Public Act 103-0874
SB0381 EnrolledLRB103 02789 LNS 47795 b
AN ACT concerning civil law.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The State Property Control Act is amended by
adding Section 7.9 as follows:
(30 ILCS 605/7.9 new)
Sec. 7.9. Surplus real property assessment; report.
(a) The administrator shall assess surplus real property,
as defined under Section 7.1, and determine the marketability
of the property in its current condition. The administrator
shall consider the following factors in making an assessment
under this Section:
(1) the length of time the property has been
designated as surplus real property;
(2) the annual State maintenance and security costs;
(3) any excessive liabilities or other prominent
(b) The administrator shall prepare a report based upon
the assessment that includes all surplus real properties. The
report shall further include:
(1) the number of years each property has been vacant;
(2) the annual maintenance costs the State incurs for
each property; and
(3) a statement describing the latest attempts made by
the administrator to sell each property, including, where
available, the estimated demolition and remediation costs
at the time of the last attempted sale.
(c) By February 1, 2025 and February 1 of every
odd-numbered year thereafter, the administrator shall submit
the report prepared under this Section to the Governor and the
General Assembly.
(d) The administrator may adopt rules necessary to
implement and perform the requirements of this Section.