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1 AN ACT concerning civil law.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act is
5amended by changing Section 10-50 as follows:
6 (5 ILCS 100/10-50) (from Ch. 127, par. 1010-50)
7 Sec. 10-50. Decisions and orders.
8 (a) A final decision or order adverse to a party (other
9than the agency) in a contested case shall be in writing or
10stated in the record. A final decision shall include findings
11of fact and conclusions of law, separately stated. Findings of
12fact, if set forth in statutory language, shall be accompanied
13by a concise and explicit statement of the underlying facts
14supporting the findings. If, in accordance with agency rules, a
15party submitted proposed findings of fact, the decision shall
16include a ruling upon each proposed finding. Parties or their
17agents appointed to receive service of process shall be
18notified either personally or by registered or certified mail
19of any decision or order. Upon request a copy of the decision
20or order shall be delivered or mailed forthwith to each party
21and to his attorney of record.
22 (b) All agency orders shall specify whether they are final
23and subject to the Administrative Review Law. Every final order

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1shall contain a list of all parties of record to the case
2including the name and address of the agency or officer
3entering the order and the addresses of each party as known to
4the agency where the parties may be served with pleadings,
5notices, or service of process for any review or further
6proceedings. Every final order shall also state whether the
7rules of the agency require any motion or request for
8reconsideration and cite the rule for the requirement. The
9changes made by this amendatory Act of the 100th General
10Assembly apply to all actions filed under the Administrative
11Review Law on or after the effective date of this amendatory
12Act of the 100th General Assembly.
13 (c) A decision by any agency in a contested case under this
14Act shall be void unless the proceedings are conducted in
15compliance with the provisions of this Act relating to
16contested cases, except to the extent those provisions are
17waived under Section 10-70 and except to the extent the agency
18has adopted its own rules for contested cases as authorized in
19Section 1-5.
20(Source: P.A. 92-16, eff. 6-28-01.)
21 Section 10. The Code of Civil Procedure is amended by
22changing Sections 3-107 and 3-111 as follows:
23 (735 ILCS 5/3-107) (from Ch. 110, par. 3-107)
24 Sec. 3-107. Defendants.

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1 (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) or (c), in any
2action to review any final decision of an administrative
3agency, the administrative agency and all persons, other than
4the plaintiff, who were parties of record to the proceedings
5before the administrative agency shall be made defendants. The
6method of service of the decision shall be as provided in the
7Act governing the procedure before the administrative agency,
8but if no method is provided, a decision shall be deemed to
9have been served either when a copy of the decision is
10personally delivered or when a copy of the decision is
11deposited in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope or
12package, with postage prepaid, addressed to the party affected
13by the decision at his or her last known residence or place of
14business. The form of the summons and the issuance of alias
15summons shall be according to rules of the Supreme Court.
16 No action for administrative review shall be dismissed for
17lack of jurisdiction: (1) based upon misnomer of an agency,
18board, commission, or party that is properly served with
19summons that was issued in the action within the applicable
20time limits; or (2) for a the failure to name an employee,
21agent, or member, who acted in his or her official capacity, of
22an administrative agency, board, committee, or government
23entity, where a timely action for administrative review has
24been filed that identifies the final administrative decision
25under review and that makes a good faith effort to properly
26name the administrative agency, board, committee, or

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1government entity, has been named as a defendant as provided in
2this Section. Naming the director or agency head, in his or her
3official capacity, shall be deemed to include as defendant the
4administrative agency, board, committee, or government entity
5that the named defendants direct or head. No action for
6administrative review shall be dismissed for lack of
7jurisdiction based upon the failure to name an administrative
8agency, board, committee, or government entity, where the
9director or agency head, in his or her official capacity, has
10been named as a defendant as provided in this Section.
11 If, during the course of a review action, the court
12determines that an agency or a party of record to the
13administrative proceedings was not made a defendant as required
14by the preceding paragraph, then the court shall grant the
15plaintiff 35 days from the date of the determination in which
16to name and serve the unnamed agency or party as a defendant.
17The court shall permit the newly served defendant to
18participate in the proceedings to the extent the interests of
19justice may require.
20 (b) With respect to actions to review decisions of a zoning
21board of appeals in a municipality with a population of 500,000
22or more inhabitants under Division 13 of Article 11 of the
23Illinois Municipal Code, "parties of record" means only the
24zoning board of appeals and applicants before the zoning board
25of appeals. The plaintiff shall send a notice of filing of the
26action by certified mail to each other person who appeared

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1before and submitted oral testimony or written statements to
2the zoning board of appeals with respect to the decision
3appealed from. The notice shall be mailed within 2 days of the
4filing of the action. The notice shall state the caption of the
5action, the court in which the action is filed, and the names
6of the plaintiff in the action and the applicant to the zoning
7board of appeals. The notice shall inform the person of his or
8her right to intervene. Each person who appeared before and
9submitted oral testimony or written statements to the zoning
10board of appeals with respect to the decision appealed from
11shall have a right to intervene as a defendant in the action
12upon application made to the court within 30 days of the
13mailing of the notice.
14 (c) With respect to actions to review decisions of a
15hearing officer or a county zoning board of appeals under
16Division 5-12 of Article 5 of the Counties Code, "parties of
17record" means only the hearing officer or the zoning board of
18appeals and applicants before the hearing officer or the zoning
19board of appeals. The plaintiff shall send a notice of filing
20of the action by certified mail to each other person who
21appeared before and submitted oral testimony or written
22statements to the hearing officer or the zoning board of
23appeals with respect to the decision appealed from. The notice
24shall be mailed within 2 days of the filing of the action. The
25notice shall state the caption of the action, the court in
26which the action is filed, and the name of the plaintiff in the

