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1 AN ACT concerning revenue.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Enterprise Zone Act is amended by
5changing Sections 4 and 4.1 as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 655/4) (from Ch. 67 1/2, par. 604)
7 Sec. 4. Qualifications for Enterprise Zones.
8 (1) An area is qualified to become an enterprise zone
10 (a) is a contiguous area, provided that a zone area may
11 exclude wholly surrounded territory within its boundaries;
12 (b) comprises a minimum of one-half square mile and not
13 more than 12 square miles, or 15 square miles if the zone
14 is located within the jurisdiction of 4 or more counties or
15 municipalities, in total area, exclusive of lakes and
16 waterways; however, in such cases where the enterprise zone
17 is a joint effort of three or more units of government, or
18 two or more units of government if situated in a township
19 which is divided by a municipality of 1,000,000 or more
20 inhabitants, and where the certification has been in effect
21 at least one year, the total area shall comprise a minimum
22 of one-half square mile and not more than thirteen square
23 miles in total area exclusive of lakes and waterways;

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1 (c) (blank);
2 (d) (blank);
3 (e) is (1) entirely within a municipality or (2)
4 entirely within the unincorporated areas of a county,
5 except where reasonable need is established for such zone
6 to cover portions of more than one municipality or county
7 or (3) both comprises (i) all or part of a municipality and
8 (ii) an unincorporated area of a county; and
9 (f) meets 3 or more of the following criteria:
10 (1) all or part of the local labor market area has
11 had an annual average unemployment rate of at least
12 120% of the State's annual average unemployment rate
13 for the most recent calendar year or the most recent
14 fiscal year as reported by the Department of Employment
15 Security;
16 (2) designation will result in the development of
17 substantial employment opportunities by creating or
18 retaining a minimum aggregate of 1,000 full-time
19 equivalent jobs due to an aggregate investment of
20 $100,000,000 or more, and will help alleviate the
21 effects of poverty and unemployment within the local
22 labor market area;
23 (3) all or part of the local labor market area has
24 a poverty rate of at least 20% according to the latest
25 federal decennial census, 50% or more of children in
26 the local labor market area participate in the federal

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1 free lunch program according to reported statistics
2 from the State Board of Education, or 20% or more
3 households in the local labor market area receive food
4 stamps according to the latest federal decennial
5 census;
6 (4) an abandoned coal mine or a brownfield (as
7 defined in Section 58.2 of the Environmental
8 Protection Act) is located in the proposed zone area,
9 or all or a portion of the proposed zone was declared a
10 federal disaster area in the 3 years preceding the date
11 of application;
12 (5) the local labor market area contains a presence
13 of large employers that have downsized over the years,
14 the labor market area has experienced plant closures in
15 the 5 years prior to the date of application affecting
16 more than 50 workers, or the local labor market area
17 has experienced State or federal facility closures in
18 the 5 years prior to the date of application affecting
19 more than 50 workers;
20 (6) based on data from Multiple Listing Service
21 information or other suitable sources, the local labor
22 market area contains a high floor vacancy rate of
23 industrial or commercial properties, vacant or
24 demolished commercial and industrial structures are
25 prevalent in the local labor market area, or industrial
26 structures in the local labor market area are not used

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1 because of age, deterioration, relocation of the
2 former occupants, or cessation of operation;
3 (7) the applicant demonstrates a substantial plan
4 for using the designation to improve the State and
5 local government tax base, including income, sales,
6 and property taxes;
7 (8) significant public infrastructure is present
8 in the local labor market area in addition to a plan
9 for infrastructure development and improvement;
10 (9) high schools or community colleges located
11 within the local labor market area are engaged in ACT
12 Work Keys, Manufacturing Skills Standard
13 Certification, or other industry-based credentials
14 that prepare students for careers; or
15 (10) the change in equalized assessed valuation of
16 industrial and/or commercial properties in the 5 years
17 prior to the date of application is equal to or less
18 than 50% of the State average change in equalized
19 assessed valuation for industrial and/or commercial
20 properties, as applicable, for the same period of time;
21 or .
22 (11) the applicant demonstrates a substantial plan
23 for using the designation to encourage: (i)
24 participation by businesses owned by minorities,
25 women, and persons with disabilities, as those terms
26 are defined in the Business Enterprise for Minorities,

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1 Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act; and (ii) the
2 hiring of minorities, women, and persons with
3 disabilities.
4 As provided in Section 10-5.3 of the River Edge
5Redevelopment Zone Act, upon the expiration of the term of each
6River Edge Redevelopment Zone in existence on the effective
7date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, that
8River Edge Redevelopment Zone will become available for its
9previous designee or a new applicant to compete for designation
10as an enterprise zone. No preference for designation will be
11given to the previous designee of the zone.
12 (2) Any criteria established by the Department or by law
13which utilize the rate of unemployment for a particular area
14shall provide that all persons who are not presently employed
15and have exhausted all unemployment benefits shall be
16considered unemployed, whether or not such persons are actively
17seeking employment.
18(Source: P.A. 97-905, eff. 8-7-12.)
19 (20 ILCS 655/4.1)
20 Sec. 4.1. Department recommendations.
21 (a) For all applications that qualify under Section 4 of
22this Act, the Department shall issue recommendations by
23assigning a score to each applicant. The scores will be
24determined by the Department, based on the extent to which an
25applicant meets the criteria points under subsection (f) of

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1Section 4 of this Act. Scores will be determined using the
2following scoring system:
3 (1) Up to 50 points for the extent to which the
4 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (1) of
5 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
6 awarded according to the severity of the unemployment.
7 (2) Up to 50 points for the extent to which the
8 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (2) of
9 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
10 awarded in accordance with the number of jobs created and
11 the aggregate amount of investment promised.
12 (3) Up to 40 points for the extent to which the
13 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (3) of
14 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
15 awarded in accordance with the severity of the unemployment
16 rate according to the latest federal decennial census.
17 (4) Up to 30 points for the extent to which the
18 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (4) of
19 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
20 awarded in accordance with the severity of the
21 environmental impact of the abandoned coal mine,
22 brownfield, or federal disaster area.
23 (5) Up to 50 points for the extent to which the
24 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (5) of
25 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
26 awarded in accordance with the severity of the applicable

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1 facility closures or downsizing.
2 (6) Up to 40 points for the extent to which the
3 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (6) of
4 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
5 awarded in accordance with the severity and extent of the
6 high floor vacancy or deterioration.
7 (7) Up to 30 points for the extent to which the
8 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (7) of
9 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
10 awarded in accordance with the extent to which the
11 application addresses a plan to improve the State and local
12 government tax base.
13 (8) Up to 50 points for the extent to which the
14 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (8) of
15 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
16 awarded in accordance with the existence of significant
17 public infrastructure.
18 (9) Up to 40 points for the extent to which the
19 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (9) of
20 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
21 awarded in accordance with the extent to which educational
22 programs exist for career preparation.
23 (10) Up to 40 points for the extent to which the
24 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (10) of
25 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act, with points
26 awarded according to the severity of the change in

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1 equalized assessed valuation.
2 (11) Up to 40 points for the extent to which the
3 applicant meets or exceeds the criteria in item (11) of
4 subsection (f) of Section 4 of this Act.
5 (b) After assigning a score for each of the individual
6criteria using the point system as described in subsection (a),
7the Department shall then take the sum of the scores for each
8applicant and assign a final score. The Department shall then
9submit this information to the Board, as required in subsection
10(c) of Section 5.2, as its recommendation.
11(Source: P.A. 97-905, eff. 8-7-12; 98-109, eff. 7-25-13.)