Public Act 098-0583
SB2243 EnrolledLRB098 09659 HLH 39805 b
AN ACT concerning revenue.
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:
Section 5. The Use Tax Act is amended by changing Sections
3, 3-5, 3-25, and 3-50 as follows:
(35 ILCS 105/3) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3)
Sec. 3. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed upon the privilege of
using in this State tangible personal property purchased at
retail from a retailer, including computer software, and
including photographs, negatives, and positives that are the
product of photoprocessing, but not including products of
photoprocessing produced for use in motion pictures for
commercial exhibition. Beginning January 1, 2001, prepaid
telephone calling arrangements shall be considered tangible
personal property subject to the tax imposed under this Act
regardless of the form in which those arrangements may be
embodied, transmitted, or fixed by any method now known or
hereafter developed. Purchases of (1) electricity delivered to
customers by wire; (2) natural or artificial gas that is
delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; and
(3) water that is delivered to customers through pipes,
pipelines, or mains are not subject to tax under this Act. The
provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly
are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of
this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99; 91-870, eff. 6-22-00.)
(35 ILCS 105/3-5)
Sec. 3-5. Exemptions. Use of the following tangible
personal property is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act:
(1) Personal property purchased from a corporation,
society, association, foundation, institution, or
organization, other than a limited liability company, that is
organized and operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise
for the benefit of persons 65 years of age or older if the
personal property was not purchased by the enterprise for the
purpose of resale by the enterprise.
(2) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit
Illinois county fair association for use in conducting,
operating, or promoting the county fair.
(3) Personal property purchased by a not-for-profit arts or
cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by
the Department by rule, that it has received an exemption under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is
organized and operated primarily for the presentation or
support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or
services. These organizations include, but are not limited to,
music and dramatic arts organizations such as symphony
orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and cultural service
organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
and media arts organizations. On and after the effective date
of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, however,
an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not make
tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification
number issued by the Department.
(4) Personal property purchased by a governmental body, by
a corporation, society, association, foundation, or
institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable,
religious, or educational purposes, or by a not-for-profit
corporation, society, association, foundation, institution, or
organization that has no compensated officers or employees and
that is organized and operated primarily for the recreation of
persons 55 years of age or older. A limited liability company
may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph only if the
limited liability company is organized and operated
exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July 1,
1987, however, no entity otherwise eligible for this exemption
shall make tax-free purchases unless it has an active exemption
identification number issued by the Department.
(5) Until July 1, 2003, a passenger car that is a
replacement vehicle to the extent that the purchase price of
the car is subject to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
(6) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again on September 1,
2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and
equipment, including repair and replacement parts, both new and
used, and including that manufactured on special order,
certified by the purchaser to be used primarily for graphic
arts production, and including machinery and equipment
purchased for lease. Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change upon a
graphic arts product.
(7) Farm chemicals.
(8) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver
coinage issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the
United States of America, or the government of any foreign
country, and bullion.
(9) Personal property purchased from a teacher-sponsored
student organization affiliated with an elementary or
secondary school located in Illinois.
(10) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle
of the second division that is a self-contained motor vehicle
designed or permanently converted to provide living quarters
for recreational, camping, or travel use, with direct walk
through to the living quarters from the driver's seat, or a
motor vehicle of the second division that is of the van
configuration designed for the transportation of not less than
7 nor more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of
the Illinois Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting,
as defined in the Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax
(11) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used,
including that manufactured on special order, certified by the
purchaser to be used primarily for production agriculture or
State or federal agricultural programs, including individual
replacement parts for the machinery and equipment, including
machinery and equipment purchased for lease, and including
implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural
chemical and fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to
be registered under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
but excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered
under the Illinois Vehicle Code. Horticultural polyhouses or
hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or overwintering
plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
this item (11). Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry
boxes shall include units sold separately from a motor vehicle
required to be licensed and units sold mounted on a motor
vehicle required to be licensed if the selling price of the
tender is separately stated.
Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision
farming equipment that is installed or purchased to be
installed on farm machinery and equipment including, but not
limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters, seeders,
or spreaders. Precision farming equipment includes, but is not
limited to, soil testing sensors, computers, monitors,
software, global positioning and mapping systems, and other
such equipment.
Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers,
sensors, software, and related equipment used primarily in the
computer-assisted operation of production agriculture
facilities, equipment, and activities such as, but not limited
to, the collection, monitoring, and correlation of animal and
crop data for the purpose of formulating animal diets and
agricultural chemicals. This item (11) is exempt from the
provisions of Section 3-90.
(12) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air
common carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for
consumption, shipment, or storage in the conduct of its
business as an air common carrier, for a flight destined for or
returning from a location or locations outside the United
States without regard to previous or subsequent domestic
(13) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
stated on customers' bills for the purchase and consumption of
food and beverages purchased at retail from a retailer, to the
extent that the proceeds of the service charge are in fact
turned over as tips or as a substitute for tips to the
employees who participate directly in preparing, serving,
hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function with
respect to which the service charge is imposed.
(14) Until July 1, 2003, oil field exploration, drilling,
and production equipment, including (i) rigs and parts of rigs,
rotary rigs, cable tool rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and
tubular goods, including casing and drill strings, (iii) pumps
and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow lines, (v) any
individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and
equipment purchased for lease; but excluding motor vehicles
required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
(15) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including
repair and replacement parts, both new and used, including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the purchaser to be
used primarily for photoprocessing, and including
photoprocessing machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
(16) Until July 1, 2003, and beginning again on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
Assembly and thereafter, coal and aggregate exploration,
mining, offhighway hauling, processing, maintenance, and
reclamation equipment, including replacement parts and
equipment, and including equipment purchased for lease, but
excluding motor vehicles required to be registered under the
Illinois Vehicle Code.
(17) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and
equipment, sold as a unit or kit, assembled or installed by the
retailer, certified by the user to be used only for the
production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal
use of the user, and not subject to sale or resale.
(18) Manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
used primarily in the process of manufacturing or assembling
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease, whether that sale or lease is made directly by the
manufacturer or by some other person, whether the materials
used in the process are owned by the manufacturer or some other
person, or whether that sale or lease is made apart from or as
an incident to the seller's engaging in the service occupation
of producing machines, tools, dies, jigs, patterns, gauges, or
other similar items of no commercial value on special order for
a particular purchaser. The exemption provided by this
paragraph (18) does not include machinery and equipment used in
(i) the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of
this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly are
declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of this
(19) Personal property delivered to a purchaser or
purchaser's donee inside Illinois when the purchase order for
that personal property was received by a florist located
outside Illinois who has a florist located inside Illinois
deliver the personal property.
(20) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock
for direct agricultural production.
(21) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and
meeting the requirements of any of the Arabian Horse Club
Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
Horse Association, United States Trotting Association, or
Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for purposes of breeding or
racing for prizes. This item (21) is exempt from the provisions
of Section 3-90, and the exemption provided for under this item
(21) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no
claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after January 1,
2008 for such taxes paid during the period beginning May 30,
2000 and ending on January 1, 2008.
(22) Computers and communications equipment utilized for
any hospital purpose and equipment used in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients purchased by a
lessor who leases the equipment, under a lease of one year or
longer executed or in effect at the time the lessor would
otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption
identification number by the Department under Section 1g of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the equipment is leased in a
manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is used in
any other non-exempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the
case may be, based on the fair market value of the property at
the time the non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect
or attempt to collect an amount (however designated) that
purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax
has not been paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly
collects any such amount from the lessee, the lessee shall have
a legal right to claim a refund of that amount from the lessor.
If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for any
reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the
(23) Personal property purchased by a lessor who leases the
property, under a lease of one year or longer executed or in
effect at the time the lessor would otherwise be subject to the
tax imposed by this Act, to a governmental body that has been
issued an active sales tax exemption identification number by
the Department under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation
Tax Act. If the property is leased in a manner that does not
qualify for this exemption or used in any other non-exempt
manner, the lessor shall be liable for the tax imposed under
this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, based
on the fair market value of the property at the time the
non-qualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt
to collect an amount (however designated) that purports to
reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this Act or the
Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax has not been
paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly collects any such
amount from the lessee, the lessee shall have a legal right to
claim a refund of that amount from the lessor. If, however,
that amount is not refunded to the lessee for any reason, the
lessor is liable to pay that amount to the Department.
(24) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after
December 31, 1995 and ending with taxable years ending on or
before December 31, 2004, personal property that is donated for
disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a
manufacturer or retailer that is registered in this State to a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or institution
that has been issued a sales tax exemption identification
number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
who reside within the declared disaster area.
(25) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after
December 31, 1995 and ending with taxable years ending on or
before December 31, 2004, personal property that is used in the
performance of infrastructure repairs in this State, including
but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer
line extensions, water distribution and purification
facilities, storm water drainage and retention facilities, and
sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State or
federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois
when such repairs are initiated on facilities located in the
declared disaster area within 6 months after the disaster.
(26) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds purchased
at a "game breeding and hunting preserve area" as that term is
used in the Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the
provisions of Section 3-90.
(27) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section
1-146 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a
corporation, limited liability company, society, association,
foundation, or institution that is determined by the Department
to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation,
limited liability company, society, association, foundation,
or institution organized and operated exclusively for
educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful
branches of learning by methods common to public schools and
that compare favorably in their scope and intensity with the
course of study presented in tax-supported schools, and
vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less
than 6 weeks duration and designed to prepare individuals to
follow a trade or to pursue a manual, technical, mechanical,
industrial, business, or commercial occupation.
(28) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property,
including food, purchased through fundraising events for the
benefit of a public or private elementary or secondary school,
a group of those schools, or one or more school districts if
the events are sponsored by an entity recognized by the school
district that consists primarily of volunteers and includes
parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph
does not apply to fundraising events (i) for the benefit of
private home instruction or (ii) for which the fundraising
entity purchases the personal property sold at the events from
another individual or entity that sold the property for the
purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that profits
from the sale to the fundraising entity. This paragraph is
exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
(29) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31,
2001, new or used automatic vending machines that prepare and
serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup, and other
items, and replacement parts for these machines. Beginning
January 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts
for machines used in commercial, coin-operated amusement and
vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the
gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
coin-operated amusement and vending machines. This paragraph
is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
(30) Beginning January 1, 2001 and through June 30, 2016,
food for human consumption that is to be consumed off the
premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft
drinks, and food that has been prepared for immediate
consumption) and prescription and nonprescription medicines,
drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine testing
materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human
use, when purchased for use by a person receiving medical
assistance under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code who
resides in a licensed long-term care facility, as defined in
the Nursing Home Care Act, or in a licensed facility as defined
in the ID/DD Community Care Act or the Specialized Mental
Health Rehabilitation Act.
(31) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act
of the 92nd General Assembly, computers and communications
equipment utilized for any hospital purpose and equipment used
in the diagnosis, analysis, or treatment of hospital patients
purchased by a lessor who leases the equipment, under a lease
of one year or longer executed or in effect at the time the
lessor would otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this
Act, to a hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption
identification number by the Department under Section 1g of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the equipment is leased in a
manner that does not qualify for this exemption or is used in
any other nonexempt manner, the lessor shall be liable for the
tax imposed under this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the
case may be, based on the fair market value of the property at
the time the nonqualifying use occurs. No lessor shall collect
or attempt to collect an amount (however designated) that
purports to reimburse that lessor for the tax imposed by this
Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, if the tax
has not been paid by the lessor. If a lessor improperly
collects any such amount from the lessee, the lessee shall have
a legal right to claim a refund of that amount from the lessor.
