Public Act 099-0305
SB1898 EnrolledLRB099 08859 RJF 29031 b
AN ACT concerning the Secretary of State.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Illinois Identification Card Act is amended
by changing Sections 2, 4, 7, 8, and 9 as follows:
(15 ILCS 335/2) (from Ch. 124, par. 22)
Sec. 2. Administration and powers and duties of the
(a) The Secretary of State is the Administrator of this
Act, and he is charged with the duty of observing,
administering and enforcing the provisions of this Act.
(b) The Secretary is vested with the powers and duties for
the proper administration of this Act as follows:
1. He shall organize the administration of this Act as
he may deem necessary and appoint such subordinate
officers, clerks and other employees as may be necessary.
2. From time to time, he may make, amend or rescind
rules and regulations as may be in the public interest to
implement the Act.
3. He may prescribe or provide suitable forms as
necessary, including such forms as are necessary to
establish that an applicant for an Illinois Person with a
Disability Identification Card is a "disabled person" as
defined in Section 4A of this Act, and establish that an
applicant for a State identification card is a "homeless
person" as defined in Section 1A of this Act.
4. He may prepare under the seal of the Secretary of
State certified copies of any records utilized under this
Act and any such certified copy shall be admissible in any
proceeding in any court in like manner as the original
5. Records compiled under this Act shall be maintained
for 6 years, but the Secretary may destroy such records
with the prior approval of the State Records Commission.
6. He shall examine and determine the genuineness,
regularity and legality of every application filed with him
under this Act, and he may in all cases investigate the
same, require additional information or proof or
documentation from any applicant.
7. He shall require the payment of all fees prescribed
in this Act, and all such fees received by him shall be
placed in the Road Fund of the State treasury except as
otherwise provided in Section 12 of this Act. Whenever any
application to the Secretary for an identification card
under this Act is accompanied by any fee, as required by
law, and the application is denied after a review of
eligibility, which may include facial recognition
comparison, the applicant shall not be entitled to a refund
of any fees paid.
(Source: P.A. 96-183, eff. 7-1-10; 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13.)
(15 ILCS 335/4) (from Ch. 124, par. 24)
Sec. 4. Identification Card.
(a) The Secretary of State shall issue a standard Illinois
Identification Card to any natural person who is a resident of
the State of Illinois who applies for such card, or renewal
thereof, or who applies for a standard Illinois Identification
Card upon release as a committed person on parole, mandatory
supervised release, aftercare release, final discharge, or
pardon from the Department of Corrections or Department of
Juvenile Justice by submitting an identification card issued by
the Department of Corrections or Department of Juvenile Justice
under Section 3-14-1 or Section 3-2.5-70 of the Unified Code of
Corrections, together with the prescribed fees. No
identification card shall be issued to any person who holds a
valid foreign state identification card, license, or permit
unless the person first surrenders to the Secretary of State
the valid foreign state identification card, license, or
permit. The card shall be prepared and supplied by the
Secretary of State and shall include a photograph and signature
or mark of the applicant. However, the Secretary of State may
provide by rule for the issuance of Illinois Identification
Cards without photographs if the applicant has a bona fide
religious objection to being photographed or to the display of
his or her photograph. The Illinois Identification Card may be
used for identification purposes in any lawful situation only
by the person to whom it was issued. As used in this Act,
"photograph" means any color photograph or digitally produced
and captured image of an applicant for an identification card.
As used in this Act, "signature" means the name of a person as
written by that person and captured in a manner acceptable to
the Secretary of State.
(a-5) If an applicant for an identification card has a
current driver's license or instruction permit issued by the
Secretary of State, the Secretary may require the applicant to
utilize the same residence address and name on the
identification card, driver's license, and instruction permit
records maintained by the Secretary. The Secretary may
promulgate rules to implement this provision.
(a-10) If the applicant is a judicial officer as defined in
Section 1-10 of the Judicial Privacy Act or a peace officer,
the applicant may elect to have his or her office or work
address listed on the card instead of the applicant's residence
or mailing address. The Secretary may promulgate rules to
implement this provision. For the purposes of this subsection
(a-10), "peace officer" means any person who by virtue of his
or her office or public employment is vested by law with a duty
to maintain public order or to make arrests for a violation of
any penal statute of this State, whether that duty extends to
all violations or is limited to specific violations.
