HR0184LRB102 17942 ECR 24642 r
2 WHEREAS, Teen dating violence, also known as dating abuse,
3is a serious and growing problem throughout Illinois; this
4abuse can include physical violence, sexual violence,
5psychological aggression, stalking, and other harmful
6behaviors and can happen in person, online, and through other
7technology; and
8 WHEREAS, Teen dating violence intervention and prevention
9programs can help to ensure a positive school climate and safe
10learning environment for all youth aged 12 to 24; and
11 WHEREAS, Education and outreach programs to community
12members address warning signs of teen dating violence among
13youth before behaviors escalate and protect the safety of
14targeted youth; and
15 WHEREAS, Consistent with the Centers for Disease Control
16and Prevention's recommendations for a comprehensive primary
17prevention program, multiple strategies are required, such as
18teaching safe and healthy relationship skills, engaging
19influential adults and peers, disrupting the developmental
20pathways toward partner violence, creating protective
21environments, strengthening economic supports for families,
22and supporting survivors to increase safety and lessen harm;

HR0184- 2 -LRB102 17942 ECR 24642 r
2 WHEREAS, Each year, nearly one in 11 female and
3approximately one in 14 male high school students report
4having experienced physical dating violence; 26 percent of
5women and 15 percent of men who were victims of contact sexual
6violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate
7partner in their lifetime first experienced these or other
8forms of violence by that partner before the age of 18; and
9 WHEREAS, According to the Centers for Disease Control and
10Prevention's teen dating violence prevention model, Dating
11Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships, one
12in three adolescents report verbal, emotional, physical, or
13sexual dating abuse each year; and
14 WHEREAS, According to the American Psychological
15Association, one in three teens aged 14 to 20 have experienced
16dating abuse, and about the same number say they have
17committed dating abuse themselves; and
18 WHEREAS, More than 40 percent of Native American children
19experience two or more acts of violence by the age of 18; and
20 WHEREAS, According to the Centers for Disease Control and
21Prevention, one in nine female teens and one in 36 male teens

HR0184- 3 -LRB102 17942 ECR 24642 r
1reported experiencing sexual dating violence in the last year;
3 WHEREAS, 43 percent of LGB teens reported experiencing
4physical dating violence compared to 29 percent of
5heterosexual youth; and
6 WHEREAS, 59 percent of LGB teens have reported emotional
7abuse compared to 46 percent of heterosexual youth; and
8 WHEREAS, Fifty percent of transgender youth have reported
9experiencing sexual violence at some point in their lives; and
10 WHEREAS, Teen dating violence has been linked to other
11forms of violence and aggression against peers, including
12sexual harassment, sexual violence, and physical violence; and
13 WHEREAS, Survivors of teen dating violence have increased
14risk for truancy and dropping out of school, teen pregnancy,
15suicide, depression, anxiety, having eating disorders, using
16alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and engaging in antisocial
17behaviors like lying, stealing, bullying, or violence; and
18 WHEREAS, Nearly one-half of students who experience dating
19violence have reported that some of the abuse took place on
20school grounds; and

HR0184- 4 -LRB102 17942 ECR 24642 r
1 WHEREAS, Survivors of teen dating violence are also at
2increased risk for carrying a weapon to school, being
3threatened or injured with a weapon at school, and damaging
4school property; and
5 WHEREAS, Youth who are survivors in high school are at
6higher risk for victimization during college, and adolescent
7perpetrators of dating violence are more likely to abuse their
8intimate partners as adults; and
9 WHEREAS, During the pre-teen and teen years, it is
10critical for youth to begin learning the skills needed to
11create and maintain healthy relationships; and
12 WHEREAS, The establishment of Teen Dating Violence
13Awareness and Prevention Month will benefit schools,
14communities, families, and all youth; therefore, be it
17we declare February of 2022 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness
18and Prevention Month and encourage communities to empower
19teens to develop healthy and violence-free relationships
20throughout their lives; and be it further

HR0184- 5 -LRB102 17942 ECR 24642 r
1 RESOLVED, That we urge the people of Illinois, including
2schools, community groups, families, and youth, to observe
3Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month with
4programs and activities that raise awareness about the
5dynamics of teen dating violence and support youth in learning
6the skills to have safe and healthy relationships.