If, however, that amount is not refunded to the lessee for any
reason, the lessor is liable to pay that amount to the
Department. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of
Section 3-90.
(32) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act
of the 92nd General Assembly, personal property purchased by a
lessor who leases the property, under a lease of one year or
longer executed or in effect at the time the lessor would
otherwise be subject to the tax imposed by this Act, to a
governmental body that has been issued an active sales tax
exemption identification number by the Department under
Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. If the
property is leased in a manner that does not qualify for this
exemption or used in any other nonexempt manner, the lessor
shall be liable for the tax imposed under this Act or the
Service Use Tax Act, as the case may be, based on the fair
market value of the property at the time the nonqualifying use
occurs. No lessor shall collect or attempt to collect an amount
(however designated) that purports to reimburse that lessor for
the tax imposed by this Act or the Service Use Tax Act, as the
case may be, if the tax has not been paid by the lessor. If a
lessor improperly collects any such amount from the lessee, the
lessee shall have a legal right to claim a refund of that
amount from the lessor. If, however, that amount is not
refunded to the lessee for any reason, the lessor is liable to
pay that amount to the Department. This paragraph is exempt
from the provisions of Section 3-90.
(33) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004,
the use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division
with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds and that
are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed under
Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July
1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of
motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle
weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject
to the commercial distribution fee imposed under Section
3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are
primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005,
this exemption applies to repair and replacement parts added
after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if that
motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for the
rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this Act. For
purposes of this paragraph, the term "used for commercial
purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in
furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise,
whether for-hire or not.
(34) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property
used in the construction or maintenance of a community water
supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental
Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit
corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under
Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is
exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
(35) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts,
equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or
upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment,
completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the
aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in
the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement,
repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any
materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable
supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and
maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such
engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any
such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not
limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose
lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective
films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that
(i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate
an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation
Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct
operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated
by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air
service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129
of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
(36) Tangible personal property purchased by a
public-facilities corporation, as described in Section
11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of
constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but
only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is
transferred to the municipality without any further
consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time
of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the
retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments
issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with
the development of the municipal convention hall. This
exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as
provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 3-90.
(Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10;
96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff.
7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-227, eff. 1-1-12; 97-431, eff.
8-16-11; 97-636, eff. 6-1-12; 97-767, eff. 7-9-12.)
(35 ILCS 105/3-25) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-25)
Sec. 3-25. Computer software. For the purposes of this Act,
"computer software" means a set of statements, data, or
instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in
order to bring about a certain result in any form in which
those statements, data, or instructions may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed, by any method now known or hereafter
developed, regardless of whether the statements, data, or
instructions are capable of being perceived by or communicated
to humans, and includes prewritten or canned software that is
held for repeated sale or lease, and all associated
documentation and materials, if any, whether contained on
magnetic tapes, discs, cards, or other devices or media, but
does not include software that is adapted to specific
individualized requirements of a purchaser, custom-made and
modified software designed for a particular or limited use by a
purchaser, or software used to operate exempt machinery and
equipment used in the process of manufacturing or assembling
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease. Software used to operate machinery and equipment used in
(i) the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains is considered
"computer software". The provisions of this amendatory Act of
the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to
the meaning and scope of this exemption.
For the purposes of this Act, computer software shall be
considered to be tangible personal property.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99.)
(35 ILCS 105/3-50) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.3-50)
Sec. 3-50. Manufacturing and assembly exemption. The
manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment exemption
includes machinery and equipment that replaces machinery and
equipment in an existing manufacturing facility as well as
machinery and equipment that are for use in an expanded or new
manufacturing facility. The machinery and equipment exemption
also includes machinery and equipment used in the general
maintenance or repair of exempt machinery and equipment or for
in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and equipment. The
machinery and equipment exemption does not include machinery
and equipment used in (i) the generation of electricity for
wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation or treatment of
natural or artificial gas for wholesale or retail sale that is
delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or
(iii) the treatment of water for wholesale or retail sale that
is delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains.
The provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General
Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and
scope of this exemption. For the purposes of this exemption,
terms have the following meanings:
(1) "Manufacturing process" means the production of an
article of tangible personal property, whether the article
is a finished product or an article for use in the process
of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
tangible personal property, by a procedure commonly
regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
refining that changes some existing material into a
material with a different form, use, or name. In relation
to a recognized integrated business composed of a series of
operations that collectively constitute manufacturing, or
individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
manufacturing process commences with the first operation
or stage of production in the series and does not end until
the completion of the final product in the last operation
or stage of production in the series. For purposes of this
exemption, photoprocessing is a manufacturing process of
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale.
(2) "Assembling process" means the production of an
article of tangible personal property, whether the article
is a finished product or an article for use in the process
of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
tangible personal property, by the combination of existing
materials in a manner commonly regarded as assembling that
results in an article or material of a different form, use,
or name.
(3) "Machinery" means major mechanical machines or
major components of those machines contributing to a
manufacturing or assembling process.
(4) "Equipment" includes an independent device or tool
separate from machinery but essential to an integrated
manufacturing or assembly process; including computers
used primarily in a manufacturer's computer assisted
design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system;
any subunit or assembly comprising a component of any
machinery or auxiliary, adjunct, or attachment parts of
machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, patterns,
and molds; and any parts that require periodic replacement
in the course of normal operation; but does not include
hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
wholesale or retail sale or lease.
(5) "Production related tangible personal property"
means all tangible personal property that is used or
consumed by the purchaser in a manufacturing facility in
which a manufacturing process takes place and includes,
without limitation, tangible personal property that is
purchased for incorporation into real estate within a
manufacturing facility and tangible personal property that
is used or consumed in activities such as research and
development, preproduction material handling, receiving,
quality control, inventory control, storage, staging, and
packaging for shipping and transportation purposes.
"Production related tangible personal property" does not
include (i) tangible personal property that is used, within
or without a manufacturing facility, in sales, purchasing,
accounting, fiscal management, marketing, personnel
recruitment or selection, or landscaping or (ii) tangible
personal property that is required to be titled or
registered with a department, agency, or unit of federal,
State, or local government.
The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
exemption includes production related tangible personal
property that is purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or
before June 30, 2008. The exemption for production related
tangible personal property is subject to both of the following
(1) The maximum amount of the exemption for any one
taxpayer may not exceed 5% of the purchase price of
production related tangible personal property that is
purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June
30, 2008. A credit under Section 3-85 of this Act may not
be earned by the purchase of production related tangible
personal property for which an exemption is received under
this Section.
(2) The maximum aggregate amount of the exemptions for
production related tangible personal property awarded
under this Act and the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act to all
taxpayers may not exceed $10,000,000. If the claims for the
exemption exceed $10,000,000, then the Department shall
reduce the amount of the exemption to each taxpayer on a
pro rata basis.
The Department may adopt rules to implement and administer the
exemption for production related tangible personal property.
The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
exemption includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
produces exempted types of machinery, equipment, or tools and
who rents or leases that machinery, equipment, or tools to a
manufacturer of tangible personal property. This exemption
also includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
manufactures those materials into an exempted type of
machinery, equipment, or tools that the purchaser uses himself
or herself in the manufacturing of tangible personal property.
This exemption includes the sale of exempted types of machinery
or equipment to a purchaser who is not the manufacturer, but
who rents or leases the use of the property to a manufacturer.
The purchaser of the machinery and equipment who has an active
resale registration number shall furnish that number to the
seller at the time of purchase. A user of the machinery,
equipment, or tools without an active resale registration
number shall prepare a certificate of exemption for each
transaction stating facts establishing the exemption for that
transaction, and that certificate shall be available to the
Department for inspection or audit. The Department shall
prescribe the form of the certificate. Informal rulings,
opinions, or letters issued by the Department in response to an
inquiry or request for an opinion from any person regarding the
coverage and applicability of this exemption to specific
devices shall be published, maintained as a public record, and
made available for public inspection and copying. If the
informal ruling, opinion, or letter contains trade secrets or
other confidential information, where possible, the Department
shall delete that information before publication. Whenever
informal rulings, opinions, or letters contain a policy of
general applicability, the Department shall formulate and
adopt that policy as a rule in accordance with the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act.
(Source: P.A. 95-707, eff. 1-11-08.)
Section 10. The Service Use Tax Act is amended by changing
Sections 2, 3, and 3-25 as follows:
(35 ILCS 110/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.32)
Sec. 2. "Use" means the exercise by any person of any right
or power over tangible personal property incident to the
ownership of that property, but does not include the sale or
use for demonstration by him of that property in any form as
tangible personal property in the regular course of business.
"Use" does not mean the interim use of tangible personal
property nor the physical incorporation of tangible personal
property, as an ingredient or constituent, into other tangible
personal property, (a) which is sold in the regular course of
business or (b) which the person incorporating such ingredient
or constituent therein has undertaken at the time of such
purchase to cause to be transported in interstate commerce to
destinations outside the State of Illinois.
"Purchased from a serviceman" means the acquisition of the
ownership of, or title to, tangible personal property through a
sale of service.
"Purchaser" means any person who, through a sale of
service, acquires the ownership of, or title to, any tangible
personal property.
"Cost price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman
for a purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or
otherwise, including cash, credits and services, and shall be
determined without any deduction on account of the supplier's
cost of the property sold or on account of any other expense
incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out part
or all of the services required in his sale of service, it
shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the
property transferred to him or her by his or her subcontractor
is equal to 50% of the subcontractor's charges to the
serviceman in the absence of proof of the consideration paid by
the subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
"Selling price" means the consideration for a sale valued
in money whether received in money or otherwise, including
cash, credits and service, and shall be determined without any
deduction on account of the serviceman's cost of the property
sold, the cost of materials used, labor or service cost or any
other expense whatsoever, but does not include interest or
finance charges which appear as separate items on the bill of
sale or sales contract nor charges that are added to prices by
sellers on account of the seller's duty to collect, from the
purchaser, the tax that is imposed by this Act.
"Department" means the Department of Revenue.
"Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or
private corporation, limited liability company, and any
receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
appointed by order of any court.
"Sale of service" means any transaction except:
(1) a retail sale of tangible personal property taxable
under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use
Tax Act.
(2) a sale of tangible personal property for the
purpose of resale made in compliance with Section 2c of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
(3) except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer
of tangible personal property as an incident to the
rendering of service for or by any governmental body, or
for or by any corporation, society, association,
foundation or institution organized and operated
exclusively for charitable, religious or educational
purposes or any not-for-profit corporation, society,
association, foundation, institution or organization which
has no compensated officers or employees and which is
organized and operated primarily for the recreation of
persons 55 years of age or older. A limited liability
company may qualify for the exemption under this paragraph
only if the limited liability company is organized and
operated exclusively for educational purposes.