(a-15) The Secretary of State may provide for an expedited
process for the issuance of an Illinois Identification Card.
The Secretary shall charge an additional fee for the expedited
issuance of an Illinois Identification Card, to be set by rule,
not to exceed $75. All fees collected by the Secretary for
expedited Illinois Identification Card service shall be
deposited into the Secretary of State Special Services Fund.
The Secretary may adopt rules regarding the eligibility,
process, and fee for an expedited Illinois Identification Card.
If the Secretary of State determines that the volume of
expedited identification card requests received on a given day
exceeds the ability of the Secretary to process those requests
in an expedited manner, the Secretary may decline to provide
expedited services, and the additional fee for the expedited
service shall be refunded to the applicant.
(b) The Secretary of State shall issue a special Illinois
Identification Card, which shall be known as an Illinois Person
with a Disability Identification Card, to any natural person
who is a resident of the State of Illinois, who is a person
with a disability as defined in Section 4A of this Act, who
applies for such card, or renewal thereof. No Illinois Person
with a Disability Identification Card shall be issued to any
person who holds a valid foreign state identification card,
license, or permit unless the person first surrenders to the
Secretary of State the valid foreign state identification card,
license, or permit. The Secretary of State shall charge no fee
to issue such card. The card shall be prepared and supplied by
the Secretary of State, and shall include a photograph and
signature or mark of the applicant, a designation indicating
that the card is an Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Card, and shall include a comprehensible
designation of the type and classification of the applicant's
disability as set out in Section 4A of this Act. However, the
Secretary of State may provide by rule for the issuance of
Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Cards without
photographs if the applicant has a bona fide religious
objection to being photographed or to the display of his or her
photograph. If the applicant so requests, the card shall
include a description of the applicant's disability and any
information about the applicant's disability or medical
history which the Secretary determines would be helpful to the
applicant in securing emergency medical care. If a mark is used
in lieu of a signature, such mark shall be affixed to the card
in the presence of two witnesses who attest to the authenticity
of the mark. The Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Card may be used for identification purposes in
any lawful situation by the person to whom it was issued.
The Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card
may be used as adequate documentation of disability in lieu of
a physician's determination of disability, a determination of
disability from a physician assistant who has been delegated
the authority to make this determination by his or her
supervising physician, a determination of disability from an
advanced practice nurse who has a written collaborative
agreement with a collaborating physician that authorizes the
advanced practice nurse to make this determination, or any
other documentation of disability whenever any State law
requires that a disabled person provide such documentation of
disability, however an Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Card shall not qualify the cardholder to
participate in any program or to receive any benefit which is
not available to all persons with like disabilities.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, an Illinois Person
with a Disability Identification Card, or evidence that the
Secretary of State has issued an Illinois Person with a
Disability Identification Card, shall not be used by any person
other than the person named on such card to prove that the
person named on such card is a disabled person or for any other
purpose unless the card is used for the benefit of the person
named on such card, and the person named on such card consents
to such use at the time the card is so used.
An optometrist's determination of a visual disability
under Section 4A of this Act is acceptable as documentation for
the purpose of issuing an Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Card.
When medical information is contained on an Illinois Person
with a Disability Identification Card, the Office of the
Secretary of State shall not be liable for any actions taken
based upon that medical information.
(c) The Secretary of State shall provide that each original
or renewal Illinois Identification Card or Illinois Person with
a Disability Identification Card issued to a person under the
age of 21 shall be of a distinct nature from those Illinois
Identification Cards or Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Cards issued to individuals 21 years of age or
older. The color designated for Illinois Identification Cards
or Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Cards for
persons under the age of 21 shall be at the discretion of the
Secretary of State.
(c-1) Each original or renewal Illinois Identification
Card or Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card
issued to a person under the age of 21 shall display the date
upon which the person becomes 18 years of age and the date upon
which the person becomes 21 years of age.
