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2 WHEREAS, Paul N. Hopkins will retire from his position as
3Chairman of the Board of Farmers Group, Inc. on June 30, 2011;
5 WHEREAS, Mr. Hopkins has made immeasurable contributions
6to the growth and success of Farmers by dedicating a career
7spanning more than 33 years to the Farmers organization, and
8has made equally important contributions to the Zurich
9organization since their acquisition of Farmers in 1998; and
10 WHEREAS, Mr. Hopkins joined Farmers in 1978 as a Farmers
11Agent in his home state of Illinois, and subsequently became a
12Farmers employee, whereupon he quickly assumed various
13positions of increasing responsibility in the Sales and
14Marketing area, and in those positions he developed a life-long
15understanding of the critical importance of enhancing
16relationships with customers; and
17 WHEREAS, Mr. Hopkins was subsequently appointed to a number
18of important executive positions within the Farmers
19organization, including Chief Marketing Officer, Senior Vice
20President of Strategic Alliances, and Executive Vice
21President, Market Management; in 2004, he was appointed
22President of Farmers Group, Inc. and a member of Zurich's Group

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1Management Board (GMB); in 2005, Mr. Hopkins was appointed
2Chief Executive Officer of Farmers Group, Inc. and a member of
3the Zurich Group Executive Committee (GEC); and
4 WHEREAS, On January 1, 2009, Mr. Hopkins was named Chairman
5of the Board of Farmers Group, Inc. and Chief Executive Officer
6of the Americas for Zurich, responsible for Farmers Group,
7Inc., Zurich Latin America, and the ZFUS shared services
8operation; in April 2009, Mr. Hopkins's duties on the Zurich
9GMB were expanded to include oversight of the Group's global
10growth activities; since 2010, Mr. Hopkins has served as
11Zurich's Regional Chairman of the Americas; he has also served
12as Chairman of the Board of Zurich Holding Company of America
13(ZHCA), Chairman of Zurich American Insurance Company (ZAIC),
14and Chairman of the Board of Farmers New World Life Insurance
15Company; and
16 WHEREAS, Mr. Hopkins has made innumerable important
17contributions to the growth and success of the Farmers
18organization; among a long list of accomplishments and
19achievements are Mr. Hopkins' leadership in re-establishing
20Farmers as an industry leading, multi-line, multi-channel U.S.
21insurer marked by the highest rate of business growth compared
22to its major competitors, and the accomplishment of two major
23Farmers acquisitions, Bristol West Insurance Company and 21st
24Century Insurance Company, the successful integration of which

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1has strategically positioned Farmers as the leading and most
2relevant multi-channel insurer in the U.S.; and
3 WHEREAS, In addition to his many business accomplishments,
4Mr. Hopkins has touched the hearts and minds of many friends,
5colleagues, and business associates through his inspiring
6conversations and presentations, his tireless dedication, his
7unparalleled mentoring skills, and his devotion and affection
8for agents and employees at all levels; and
9 WHEREAS, Mr. Hopkins' ability to assemble, inspire, and
10lead an executive team is exemplary and his ability to position
11and place the right individual in the right job has helped
12advance the careers of many individuals across the Farmers and
13Zurich enterprise; another area in which Mr. Hopkins led the
14way in developing people was the role he played in the
15enhancement and growth of the award-winning University of
16Farmers campus, which is recognized as one of the leading
17corporate universities in the world; therefore, be it
20we congratulate Mr. Paul Hopkins for his innumerable important
21contributions to the growth and success of Farmers and Zurich
22during his many years of service to those organizations, and
23for his inspired leadership, good humor, and unwavering

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1dedication and affection for Farmers and Zurich employees; and
2we offer sincere good wishes to him, his wife, Kay, and his
3family for many more years of contentment, health, prosperity,
4and satisfaction in the accomplishments of a distinguished
5business career; and be it further
6 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
7presented to Mr. Paul Hopkins as a symbol of our respect and