(4) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property as
an incident to the rendering of service for interstate
carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in
interstate commerce or by lessors under a lease of one year
or longer, executed or in effect at the time of purchase of
personal property, to interstate carriers for hire for use
as rolling stock moving in interstate commerce so long as
so used by such interstate carriers for hire, and equipment
operated by a telecommunications provider, licensed as a
common carrier by the Federal Communications Commission,
which is permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft
moving in interstate commerce.
(4a) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
as an incident to the rendering of service for owners,
lessors, or shippers of tangible personal property which is
utilized by interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling
stock moving in interstate commerce so long as so used by
interstate carriers for hire, and equipment operated by a
telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier
by the Federal Communications Commission, which is
permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft moving in
interstate commerce.
(4a-5) on and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30,
2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle of the second
division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000
pounds as an incident to the rendering of service if that
motor vehicle is subject to the commercial distribution fee
imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Beginning on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the
use in this State of motor vehicles of the second division:
(i) with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000
pounds; (ii) that are subject to the commercial
distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of the
Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used
for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this
exemption applies to repair and replacement parts added
after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle if that
motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify for
the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this
Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial
purposes" means the transportation of persons or property
in furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise
whether for-hire or not.
(5) a sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used
primarily in the process of the manufacturing or
assembling, either in an existing, an expanded or a new
manufacturing facility, of tangible personal property for
wholesale or retail sale or lease, whether such sale or
lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by some other
person, whether the materials used in the process are owned
by the manufacturer or some other person, or whether such
sale or lease is made apart from or as an incident to the
seller's engaging in a service occupation and the
applicable tax is a Service Use Tax or Service Occupation
Tax, rather than Use Tax or Retailers' Occupation Tax. The
exemption provided by this paragraph (5) does not include
machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the
generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment
of water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains. The
provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General
Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning
and scope of this exemption.
(5a) the repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for
a common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property
which belongs to such carrier for hire, and as to which
such carrier receives the physical possession of the
repaired, reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible
personal property in Illinois, and which such carrier
transports, or shares with another common carrier in the
transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
standard uniform bill of lading showing the person who
repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the property to a
destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
(5b) a sale or transfer of tangible personal property
which is produced by the seller thereof on special order in
such a way as to have made the applicable tax the Service
Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than the
Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of
such property in Illinois, and which transports such
property, or shares with another common carrier in the
transportation of such property, out of Illinois on a
standard uniform bill of lading showing the seller of the
property as the shipper or consignor of such property to a
destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
(6) until July 1, 2003, a sale or transfer of
distillation machinery and equipment, sold as a unit or kit
and assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery
and equipment is certified by the user to be used only for
the production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for
consumption as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel
for the personal use of such user and not subject to sale
or resale.
(7) at the election of any serviceman not required to
be otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of
the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal
year sales of service in which the aggregate annual cost
price of tangible personal property transferred as an
incident to the sales of service is less than 35%, or 75%
in the case of servicemen transferring prescription drugs
or servicemen engaged in graphic arts production, of the
aggregate annual total gross receipts from all sales of
service. The purchase of such tangible personal property by
the serviceman shall be subject to tax under the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax Act. However, if a
primary serviceman who has made the election described in
this paragraph subcontracts service work to a secondary
serviceman who has also made the election described in this
paragraph, the primary serviceman does not incur a Use Tax
liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will
pay Use Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible
personal property transferred to the primary serviceman
and (ii) certifies that fact in writing to the primary
Tangible personal property transferred incident to the
completion of a maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax
imposed pursuant to this Act.
Exemption (5) also includes machinery and equipment used in
the general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and
equipment or for in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and
equipment. The machinery and equipment exemption does not
include machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption. For the
purposes of exemption (5), each of these terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) "manufacturing process" shall mean the
production of any article of tangible personal property,
whether such article is a finished product or an article for
use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a different
article of tangible personal property, by procedures commonly
regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
refining which changes some existing material or materials into
a material with a different form, use or name. In relation to a
recognized integrated business composed of a series of
operations which collectively constitute manufacturing, or
individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
manufacturing process shall be deemed to commence with the
first operation or stage of production in the series, and shall
not be deemed to end until the completion of the final product
in the last operation or stage of production in the series; and
further, for purposes of exemption (5), photoprocessing is
deemed to be a manufacturing process of tangible personal
property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) "assembling process"
shall mean the production of any article of tangible personal
property, whether such article is a finished product or an
article for use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a
different article of tangible personal property, by the
combination of existing materials in a manner commonly regarded
as assembling which results in a material of a different form,
use or name; (3) "machinery" shall mean major mechanical
machines or major components of such machines contributing to a
manufacturing or assembling process; and (4) "equipment" shall
include any independent device or tool separate from any
machinery but essential to an integrated manufacturing or
assembly process; including computers used primarily in a
manufacturer's computer assisted design, computer assisted
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or any subunit or assembly
comprising a component of any machinery or auxiliary, adjunct
or attachment parts of machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs,
fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts which require
periodic replacement in the course of normal operation; but
shall not include hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate
change upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
wholesale or retail sale or lease. The purchaser of such
machinery and equipment who has an active resale registration
number shall furnish such number to the seller at the time of
purchase. The user of such machinery and equipment and tools
without an active resale registration number shall prepare a
certificate of exemption for each transaction stating facts
establishing the exemption for that transaction, which
certificate shall be available to the Department for inspection
or audit. The Department shall prescribe the form of the
Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the
Department in response to an inquiry or request for any opinion
from any person regarding the coverage and applicability of
exemption (5) to specific devices shall be published,
maintained as a public record, and made available for public
inspection and copying. If the informal ruling, opinion or
letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
information, where possible the Department shall delete such
information prior to publication. Whenever such informal
rulings, opinions, or letters contain any policy of general
applicability, the Department shall formulate and adopt such
policy as a rule in accordance with the provisions of the
Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible
under exemption (3) of this Section shall make tax free
purchases unless it has an active exemption identification
number issued by the Department.
The purchase, employment and transfer of such tangible
personal property as newsprint and ink for the primary purpose
of conveying news (with or without other information) is not a
purchase, use or sale of service or of tangible personal
property within the meaning of this Act.
"Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the
occupation of making sales of service.
"Sale at retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
"Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible
personal property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an
incident to a sale of service.
"Serviceman maintaining a place of business in this State",
or any like term, means and includes any serviceman:
1. having or maintaining within this State, directly or
by a subsidiary, an office, distribution house, sales
house, warehouse or other place of business, or any agent
or other representative operating within this State under
the authority of the serviceman or its subsidiary,
irrespective of whether such place of business or agent or
other representative is located here permanently or
temporarily, or whether such serviceman or subsidiary is
licensed to do business in this State;
1.1. beginning July 1, 2011, having a contract with a
person located in this State under which the person, for a
commission or other consideration based on the sale of
service by the serviceman, directly or indirectly refers
potential customers to the serviceman by a link on the
person's Internet website. The provisions of this
paragraph 1.1 shall apply only if the cumulative gross
receipts from sales of service by the serviceman to
customers who are referred to the serviceman by all persons
in this State under such contracts exceed $10,000 during
the preceding 4 quarterly periods ending on the last day of
March, June, September, and December;
1.2. beginning July 1, 2011, having a contract with a
person located in this State under which:
A. the serviceman sells the same or substantially
similar line of services as the person located in this
State and does so using an identical or substantially
similar name, trade name, or trademark as the person
located in this State; and
B. the serviceman provides a commission or other
consideration to the person located in this State based
upon the sale of services by the serviceman.
The provisions of this paragraph 1.2 shall apply only if
the cumulative gross receipts from sales of service by the
serviceman to customers in this State under all such
contracts exceed $10,000 during the preceding 4 quarterly
periods ending on the last day of March, June, September,
and December;
2. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by
means of a telecommunication or television shopping system
(which utilizes toll free numbers) which is intended by the
retailer to be broadcast by cable television or other means
of broadcasting, to consumers located in this State;
3. pursuant to a contract with a broadcaster or
publisher located in this State, soliciting orders for
tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
disseminated primarily to consumers located in this State
and only secondarily to bordering jurisdictions;
4. soliciting orders for tangible personal property by
mail if the solicitations are substantial and recurring and
if the retailer benefits from any banking, financing, debt
collection, telecommunication, or marketing activities
occurring in this State or benefits from the location in
this State of authorized installation, servicing, or
repair facilities;
5. being owned or controlled by the same interests
which own or control any retailer engaging in business in
the same or similar line of business in this State;
6. having a franchisee or licensee operating under its
trade name if the franchisee or licensee is required to
collect the tax under this Section;
7. pursuant to a contract with a cable television
operator located in this State, soliciting orders for
tangible personal property by means of advertising which is
transmitted or distributed over a cable television system
in this State; or
8. engaging in activities in Illinois, which
activities in the state in which the supply business
engaging in such activities is located would constitute
maintaining a place of business in that state.
(Source: P.A. 96-1544, eff. 3-10-11.)
(35 ILCS 110/3) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.33)
Sec. 3. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed upon the privilege of
using in this State real or tangible personal property acquired
as an incident to the purchase of a service from a serviceman,
including computer software, and including photographs,
negatives, and positives that are the product of
photoprocessing, but not including products of photoprocessing
produced for use in motion pictures for public commercial
exhibition. Beginning January 1, 2001, prepaid telephone
calling arrangements shall be considered tangible personal
property subject to the tax imposed under this Act regardless
of the form in which those arrangements may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed by any method now known or hereafter
developed. Purchases of (1) electricity delivered to customers
by wire; (2) natural or artificial gas that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; and (3) water
that is delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or
mains are not subject to tax under this Act. The provisions of
this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly are
declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of this
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99; 91-870, eff. 6-22-00.)
(35 ILCS 110/3-25) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.33-25)
Sec. 3-25. Computer software. For the purposes of this Act,
"computer software" means a set of statements, data, or
instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in
order to bring about a certain result in any form in which
those statements, data, or instructions may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed, by any method now known or hereafter
developed, regardless of whether the statements, data, or
instructions are capable of being perceived by or communicated
to humans, and includes prewritten or canned software that is
held for repeated sale or lease, and all associated
documentation and materials, if any, whether contained on
magnetic tapes, discs, cards, or other devices or media, but
does not include software that is adapted to specific
individualized requirements of a purchaser, custom-made and
modified software designed for a particular or limited use by a
purchaser, or software used to operate exempt machinery and
equipment used in the process of manufacturing or assembling
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease. Software used to operate machinery and equipment used in
(i) the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains is considered
"computer software". The provisions of this amendatory Act of
the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to
the meaning and scope of this exemption.
For the purposes of this Act, computer software shall be
considered to be tangible personal property.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99.)
Section 15. The Service Occupation Tax Act is amended by
changing Sections 2, 3, and 3-25 as follows:
(35 ILCS 115/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.102)
Sec. 2. "Transfer" means any transfer of the title to
property or of the ownership of property whether or not the
transferor retains title as security for the payment of amounts
due him from the transferee.