(c-3) The General Assembly recognizes the need to identify
military veterans living in this State for the purpose of
ensuring that they receive all of the services and benefits to
which they are legally entitled, including healthcare,
education assistance, and job placement. To assist the State in
identifying these veterans and delivering these vital services
and benefits, the Secretary of State is authorized to issue
Illinois Identification Cards and Illinois Person with a
Disability Identification Cards with the word "veteran"
appearing on the face of the cards. This authorization is
predicated on the unique status of veterans. The Secretary may
not issue any other identification card which identifies an
occupation, status, affiliation, hobby, or other unique
characteristics of the identification card holder which is
unrelated to the purpose of the identification card.
(c-5) Beginning on or before July 1, 2015, the Secretary of
State shall designate a space on each original or renewal
identification card where, at the request of the applicant, the
word "veteran" shall be placed. The veteran designation shall
be available to a person identified as a veteran under
subsection (b) of Section 5 of this Act who was discharged or
separated under honorable conditions.
(d) The Secretary of State may issue a Senior Citizen
discount card, to any natural person who is a resident of the
State of Illinois who is 60 years of age or older and who
applies for such a card or renewal thereof. The Secretary of
State shall charge no fee to issue such card. The card shall be
issued in every county and applications shall be made available
at, but not limited to, nutrition sites, senior citizen centers
and Area Agencies on Aging. The applicant, upon receipt of such
card and prior to its use for any purpose, shall have affixed
thereon in the space provided therefor his signature or mark.
(e) The Secretary of State, in his or her discretion, may
designate on each Illinois Identification Card or Illinois
Person with a Disability Identification Card a space where the
card holder may place a sticker or decal, issued by the
Secretary of State, of uniform size as the Secretary may
specify, that shall indicate in appropriate language that the
card holder has renewed his or her Illinois Identification Card
or Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card.
(Source: P.A. 97-371, eff. 1-1-12; 97-739, eff. 1-1-13; 97-847,
eff. 1-1-13; 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13; 98-323, eff. 1-1-14; 98-463,
eff. 8-16-13; 98-558, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(15 ILCS 335/7) (from Ch. 124, par. 27)
Sec. 7. Duplicate and corrected cards.
(a) In the event an identification card is lost or
destroyed, or if there is a correction of legal name or
residence address, or a change in the type or class of
disability of a holder of an Illinois Person with a Disability
Identification Card, the person named on the card may apply for
a duplicate or substitute card, or for a corrected card. Any
application for a corrected card shall be accompanied by the
original card being corrected.
(b) The Secretary of State, having issued an identification
card in error, may, upon written notice of at least 5 days to
the person, require the person to appear at a Driver Services
facility to have the identification card error corrected and a
new identification card issued. The failure of the person to
appear is grounds for cancellation of the person's
identification card under Section 13 of this Act.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, the
Secretary of State shall restrict the issuance of multiple
duplicate identification cards and Illinois Person with a
Disability Identification Cards to any individual to 3 per year
and 10 for the life of individual. The Secretary may, in his or
her discretion, grant exceptions to these limits if the
applicant for a duplicate card can provide sufficient evidence
from an official source to establish that a duplicate
identification card is required. The Secretary may promulgate
rules to implement the requirements of this subsection. For
purposes of this Section, "official source" means any document
or report created by law enforcement, State or federal
government, the judiciary, and any other entity that the
Secretary may identify by rule.
(Source: P.A. 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13.)
(15 ILCS 335/8) (from Ch. 124, par. 28)
Sec. 8. Expiration.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section:
(1) Every identification card issued hereunder, except
to persons who have reached their 15th birthday, but are
not yet 21 years of age, persons who are 65 years of age or
older, and persons who are issued an Illinois Person with a
Disability Identification Card, shall expire 5 years from
the ensuing birthday of the applicant and a renewal shall
expire 5 years thereafter.
(2) Every original or renewal identification card
issued to a person who has reached his or her 15th
birthday, but is not yet 21 years of age shall expire 3
months after the person's 21st birthday.
(b) Every original, renewal, or duplicate (i)
identification card issued to a person who has reached his or
her 65th birthday shall be permanent and need not be renewed
and (ii) Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card
issued to a qualifying person shall expire 10 years thereafter.
The Secretary of State shall promulgate rules setting forth the
conditions and criteria for the renewal of all Illinois Person
with a Disability Identification Cards.
