State of Illinois
2019 and 2020

Introduced 2/7/2019, by Sen. Jason Plummer

New Act

Creates the Regulatory Sunrise Review Act. Establishes a system to investigate and review the necessity of new State regulation over a previously unregulated profession or occupation. Provides a process to investigate what level of regulation is necessary in order to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. Provides that the General Assembly shall commence the process established by this Act to investigate and review the necessity of new State regulation over a previously unregulated profession by passage of a resolution. Requires that an applicant that proposes legislation to license a profession or occupation submit a petition for licensure on forms provided by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation and pay a fee of $1,000 within 30 days after introduction of the proposed professional regulation legislation. Provides that the Department shall prepare a report within 12 months assessing the need for the proposed new licensure upon receipt of a complete petition and petition fee. Provides that the report shall be principally authored by persons with specified qualifications or by persons whose qualifications are substantially similar to specified qualifications. Provides that if the Department is unable to enter into a contract for preparation of the report for a sum not to exceed $1,000, the Department may seek and the General Assembly may approve an appropriation from the general revenue fund to supplement the $1,000 fee collected. Provides the various requirements, factors, criteria, and standards that must be included in a report. Provides that a report must be filed with the Secretary of State. Effective immediately.
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1 AN ACT concerning regulation.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Regulatory Sunrise Review Act.
6 Section 5. Findings and intent.
7 (a) It is the General Assembly's intent that no profession
8or occupation be subject to regulation by the State unless the
9regulation is necessary to protect the public health, safety,
10or welfare of the people of this State. If the need for new
11regulation is identified, the State shall adopt the least
12restrictive form of regulation necessary to protect the public
14 (b) The General Assembly finds that the regulatory
15environment in Illinois has grown overly burdensome and has
16become a strain on both the regulatory authority of the State
17and the ability of the people of Illinois to enter into and
18work in various regulated professions. This Act is a means to
19promote economic growth and decrease barriers to entry into
20various professions in the State.
21 (c) This Act establishes a system to investigate and review
22the necessity of new State regulation over a previously
23unregulated profession or occupation. The Act further provides

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1for a process to investigate what level of regulation is
2necessary in order to protect the public health, safety, or
4 Section 10. Definitions. In this Act:
5 "Applicant" means a professional group or organization, an
6individual, or any other interested party that proposes that a
7profession or occupation not licensed by the Department before
8January 1, 2020 be regulated through the licensure process.
9 "Department" means the Department of Financial and
10Professional Regulation.
11 Section 15. Policy. The General Assembly shall not act upon
12legislation that proposes to license and regulate a profession
13or occupation not licensed by the Department before January 1,
142020 until a report as provided in this Act has been prepared
15and submitted to the Secretary of State.
16 Section 20. Resolution; petition for regulation; fee;
17process of obtaining cost-benefit report.
18 (a) The General Assembly shall commence the process
19established by this Act to investigate and review the necessity
20of new State regulation over a previously unregulated
21profession or occupation by passage of a resolution.
22 (b) Upon passage by the General Assembly of the resolution,
23an applicant that proposes legislation to license and regulate

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1a profession or occupation by the Department for which no
2Department licensure or regulation exists shall submit a
3petition for licensure, on forms provided by the Department,
4and a non-refundable petition fee of $1,000 to the Department
5within 30 days after introduction of the legislation. The
6petition for licensure shall request that a report be prepared
7assessing the need for the proposed new licensure. The petition
8fee shall be deposited in the General Professions Dedicated
9Fund and shall be appropriated to the Department for the
10ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department in the
11administration of this Act.
12 (c) Upon receipt of a complete petition and petition fee,
13the Department shall contract for the preparation of an
14independent report assessing the need for the proposed new
15licensure. The report shall be principally authored by a labor
16market economist with a doctoral degree currently associated
17with an Illinois post-secondary educational institution or by a
18person with an advanced quantitative degree and an expertise in
19cost-benefit analysis currently associated with an Illinois
20post-secondary educational institution. If the Department is
21unable to contract with a person meeting the qualifications
22described in this subsection for the preparation of the
23independent report, the Department may contract with a person
24whose qualifications are substantially similar to those
25described in this subsection. If the Department is unable to
26enter into a contract for preparation of the independent report

