HR0551 |
LRB096 13410 AJO 28137 r |
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| WHEREAS, At this time, the United States is continuing to |
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| experience one of the worst economic downturns in its history; |
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| and
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| WHEREAS, The Department of Labor recently reported that the |
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| unemployment rate in June rose to a level of 9.5%; and
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| WHEREAS, Approximately 3.5 million jobs have been lost in |
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| the United States since the beginning of the year; and
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| WHEREAS, State governments furnish assistance to the |
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| unemployed and also provide direct and indirect services to the |
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| neediest people in our communities, including the elderly, the |
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| disabled, and the very young; and
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| WHEREAS, Although the American Recovery and Reinvestment |
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| Act of 2009 is providing funds to state governments as part of |
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| the economic stimulus package designed to spur our nation's |
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| economic recovery, the budget deficits of many states have |
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| grown significantly, even with the original infusion of federal |
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| funds, as shown by the current budget gaps of $26.3 billion in |
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| California and approximately $9.2 billion in Illinois; and
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| WHEREAS, Each state with a revenue shortfall faces |
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| difficult decisions involving raising taxes and fees on its |
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| citizens and businesses that are already adversely affected by |
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| the recession and unemployment; reducing financial assistance |
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| and grants to educational institutions, local governments, and |
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| social service agencies; and laying off significant numbers of |
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| employees from the state workforce; and
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| WHEREAS, The effect of a state, like Illinois, taking one |
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| or more of those difficult alternatives may be to worsen the |
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| effects of the recession in that state because of higher |
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| unemployment, increased state costs of health care for the |
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| uninsured, increased numbers of foreclosures, increased state |
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| expenditures for unemployment insurance, and lower state tax |
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| revenues due to reduced economic activity; and
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| WHEREAS, The federal government has the resources and the |
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| ability to assist states with budget deficits during this |
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| difficult time so that the rate of unemployment can be reduced, |
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| or at least not increased, and so that educational and social |
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| service programs can be continued at current levels; and
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| WHEREAS, The state budget deficits could be eliminated if |
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| Congress passed new legislation, with reasonable repayment |
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| requirements, to provide financial assistance to the states |
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| with budget deficits; therefore, be it
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LRB096 13410 AJO 28137 r |
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| urge Congress to pass legislation that would provide financial |
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| assistance to those states with budget deficits in order that |
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| the length and depth of the recession will not be worsened due |
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| to the limited resources and difficult alternatives presently |
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| confronting many states; and be it further
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| RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be |
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| presented to President Barack Obama, the Speaker of the United |
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| States House of Representatives, the President pro tempore of |
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| the United States Senate, and each member of the Illinois |
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| congressional delegation.