Sen. Heather A. Steans

Filed: 4/9/2014

09800SB1049sam001LRB098 07180 HEP 57989 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1049 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The Probate Act of 1975 is amended by changing
5Section 25-1 and adding Section 11-13.4 as follows:
6 (755 ILCS 5/11-13.4 new)
7 Sec. 11-13.4. Financial institution; guardianship accounts
8established on behalf of minors.
9 (a) If an account at a financial institution is a
10guardianship account established on behalf of a minor, the
11terms of the account must provide for compliance with orders of
12the court, if any, regarding the establishment and management
13of that account. A financial institution has a duty to inquire
14as to the existence of any court orders when opening a
15guardianship account on behalf of a minor. If the financial
16institution holds an account that is subject to a court order,

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1the financial institution must obtain a court order granting
2the authority to release funds from the account. An order
3authorizing the disbursement of funds in the account may be
4granted only upon a showing of good cause.
5 (b) A guardian of a minor that establishes an account with
6a financial institution on behalf of the minor pursuant to a
7court order has a duty to present the court order to the
8financial institution at the time the account is opened.
9 (c) As used in this Section, "financial institution"
10includes, but is not limited to, a bank, credit union,
11investment company, savings bank, savings and loan
12association, securities dealer, and trust company.
13 (755 ILCS 5/25-1) (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 25-1)
14 Sec. 25-1. Payment or delivery of small estate of decedent
15upon affidavit.
16 (a) When any person, or corporation, or financial
17institution (1) indebted to or holding personal estate of a
18decedent, (2) controlling the right of access to decedent's
19safe deposit box or (3) acting as registrar or transfer agent
20of any evidence of interest, indebtedness, property or right is
21furnished with a small estate affidavit in substantially the
22form hereinafter set forth, that person, or corporation, or
23financial institution, upon examining and approving the
24documents presented by the affiant which are attached to the
25small estate affidavit, shall pay the indebtedness, grant

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1access to the safe deposit box, deliver the personal estate or
2transfer or issue the evidence of interest, indebtedness,
3property or right to persons and in the manner specified in
4paragraph 11 of the affidavit or to an agent appointed as
5hereinafter set forth.
6 (a-5) A person, corporation, or financial institution may
7not pay the indebtedness, grant access to the safe deposit box,
8deliver the personal estate, or transfer or issue the evidence
9of interest, indebtedness, property or right as provided in
10subsection (a) of this Section, unless the affiant, or his or
11her agent, has first obtained a court order as provided in this
12subsection (a-5). A judge shall grant an order under this
13subsection (a-5) if the affiant presents: (i) the small estate
14affidavit; (ii) evidence of notice having been given to the
15heirs or legatees identified in paragraph 10 of the affidavit;
16and (iii) a petition asking the court to find that the
17affidavit does not appear to have been fraudulently executed
18and to grant access to property in the manner specified in
19paragraph 11 of the affidavit. A person, corporation, or
20financial institution has a duty to inquire as to the existence
21of any court orders before taking action under this Section.
22 (b) Small Estate Affidavit
23 I, (name of affiant) , on oath state:
24 1. (a) My post office address is: ;
25 (b) My residence address is: ; and
26 (c) I understand that, if I am an out-of-state

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1resident, I submit myself to the jurisdiction of Illinois
2courts for all matters related to the preparation and use of
3this affidavit. My agent for service of process in Illinois is:
TELEPHONE (IF ANY)............
8I understand that if no person is named above as my agent for
9service or, if for any reason, service on the named person
10cannot be effectuated, the clerk of the circuit court of
11......(County) (Judicial Circuit) Illinois is recognized by
12Illinois law as my agent for service of process.
13 2. The decedent's name is ;
14 3. The date of the decedent's death was , and I
15have attached a copy of the death certificate hereto.
16 4. The decedent's place of residence immediately before his
17death was ;
18 5. No letters of office are now outstanding on the
19decedent's estate and no petition for letters is contemplated
20or pending in Illinois or in any other jurisdiction, to my
22 6. The gross value of the decedent's entire personal
23estate, including the value of all property passing to any
24party either by intestacy or under a will, does not exceed
25$100,000. (Here, list each asset, e.g., cash, stock, and its
26fair market value.);

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1 7. (a) All of the decedent's burial and funeral expenses
2have been paid, or (b) The amount of the decedent's unpaid
3burial and funeral expenses, medical bills, credit card bills,
4and real property taxes and the name and post office address of
5each person entitled thereto are as follows:
6Name and post office addressAmount
7(Strike either 7(a) or 7(b)).
8 8. There is no known unpaid claimant or contested claim
9against the decedent, except as stated in paragraph 7.
10 9. (a) The names and places of residence of any surviving
11spouse, minor children and adult dependent* children of the
12decedent are as follows:
13Name andPlace ofAge of
14RelationshipResidenceminor child
15*(Note: An adult dependent child is one who is unable to
16maintain himself and is likely to become a public charge.)
17 (b) The award allowable to the surviving spouse of a
18decedent who was an Illinois resident is $.......... ($20,000,
19plus $10,000 multiplied by the number of minor children and
20adult dependent children who resided with the surviving spouse
21at the time of the decedent's death. If any such child did not
22reside with the surviving spouse at the time of the decedent's
23death, so indicate).
24 (c) If there is no surviving spouse, the award allowable to
25the minor children and adult dependent children of a decedent
26who was an Illinois resident is $.......... ($20,000, plus