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1for a sum not to exceed $1,000, the Department may seek and the
2General Assembly may approve an appropriation from the General
3Revenue Fund to supplement the $1,000 fee collected.
4 (d) The report shall address the social and economic costs
5and benefits of licensure, as well as the impact on the labor
6market, impact on prices, and the rationale for policy
7intervention. The report shall use modern cost-benefit
8methods, including the following:
9 (1) defining the proposed licensed population,
10 including estimated number of participants, the users of
11 the services in question, and the Illinois economy
12 statewide;
13 (2) assessing a portfolio of alternatives to
14 licensing, as well as the impact of licensure;
15 (3) cataloging the potential impacts and selected
16 measurement indicators of licensure;
17 (4) predicting the quantitative impacts over the life
18 of the proposed license;
19 (5) monetizing all impacts;
20 (6) calculating the net present value;
21 (7) identifying the distribution of costs and
22 benefits; and
23 (8) performing sensitivity testing.
24 (e) The report shall also address each of the factors and
25consider the criteria and standards described in Section 25,
26and shall make a recommendation regarding licensure or other

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1applicable alternatives.
2 (f) A preliminary copy of the report shall be submitted to
3the Department for its review and comment for a period of at
4least 30 days. Any comments made by the Department shall be
5included in the report.
6 (g) The report, including any Department comments, shall be
7completed within 12 months after the effective date of the
8Department's contract for the report's creation. The completed
9report shall be filed with the Secretary of State.
10 (h) After the report is filed with the Secretary of State
11and after due consideration by the General Assembly, the bill
12proposing licensure of the profession or occupation may proceed
13for consideration by the General Assembly.
14 (i) Nothing in this Act shall interfere with the General
15Assembly otherwise considering legislation on any regulatory
17 Section 25. List of factors; criteria and standards.
18 (a) The following factors shall be considered in the report
19submitted with a petition for proposed licensure and regulation
20by the Department:
21 (1) whether regulation is necessary or beneficial,
22 including any potential harm or threat to the public if the
23 profession or occupation is not regulated or specific
24 examples of the harm or threat identified, if any;
25 (2) the extent to which the public will benefit from a

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1 method of regulation that permits identification of
2 competent practitioners;
3 (3) the extent to which practitioners are autonomous,
4 as indicated by:
5 (A) the degree to which the profession or
6 occupation requires the use of independent judgment
7 and the skill or experience required in making such
8 judgment; and
9 (B) the degree to which practitioners are
10 supervised;
11 (4) the efforts that have been made to address any
12 concerns that give rise to the need for regulation,
13 including:
14 (A) voluntary efforts, if any, by members of the
15 profession or occupation to:
16 (i) establish a code of ethics;
17 (ii) help resolve disputes between
18 practitioners and consumers; and
19 (iii) establish requirements for continuing
20 education;
21 (B) the existence of any national accreditation or
22 national certification systems for the profession or
23 occupation;
24 (C) recourse to and the extent of use of existing
25 law; and
26 (D) any prior attempts to regulate the profession

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1 or occupation in Illinois;
2 (5) whether the following alternatives to licensure
3 would be adequate to protect the public interest:
4 (A) existing, new, or stronger civil remedies or
5 criminal sanctions;
6 (B) regulation of the service rather than the
7 individual practitioners;
8 (C) registration of all practitioners;
9 (D) market competition and third-party or
10 consumer-created ratings and reviews;
11 (E) voluntary or mandatory bonding or insurance;
12 (F) other alternatives;
13 (6) the benefit to the public if licensure is required,
14 including:
15 (A) whether regulation will result in reduction or
16 elimination of the harms or threats identified under
17 paragraph (1) of this subsection;
18 (B) the extent to which the public can be confident
19 that a practitioner is competent;
20 (C) whether renewal will be based only upon payment
21 of a fee or whether renewal will require completion of
22 continuing education or any other requirements;
23 (D) the standards for registration or licensure as
24 compared with the standards of other jurisdictions;
25 and
26 (E) the nature and duration of the educational