"Cost Price" means the consideration paid by the serviceman
for a purchase valued in money, whether paid in money or
otherwise, including cash, credits and services, and shall be
determined without any deduction on account of the supplier's
cost of the property sold or on account of any other expense
incurred by the supplier. When a serviceman contracts out part
or all of the services required in his sale of service, it
shall be presumed that the cost price to the serviceman of the
property transferred to him by his or her subcontractor is
equal to 50% of the subcontractor's charges to the serviceman
in the absence of proof of the consideration paid by the
subcontractor for the purchase of such property.
"Department" means the Department of Revenue.
"Person" means any natural individual, firm, partnership,
association, joint stock company, joint venture, public or
private corporation, limited liability company, and any
receiver, executor, trustee, guardian or other representative
appointed by order of any court.
"Sale of Service" means any transaction except:
(a) A retail sale of tangible personal property taxable
under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or under the Use Tax
(b) A sale of tangible personal property for the purpose of
resale made in compliance with Section 2c of the Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act.
(c) Except as hereinafter provided, a sale or transfer of
tangible personal property as an incident to the rendering of
service for or by any governmental body or for or by any
corporation, society, association, foundation or institution
organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious
or educational purposes or any not-for-profit corporation,
society, association, foundation, institution or organization
which has no compensated officers or employees and which is
organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons
55 years of age or older. A limited liability company may
qualify for the exemption under this paragraph only if the
limited liability company is organized and operated
exclusively for educational purposes.
(d) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property as an
incident to the rendering of service for interstate carriers
for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate commerce
or lessors under leases of one year or longer, executed or in
effect at the time of purchase, to interstate carriers for hire
for use as rolling stock moving in interstate commerce, and
equipment operated by a telecommunications provider, licensed
as a common carrier by the Federal Communications Commission,
which is permanently installed in or affixed to aircraft moving
in interstate commerce.
(d-1) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property as
an incident to the rendering of service for owners, lessors or
shippers of tangible personal property which is utilized by
interstate carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in
interstate commerce, and equipment operated by a
telecommunications provider, licensed as a common carrier by
the Federal Communications Commission, which is permanently
installed in or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate
(d-1.1) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30,
2004, a sale or transfer of a motor vehicle of the second
division with a gross vehicle weight in excess of 8,000 pounds
as an incident to the rendering of service if that motor
vehicle is subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed
under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning
on July 1, 2004 and through June 30, 2005, the use in this
State of motor vehicles of the second division: (i) with a
gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii)
that are subject to the commercial distribution fee imposed
under Section 3-815.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii)
that are primarily used for commercial purposes. Through June
30, 2005, this exemption applies to repair and replacement
parts added after the initial purchase of such a motor vehicle
if that motor vehicle is used in a manner that would qualify
for the rolling stock exemption otherwise provided for in this
Act. For purposes of this paragraph, "used for commercial
purposes" means the transportation of persons or property in
furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise whether
for-hire or not.
(d-2) The repairing, reconditioning or remodeling, for a
common carrier by rail, of tangible personal property which
belongs to such carrier for hire, and as to which such carrier
receives the physical possession of the repaired,
reconditioned or remodeled item of tangible personal property
in Illinois, and which such carrier transports, or shares with
another common carrier in the transportation of such property,
out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of lading showing
the person who repaired, reconditioned or remodeled the
property as the shipper or consignor of such property to a
destination outside Illinois, for use outside Illinois.
(d-3) A sale or transfer of tangible personal property
which is produced by the seller thereof on special order in
such a way as to have made the applicable tax the Service
Occupation Tax or the Service Use Tax, rather than the
Retailers' Occupation Tax or the Use Tax, for an interstate
carrier by rail which receives the physical possession of such
property in Illinois, and which transports such property, or
shares with another common carrier in the transportation of
such property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of
lading showing the seller of the property as the shipper or
consignor of such property to a destination outside Illinois,
for use outside Illinois.
(d-4) Until January 1, 1997, a sale, by a registered
serviceman paying tax under this Act to the Department, of
special order printed materials delivered outside Illinois and
which are not returned to this State, if delivery is made by
the seller or agent of the seller, including an agent who
causes the product to be delivered outside Illinois by a common
carrier or the U.S. postal service.
(e) A sale or transfer of machinery and equipment used
primarily in the process of the manufacturing or assembling,
either in an existing, an expanded or a new manufacturing
facility, of tangible personal property for wholesale or retail
sale or lease, whether such sale or lease is made directly by
the manufacturer or by some other person, whether the materials
used in the process are owned by the manufacturer or some other
person, or whether such sale or lease is made apart from or as
an incident to the seller's engaging in a service occupation
and the applicable tax is a Service Occupation Tax or Service
Use Tax, rather than Retailers' Occupation Tax or Use Tax. The
exemption provided by this paragraph (e) does not include
machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption.
(f) Until July 1, 2003, the sale or transfer of
distillation machinery and equipment, sold as a unit or kit and
assembled or installed by the retailer, which machinery and
equipment is certified by the user to be used only for the
production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal
use of such user and not subject to sale or resale.
(g) At the election of any serviceman not required to be
otherwise registered as a retailer under Section 2a of the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, made for each fiscal year sales
of service in which the aggregate annual cost price of tangible
personal property transferred as an incident to the sales of
service is less than 35% (75% in the case of servicemen
transferring prescription drugs or servicemen engaged in
graphic arts production) of the aggregate annual total gross
receipts from all sales of service. The purchase of such
tangible personal property by the serviceman shall be subject
to tax under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act and the Use Tax
Act. However, if a primary serviceman who has made the election
described in this paragraph subcontracts service work to a
secondary serviceman who has also made the election described
in this paragraph, the primary serviceman does not incur a Use
Tax liability if the secondary serviceman (i) has paid or will
pay Use Tax on his or her cost price of any tangible personal
property transferred to the primary serviceman and (ii)
certifies that fact in writing to the primary serviceman.
Tangible personal property transferred incident to the
completion of a maintenance agreement is exempt from the tax
imposed pursuant to this Act.
Exemption (e) also includes machinery and equipment used in
the general maintenance or repair of such exempt machinery and
equipment or for in-house manufacture of exempt machinery and
equipment. The machinery and equipment exemption does not
include machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation of
electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation
or treatment of natural or artificial gas for wholesale or
retail sale that is delivered to customers through pipes,
pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption. For the
purposes of exemption (e), each of these terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) "manufacturing process" shall mean the
production of any article of tangible personal property,
whether such article is a finished product or an article for
use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a different
article of tangible personal property, by procedures commonly
regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
refining which changes some existing material or materials into
a material with a different form, use or name. In relation to a
recognized integrated business composed of a series of
operations which collectively constitute manufacturing, or
individually constitute manufacturing operations, the
manufacturing process shall be deemed to commence with the
first operation or stage of production in the series, and shall
not be deemed to end until the completion of the final product
in the last operation or stage of production in the series; and
further for purposes of exemption (e), photoprocessing is
deemed to be a manufacturing process of tangible personal
property for wholesale or retail sale; (2) "assembling process"
shall mean the production of any article of tangible personal
property, whether such article is a finished product or an
article for use in the process of manufacturing or assembling a
different article of tangible personal property, by the
combination of existing materials in a manner commonly regarded
as assembling which results in a material of a different form,
use or name; (3) "machinery" shall mean major mechanical
machines or major components of such machines contributing to a
manufacturing or assembling process; and (4) "equipment" shall
include any independent device or tool separate from any
machinery but essential to an integrated manufacturing or
assembly process; including computers used primarily in a
manufacturer's computer assisted design, computer assisted
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system; or any subunit or assembly
comprising a component of any machinery or auxiliary, adjunct
or attachment parts of machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs,
fixtures, patterns and molds; or any parts which require
periodic replacement in the course of normal operation; but
shall not include hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or
chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate
change upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
wholesale or retail sale or lease. The purchaser of such
machinery and equipment who has an active resale registration
number shall furnish such number to the seller at the time of
purchase. The purchaser of such machinery and equipment and
tools without an active resale registration number shall
furnish to the seller a certificate of exemption for each
transaction stating facts establishing the exemption for that
transaction, which certificate shall be available to the
Department for inspection or audit.
Except as provided in Section 2d of this Act, the rolling
stock exemption applies to rolling stock used by an interstate
carrier for hire, even just between points in Illinois, if such
rolling stock transports, for hire, persons whose journeys or
property whose shipments originate or terminate outside
Any informal rulings, opinions or letters issued by the
Department in response to an inquiry or request for any opinion
from any person regarding the coverage and applicability of
exemption (e) to specific devices shall be published,
maintained as a public record, and made available for public
inspection and copying. If the informal ruling, opinion or
letter contains trade secrets or other confidential
information, where possible the Department shall delete such
information prior to publication. Whenever such informal
rulings, opinions, or letters contain any policy of general
applicability, the Department shall formulate and adopt such
policy as a rule in accordance with the provisions of the
Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
On and after July 1, 1987, no entity otherwise eligible
under exemption (c) of this Section shall make tax free
purchases unless it has an active exemption identification
number issued by the Department.
"Serviceman" means any person who is engaged in the
occupation of making sales of service.
"Sale at Retail" means "sale at retail" as defined in the
Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
"Supplier" means any person who makes sales of tangible
personal property to servicemen for the purpose of resale as an
incident to a sale of service.
(Source: P.A. 92-484, eff. 8-23-01; 93-23, eff. 6-20-03; 93-24,
eff. 6-20-03; 93-1033, eff. 9-3-04.)
(35 ILCS 115/3) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.103)
Sec. 3. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed upon all persons
engaged in the business of making sales of service (referred to
as "servicemen") on all tangible personal property transferred
as an incident of a sale of service, including computer
software, and including photographs, negatives, and positives
that are the product of photoprocessing, but not including
products of photoprocessing produced for use in motion pictures
for public commercial exhibition. Beginning January 1, 2001,
prepaid telephone calling arrangements shall be considered
tangible personal property subject to the tax imposed under
this Act regardless of the form in which those arrangements may
be embodied, transmitted, or fixed by any method now known or
hereafter developed. Sales of (1) electricity delivered to
customers by wire; (2) natural or artificial gas that is
delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; and
(3) water that is delivered to customers through pipes,
pipelines, or mains are not subject to tax under this Act. The
provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly
are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of
this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99; 91-870, eff. 6-22-00.)
(35 ILCS 115/3-25) (from Ch. 120, par. 439.103-25)
Sec. 3-25. Computer software. For the purposes of this Act,
"computer software" means a set of statements, data, or
instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in
order to bring about a certain result in any form in which
those statements, data, or instructions may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed, by any method now known or hereafter
developed, regardless of whether the statements, data, or
instructions are capable of being perceived by or communicated
to humans, and includes prewritten or canned software that is
held for repeated sale or lease, and all associated
documentation and materials, if any, whether contained on
magnetic tapes, discs, cards, or other devices or media, but
does not include software that is adapted to specific
individualized requirements of a purchaser, custom-made and
modified software designed for a particular or limited use by a
purchaser, or software used to operate exempt machinery and
equipment used in the process of manufacturing or assembling
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease. Software used to operate machinery and equipment used in
(i) the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains is considered
"computer software". The provisions of this amendatory Act of
the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to
the meaning and scope of this exemption.
For the purposes of this Act, computer software shall be
considered to be tangible personal property.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99.)
