Sen. Martin A. Sandoval

Filed: 3/1/2011

09700SB1381sam001LRB097 06741 PJG 51752 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1381 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
5Sections 5.786 and 6z-87 as follows:
6 (30 ILCS 105/5.786 new)
7 Sec. 5.786. The Grade Crossing Separation Fund.
8 (30 ILCS 105/6z-87 new)
9 Sec. 6z-87. The Grade Crossing Separation Fund; creation.
10 (a) The Grade Crossing Separation Fund is created as a
11special fund in the State treasury. On or before the last day
12of each month, the Comptroller shall order transferred and the
13Treasurer shall transfer $5,000,000 from the Motor Fuel Tax
14Fund to the Grade Crossing Separation Fund. Subject to
15appropriation, moneys in the Grade Crossing Separation Fund

09700SB1381sam001- 2 -LRB097 06741 PJG 51752 a
1shall be used by the Department of Transportation exclusively
2for the purpose of separating railroad crossings used by
3passenger rail operators, with priority given to crossings with
4the highest amounts of road traffic. The Department of
5Transportation may adopt rules to implement this Section.
6 (b) The Department of Transportation shall compile a list
7of the grade crossings to be separated in order of priority.
8Each of the potential grade crossings to be separated shall be
9ranked on the following criteria: (i) average vehicle traffic
10delay from train movement and (ii) number of pedestrian-train
11or vehicle-train collisions in the last 10 years.
12 (c) The Department of Transportation shall consult and
13coordinate with the Illinois Commerce Commission's Rail Safety
14Division to develop the list of potential grade crossings to be
15separated using funds from the Grade Crossing Separation Fund.
16 (d) Grade crossing separation projects may be on a State or
17local road.
18 (e) Grade crossing separation projects with local,
19federal, or freight rail matches shall be prioritized over
20projects without any match.
21 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
22becoming law.".