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1 requirement, if any, including: whether the
2 educational requirement includes a substantial amount
3 of supervised field experience; whether educational
4 programs exist in this State; whether there will be an
5 experience requirement; whether the experience must be
6 acquired under a registered, certified, or licensed
7 practitioner; whether there are alternative routes of
8 entry or methods of satisfying the eligibility
9 requirements and qualifications; whether all
10 applicants will be required to pass an examination;
11 and, if an examination is required, by whom it will be
12 developed and how the costs of development will be met;
13 (7) the extent to which regulation might harm the
14 public, including:
15 (A) whether regulation will restrict entry into
16 the profession or occupation, including:
17 (i) whether the standards are the least
18 restrictive necessary to ensure safe and effective
19 performance; and
20 (ii) whether persons who are registered or
21 licensed in another jurisdiction that has
22 requirements that are substantially equivalent to
23 those of this State will be eligible for
24 endorsement or some form of reciprocity; and
25 (B) whether there are similar professions or
26 occupations that should be included or portions of the

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1 profession or occupation that should be excluded from
2 regulation;
3 (8) how the standards of the profession or occupation
4 will be maintained, including:
5 (A) whether effective quality assurance standards
6 exist in the profession or occupation, such as legal
7 requirements associated with specific programs that
8 define or enforce standards or a code of ethics; and
9 (B) how the proposed form of regulation will ensure
10 quality, including:
11 (i) the extent to which a code of ethics, if
12 any, will be adopted; and
13 (ii) the grounds for suspension, revocation,
14 or refusal to renew registration, certification,
15 or licensure;
16 (9) how the additional cost that the Department will
17 incur in licensing the profession or occupation will be
18 recouped through licensing application and renewal fees;
19 (10) a profile of the practitioners in this State,
20 including a list of associations, organizations, and other
21 groups representing the practitioners and including an
22 estimate of the number of practitioners in each group; and
23 (11) whether the profession or occupation is currently
24 regulated in any other state and what methods of regulation
25 each state utilizes.
26 (b) A profession or occupation shall be regulated by the

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1State only when the following criteria are met:
2 (1) it can be demonstrated that the unregulated
3 practice of the profession or occupation can clearly harm
4 or endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the public
5 and the potential for the harm is recognizable and not
6 remote or speculative;
7 (2) the public can reasonably be expected to benefit
8 from an assurance of initial and continuing professional
9 ability;
10 (3) the public cannot be effectively protected by other
11 means; and
12 (4) regulation of the profession does not impose
13 significant new economic hardships on the public,
14 significantly diminish the supply of qualified
15 practitioners, or otherwise create barriers to service
16 that are not consistent with the public welfare or
17 interest.
18 Section 30. Review by the General Assembly. After
19evaluating the petition, report, and Department comments and
20considering governmental and societal costs and benefits, if
21the General Assembly finds that it is necessary to regulate a
22profession or occupation, the least restrictive method of
23regulation shall be imposed, consistent with the public
24interest and this Section.
25 (1) If existing common law and statutory civil remedies

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1 and criminal sanctions are insufficient to reduce or
2 eliminate existing harm, regulation shall occur through
3 enactment of stronger civil remedies and criminal
4 sanctions.
5 (2) If there exists a national accreditation or
6 certification system for the profession or occupation that
7 adequately ensures quality and protects the public health,
8 safety, and welfare, regulation by the State shall be
9 restricted to addressing those concerns that are not
10 covered by the national program.
11 (3) If the threat to the public health, safety, or
12 welfare is insufficiently large to justify licensure,
13 regulation shall be through a system of registration.
14 (4) If it is apparent that the public cannot be
15 adequately protected by any other means, a system of
16 licensure shall be imposed.
17 Section 35. Severability. If any part of the application of
18this Act is held invalid, the remainder of its application to
19other situations, groups, or persons shall not be affected.