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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate the Glenbard West
4High School football team on becoming the 2012 Class 7A State
5Champions; and
6 WHEREAS, This goal was realized on November 24, 2012; in a
7defensive battle Glenbard West defeated Lincoln-Way East,
810-8; Henry Haeffner's first-half passing and Hayden Carlson's
9ferocious defense powered the Hilltoppers to a hear-stopping
10victory in the championship game at Memorial Stadium in
11Champaign; and
12 WHEREAS, Glenbard West's coach, Chad Hetlet, inherited a
13program that hadn't qualified for the playoffs since 2003; in
14the 6 years that he has coached the Hilltoppers, they have
15never missed the playoffs; he carries a career record of 65-10
16with the Hilltoppers; and
17 WHEREAS, Glenbard West's offense averaged more than 35
18points per game; the defense allowed just 8.4 points per game;
19the team went undefeated with a record of 14 wins and zero
20losses; and
21 WHEREAS, Glenbard West fans turned out to honor the State

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1champion Hilltoppers when they got back from Champaign
2following their win over Lincoln-Way East; and
3 WHEREAS, The members of the Glenbard West High School
4football team are: Scott Andrews, Jake Annala, Kyle Bos,
5Michael Boyd, Aaron Brazeau-Dozier, Tristan Brewer, Jacob
6Brodner, Maxwell Bruere, Griffin Brugh, Theodore Burns, Hayden
7Carlson, Theodore Clauss, Tyler Dayton, Nathan DeBorde,
8Adriano Della Polta, William Demos, Jack Dodillet, Luke Domask,
9Deon Dumas, Ruben Dunbar, Eric Farley, Nicholas Garland, Evan
10Gorski, Grant Greeno, Henry Haeffner, Trevor Hamilton, Jordan
11Hassan, Nathan Hokenson, Alex Jensen, Richard Johnson, Daniel
12Kelleher, Patrick Kelly, Corey Keys, Jermon Kindle-Joyner,
13Diandre Lard, Hayden Lekacz, Joseph Leland, Jared Lentz, Thomas
14Main, Jack Manzella, Joseph Marconi, Nathan Marcus, Keeshawn
15Matthews, Tony Morales, Colin Murphy, Luke Peterselli, Spencer
16Refer, James Rock, Martin Rogers, Daniel Rustemeyer, Connor
17Schrauth, Pernevlon Sheppard, Eric Shute, Contrell Silmon,
18Aaron Smith, Chase Smith, Erik Strittmater, Charles Sweeney,
19Devante Toney, Drew Vogg, Curtis Wais, Jack Wheeler, Patrick
20Wilder, and Joseph Zito; and
21 WHEREAS, Glenbard West has a great football program and it
22made for a great season, one appreciated by all football fans;
23therefore, be it

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3we congratulate the Glenbard West High School football team on
4a great season and becoming Class 7A State champions; and be it
6 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to the members of the Glenbard West High School
8football team as an expression of our esteem and respect.