Section 20. The Retailers' Occupation Tax Act is amended by
changing Sections 1d, 2, 2-5, 2-25, 2-45, and 2a as follows:
(35 ILCS 120/1d) (from Ch. 120, par. 440d)
Sec. 1d. Subject to the provisions of Section 1f, all
tangible personal property to be used or consumed within an
enterprise zone established pursuant to the "Illinois
Enterprise Zone Act", as amended, or subject to the provisions
of Section 5.5 of the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, all
tangible personal property to be used or consumed by any High
Impact Business, in the process of the manufacturing or
assembly of tangible personal property for wholesale or retail
sale or lease or in the process of graphic arts production if
used or consumed at a facility which is a Department of
Commerce and Economic Opportunity certified business and
located in a county of more than 4,000 persons and less than
45,000 persons is exempt from the tax imposed by this Act. This
exemption includes repair and replacement parts for machinery
and equipment used primarily in the process of manufacturing or
assembling tangible personal property or in the process of
graphic arts production if used or consumed at a facility which
is a Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity certified
business and located in a county of more than 4,000 persons and
less than 45,000 persons for wholesale or retail sale, or
lease, and equipment, manufacturing or graphic arts fuels,
material and supplies for the maintenance, repair or operation
of such manufacturing or assembling or graphic arts machinery
or equipment. The exemption provided in this Section for
tangible personal property to be used or consumed in the
process of manufacturing or assembly of tangible personal
property for wholesale or retail sale or lease, and the repair
and replacement parts for that machinery and equipment, does
not apply to such property used or consumed in (i) the
generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii)
the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption.
(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
(35 ILCS 120/2) (from Ch. 120, par. 441)
Sec. 2. Tax imposed. A tax is imposed upon persons engaged
in the business of selling at retail tangible personal
property, including computer software, and including
photographs, negatives, and positives that are the product of
photoprocessing, but not including products of photoprocessing
produced for use in motion pictures for public commercial
exhibition. Beginning January 1, 2001, prepaid telephone
calling arrangements shall be considered tangible personal
property subject to the tax imposed under this Act regardless
of the form in which those arrangements may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed by any method now known or hereafter
developed. Sales of (1) electricity delivered to customers by
wire; (2) natural or artificial gas that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; and (3) water
that is delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or
mains are not subject to tax under this Act. The provisions of
this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly are
declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and scope of this
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99; 91-870, eff. 6-22-00.)
(35 ILCS 120/2-5)
Sec. 2-5. Exemptions. Gross receipts from proceeds from the
sale of the following tangible personal property are exempt
from the tax imposed by this Act:
(1) Farm chemicals.
(2) Farm machinery and equipment, both new and used,
including that manufactured on special order, certified by the
purchaser to be used primarily for production agriculture or
State or federal agricultural programs, including individual
replacement parts for the machinery and equipment, including
machinery and equipment purchased for lease, and including
implements of husbandry defined in Section 1-130 of the
Illinois Vehicle Code, farm machinery and agricultural
chemical and fertilizer spreaders, and nurse wagons required to
be registered under Section 3-809 of the Illinois Vehicle Code,
but excluding other motor vehicles required to be registered
under the Illinois Vehicle Code. Horticultural polyhouses or
hoop houses used for propagating, growing, or overwintering
plants shall be considered farm machinery and equipment under
this item (2). Agricultural chemical tender tanks and dry boxes
shall include units sold separately from a motor vehicle
required to be licensed and units sold mounted on a motor
vehicle required to be licensed, if the selling price of the
tender is separately stated.
Farm machinery and equipment shall include precision
farming equipment that is installed or purchased to be
installed on farm machinery and equipment including, but not
limited to, tractors, harvesters, sprayers, planters, seeders,
or spreaders. Precision farming equipment includes, but is not
limited to, soil testing sensors, computers, monitors,
software, global positioning and mapping systems, and other
such equipment.
Farm machinery and equipment also includes computers,
sensors, software, and related equipment used primarily in the
computer-assisted operation of production agriculture
facilities, equipment, and activities such as, but not limited
to, the collection, monitoring, and correlation of animal and
crop data for the purpose of formulating animal diets and
agricultural chemicals. This item (2) is exempt from the
provisions of Section 2-70.
(3) Until July 1, 2003, distillation machinery and
equipment, sold as a unit or kit, assembled or installed by the
retailer, certified by the user to be used only for the
production of ethyl alcohol that will be used for consumption
as motor fuel or as a component of motor fuel for the personal
use of the user, and not subject to sale or resale.
(4) Until July 1, 2003 and beginning again September 1,
2004 through August 30, 2014, graphic arts machinery and
equipment, including repair and replacement parts, both new and
used, and including that manufactured on special order or
purchased for lease, certified by the purchaser to be used
primarily for graphic arts production. Equipment includes
chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts but only if the
chemicals or chemicals acting as catalysts effect a direct and
immediate change upon a graphic arts product.
(5) A motor vehicle of the first division, a motor vehicle
of the second division that is a self contained motor vehicle
designed or permanently converted to provide living quarters
for recreational, camping, or travel use, with direct walk
through access to the living quarters from the driver's seat,
or a motor vehicle of the second division that is of the van
configuration designed for the transportation of not less than
7 nor more than 16 passengers, as defined in Section 1-146 of
the Illinois Vehicle Code, that is used for automobile renting,
as defined in the Automobile Renting Occupation and Use Tax
Act. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section
(6) Personal property sold by a teacher-sponsored student
organization affiliated with an elementary or secondary school
located in Illinois.
(7) Until July 1, 2003, proceeds of that portion of the
selling price of a passenger car the sale of which is subject
to the Replacement Vehicle Tax.
(8) Personal property sold to an Illinois county fair
association for use in conducting, operating, or promoting the
county fair.
(9) Personal property sold to a not-for-profit arts or
cultural organization that establishes, by proof required by
the Department by rule, that it has received an exemption under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is
organized and operated primarily for the presentation or
support of arts or cultural programming, activities, or
services. These organizations include, but are not limited to,
music and dramatic arts organizations such as symphony
orchestras and theatrical groups, arts and cultural service
organizations, local arts councils, visual arts organizations,
and media arts organizations. On and after the effective date
of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly, however,
an entity otherwise eligible for this exemption shall not make
tax-free purchases unless it has an active identification
number issued by the Department.
(10) Personal property sold by a corporation, society,
association, foundation, institution, or organization, other
than a limited liability company, that is organized and
operated as a not-for-profit service enterprise for the benefit
of persons 65 years of age or older if the personal property
was not purchased by the enterprise for the purpose of resale
by the enterprise.
(11) Personal property sold to a governmental body, to a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or institution
organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious,
or educational purposes, or to a not-for-profit corporation,
society, association, foundation, institution, or organization
that has no compensated officers or employees and that is
organized and operated primarily for the recreation of persons
55 years of age or older. A limited liability company may
qualify for the exemption under this paragraph only if the
limited liability company is organized and operated
exclusively for educational purposes. On and after July 1,
1987, however, no entity otherwise eligible for this exemption
shall make tax-free purchases unless it has an active
identification number issued by the Department.
(12) Tangible personal property sold to interstate
carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
commerce or to lessors under leases of one year or longer
executed or in effect at the time of purchase by interstate
carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
commerce and equipment operated by a telecommunications
provider, licensed as a common carrier by the Federal
Communications Commission, which is permanently installed in
or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
(12-5) On and after July 1, 2003 and through June 30, 2004,
motor vehicles of the second division with a gross vehicle
weight in excess of 8,000 pounds that are subject to the
commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of
the Illinois Vehicle Code. Beginning on July 1, 2004 and
through June 30, 2005, the use in this State of motor vehicles
of the second division: (i) with a gross vehicle weight rating
in excess of 8,000 pounds; (ii) that are subject to the
commercial distribution fee imposed under Section 3-815.1 of
the Illinois Vehicle Code; and (iii) that are primarily used
for commercial purposes. Through June 30, 2005, this exemption
applies to repair and replacement parts added after the initial
purchase of such a motor vehicle if that motor vehicle is used
in a manner that would qualify for the rolling stock exemption
otherwise provided for in this Act. For purposes of this
paragraph, "used for commercial purposes" means the
transportation of persons or property in furtherance of any
commercial or industrial enterprise whether for-hire or not.
(13) Proceeds from sales to owners, lessors, or shippers of
tangible personal property that is utilized by interstate
carriers for hire for use as rolling stock moving in interstate
commerce and equipment operated by a telecommunications
provider, licensed as a common carrier by the Federal
Communications Commission, which is permanently installed in
or affixed to aircraft moving in interstate commerce.
(14) Machinery and equipment that will be used by the
purchaser, or a lessee of the purchaser, primarily in the
process of manufacturing or assembling tangible personal
property for wholesale or retail sale or lease, whether the
sale or lease is made directly by the manufacturer or by some
other person, whether the materials used in the process are
owned by the manufacturer or some other person, or whether the
sale or lease is made apart from or as an incident to the
seller's engaging in the service occupation of producing
machines, tools, dies, jigs, patterns, gauges, or other similar
items of no commercial value on special order for a particular
purchaser. The exemption provided by this paragraph (14) does
not include machinery and equipment used in (i) the generation
of electricity for wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the
generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of water for
wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers through
pipes, pipelines, or mains. The provisions of this amendatory
Act of the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing
law as to the meaning and scope of this exemption.
(15) Proceeds of mandatory service charges separately
stated on customers' bills for purchase and consumption of food
and beverages, to the extent that the proceeds of the service
charge are in fact turned over as tips or as a substitute for
tips to the employees who participate directly in preparing,
serving, hosting or cleaning up the food or beverage function
with respect to which the service charge is imposed.
(16) Petroleum products sold to a purchaser if the seller
is prohibited by federal law from charging tax to the
(17) Tangible personal property sold to a common carrier by
rail or motor that receives the physical possession of the
property in Illinois and that transports the property, or
shares with another common carrier in the transportation of the
property, out of Illinois on a standard uniform bill of lading
showing the seller of the property as the shipper or consignor
of the property to a destination outside Illinois, for use
outside Illinois.
(18) Legal tender, currency, medallions, or gold or silver
coinage issued by the State of Illinois, the government of the
United States of America, or the government of any foreign
country, and bullion.
(19) Until July 1 2003, oil field exploration, drilling,
and production equipment, including (i) rigs and parts of rigs,
rotary rigs, cable tool rigs, and workover rigs, (ii) pipe and
tubular goods, including casing and drill strings, (iii) pumps
and pump-jack units, (iv) storage tanks and flow lines, (v) any
individual replacement part for oil field exploration,
drilling, and production equipment, and (vi) machinery and
equipment purchased for lease; but excluding motor vehicles
required to be registered under the Illinois Vehicle Code.
(20) Photoprocessing machinery and equipment, including
repair and replacement parts, both new and used, including that
manufactured on special order, certified by the purchaser to be
used primarily for photoprocessing, and including
photoprocessing machinery and equipment purchased for lease.
(21) Until July 1, 2003, and beginning again on the
effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General
Assembly and thereafter, coal and aggregate exploration,
mining, offhighway hauling, processing, maintenance, and
reclamation equipment, including replacement parts and
equipment, and including equipment purchased for lease, but
excluding motor vehicles required to be registered under the
Illinois Vehicle Code.
