Public Act 098-1047
SB0232 EnrolledLRB098 05432 MGM 35466 b
AN ACT concerning State government.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Department of Professional Regulation Law of
the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding
Sections 2105-130 and 2105-135 as follows:
(20 ILCS 2105/2105-130 new)
Sec. 2105-130. Determination of disciplinary sanctions.
(a) Following disciplinary proceedings as authorized in
any licensing Act administered by the Department, upon a
finding by the Department that a person has committed a
violation of the licensing Act with regard to licenses,
certificates, or authorities of persons exercising the
respective professions, trades, or occupations, the Department
may revoke, suspend, refuse to renew, place on probationary
status, fine, or take any other disciplinary action as
authorized in the licensing Act with regard to those licenses,
certificates, or authorities. When making a determination of
the appropriate disciplinary sanction to be imposed, the
Department shall consider only evidence contained in the
record. The Department shall consider any aggravating or
mitigating factors contained in the record when determining the
appropriate disciplinary sanction to be imposed.
(b) When making a determination of the appropriate
disciplinary sanction to be imposed, the Department shall
consider, but is not limited to, the following aggravating
factors contained in the record:
(1) the seriousness of the offenses;
(2) the presence of multiple offenses;
(3) prior disciplinary history, including actions
taken by other agencies in this State, by other states or
jurisdictions, hospitals, health care facilities,
residency programs, employers, or professional liability
insurance companies or by any of the armed forces of the
United States or any state;
(4) the impact of the offenses on any injured party;
(5) the vulnerability of any injured party, including,
but not limited to, consideration of the injured party's
age, disability, or mental illness;
(6) the motive for the offenses;
(7) the lack of contrition for the offenses;
(8) financial gain as a result of committing the
offenses; and
(9) the lack of cooperation with the Department or
other investigative authorities.
(c) When making a determination of the appropriate
disciplinary sanction to be imposed, the Department shall
consider, but is not limited to, the following mitigating
factors contained in the record:
(1) the lack of prior disciplinary action by the
Department or by other agencies in this State, by other
states or jurisdictions, hospitals, health care
facilities, residency programs, employers, insurance
providers, or by any of the armed forces of the United
States or any state;
(2) contrition for the offenses;
(3) cooperation with the Department or other
investigative authorities;
(4) restitution to injured parties;
(5) whether the misconduct was self-reported; and
(6) any voluntary remedial actions taken.