State of Illinois
2013 and 2014

Introduced 1/24/2013, by Sen. John J. Cullerton

615 ILCS 90/7.1 from Ch. 19, par. 1208

Amends the Fox Waterway Agency Act. Makes a technical change concerning the Agency's programs.
LRB098 05180 MLW 35211 b


SB0962LRB098 05180 MLW 35211 b
1 AN ACT concerning transportation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Fox Waterway Agency Act is amended by
5changing Section 7.1 as follows:
6 (615 ILCS 90/7.1) (from Ch. 19, par. 1208)
7 Sec. 7.1. The The Agency shall implement reasonable
8programs and adopt necessary and reasonable ordinances and
9rules to improve and maintain the Chain O Lakes - Fox River
10recreational waterway from the Wisconsin State line to the
11Algonquin Dam for the purposes of boating, sailing, canoeing,
12swimming, water skiing, rowing, iceboating, fishing, hunting
13and other recreational uses, to help prevent or control
14flooding of the waterway, to improve recreational uses of the
15waterway, to prevent pollution and otherwise improve the
16quality of the waterway, to promote tourism, and to create and
17administer a procedure for establishing restricted areas. In
18the case of a local ordinance relating to the establishment of
19restricted areas, speed limits, or other boating restrictions
20that is adopted by another unit of local government and
21conflicts with an Agency ordinance or rule, the Agency
22ordinance or rule shall control even if the conflicting
23ordinance is more restrictive, except that municipalities with

SB0962- 2 -LRB098 05180 MLW 35211 b
1corporate boundaries that are both adjacent to and at the
2southern terminus of the Agency's jurisdiction over the Fox
3River shall retain the right to establish reasonable no-wake
4zones within their corporate boundaries. The Agency may develop
5programs and build projects to minimize pollution in the
6watershed from otherwise entering the waterway. Prior to
7establishing any restricted area, the Agency shall provide 21
8days notice to any municipality in which the proposed area
9borders upon or is located. Notice shall be filed with the
10Clerk of the municipality. If such a municipality, by
11resolution of the corporate authority of the municipality,
12files an objection to the establishing of the proposed
13restricted area, then that restricted area shall not be
14approved except by a favorable vote of two-thirds of the
15Chairman and Board of Directors. All Agency programs,
16ordinances and rules shall be in conformance with the Rivers,
17Lakes, and Streams Act. The Agency shall coordinate efforts of
18State, federal and local governments to improve and maintain
19the waterway.
20(Source: P.A. 89-162, eff. 7-19-95.)