(22) Fuel and petroleum products sold to or used by an air
carrier, certified by the carrier to be used for consumption,
shipment, or storage in the conduct of its business as an air
common carrier, for a flight destined for or returning from a
location or locations outside the United States without regard
to previous or subsequent domestic stopovers.
(23) A transaction in which the purchase order is received
by a florist who is located outside Illinois, but who has a
florist located in Illinois deliver the property to the
purchaser or the purchaser's donee in Illinois.
(24) Fuel consumed or used in the operation of ships,
barges, or vessels that are used primarily in or for the
transportation of property or the conveyance of persons for
hire on rivers bordering on this State if the fuel is delivered
by the seller to the purchaser's barge, ship, or vessel while
it is afloat upon that bordering river.
(25) Except as provided in item (25-5) of this Section, a
motor vehicle sold in this State to a nonresident even though
the motor vehicle is delivered to the nonresident in this
State, if the motor vehicle is not to be titled in this State,
and if a drive-away permit is issued to the motor vehicle as
provided in Section 3-603 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or if
the nonresident purchaser has vehicle registration plates to
transfer to the motor vehicle upon returning to his or her home
state. The issuance of the drive-away permit or having the
out-of-state registration plates to be transferred is prima
facie evidence that the motor vehicle will not be titled in
this State.
(25-5) The exemption under item (25) does not apply if the
state in which the motor vehicle will be titled does not allow
a reciprocal exemption for a motor vehicle sold and delivered
in that state to an Illinois resident but titled in Illinois.
The tax collected under this Act on the sale of a motor vehicle
in this State to a resident of another state that does not
allow a reciprocal exemption shall be imposed at a rate equal
to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in the state in
which the purchaser is a resident, except that the tax shall
not exceed the tax that would otherwise be imposed under this
Act. At the time of the sale, the purchaser shall execute a
statement, signed under penalty of perjury, of his or her
intent to title the vehicle in the state in which the purchaser
is a resident within 30 days after the sale and of the fact of
the payment to the State of Illinois of tax in an amount
equivalent to the state's rate of tax on taxable property in
his or her state of residence and shall submit the statement to
the appropriate tax collection agency in his or her state of
residence. In addition, the retailer must retain a signed copy
of the statement in his or her records. Nothing in this item
shall be construed to require the removal of the vehicle from
this state following the filing of an intent to title the
vehicle in the purchaser's state of residence if the purchaser
titles the vehicle in his or her state of residence within 30
days after the date of sale. The tax collected under this Act
in accordance with this item (25-5) shall be proportionately
distributed as if the tax were collected at the 6.25% general
rate imposed under this Act.
(25-7) Beginning on July 1, 2007, no tax is imposed under
this Act on the sale of an aircraft, as defined in Section 3 of
the Illinois Aeronautics Act, if all of the following
conditions are met:
(1) the aircraft leaves this State within 15 days after
the later of either the issuance of the final billing for
the sale of the aircraft, or the authorized approval for
return to service, completion of the maintenance record
entry, and completion of the test flight and ground test
for inspection, as required by 14 C.F.R. 91.407;
(2) the aircraft is not based or registered in this
State after the sale of the aircraft; and
(3) the seller retains in his or her books and records
and provides to the Department a signed and dated
certification from the purchaser, on a form prescribed by
the Department, certifying that the requirements of this
item (25-7) are met. The certificate must also include the
name and address of the purchaser, the address of the
location where the aircraft is to be titled or registered,
the address of the primary physical location of the
aircraft, and other information that the Department may
reasonably require.
For purposes of this item (25-7):
"Based in this State" means hangared, stored, or otherwise
used, excluding post-sale customizations as defined in this
Section, for 10 or more days in each 12-month period
immediately following the date of the sale of the aircraft.
"Registered in this State" means an aircraft registered
with the Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division,
or titled or registered with the Federal Aviation
Administration to an address located in this State.
This paragraph (25-7) is exempt from the provisions of
Section 2-70.
(26) Semen used for artificial insemination of livestock
for direct agricultural production.
(27) Horses, or interests in horses, registered with and
meeting the requirements of any of the Arabian Horse Club
Registry of America, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Quarter
Horse Association, United States Trotting Association, or
Jockey Club, as appropriate, used for purposes of breeding or
racing for prizes. This item (27) is exempt from the provisions
of Section 2-70, and the exemption provided for under this item
(27) applies for all periods beginning May 30, 1995, but no
claim for credit or refund is allowed on or after January 1,
2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88) for such taxes
paid during the period beginning May 30, 2000 and ending on
January 1, 2008 (the effective date of Public Act 95-88).
(28) Computers and communications equipment utilized for
any hospital purpose and equipment used in the diagnosis,
analysis, or treatment of hospital patients sold to a lessor
who leases the equipment, under a lease of one year or longer
executed or in effect at the time of the purchase, to a
hospital that has been issued an active tax exemption
identification number by the Department under Section 1g of
this Act.
(29) Personal property sold to a lessor who leases the
property, under a lease of one year or longer executed or in
effect at the time of the purchase, to a governmental body that
has been issued an active tax exemption identification number
by the Department under Section 1g of this Act.
(30) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after
December 31, 1995 and ending with taxable years ending on or
before December 31, 2004, personal property that is donated for
disaster relief to be used in a State or federally declared
disaster area in Illinois or bordering Illinois by a
manufacturer or retailer that is registered in this State to a
corporation, society, association, foundation, or institution
that has been issued a sales tax exemption identification
number by the Department that assists victims of the disaster
who reside within the declared disaster area.
(31) Beginning with taxable years ending on or after
December 31, 1995 and ending with taxable years ending on or
before December 31, 2004, personal property that is used in the
performance of infrastructure repairs in this State, including
but not limited to municipal roads and streets, access roads,
bridges, sidewalks, waste disposal systems, water and sewer
line extensions, water distribution and purification
facilities, storm water drainage and retention facilities, and
sewage treatment facilities, resulting from a State or
federally declared disaster in Illinois or bordering Illinois
when such repairs are initiated on facilities located in the
declared disaster area within 6 months after the disaster.
(32) Beginning July 1, 1999, game or game birds sold at a
"game breeding and hunting preserve area" as that term is used
in the Wildlife Code. This paragraph is exempt from the
provisions of Section 2-70.
(33) A motor vehicle, as that term is defined in Section
1-146 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, that is donated to a
corporation, limited liability company, society, association,
foundation, or institution that is determined by the Department
to be organized and operated exclusively for educational
purposes. For purposes of this exemption, "a corporation,
limited liability company, society, association, foundation,
or institution organized and operated exclusively for
educational purposes" means all tax-supported public schools,
private schools that offer systematic instruction in useful
branches of learning by methods common to public schools and
that compare favorably in their scope and intensity with the
course of study presented in tax-supported schools, and
vocational or technical schools or institutes organized and
operated exclusively to provide a course of study of not less
than 6 weeks duration and designed to prepare individuals to
follow a trade or to pursue a manual, technical, mechanical,
industrial, business, or commercial occupation.
(34) Beginning January 1, 2000, personal property,
including food, purchased through fundraising events for the
benefit of a public or private elementary or secondary school,
a group of those schools, or one or more school districts if
the events are sponsored by an entity recognized by the school
district that consists primarily of volunteers and includes
parents and teachers of the school children. This paragraph
does not apply to fundraising events (i) for the benefit of
private home instruction or (ii) for which the fundraising
entity purchases the personal property sold at the events from
another individual or entity that sold the property for the
purpose of resale by the fundraising entity and that profits
from the sale to the fundraising entity. This paragraph is
exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
(35) Beginning January 1, 2000 and through December 31,
2001, new or used automatic vending machines that prepare and
serve hot food and beverages, including coffee, soup, and other
items, and replacement parts for these machines. Beginning
January 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2003, machines and parts
for machines used in commercial, coin-operated amusement and
vending business if a use or occupation tax is paid on the
gross receipts derived from the use of the commercial,
coin-operated amusement and vending machines. This paragraph
is exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
(35-5) Beginning August 23, 2001 and through June 30, 2016,
food for human consumption that is to be consumed off the
premises where it is sold (other than alcoholic beverages, soft
drinks, and food that has been prepared for immediate
consumption) and prescription and nonprescription medicines,
drugs, medical appliances, and insulin, urine testing
materials, syringes, and needles used by diabetics, for human
use, when purchased for use by a person receiving medical
assistance under Article V of the Illinois Public Aid Code who
resides in a licensed long-term care facility, as defined in
the Nursing Home Care Act, or a licensed facility as defined in
the ID/DD Community Care Act or the Specialized Mental Health
Rehabilitation Act.
(36) Beginning August 2, 2001, computers and
communications equipment utilized for any hospital purpose and
equipment used in the diagnosis, analysis, or treatment of
hospital patients sold to a lessor who leases the equipment,
under a lease of one year or longer executed or in effect at
the time of the purchase, to a hospital that has been issued an
active tax exemption identification number by the Department
under Section 1g of this Act. This paragraph is exempt from the
provisions of Section 2-70.
(37) Beginning August 2, 2001, personal property sold to a
lessor who leases the property, under a lease of one year or
longer executed or in effect at the time of the purchase, to a
governmental body that has been issued an active tax exemption
identification number by the Department under Section 1g of
this Act. This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of
Section 2-70.
(38) Beginning on January 1, 2002 and through June 30,
2016, tangible personal property purchased from an Illinois
retailer by a taxpayer engaged in centralized purchasing
activities in Illinois who will, upon receipt of the property
in Illinois, temporarily store the property in Illinois (i) for
the purpose of subsequently transporting it outside this State
for use or consumption thereafter solely outside this State or
(ii) for the purpose of being processed, fabricated, or
manufactured into, attached to, or incorporated into other
tangible personal property to be transported outside this State
and thereafter used or consumed solely outside this State. The
Director of Revenue shall, pursuant to rules adopted in
accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act,
issue a permit to any taxpayer in good standing with the
Department who is eligible for the exemption under this
paragraph (38). The permit issued under this paragraph (38)
shall authorize the holder, to the extent and in the manner
specified in the rules adopted under this Act, to purchase
tangible personal property from a retailer exempt from the
taxes imposed by this Act. Taxpayers shall maintain all
necessary books and records to substantiate the use and
consumption of all such tangible personal property outside of
the State of Illinois.
