course
15 of conduct directed at a specific person, and he or she
16 knows or should know that this course of conduct would
17 cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or
18 the safety of a third person; or suffer emotional distress
19 as evidenced by (i) a fear of unlawful sexual conduct,
20 unlawful restraint, bodily injury, or death, or (ii)
21 significant modifications in the person's actions or
22 routines, including moving from an established residence,
23 changes to established daily routes to and from work that
24 cause a serious disruption in the person's life, changes to
25 the person's employment or work schedule, or the loss of a
26 job or time from work. "Stalking" does not include an

HB5663- 24 -LRB100 17180 KTG 32335 b
1 exercise of the right to free speech or assembly that is
2 otherwise lawful or picketing occurring at the workplace
3 that is otherwise lawful and arises out of a bona fide
4 labor dispute, including any controversy concerning wages,
5 salaries, hours, working conditions or benefits, including
6 health and welfare, sick leave, insurance, and pension or
7 retirement provisions, the making or maintaining of
8 collective bargaining agreements, and the terms to be
9 included in those agreements.
10 (8) "Stalking no contact order" means an order granted
11 under this Article, which includes a remedy authorized by
12 Section 112A-14.7 of this Code.
13(Source: P.A. 100-199, eff. 1-1-18.)

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2 Statutes amended in order of appearance