(c) Beginning July 1, 2016, every identification card or
Illinois Person with a Disability Identification Card issued
under this Act to an applicant who is not a United States
citizen shall expire on whichever is the earlier date of the
(1) as provided under subsection (a) or (b) of this
Section; or
(2) on the date the applicant's authorized stay in the
United States terminates.
(Source: P.A. 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13.)
(15 ILCS 335/9) (from Ch. 124, par. 29)
Sec. 9. Renewal.
(a) Any person having a valid identification card which
expires on his or her 21st birthday, or which expires 3 months
after his or her 21st birthday, may not apply for renewal of
his or her existing identification card. A subsequent
application filed by persons under this subsection, on or after
their 21st birthday, shall be considered an application for a
new card under Section 5 of this Act.
(b) Any person having a valid identification card, except
those under subsection (a), may apply for a one-time renewal,
in a manner prescribed by the Secretary of State, within 30
days after the expiration of the identification card. A
subsequent application filed by that person shall be considered
an application for a new card under Section 5 of this Act.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of Section 8 of
this Act, any Any identification card renewed under this
subsection shall be valid for 5 years after the expiration date
of the identification card as originally issued under Section 5
of this Act. The Secretary of State, in his or her discretion,
may provide that applications for the one-time renewal under
this subsection (b) may be made by telephone, mail, or the
Internet, subject to any eligibility criteria and other
requirements that the Secretary of State deems appropriate.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act to the
contrary, a person convicted of a sex offense as defined in
Section 2 of the Sex Offender Registration Act may not renew
his or her Illinois Identification Card or Illinois Person with
a Disability Identification Card by telephone, mail, or the
(Source: P.A. 97-1064, eff. 1-1-13.)
Section 10. The Illinois Vehicle Code is amended by
changing Sections 6-115 and 6-119 and by adding Section 6-122
as follows:
(625 ILCS 5/6-115) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-115)
Sec. 6-115. Expiration of driver's license.
(a) Except as provided elsewhere in this Section, every
driver's license issued under the provisions of this Code shall
expire 4 years from the date of its issuance, or at such later
date, as the Secretary of State may by proper rule and
regulation designate, not to exceed 12 calendar months; in the
event that an applicant for renewal of a driver's license fails
to apply prior to the expiration date of the previous driver's
license, the renewal driver's license shall expire 4 years from
the expiration date of the previous driver's license, or at
such later date as the Secretary of State may by proper rule
and regulation designate, not to exceed 12 calendar months.
The Secretary of State may, however, issue to a person not
previously licensed as a driver in Illinois a driver's license
which will expire not less than 4 years nor more than 5 years
from date of issuance, except as provided elsewhere in this
The Secretary of State is authorized to issue driver's
licenses during the years 1984 through 1987 which shall expire
not less than 3 years nor more than 5 years from the date of
issuance, except as provided elsewhere in this Section, for the
purpose of converting all driver's licenses issued under this
Code to a 4 year expiration. Provided that all original
driver's licenses, except as provided elsewhere in this
Section, shall expire not less than 4 years nor more than 5
years from the date of issuance.
(a-5) Beginning July 1, 2016, every driver's license issued
under this Code to an applicant who is not a United States
citizen shall expire on whichever is the earlier date of the
(1) as provided under subsection (a), (f), (g), or (i)
of this Section; or
(2) on the date the applicant's authorized stay in the
United States terminates.
(b) Before the expiration of a driver's license, except
those licenses expiring on the individual's 21st birthday, or 3
months after the individual's 21st birthday, the holder thereof
may apply for a renewal thereof, subject to all the provisions
of Section 6-103, and the Secretary of State may require an
examination of the applicant. A licensee whose driver's license
expires on his 21st birthday, or 3 months after his 21st
birthday, may not apply for a renewal of his driving privileges
until he reaches the age of 21.
(c) The Secretary of State shall, 30 days prior to the
expiration of a driver's license, forward to each person whose
license is to expire a notification of the expiration of said
license which may be presented at the time of renewal of said
There may be included with such notification information
explaining the anatomical gift and Emergency Medical
Information Card provisions of Section 6-110. The format and
text of such information shall be prescribed by the Secretary.
