State of Illinois
2025 and 2026

Introduced 1/28/2025, by Sen. Jil Tracy

New Act

    Creates the Domestic Violence Survivor Health Care Billing Act. Provides that a domestic violence survivor who is not the subscriber or primary policyholder of a health insurance plan may opt out of billing the health insurer for medical forensic services related to domestic violence if the domestic violence survivor provides a sworn statement or affidavit attesting to the domestic violence and any additional documentation to support the claim of domestic violence, which may include, but is not limited to, a police report, a protective order, or documentation from a domestic violence shelter or program that the health care practitioner may request. Provides that if the domestic violence survivor chooses to not have the health insurer billed, the health care practitioner shall instead submit the bill for the medical forensic services to the Department of Human Services for reimbursement through the Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention Program or a similar program administered by the Department of Human Services. Provides that reimbursement may be provided regardless of when the incident of domestic violence occurred and is limited to medical forensic services that are directly related to an incident of domestic violence. Defines terms and sets forth provisions concerning rulemaking.
LRB104 06847 BAB 16883 b


SB1286LRB104 06847 BAB 16883 b
1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Domestic Violence Survivor Health Care Billing Act.
6    Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
7    "Domestic violence" means abuse, as defined in the
8Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986, by family or household
9members, as defined in the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of
11    "Domestic violence survivor" means a person who has been
12subjected to domestic violence.
13    "Health care practitioner" means any health care
14practitioner, including a physician, dentist, podiatric
15physician, advanced practice registered nurse, registered
16nurse, licensed practical nurse, physician assistant, clinical
17psychologist, clinical social worker, therapist, or counselor.
18"Health care practitioner" includes a medical office, health
19care clinic, health department, group practice, and any other
20organizational structure for a licensed professional to
21provide health care services.
22    "Health insurance plan" means a contract to provide,
23deliver, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse the costs of

SB1286- 2 -LRB104 06847 BAB 16883 b
1health care services.
2    "Health insurer" means an entity subject to the insurance
3laws and rules of this State, or subject to the jurisdiction of
4the Director of Insurance, that provides plans of health
6    "Health insurer" includes a sickness and accident
7insurance company, a health maintenance organization, limited
8health service organization, health services plan corporation,
9or any other entity providing a plan of health insurance,
10health benefits, or health care services.
11    Section 10. Billing opt-out and reimbursement.
12    (a) A domestic violence survivor who is not the subscriber
13or primary policyholder of a health insurance plan may opt out
14of billing the health insurer for medical forensic services
15related to domestic violence if the domestic violence survivor
16provides a sworn statement or affidavit attesting to the
17domestic violence and any additional documentation to support
18the claim of domestic violence, which may include, but is not
19limited to, a police report, a protective order, or
20documentation from a domestic violence shelter or program,
21that the health care practitioner may request.
22    (b) A health care practitioner who is providing medical
23forensic services to a domestic violence survivor shall inform
24the domestic violence survivor of the option to not bill the
25health insurer for the medical forensic services. If the

SB1286- 3 -LRB104 06847 BAB 16883 b
1domestic violence survivor chooses to not have the health
2insurer billed, the health care practitioner shall instead
3submit the bill for the medical forensic services to the
4Department of Human Services for reimbursement through the
5Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention Program or a
6similar program administered by the Department of Human
8    (c) Reimbursement under this Act may be provided
9regardless of when the incident of domestic violence occurred
10and is limited to medical forensic services that are directly
11related to an incident of domestic violence.
12    Section 15. Rulemaking. The Department of Human Services
13shall adopt rules to implement and administer this Act.