State of Illinois
2017 and 2018

Introduced 2/7/2017, by Sen. Melinda Bush

35 ILCS 200/Art. 2.5 heading new
35 ILCS 200/2.5-5 new
35 ILCS 200/2.5-10 new
35 ILCS 200/3-70
35 ILCS 200/19-33 new
70 ILCS 905/27 new

Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that the county board of Lake County, by ordinance, or the voters of Lake County, by backdoor referendum, may vote to discontinue all offices of the township assessor in the county. Provides petition and referendum requirements. Provides that after the adoption of an ordinance, or after the approval of a backdoor referendum, to discontinue all offices of township assessor in Lake County, the office of township assessor is discontinued in each township at the end of each township assessor's term. Provides that at the end of each township assessor's term: (i) the Chief County Assessment Officer of Lake County assumes the duties of the township assessor; (ii) the county board members become the board of health for any public health district in the township; and (iii) the office of the township collector of the township ceases and the county treasurer assumes the duties of the township collector. Amends the Public Health District Act making conforming changes. Effective immediately.
LRB100 06040 AWJ 16071 b


SB0909LRB100 06040 AWJ 16071 b
1 AN ACT concerning local government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Property Tax Code is amended by changing
5Section 3-70 and by adding Article 2.5 and Section 19-33 as
7 (35 ILCS 200/Art. 2.5 heading new)
Article. 2.5. Discontinuance of Offices of
Township Assessor in Lake County
10 (35 ILCS 200/2.5-5 new)
11 Sec. 2.5-5. Ordinance to discontinue all offices of
12township assessor in Lake County; backdoor referendum.
13 (a) All offices of township assessor may be discontinued in
14Lake County by an ordinance of the county board.
15 (b) If, upon the adoption of an ordinance by the county
16board to end all offices of township assessor, 10% of the
17registered voters sign a petition requesting the dissolution be
18subject to a referendum, a backdoor referendum shall be
19submitted to the voters at the next general election as
20provided in Section 2.5-10 of this Article.
21 (35 ILCS 200/2.5-10 new)

SB0909- 2 -LRB100 06040 AWJ 16071 b
1 Sec. 2.5-10. Referendum; approval.
2 (a) If a petition for a referendum is filed with the county
3clerk that meets the requirements of subsection (b) of Section
42.5-5 of this Article, a referendum, subject to the
5requirements of Section 16-7 of the Election Code, shall be
6placed on the ballot at the next general election in
7substantially the following form:
8 Shall all offices of township assessor be abolished in
9 Lake County and the duties of each township assessor be
10 transferred to the Chief County Assessment Officer of Lake
11 County?
12The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No". The referendum is
13approved when a majority of the voters approve the referendum.
14 (b) After the adoption of an ordinance under subsection (a)
15of Section 2.5-5, or after the approval of a referendum of a
16majority of voters under this Section, the office of township
17assessor is discontinued in each township in Lake County at the
18end of each township assessor's term. At the end of each
19township assessor's term: (i) the Chief County Assessment
20Officer of Lake County assumes the duties of the township
21assessor under this Code; (ii) the county board members become
22the board of health for any public health district in the
23township under the Public Health District Act; and (iii) the
24office of the township collector of the township ceases and the
25county treasurer assumes the duties of the township collector
26under this Code.

SB0909- 3 -LRB100 06040 AWJ 16071 b
1 (35 ILCS 200/3-70)
2 Sec. 3-70. Cessation or discontinuance of township
3assessor Township Assessor.
4 (a) If the office of Township Assessor in a coterminous
5township ceases as provided in Articles 27 and 28 of the
6Township Code, then the coterminous municipality shall assume
7the duties of the township assessor Township Assessor under
8this Code.
9 (b) If the offices of township assessor in Lake County are
10discontinued as provided in Article 2.5 of this Code, then, at
11the end of each township assessor's term, the Chief County
12Assessment Officer shall assume the duties of each township
13assessor under this Code.
14(Source: P.A. 98-127, eff. 8-2-13; 99-474, eff. 8-27-15.)
15 (35 ILCS 200/19-33 new)
16 Sec. 19-33. Discontinuance of township collector. If the
17offices of township assessor in Lake County are discontinued as
18provided in Article 2.5 of this Code, then, at the end of each
19township assessor's term, the office of the township collector
20of the township ceases and the county treasurer assumes the
21duties of the township collector under this Code.
22 Section 10. The Public Health District Act is amended by
23adding Section 27 as follows:

SB0909- 4 -LRB100 06040 AWJ 16071 b
1 (70 ILCS 905/27 new)
2 Sec. 27. Discontinuance of Lake County township assessors.
3If the offices of township assessor in Lake County are
4discontinued as provided in Article 2.5 of the Property Tax
5Code, then the county board members shall be the board of
6health for the public health district under this Act.
7 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
8becoming law.