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1action and the applicant to the hearing officer or the zoning
2board of appeals. The notice shall inform the person of his or
3her right to intervene. Each person who appeared before and
4submitted oral testimony or written statements to the hearing
5officer or the zoning board of appeals with respect to the
6decision appealed from shall have a right to intervene as a
7defendant in the action upon application made to the court
8within 30 days of the mailing of the notice. This subsection
9(c) applies to zoning proceedings commenced on or after July 1,
102007 (the effective date of Public Act 95-321) this amendatory
11Act of the 95th General Assembly.
12 (d) The changes to this Section made by Public Act
1395-831 this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly apply to
14all actions filed on or after August 21, 2007 (the effective
15date of Public Act 95-831) this amendatory Act of the 95th
16General Assembly. The changes made by this amendatory Act of
17the 100th General Assembly apply to all actions filed on or
18after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th
19General Assembly.
20(Source: P.A. 95-321, eff. 8-21-07; 95-831, eff. 8-14-08.)
21 (735 ILCS 5/3-111) (from Ch. 110, par. 3-111)
22 Sec. 3-111. Powers of circuit court.
23 (a) The Circuit Court has power:
24 (1) with or without requiring bond (except if otherwise
25 provided in the particular statute under authority of which

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1 the administrative decision was entered), and before or
2 after answer filed, upon notice to the agency and good
3 cause shown, to stay the decision of the administrative
4 agency in whole or in part pending the final disposition of
5 the case. For the purpose of this subsection, "good cause"
6 requires the applicant to show (i) that an immediate stay
7 is required in order to preserve the status quo without
8 endangering the public, (ii) that it is not contrary to
9 public policy, and (iii) that there exists a reasonable
10 likelihood of success on the merits;
11 (2) to make any order that it deems proper for the
12 amendment, completion or filing of the record of
13 proceedings of the administrative agency;
14 (3) to allow substitution of parties by reason of
15 marriage, death, bankruptcy, assignment or other cause;
16 (4) to dismiss parties, to correct misnomers,
17 including any erroneous identification of the
18 administrative agency that was made in good faith, to
19 realign parties, or to join agencies or parties;
20 (5) to affirm or reverse the decision in whole or in
21 part;
22 (6) where a hearing has been held by the agency, to
23 reverse and remand the decision in whole or in part, and,
24 in that case, to state the questions requiring further
25 hearing or proceedings and to give such other instructions
26 as may be proper;

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1 (7) where a hearing has been held by the agency, to
2 remand for the purpose of taking additional evidence when
3 from the state of the record of the administrative agency
4 or otherwise it shall appear that such action is just.
5 However, no remandment shall be made on the ground of newly
6 discovered evidence unless it appears to the satisfaction
7 of the court that such evidence has in fact been discovered
8 subsequent to the termination of the proceedings before the
9 administrative agency and that it could not by the exercise
10 of reasonable diligence have been obtained at such
11 proceedings; and that such evidence is material to the
12 issues and is not cumulative;
13 (8) in case of affirmance or partial affirmance of an
14 administrative decision which requires the payment of
15 money, to enter judgment for the amount justified by the
16 record and for costs, which judgment may be enforced as
17 other judgments for the recovery of money;
18 (9) when the particular statute under authority of
19 which the administrative decision was entered requires the
20 plaintiff to file a satisfactory bond and provides for the
21 dismissal of the action for the plaintiff's failure to
22 comply with this requirement unless the court is authorized
23 by the particular statute to enter, and does enter, an
24 order imposing a lien upon the plaintiff's property, to
25 take such proofs and to enter such orders as may be
26 appropriate to carry out the provisions of the particular

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1 statute. However, the court shall not approve the bond, nor
2 enter an order for the lien, in any amount which is less
3 than that prescribed by the particular statute under
4 authority of which the administrative decision was entered
5 if the statute provides what the minimum amount of the bond
6 or lien shall be or provides how said minimum amount shall
7 be determined. No such bond shall be approved by the court
8 without notice to, and an opportunity to be heard thereon
9 by, the administrative agency affected. The lien, created
10 by the entry of a court order in lieu of a bond, shall not
11 apply to property exempted from the lien by the particular
12 statute under authority of which the administrative
13 decision was entered. The lien shall not be effective
14 against real property whose title is registered under the
15 provisions of the Registered Titles (Torrens) Act until the
16 provisions of Section 85 of that Act are complied with.
17 (b) Technical errors in the proceedings before the
18administrative agency or its failure to observe the technical
19rules of evidence shall not constitute grounds for the reversal
20of the administrative decision unless it appears to the court
21that such error or failure materially affected the rights of
22any party and resulted in substantial injustice to him or her.
23 (c) On motion of either party, the circuit court shall make
24findings of fact or state the propositions of law upon which
25its judgment is based.
26 (d) The changes to this Section made by Public Act 95-831

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1this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly apply to all
2actions filed on or after August 21, 2007 (the effective date
3of Public Act 95-831) this amendatory Act of the 95th General
4Assembly. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 100th
5General Assembly apply to all actions filed on or after the
6effective date of this amendatory Act of the 100th General
8(Source: P.A. 95-831, eff. 8-14-08.)
9 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10becoming law.