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1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Personnel Code is amended by adding Section
512g as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 415/12g new)
7 Sec. 12g. Registered Nurse Registry Pilot Program.
8 (a) As used in this Section:
9 "In-house registry" means a list of employees who are
10classified as either Registered Nurse I or Correctional Nurse I
11maintained for the purpose of improving staffing levels to
12minimize or eliminate the use of mandatory overtime at State
13operated facilities. The list shall be developed in
14collaboration and by negotiation with a historical
15representative of RN stakeholders currently employed by the
16State at State operated facilities.
17 "Mandatory overtime" means work that is required by the
18Department in excess of an agreed-to, predetermined work shift.
19 "Extra help employee appointment" means the appointment of
20a Registered Nurse I or Correctional Nurse I from an in-house
21registry to work at a State operated facility as an extra help
23 "Historical representative" means a labor organization

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1that has historically represented nurses classified as
2Correctional Nurse I or Registered Nurse I where a historical
3pattern of representation exists for those classifications and
4that has been found by the Illinois Labor Relations Board to be
5the exclusive representative of nurses classified as
6Correctional Nurse I or Registered Nurse I who participate in
7the program.
8 "Registered Nurse I" or "Correctional Nurse I" means a
9nurse classified as Registered Nurse I or Correctional Nurse I
10and employed by the State to work at a State operated facility.
11 "Program" means the Registered Nurse Registry Pilot
12Program, a 2-year pilot program established by the State to
13improve staffing levels to minimize or eliminate the use of
14mandatory overtime at State operated facilities.
15 "State operated facility" means one of the following
16facilities: Manteno Veterans Home, Chester Mental Health
17Center, or Sheridan Correctional Center.
18 (b) The Registered Nurse Registry Pilot Program is
19established to serve the staffing needs of State operated
20facilities. The program shall be administered by the
21Department. The program shall terminate on a date 2 years after
22the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
24 (c) The Department shall develop and maintain an in-house
25registry of extra help employees for State operated facilities.
26The in-house registry shall meet the following requirements:

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1 (1) The in-house registry shall not be used to replace
2 budgeted positions for either full-time or part-time
3 Registered Nurse I or Correctional Nurse I.
4 (2) The in-house registry shall be developed in
5 collaboration with a historical representative of RN
6 stakeholders currently employed at State operated
7 facilities.
8 (d) The Department may appoint a Registered Nurse I or
9Correctional Nurse I to an extra help appointment for work the
10State operated facility attests to be emergent in nature and
11which meets the following conditions:
12 (1) The amount of time for which the services are
13 needed is not predictable.
14 (2) Payment for work performed is made on an hourly
15 basis, with no benefits.
16 (3) The work cannot readily be assigned on a voluntary
17 basis, or on a straight-time or overtime basis, to a
18 full-time or part-time employee.
19 (e) The Department shall appoint an extra help employee by
20referring persons to the State operated facility from the
21in-house registry. An employee's acceptance or refusal of an
22extra help appointment shall in no way affect the employee's
23status on the in-house registry or on any other register
24maintained by the Department or the State operated facility.
25 (f) A State operated facility may use an extra help
26employee for a maximum of 900 hours of actual work in any

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1consecutive 12 calendar months. The State operated facility
2shall review the status of the appointment at least every 3
3calendar months. If at any time it is found that the
4appointment no longer meets the requirements of this paragraph
5or subsection (d), the Department shall terminate the extra
6help appointment. If an extra help employee has accrued 900
7consecutive hours, the appointment at that State operated
8facility may not be reestablished until 6 months have elapsed
9from the date of the termination of the appointment. Upon
10working 900 hours, an extra help employee may not be
11reappointed as an extra help employee at a State operated
12facility for 30 calendar days after reaching the 900-hour
13limit. The Department shall quarterly review its use of extra
14help appointments to ensure compliance with this Section.
15 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
161, 2012.