There shall be included with such notification, for a
period of 4 years beginning January 1, 2000 information
regarding the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical
Information Exchange established in Section 18.1 of the
Adoption Act.
(d) The Secretary may defer the expiration of the driver's
license of a licensee, spouse, and dependent children who are
living with such licensee while on active duty, serving in the
Armed Forces of the United States outside of the State of
Illinois, and 120 days thereafter, upon such terms and
conditions as the Secretary may prescribe.
(e) The Secretary of State may decline to process a renewal
of a driver's license of any person who has not paid any fee or
tax due under this Code and is not paid upon reasonable notice
and demand.
(f) The Secretary shall provide that each original or
renewal driver's license issued to a licensee under 21 years of
age shall expire 3 months after the licensee's 21st birthday.
Persons whose current driver's licenses expire on their 21st
birthday on or after January 1, 1986 shall not renew their
driver's license before their 21st birthday, and their current
driver's license will be extended for an additional term of 3
months beyond their 21st birthday. Thereafter, the expiration
and term of the driver's license shall be governed by
subsection (a) hereof.
(g) The Secretary shall provide that each original or
renewal driver's license issued to a licensee 81 years of age
through age 86 shall expire 2 years from the date of issuance,
or at such later date as the Secretary may by rule and
regulation designate, not to exceed an additional 12 calendar
months. The Secretary shall also provide that each original or
renewal driver's license issued to a licensee 87 years of age
or older shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance, or
at such later date as the Secretary may by rule and regulation
designate, not to exceed an additional 12 calendar months.
(h) The Secretary of State shall provide that each special
restricted driver's license issued under subsection (g) of
Section 6-113 of this Code shall expire 12 months from the date
of issuance. The Secretary shall adopt rules defining renewal
(i) The Secretary of State shall provide that each driver's
license issued to a person convicted of a sex offense as
defined in Section 2 of the Sex Offender Registration Act shall
expire 12 months from the date of issuance or at such date as
the Secretary may by rule designate, not to exceed an
additional 12 calendar months. The Secretary may adopt rules
defining renewal requirements.
(Source: P.A. 97-79, eff. 1-1-12.)
(625 ILCS 5/6-119) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-119)
Sec. 6-119. When fees returnable-drivers license.
(a) Whenever any application to the Secretary of State for
a driver's license or permit under this Article is accompanied
by any fee as required by law and such application is refused
or rejected after a review of eligibility, which may include
facial recognition comparison, the applicant shall not be
entitled to a refund of any fees paid , said fee shall be
returned to said applicant.
(a-5) If the Secretary of State determines that the volume
of expedited driver's license requests received on a given day
exceeds the ability of the Secretary to process those requests
in an expedited manner, the Secretary may decline to provide
expedited services, and the additional fee for the expedited
service shall be refunded to the applicant.
(b) Whenever the Secretary of State through error collects
any fee not required to be paid hereunder, the same shall be
refunded to the person paying the same upon application
therefor made within 6 months after the date of such payment.
(c) Whenever a person dies after making application for a
drivers license or permit under this Article, application for a
refund of the drivers license or permit may be made if the
person dies prior to the effective date for which application
has been made, and if the drivers license or permit has never
been used. The Secretary of State shall refund the drivers
license or permit fees upon receipt within 3 months after the
application for a drivers license or permit of an application
for refund accompanied with the drivers license or permit and
proof of death of the applicant.
(d) Any application for refund received after the times
specified in this Section shall be denied and the applicant in
order to receive a refund must apply to the Court of Claims.
(Source: P.A. 78-756.)
(625 ILCS 5/6-122 new)
Sec. 6-122. Expedited driver's license. The Secretary of
State may provide for an expedited process for the issuance of
a driver's license, excluding temporary visitor's driver's
licenses. The Secretary shall charge an additional fee for the
issuance of an expedited driver's license, to be set by rule,
not to exceed $75. All fees collected by the Secretary for
expedited driver's license service shall be deposited into the
Secretary of State Special Services Fund. The Secretary may
adopt rules regarding the eligibility, process, and fee for an
expedited driver's license.
Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect January
1, 2016.