(39) Beginning January 1, 2008, tangible personal property
used in the construction or maintenance of a community water
supply, as defined under Section 3.145 of the Environmental
Protection Act, that is operated by a not-for-profit
corporation that holds a valid water supply permit issued under
Title IV of the Environmental Protection Act. This paragraph is
exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
(40) Beginning January 1, 2010, materials, parts,
equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or
upon an aircraft as part of the modification, refurbishment,
completion, replacement, repair, or maintenance of the
aircraft. This exemption includes consumable supplies used in
the modification, refurbishment, completion, replacement,
repair, and maintenance of aircraft, but excludes any
materials, parts, equipment, components, and consumable
supplies used in the modification, replacement, repair, and
maintenance of aircraft engines or power plants, whether such
engines or power plants are installed or uninstalled upon any
such aircraft. "Consumable supplies" include, but are not
limited to, adhesive, tape, sandpaper, general purpose
lubricants, cleaning solution, latex gloves, and protective
films. This exemption applies only to those organizations that
(i) hold an Air Agency Certificate and are empowered to operate
an approved repair station by the Federal Aviation
Administration, (ii) have a Class IV Rating, and (iii) conduct
operations in accordance with Part 145 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations. The exemption does not include aircraft operated
by a commercial air carrier providing scheduled passenger air
service pursuant to authority issued under Part 121 or Part 129
of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
(41) Tangible personal property sold to a
public-facilities corporation, as described in Section
11-65-10 of the Illinois Municipal Code, for purposes of
constructing or furnishing a municipal convention hall, but
only if the legal title to the municipal convention hall is
transferred to the municipality without any further
consideration by or on behalf of the municipality at the time
of the completion of the municipal convention hall or upon the
retirement or redemption of any bonds or other debt instruments
issued by the public-facilities corporation in connection with
the development of the municipal convention hall. This
exemption includes existing public-facilities corporations as
provided in Section 11-65-25 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
This paragraph is exempt from the provisions of Section 2-70.
(Source: P.A. 96-116, eff. 7-31-09; 96-339, eff. 7-1-10;
96-532, eff. 8-14-09; 96-759, eff. 1-1-10; 96-1000, eff.
7-2-10; 97-38, eff. 6-28-11; 97-73, eff. 6-30-11; 97-227, eff.
1-1-12; 97-431, eff. 8-16-11; 97-636, eff. 6-1-12; 97-767, eff.
(35 ILCS 120/2-25) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-25)
Sec. 2-25. Computer software. For the purposes of this Act,
"computer software" means a set of statements, data, or
instructions to be used directly or indirectly in a computer in
order to bring about a certain result in any form in which
those statements, data, or instructions may be embodied,
transmitted, or fixed, by any method now known or hereafter
developed, regardless of whether the statements, data, or
instructions are capable of being perceived by or communicated
to humans, and includes prewritten or canned software that is
held for repeated sale or lease, and all associated
documentation and materials, if any, whether contained on
magnetic tapes, discs, cards, or other devices or media, but
does not include software that is adapted to specific
individualized requirements of a purchaser, custom-made and
modified software designed for a particular or limited use by a
purchaser, or software used to operate exempt machinery and
equipment used in the process of manufacturing or assembling
tangible personal property for wholesale or retail sale or
lease. Software used to operate machinery and equipment used in
(i) the generation of electricity for wholesale or retail sale;
(ii) the generation or treatment of natural or artificial gas
for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to customers
through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or (iii) the treatment of
water for wholesale or retail sale that is delivered to
customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains is considered
"computer software". The provisions of this amendatory Act of
the 98th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to
the meaning and scope of this exemption.
For the purposes of this Act, computer software shall be
considered to be tangible personal property.
(Source: P.A. 91-51, eff. 6-30-99.)
(35 ILCS 120/2-45) (from Ch. 120, par. 441-45)
Sec. 2-45. Manufacturing and assembly exemption. The
manufacturing and assembly machinery and equipment exemption
includes machinery and equipment that replaces machinery and
equipment in an existing manufacturing facility as well as
machinery and equipment that are for use in an expanded or new
manufacturing facility.
The machinery and equipment exemption also includes
machinery and equipment used in the general maintenance or
repair of exempt machinery and equipment or for in-house
manufacture of exempt machinery and equipment. The machinery
and equipment exemption does not include machinery and
equipment used in (i) the generation of electricity for
wholesale or retail sale; (ii) the generation or treatment of
natural or artificial gas for wholesale or retail sale that is
delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains; or
(iii) the treatment of water for wholesale or retail sale that
is delivered to customers through pipes, pipelines, or mains.
The provisions of this amendatory Act of the 98th General
Assembly are declaratory of existing law as to the meaning and
scope of this exemption. For the purposes of this exemption,
terms have the following meanings:
(1) "Manufacturing process" means the production of an
article of tangible personal property, whether the article
is a finished product or an article for use in the process
of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
tangible personal property, by a procedure commonly
regarded as manufacturing, processing, fabricating, or
refining that changes some existing material or materials
into a material with a different form, use, or name. In
relation to a recognized integrated business composed of a
series of operations that collectively constitute
manufacturing, or individually constitute manufacturing
operations, the manufacturing process commences with the
first operation or stage of production in the series and
does not end until the completion of the final product in
the last operation or stage of production in the series.
For purposes of this exemption, photoprocessing is a
manufacturing process of tangible personal property for
wholesale or retail sale.
(2) "Assembling process" means the production of an
article of tangible personal property, whether the article
is a finished product or an article for use in the process
of manufacturing or assembling a different article of
tangible personal property, by the combination of existing
materials in a manner commonly regarded as assembling that
results in a material of a different form, use, or name.
(3) "Machinery" means major mechanical machines or
major components of those machines contributing to a
manufacturing or assembling process.
(4) "Equipment" includes an independent device or tool
separate from machinery but essential to an integrated
manufacturing or assembly process; including computers
used primarily in a manufacturer's computer assisted
design, computer assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system;
any subunit or assembly comprising a component of any
machinery or auxiliary, adjunct, or attachment parts of
machinery, such as tools, dies, jigs, fixtures, patterns,
and molds; and any parts that require periodic replacement
in the course of normal operation; but does not include
hand tools. Equipment includes chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts but only if the chemicals or chemicals
acting as catalysts effect a direct and immediate change
upon a product being manufactured or assembled for
wholesale or retail sale or lease.
(5) "Production related tangible personal property"
means all tangible personal property that is used or
consumed by the purchaser in a manufacturing facility in
which a manufacturing process takes place and includes,
without limitation, tangible personal property that is
purchased for incorporation into real estate within a
manufacturing facility and tangible personal property that
is used or consumed in activities such as research and
development, preproduction material handling, receiving,
quality control, inventory control, storage, staging, and
packaging for shipping and transportation purposes.
"Production related tangible personal property" does not
include (i) tangible personal property that is used, within
or without a manufacturing facility, in sales, purchasing,
accounting, fiscal management, marketing, personnel
recruitment or selection, or landscaping or (ii) tangible
personal property that is required to be titled or
registered with a department, agency, or unit of federal,
State, or local government.
The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
exemption includes production related tangible personal
property that is purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or
before June 30, 2008. The exemption for production related
tangible personal property is subject to both of the following
(1) The maximum amount of the exemption for any one
taxpayer may not exceed 5% of the purchase price of
production related tangible personal property that is
purchased on or after July 1, 2007 and on or before June
30, 2008. A credit under Section 3-85 of this Act may not
be earned by the purchase of production related tangible
personal property for which an exemption is received under
this Section.
(2) The maximum aggregate amount of the exemptions for
production related tangible personal property awarded
under this Act and the Use Tax Act to all taxpayers may not
exceed $10,000,000. If the claims for the exemption exceed
$10,000,000, then the Department shall reduce the amount of
the exemption to each taxpayer on a pro rata basis.
The Department may adopt rules to implement and administer the
exemption for production related tangible personal property.
The manufacturing and assembling machinery and equipment
exemption includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
produces exempted types of machinery, equipment, or tools and
who rents or leases that machinery, equipment, or tools to a
manufacturer of tangible personal property. This exemption
also includes the sale of materials to a purchaser who
manufactures those materials into an exempted type of
machinery, equipment, or tools that the purchaser uses himself
or herself in the manufacturing of tangible personal property.
The purchaser of the machinery and equipment who has an active
resale registration number shall furnish that number to the
seller at the time of purchase. A purchaser of the machinery,
equipment, and tools without an active resale registration
number shall furnish to the seller a certificate of exemption
for each transaction stating facts establishing the exemption
for that transaction, and that certificate shall be available
to the Department for inspection or audit. Informal rulings,
opinions, or letters issued by the Department in response to an
inquiry or request for an opinion from any person regarding the
coverage and applicability of this exemption to specific
devices shall be published, maintained as a public record, and
made available for public inspection and copying. If the
informal ruling, opinion, or letter contains trade secrets or
other confidential information, where possible, the Department
shall delete that information before publication. Whenever
informal rulings, opinions, or letters contain a policy of
general applicability, the Department shall formulate and
adopt that policy as a rule in accordance with the Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act.
(Source: P.A. 95-707, eff. 1-11-08; 96-328, eff. 8-11-09.)
(35 ILCS 120/2a) (from Ch. 120, par. 441a)
Sec. 2a. It is unlawful for any person to engage in the
business of selling tangible personal property at retail in
this State without a certificate of registration from the
Department. Application for a certificate of registration
shall be made to the Department upon forms furnished by it.
Each such application shall be signed and verified and shall
state: (1) the name and social security number of the
applicant; (2) the address of his principal place of business;
(3) the address of the principal place of business from which
he engages in the business of selling tangible personal
property at retail in this State and the addresses of all other
places of business, if any (enumerating such addresses, if any,
in a separate list attached to and made a part of the
application), from which he engages in the business of selling
tangible personal property at retail in this State; (4) the
name and address of the person or persons who will be
responsible for filing returns and payment of taxes due under
this Act; (5) in the case of a publicly traded corporation, the
name and title of the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating
Officer, and any other officer or employee with responsibility
for preparing tax returns under this Act, along with the last 4
digits of each of their social security numbers, and in the
case of all other corporations a corporation, the name, title,
and social security number of each corporate officer; (6) in
the case of a limited liability company, the name, social
security number, and FEIN number of each manager and member;
and (7) such other information as the Department may reasonably
require. The application shall contain an acceptance of
responsibility signed by the person or persons who will be
responsible for filing returns and payment of the taxes due
under this Act. If the applicant will sell tangible personal
property at retail through vending machines, his application to
register shall indicate the number of vending machines to be so
operated. If requested by the Department at any time, that
person shall verify the total number of vending machines he or
she uses in his or her business of selling tangible personal
property at retail.
The Department may deny a certificate of registration to
any applicant if the owner, any partner, any manager or member
of a limited liability company, or a corporate officer of the
applicant, is or has been the owner, a partner, a manager or
member of a limited liability company, or a corporate officer,
of another retailer that is in default for moneys due under
this Act.
