Public Act 102-0247
SB0919 EnrolledLRB102 04767 RJF 14786 b
AN ACT concerning government.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Broadband Advisory Council Act is amended
by changing Section 15 as follows:
(220 ILCS 80/15)
Sec. 15. Broadband Advisory Council; members of Council;
administrative support.
(a) The Broadband Advisory Council is hereby established.
The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall
house the Council and provide administrative, personnel, and
technical support services.
(b) The Council shall consist of the following 25 21
voting members:
(1) the Director of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
or his or her designee, who shall serve as chair of the
(2) the Secretary of Innovation and Technology or his
or her designee;
(3) the Director of Aging or his or her designee;
(4) the Attorney General or his or her designee;
(5) the Chairman of the Illinois Commerce Commission
or his or her designee;
(6) one member appointed by the Director of Healthcare
and Family Services to represent the needs of disabled
(7) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
a statewide organization representing electric
(8) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the executive
director of a statewide organization representing
(9) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
a statewide organization representing libraries;
(10) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
a statewide organization representing public housing
(11) one member appointed by the Chair of the Illinois
Community College Board;
(12) one member appointed by the Chair of the Illinois
Board of Higher Education; and
(13) one member appointed by the Director of Commerce
and Economic Opportunity and nominated by the president of
the State's largest general farm organization;
(14) one member appointed by the Director of Aging and
nominated by an organization representing Illinois' senior
population with a membership of at least 1,500,000;
(15) seven members to represent broadband providers
for 3-year terms appointed by the Governor as follows:
(A) one member representing an incumbent local
exchange carrier that serves rural areas;
(B) one member representing an incumbent local
exchange carrier that serves urban areas;
(C) one member representing wireless carriers that
offer broadband Internet access;
(D) one member representing cable companies that
serve Illinois;
(E) one member representing a statewide rural
broadband association;
(F) one member representing a telecommunications
carrier issued a certificate of public convenience and
necessity or a certificate of service authority from
the Illinois Commerce Commission, whose principal
place of business is located in east central Illinois
and who is engaged in providing broadband access in
rural areas through the installation of broadband
lines that connect telecommunications facilities to
other telecommunications facilities or to end-users;
(G) one member representing satellite providers; .
(16) four members to represent underrepresented and
ethnically diverse communities for 3-year terms appointed
by the Governor as follows:
(A) one member from a community-based organization
representing the interests of African-American or
Black individuals;
(B) one member from a community-based organization
representing the interests of Hispanic or Latino
(C) one member from a community-based organization
representing the interests of Asian-American or
Pacific Islander individuals; and
(D) one member from a community-based organization
representing the interests of ethnically diverse
(c) In addition to the 25 21 voting members of the Council,
the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the
Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the
Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall each
appoint one non-voting member of the Council.
(d) All voting and non-voting members must be appointed
within 90 days after the effective date of this Act.
(e) The members shall select a vice chair from their
number. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall serve
as chair. The Council shall appoint a secretary-treasurer who
need not be a member of the Council and who, among other tasks
or functions designated by the Council, shall keep records of
its proceedings.
(f) The Council may appoint working groups to investigate
and make recommendations to the full Council. Members of these
working groups need not be members of the Council.
(g) Nine Seven voting members of the Council constitute a
quorum, and the affirmative vote of a simple majority of those
members present is necessary for any action taken by vote of
the Council.
(h) The Council shall conduct its first meeting within 30
days after all members have been appointed. The Council shall
meet quarterly after its first meeting. Additional hearings
and public meetings are permitted at the discretion of the
members. The Council may meet in person or through video or
audio conference.
(i) Members shall serve without compensation and may be
reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance
of their duties from funds appropriated for that purpose.
(Source: P.A. 100-833, eff. 1-1-19.)