Public Act 099-0395
SB1457 EnrolledLRB099 07646 NHT 27777 b
AN ACT concerning education.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Board of Higher Education Act is amended by
adding Section 9.34 as follows:
(110 ILCS 205/9.34 new)
Sec. 9.34. Military Prior Learning Assessment Task Force.
(a) The Military Prior Learning Assessment Task Force is
created within the Board of Higher Education. The Task Force
shall study and make recommendations on how to best effectuate
the recognition of military learning for academic credit,
industry-recognized credentials, and college degrees through
the use of the Prior Learning Assessment. The Task Force shall
be comprised of all of the following members:
(1) A representative from the Board of Higher
Education, who shall chair the Task Force, appointed by the
Board of Higher Education.
(2) A representative from the Illinois Community
College Board appointed by the Illinois Community College
(3) A representative from the Department of Veterans'
Affairs appointed by the Director of Veterans' Affairs.
(4) A representative from the Illinois Discharged
Servicemember Task Force appointed by the Illinois
Discharged Servicemember Task Force.
(5) A representative from the Illinois Student
Assistance Commission appointed by the Illinois Student
Assistance Commission.
(6) A member of the General Assembly appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(7) A member of the General Assembly appointed by the
Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
(8) A member of the General Assembly appointed by the
President of the Senate.
(9) A member of the General Assembly appointed by the
Minority Leader of the Senate.
(10) Three faculty representatives, one from a public
university, one from a public community college, and one
from a private institution, appointed by the Board of
Higher Education in consultation with the Illinois
Community College Board and their advisory groups.
(11) Two presidents of Illinois colleges and
universities appointed by the Board of Higher Education in
consultation with the Illinois Community College Board.
(12) A representative from the Illinois Joining Forces
Education Working Group appointed by the Illinois Joining
Forces Education Working Group.
(13) A representative of a nonprofit organization that
is recognized as having expertise in the area of the Prior
Learning Assessment appointed by the Board of Higher
(14) A representative from the Office of the State Fire
Marshal appointed by the State Fire Marshal.
Members of the Task Force shall serve without compensation
and may not be reimbursed for their expenses.
The Board of Higher Education shall provide administrative
and other support to the Task Force.
(b) The Task Force's study shall without limitation:
(1) Examine the history of the Prior Learning
Assessment and its impact on active military and student
veterans in today's educational landscape.
(2) Examine policies and practices in other states to
identify best practices in the Prior Learning Assessment
for active military and student veterans.
(3) Determine current policies and practices in this
State, including existing Prior Learning Assessment
methods being utilized among this State's public and
private colleges and universities in connection with
active military and student veterans.
(4) Review the quality standards necessary to
adequately assess military learning based on experience
and non-credit education and training for purposes of
awarding academic credit.
(5) Consider alternative means to award academic
credit for active military and student veterans.
(6) Consider transferability of academic credit
awarded by the Prior Learning Assessment and student
(7) Consider the importance of recognition of
industry-recognized credentials by colleges and
universities for the purpose of awarding academic credit.
(8) Consider the acceptance of industry-recognized
credentials and academic credit credentials or degrees by
licensing bodies.
(c) The Task Force shall report its findings and
recommendations to the Board of Higher Education, the Illinois
Community College Board, the Illinois Student Assistance
Commission, the State Board of Education, the Department of
Veterans' Affairs, the Illinois Discharged Servicemember Task
Force, the General Assembly, and the Governor on or before
December 1, 2016.
(d) This Section is repealed on December 1, 2017.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
becoming law.