The Department may require an applicant for a certificate
of registration hereunder to, at the time of filing such
application, furnish a bond from a surety company authorized to
do business in the State of Illinois, or an irrevocable bank
letter of credit or a bond signed by 2 personal sureties who
have filed, with the Department, sworn statements disclosing
net assets equal to at least 3 times the amount of the bond to
be required of such applicant, or a bond secured by an
assignment of a bank account or certificate of deposit, stocks
or bonds, conditioned upon the applicant paying to the State of
Illinois all moneys becoming due under this Act and under any
other State tax law or municipal or county tax ordinance or
resolution under which the certificate of registration that is
issued to the applicant under this Act will permit the
applicant to engage in business without registering separately
under such other law, ordinance or resolution. In making a
determination as to whether to require a bond or other
security, the Department shall take into consideration whether
the owner, any partner, any manager or member of a limited
liability company, or a corporate officer of the applicant is
or has been the owner, a partner, a manager or member of a
limited liability company, or a corporate officer of another
retailer that is in default for moneys due under this Act or
any other tax or fee Act administered by the Department; and
whether the owner, any partner, any manager or member of a
limited liability company, or a corporate officer of the
applicant is or has been the owner, a partner, a manager or
member of a limited liability company, or a corporate officer
of another retailer whose certificate of registration has been
revoked within the previous 5 years under this Act or any other
tax or fee Act administered by the Department. If a bond or
other security is required, the Department shall fix the amount
of the bond or other security, taking into consideration the
amount of money expected to become due from the applicant under
this Act and under any other State tax law or municipal or
county tax ordinance or resolution under which the certificate
of registration that is issued to the applicant under this Act
will permit the applicant to engage in business without
registering separately under such other law, ordinance, or
resolution. The amount of security required by the Department
shall be such as, in its opinion, will protect the State of
Illinois against failure to pay the amount which may become due
from the applicant under this Act and under any other State tax
law or municipal or county tax ordinance or resolution under
which the certificate of registration that is issued to the
applicant under this Act will permit the applicant to engage in
business without registering separately under such other law,
ordinance or resolution, but the amount of the security
required by the Department shall not exceed three times the
amount of the applicant's average monthly tax liability, or
$50,000.00, whichever amount is lower.
No certificate of registration under this Act shall be
issued by the Department until the applicant provides the
Department with satisfactory security, if required, as herein
provided for.
Upon receipt of the application for certificate of
registration in proper form, and upon approval by the
Department of the security furnished by the applicant, if
required, the Department shall issue to such applicant a
certificate of registration which shall permit the person to
whom it is issued to engage in the business of selling tangible
personal property at retail in this State. The certificate of
registration shall be conspicuously displayed at the place of
business which the person so registered states in his
application to be the principal place of business from which he
engages in the business of selling tangible personal property
at retail in this State.
No certificate of registration issued to a taxpayer who
files returns required by this Act on a monthly basis shall be
valid after the expiration of 5 years from the date of its
issuance or last renewal. The expiration date of a
sub-certificate of registration shall be that of the
certificate of registration to which the sub-certificate
relates. A certificate of registration shall automatically be
renewed, subject to revocation as provided by this Act, for an
additional 5 years from the date of its expiration unless
otherwise notified by the Department as provided by this
paragraph. Where a taxpayer to whom a certificate of
registration is issued under this Act is in default to the
State of Illinois for delinquent returns or for moneys due
under this Act or any other State tax law or municipal or
county ordinance administered or enforced by the Department,
the Department shall, not less than 120 days before the
expiration date of such certificate of registration, give
notice to the taxpayer to whom the certificate was issued of
the account period of the delinquent returns, the amount of
tax, penalty and interest due and owing from the taxpayer, and
that the certificate of registration shall not be automatically
renewed upon its expiration date unless the taxpayer, on or
before the date of expiration, has filed and paid the
delinquent returns or paid the defaulted amount in full. A
taxpayer to whom such a notice is issued shall be deemed an
applicant for renewal. The Department shall promulgate
regulations establishing procedures for taxpayers who file
returns on a monthly basis but desire and qualify to change to
a quarterly or yearly filing basis and will no longer be
subject to renewal under this Section, and for taxpayers who
file returns on a yearly or quarterly basis but who desire or
are required to change to a monthly filing basis and will be
subject to renewal under this Section.
The Department may in its discretion approve renewal by an
applicant who is in default if, at the time of application for
renewal, the applicant files all of the delinquent returns or
pays to the Department such percentage of the defaulted amount
as may be determined by the Department and agrees in writing to
waive all limitations upon the Department for collection of the
remaining defaulted amount to the Department over a period not
to exceed 5 years from the date of renewal of the certificate;
however, no renewal application submitted by an applicant who
is in default shall be approved if the immediately preceding
renewal by the applicant was conditioned upon the installment
payment agreement described in this Section. The payment
agreement herein provided for shall be in addition to and not
in lieu of the security that may be required by this Section of
a taxpayer who is no longer considered a prior continuous
compliance taxpayer. The execution of the payment agreement as
provided in this Act shall not toll the accrual of interest at
the statutory rate.
The Department may suspend a certificate of registration if
the Department finds that the person to whom the certificate of
registration has been issued knowingly sold contraband
A certificate of registration issued under this Act more
than 5 years before the effective date of this amendatory Act
of 1989 shall expire and be subject to the renewal provisions
of this Section on the next anniversary of the date of issuance
of such certificate which occurs more than 6 months after the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1989. A certificate of
registration issued less than 5 years before the effective date
of this amendatory Act of 1989 shall expire and be subject to
the renewal provisions of this Section on the 5th anniversary
of the issuance of the certificate.
If the person so registered states that he operates other
places of business from which he engages in the business of
selling tangible personal property at retail in this State, the
Department shall furnish him with a sub-certificate of
registration for each such place of business, and the applicant
shall display the appropriate sub-certificate of registration
at each such place of business. All sub-certificates of
registration shall bear the same registration number as that
appearing upon the certificate of registration to which such
sub-certificates relate.
If the applicant will sell tangible personal property at
retail through vending machines, the Department shall furnish
him with a sub-certificate of registration for each such
vending machine, and the applicant shall display the
appropriate sub-certificate of registration on each such
vending machine by attaching the sub-certificate of
registration to a conspicuous part of such vending machine. If
a person who is registered to sell tangible personal property
at retail through vending machines adds an additional vending
machine or additional vending machines to the number of vending
machines he or she uses in his or her business of selling
tangible personal property at retail, he or she shall notify
the Department, on a form prescribed by the Department, to
request an additional sub-certificate or additional
sub-certificates of registration, as applicable. With each
such request, the applicant shall report the number of
sub-certificates of registration he or she is requesting as
well as the total number of vending machines from which he or
she makes retail sales.
Where the same person engages in 2 or more businesses of
selling tangible personal property at retail in this State,
which businesses are substantially different in character or
engaged in under different trade names or engaged in under
other substantially dissimilar circumstances (so that it is
more practicable, from an accounting, auditing or bookkeeping
standpoint, for such businesses to be separately registered),
the Department may require or permit such person (subject to
the same requirements concerning the furnishing of security as
those that are provided for hereinbefore in this Section as to
each application for a certificate of registration) to apply
for and obtain a separate certificate of registration for each
such business or for any of such businesses, under a single
certificate of registration supplemented by related
sub-certificates of registration.
Any person who is registered under the "Retailers'
Occupation Tax Act" as of March 8, 1963, and who, during the
3-year period immediately prior to March 8, 1963, or during a
continuous 3-year period part of which passed immediately
before and the remainder of which passes immediately after
March 8, 1963, has been so registered continuously and who is
determined by the Department not to have been either delinquent
or deficient in the payment of tax liability during that period
under this Act or under any other State tax law or municipal or
county tax ordinance or resolution under which the certificate
of registration that is issued to the registrant under this Act
will permit the registrant to engage in business without
registering separately under such other law, ordinance or
resolution, shall be considered to be a Prior Continuous
Compliance taxpayer. Also any taxpayer who has, as verified by
the Department, faithfully and continuously complied with the
condition of his bond or other security under the provisions of
this Act for a period of 3 consecutive years shall be
considered to be a Prior Continuous Compliance taxpayer.
Every Prior Continuous Compliance taxpayer shall be exempt
from all requirements under this Act concerning the furnishing
of a bond or other security as a condition precedent to his
being authorized to engage in the business of selling tangible
personal property at retail in this State. This exemption shall
continue for each such taxpayer until such time as he may be
determined by the Department to be delinquent in the filing of
any returns, or is determined by the Department (either through
the Department's issuance of a final assessment which has
become final under the Act, or by the taxpayer's filing of a
return which admits tax that is not paid to be due) to be
delinquent or deficient in the paying of any tax under this Act
or under any other State tax law or municipal or county tax
ordinance or resolution under which the certificate of
registration that is issued to the registrant under this Act
will permit the registrant to engage in business without
registering separately under such other law, ordinance or
resolution, at which time that taxpayer shall become subject to
all the financial responsibility requirements of this Act and,
as a condition of being allowed to continue to engage in the
business of selling tangible personal property at retail, may
be required to post bond or other acceptable security with the
Department covering liability which such taxpayer may
thereafter incur. Any taxpayer who fails to pay an admitted or
established liability under this Act may also be required to
post bond or other acceptable security with this Department
guaranteeing the payment of such admitted or established
No certificate of registration shall be issued to any
person who is in default to the State of Illinois for moneys
due under this Act or under any other State tax law or
municipal or county tax ordinance or resolution under which the
certificate of registration that is issued to the applicant
under this Act will permit the applicant to engage in business
without registering separately under such other law, ordinance
or resolution.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Department
under this Section may, within 20 days after notice of such
decision, protest and request a hearing, whereupon the
Department shall give notice to such person of the time and
place fixed for such hearing and shall hold a hearing in
conformity with the provisions of this Act and then issue its
final administrative decision in the matter to such person. In
the absence of such a protest within 20 days, the Department's
decision shall become final without any further determination
being made or notice given.
With respect to security other than bonds (upon which the
Department may sue in the event of a forfeiture), if the
taxpayer fails to pay, when due, any amount whose payment such
security guarantees, the Department shall, after such
liability is admitted by the taxpayer or established by the
Department through the issuance of a final assessment that has
become final under the law, convert the security which that
taxpayer has furnished into money for the State, after first
giving the taxpayer at least 10 days' written notice, by
registered or certified mail, to pay the liability or forfeit
such security to the Department. If the security consists of
stocks or bonds or other securities which are listed on a
public exchange, the Department shall sell such securities
through such public exchange. If the security consists of an
irrevocable bank letter of credit, the Department shall convert
the security in the manner provided for in the Uniform
Commercial Code. If the security consists of a bank certificate
of deposit, the Department shall convert the security into
money by demanding and collecting the amount of such bank
certificate of deposit from the bank which issued such
certificate. If the security consists of a type of stocks or
other securities which are not listed on a public exchange, the
Department shall sell such security to the highest and best
bidder after giving at least 10 days' notice of the date, time
and place of the intended sale by publication in the "State
Official Newspaper". If the Department realizes more than the
amount of such liability from the security, plus the expenses
incurred by the Department in converting the security into
money, the Department shall pay such excess to the taxpayer who
furnished such security, and the balance shall be paid into the
State Treasury.
The Department shall discharge any surety and shall release
and return any security deposited, assigned, pledged or
otherwise provided to it by a taxpayer under this Section
within 30 days after:
(1) such taxpayer becomes a Prior Continuous
Compliance taxpayer; or
(2) such taxpayer has ceased to collect receipts on
which he is required to remit tax to the Department, has
filed a final tax return, and has paid to the Department an
amount sufficient to discharge his remaining tax
liability, as determined by the Department, under this Act
and under every other State tax law or municipal or county
tax ordinance or resolution under which the certificate of
registration issued under this Act permits the registrant
to engage in business without registering separately under
such other law, ordinance or resolution. The Department
shall make a final determination of the taxpayer's
outstanding tax liability as expeditiously as possible
after his final tax return has been filed; if the
Department cannot make such final determination within 45
days after receiving the final tax return, within such
period it shall so notify the taxpayer, stating its reasons
(Source: P.A. 96-1355, eff. 7-28-10; 97-335, eff. 1-1-12.)