State of Illinois
2023 and 2024
SB1687 Introduced 2/8/2023, by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED:
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Amends the Election Code. Prohibits a political committee from making expenditures for payments to attorneys, expert witnesses, investigators, or others to provide a defense in a criminal case.
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| | A BILL FOR |
| | SB1687 | | LRB103 27229 BMS 53600 b |
1 | | AN ACT concerning elections.
2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
4 | | Section 5. The Election Code is amended by changing |
5 | | Section 9-8.10 as follows:
6 | | (10 ILCS 5/9-8.10)
7 | | Sec. 9-8.10. Use of political committee and other |
8 | | reporting organization
9 | | (a) A political committee shall
10 | | (1) In violation of any law of the United States or of |
11 | | this State.
12 | | (2) Clearly in excess of the fair market value of the |
13 | | services,
materials, facilities,
or other things of value |
14 | | received in exchange.
15 | | (3) For satisfaction or repayment of any debts other |
16 | | than loans made to
committee or to the public official |
17 | | or candidate on behalf of the committee or
repayment of |
18 | | goods
and services purchased by the committee under a |
19 | | credit
agreement. Nothing in this Section authorizes the |
20 | | use of campaign funds to
repay personal loans. The |
21 | | repayments shall be made by check written to the
person |
22 | | who made the loan or credit agreement. The terms and |
23 | | conditions of any
loan or credit agreement to a
committee |
| | SB1687 | - 2 - | LRB103 27229 BMS 53600 b |
1 | | shall be set forth in a written agreement, including but |
2 | | not limited
to the
method and
amount of repayment, that |
3 | | shall be executed by the chair or treasurer of the
4 | | committee at the time of the loan or credit agreement. The |
5 | | loan or agreement
shall also
set forth the rate of |
6 | | interest for the loan, if any, which may not
substantially |
7 | | exceed the
prevailing market interest rate at the time the |
8 | | agreement is executed.
9 | | (4) For the satisfaction or repayment of any debts or |
10 | | for the payment of
any expenses relating to a personal |
11 | | residence.
Campaign funds may not be used as collateral |
12 | | for home mortgages.
13 | | (5) For clothing or personal laundry expenses, except |
14 | | clothing items
rented by
the public official or candidate
15 | | for his or her own use exclusively for a specific |
16 | | campaign-related event,
provided that
committees may |
17 | | purchase costumes, novelty items, or other accessories |
18 | | worn
primarily to
advertise the candidacy.
19 | | (6) For the travel expenses of
any person unless the |
20 | | travel is necessary for fulfillment of political,
21 | | governmental, or public policy duties, activities, or |
22 | | purposes.
23 | | (7) For membership or club dues charged by |
24 | | organizations, clubs, or
facilities that
are primarily |
25 | | engaged in providing health, exercise, or recreational |
26 | | services;
however, that funds received under |
| | SB1687 | - 3 - | LRB103 27229 BMS 53600 b |
1 | | this Article may be used to rent the clubs
or facilities
2 | | for a specific campaign-related event.
3 | | (8) In payment for anything of value or for |
4 | | reimbursement of any
expenditure for
which any person has |
5 | | been reimbursed by the State or any person.
For purposes |
6 | | of this item (8), a per diem allowance is not a |
7 | | reimbursement.
8 | | (9) For the lease or purchase of or installment |
9 | | payment for a motor vehicle unless
the political committee |
10 | | can demonstrate the vehicle will be used primarily for |
11 | | campaign
purposes or
for the performance of governmental |
12 | | duties. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits a political |
13 | | committee from using political funds to make expenditures |
14 | | related to vehicles not purchased or leased by a political |
15 | | committee, provided the expenditure relates to the use of |
16 | | the vehicle for primarily campaign purposes or the |
17 | | performance of governmental duties. Persons using vehicles |
18 | | not purchased or leased by a
political committee may be |
19 | | reimbursed for actual mileage for the use of the
vehicle |
20 | | for campaign purposes or for the performance of |
21 | | governmental duties.
The mileage reimbursements shall be |
22 | | made at a rate not to exceed the standard
mileage rate |
23 | | method for computation of business expenses under the |
24 | | Internal
Revenue Code.
25 | | (10) Directly for an individual's tuition or other |
26 | | educational expenses,
except for governmental or political |
| | SB1687 | - 4 - | LRB103 27229 BMS 53600 b |
1 | | purposes directly related to a candidate's
or public |
2 | | official's duties and responsibilities.
3 | | (11) For payments to a public official or candidate or |
4 | | his or her
family member unless
for compensation for |
5 | | services actually rendered by that person. The provisions |
6 | | of this item (11) do not apply to expenditures by a |
7 | | political committee for expenses related to providing |
8 | | childcare for a minor child or care for a dependent family |
9 | | member if the care is reasonably necessary for the public |
10 | | official or candidate to fulfill political or governmental |
11 | | duties.
The provisions of this item (11) do not apply to |
12 | | expenditures by a
political committee in an aggregate
13 | | amount not exceeding the amount of funds reported to and |
14 | | certified by the State
Board or county clerk as available |
15 | | as of June 30, 1998, in the semi-annual
report of
16 | | contributions and expenditures filed by the
political |
17 | | committee for the period concluding June 30, 1998.
18 | | (12) For payments to attorneys, expert witnesses, |
19 | | investigators, or others to provide a defense in a |
20 | | criminal case. |
21 | | (b) The Board shall have the authority to investigate, |
22 | | upon
receipt of a verified complaint, violations of the |
23 | | provisions of this Section.
The Board may levy a fine
on any |
24 | | person who knowingly makes expenditures in violation of this |
25 | | Section and
on any person who knowingly makes a malicious and |
26 | | false accusation of a
violation of this Section.
The Board may |
| | SB1687 | - 5 - | LRB103 27229 BMS 53600 b |
1 | | act under this subsection only upon the affirmative vote of at
2 | | least 5 of its members. The fine shall not
exceed $500 for each |
3 | | expenditure of $500 or less and shall not exceed the
amount of |
4 | | the
expenditure plus $500 for each expenditure greater than |
5 | | $500. The Board shall
have the authority
to render |
6 | | rulings and issue opinions relating to compliance with this
7 | | Section.
8 | | (c) Nothing in this Section prohibits the expenditure of |
9 | | funds of a
committee controlled by an officeholder |
10 | | or by a candidate to defray the customary and reasonable |
11 | | expenses of an
officeholder in
connection with the performance |
12 | | of governmental and public service functions.
13 | | (d) Nothing in this Section prohibits the funds of a |
14 | | political committee which is controlled by a person convicted |
15 | | of a violation of any of the offenses listed in subsection (a) |
16 | | of Section 10 of the Public Corruption Profit Forfeiture Act |
17 | | from being forfeited to the State under Section 15 of the |
18 | | Public Corruption Profit Forfeiture Act. |
19 | | (Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)