State of Illinois
2015 and 2016

Introduced 2/18/2016, by Sen. William R. Haine

410 ILCS 130/50

Amends the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act. Provides that nothing in the Act: prohibits employers from adopting workplace policies concerning the consumption, storage, or timekeeping requirements for qualifying patients related to the use of medical cannabis; prohibits employers from enforcing policies concerning the use or possession of drugs by employees; or limits an employer's ability to discipline an employee for failing a drug test, including, but not limited to, if failing to discipline such an employee would cause the employer to violate federal law or lose a federal contract or funding.
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SB2891LRB099 18607 MJP 42989 b
1 AN ACT concerning health.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot
5Program Act is amended by changing Section 50 as follows:
6 (410 ILCS 130/50)
7 (Section scheduled to be repealed on January 1, 2018)
8 Sec. 50. Employment; employer liability.
9 (a) Nothing in this Act shall prohibit an employer from
10adopting reasonable regulations or workplace policies
11concerning the consumption, storage, or timekeeping
12requirements for qualifying patients related to the use of
13medical cannabis.
14 (b) Nothing in this Act shall prohibit an employer from
15enforcing a policy concerning the use or possession of drugs,
16drug testing, zero-tolerance, or a drug free workplace provided
17the policy is applied in a nondiscriminatory manner.
18 (c) Nothing in this Act shall limit an employer from
19disciplining a registered qualifying patient for violating a
20workplace drug policy.
21 (d) Nothing in this Act shall limit an employer's ability
22to discipline an employee for failing a drug test, including,
23but not limited to, if failing to do so would put the employer

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1in violation of federal law or cause it to lose a federal
2contract or funding.
3 (e) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to create a
4defense for a third party who fails a drug test.
5 (f) An employer may consider a registered qualifying
6patient to be impaired when he or she manifests specific,
7articulable symptoms while working that decrease or lessen his
8or her performance of the duties or tasks of the employee's job
9position, including symptoms of the employee's speech,
10physical dexterity, agility, coordination, demeanor,
11irrational or unusual behavior, negligence or carelessness in
12operating equipment or machinery, disregard for the safety of
13the employee or others, or involvement in an accident that
14results in serious damage to equipment or property, disruption
15of a production or manufacturing process, or carelessness that
16results in any injury to the employee or others. If an employer
17elects to discipline a qualifying patient under this
18subsection, it must afford the employee a reasonable
19opportunity to contest the basis of the determination.
20 (g) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to create or
21imply a cause of action for any person against an employer for:
22(1) actions based on the employer's good faith belief that a
23registered qualifying patient used or possessed cannabis while
24on the employer's premises or during the hours of employment;
25(2) actions based on the employer's good faith belief that a
26registered qualifying patient was impaired while working on the

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1employer's premises during the hours of employment; (3) injury
2or loss to a third party if the employer neither knew nor had
3reason to know that the employee was impaired.
4 (h) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to interfere
5with any federal restrictions on employment including but not
6limited to the United States Department of Transportation
7regulation 49 CFR 40.151(e).
8(Source: P.A. 98-122, eff. 1-1-14.)