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1$10,000 multiplied by the number of minor children and adult
2dependent children), to be divided among them in equal shares.
3If there is no surviving spouse and there are minor children,
4the affiant must be a court appointed guardian for one or more
5of the children. If this provision applies, the date of the
6court order making this appointment was .........., and I have
7attached a copy of the court order.
8 10. (a) The decedent left no will. The names, places of
9residence and relationships of the decedent's heirs, and the
10portion of the estate to which each heir is entitled under the
11law, after all just debts and expenses described in paragraph 7
12are fully paid, where decedent died intestate are as follows:
13Name, relationshipAge ofPortion of
14and place of residenceminorEstate
16 (b) The decedent left a will, which has been filed with the
17clerk of an appropriate court. A certified copy of the will on
18file is attached. To the best of my knowledge and belief the
19will on file is the decedent's last will and was signed by the
20decedent and the attesting witnesses as required by law and
21would be admittable to probate. The names and places of
22residence of the legatees and the portion of the estate, if
23any, to which each legatee is entitled are as follows:
24Name, relationshipAge ofPortion of
25and place of residenceminorEstate

09800SB1049sam001- 7 -LRB098 07180 HEP 57989 a
1 (Strike either 10(a) or 10(b)).
2 (c) Affiant is unaware of any dispute or potential conflict
3as to the heirship or will of the decedent.
4 10.1. I, ............(the affiant) state that I am the
5surviving spouse and the decedent and I resided together as
6husband and wife and we were not legally separated, or
7otherwise separated, at the time of decedent's death.
8 10.2. I, ........... (the affiant) state that my
9relationship to the decedent is ................. and (check
10all that apply):
11... there is no surviving spouse; or
12... there is a surviving spouse, but the surviving spouse is:
13 ... unable to prepare the small estate affidavit for
14medical reasons as shown by the attached letter of a physician
15for the surviving spouse, based upon the physician's
16examination of the surviving spouse within 90 days prior to the
17date of the affidavit, attesting to and describing this
18disabling medical condition; or
19 ... has declined, refused, or asked affiant to prepare the
20small estate affidavit. The reason that the affiant has
21prepared this small estate affidavit rather than the surviving
22spouse is that (state here the precise time, date, and
23circumstances of the surviving spouse declining, refusing, or
24asking affiant to prepare the small estate affidavit):
26 Attached is a statement of the surviving spouse in which

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1the surviving spouse expressly declines or states that he or
2she refuses to prepare the small estate affidavit or expressly
3requests that the affiant prepare the small estate affidavit.
4This statement must be signed by the surviving spouse,
5witnessed by 2 persons unrelated to the affiant, and be
7 11. The property described in paragraph 6 of this affidavit
8should be distributed, after all just debts and expenses
9described in paragraph 7 are fully paid, as follows:
10 Name Specific sum or property to be distributed
11The foregoing statement is made under the penalties of
Signature of Affiant
15*(Note: A fraudulent statement made under the penalties of
16perjury is perjury, as defined in Section 32-2 of the Criminal
17Code of 2012.)
18 (c) Appointment of Agent. If safe deposit access is
19involved or if sale of any personal property is desirable to
20facilitate distribution pursuant to the small estate
21affidavit, all persons named in paragraph 11 of the small
22estate affidavit (excluding minors and unascertained or
23disabled persons) may in writing appoint one or more persons as
24their agent for that purpose, provided that the writing
25contains the signature of each person, is witnessed by 2

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1persons unrelated to the affiant and is notarized, and also
2shows the written consent of the surviving spouse and all adult
3children. The agent shall have power, without court approval,
4to gain access to, sell, and distribute the property for the
5benefit of all persons named in paragraph 11 of the affidavit;
6and the payment, delivery, transfer, access or issuance shall
7be made or granted to or on the order of the agent.
8 (d) Release. Upon examination and approval of all documents
9presented by the affiant with this small estate affidavit,
10payment, delivery, transfer, access or issuance pursuant to a
11properly executed affidavit, the person, or corporation, or
12financial institution is released to the same extent as if the
13payment, delivery, transfer, access or issuance had been made
14or granted to the representative of the estate. Such person, or
15corporation, or financial institution is not required to see to
16the application or disposition of the property; but each person
17to whom a payment, delivery, transfer, access or issuance is
18made or given is answerable therefor to any person having a
19prior right and is accountable to any representative of the
21 (e) The affiant signing the small estate affidavit prepared
22pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section shall indemnify and
23hold harmless all creditors and heirs of the decedent and other
24persons relying upon the affidavit who incur loss because of
25such reliance. That indemnification shall only be up to the
26amount lost because of the act or omission of the affiant. Any

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1person recovering under this subsection (e) shall be entitled
2to reasonable attorney's fees and the expenses of recovery.
3 (f) The affiant of a small estate affidavit who is a
4non-resident of Illinois submits himself or herself to the
5jurisdiction of Illinois courts for all matters related to the
6preparation or use of the affidavit. The affidavit shall
7provide the name, address, and phone number of a person whom
8the affiant names as his agent for service of process. If no
9such person is named or if, for any reason, service on the
10named person cannot be effectuated, the clerk of the circuit
11court of the county or judicial circuit of which the decedent
12was a resident at the time of his death shall be the agent for
13service of process.
14 (g) Any action properly taken under this Section, as
15amended by Public Act 93-877, on or after August 6, 2004 (the
16effective date of Public Act 93-877) is valid regardless of the
17date of death of the decedent.
18 (h) The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 96th
19General Assembly apply to a decedent whose date of death is on
20or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th
21General Assembly.
22(Source: P.A. 96-968, eff. 7-2-10; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)".