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1 AN ACT concerning education.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois School Student Records Act is
5amended by changing Section 4 as follows:
6 (105 ILCS 10/4) (from Ch. 122, par. 50-4)
7 Sec. 4. (a) Each school shall designate an official records
8custodian who is responsible for the maintenance, care and
9security of all school student records, whether or not such
10records are in his personal custody or control.
11 (b) The official records custodian shall take all
12reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access to or
13dissemination of school student records.
14 (c) Information contained in or added to a school student
15record shall be limited to information which is of clear
16relevance to the education of the student.
17 (d) Information added to a student temporary record after
18the effective date of this Act shall include the name,
19signature and position of the person who has added such
20information and the date of its entry into the record.
21 (e) Each school shall maintain student permanent records
22and the information contained therein for not less than 60
23years after the student has transferred, graduated or otherwise

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1permanently withdrawn from the school.
2 (f) Each school shall maintain student temporary records
3and the information contained in those records for not less
4than 5 years after the student has transferred, graduated, or
5otherwise withdrawn from the school. However, student
6temporary records shall not be disclosed except as provided in
7Section 5 or 6 or by court order. A school may maintain
8indefinitely anonymous information from student temporary
9records for authorized research, statistical reporting or
10planning purposes, provided that no student or parent can be
11individually identified from the information maintained.
12 (g) The principal of each school or the person with like
13responsibilities or his or her designate shall periodically
14review each student temporary record for verification of
15entries and elimination or correction of all inaccurate,
16misleading, unnecessary or irrelevant information. The State
17Board shall issue regulations to govern the periodic review of
18the student temporary records and length of time for
19maintenance of entries to such records.
20 (h) Before any school student record is destroyed or
21information deleted therefrom, the parent or the student, if
22the rights and privileges accorded to the parent under this Act
23have been transferred to the student, shall be given reasonable
24prior notice at his or her last known address in accordance
25with rules regulations adopted by the State Board and an
26opportunity to copy the record and information proposed to be

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1destroyed or deleted. A school may provide reasonable prior
2notice under this subsection to a parent or student through (i)
3notice in the school's parent or student handbook, (ii)
4publication in a newspaper published in the school district or,
5if no newspaper is published in the school district, in a
6newspaper of general circulation within the school district,
7(iii) U.S. mail delivered to the last known address of the
8parent or student, or (iv) other means provided the notice is
9confirmed to have been received.
10 (i) No school shall be required to separate permanent and
11temporary school student records of a student not enrolled in
12such school on or after the effective date of this Act or to
13destroy any such records, or comply with the provisions of
14paragraph (g) of this Section with respect to such records,
15except (1) in accordance with the request of the parent that
16any or all of such actions be taken in compliance with the
17provisions of this Act or (2) in accordance with regulations
18adopted by the State Board.
19(Source: P.A. 90-590, eff. 1-1-00; 90-811, eff. 1-26-99.)