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1 AN ACT concerning public aid.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Act on the Aging is amended by
5changing Section 4.03 as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 105/4.03) (from Ch. 23, par. 6104.03)
7 Sec. 4.03. The Department on Aging, in cooperation with the
8Department of Human Services and any other appropriate State,
9local or federal agency, shall, without regard to income
10guidelines, establish a nursing home prescreening program to
11determine whether Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders
12victims, and persons who are deemed as blind or as a person
13with a disability as defined by the Social Security Act and who
14are in need of long term care, may be satisfactorily cared for
15in their homes through the use of home and community based
16services. Responsibility for prescreening shall be vested with
17case coordination units. Prescreening shall occur: (i) when
18hospital discharge planners have advised the case coordination
19unit of the imminent risk of nursing home placement of a
20patient who meets the above criteria and in advance of
21discharge of the patient; or (ii) when a case coordination unit
22has been advised of the imminent risk of nursing home placement
23of an individual in the community. The individual who is

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1prescreened shall be informed of all appropriate options,
2including placement in a nursing home and the availability of
3in-home and community-based services and shall be advised of
4her or his right to refuse nursing home, in-home,
5community-based, or all services. In addition, the individual
6being prescreened shall be informed of spousal impoverishment
7requirements, the need to submit financial information to
8access services, and the consequences for failure to do so in a
9form and manner developed jointly by the Department on Aging,
10the Department of Human Services, and the Department of
11Healthcare and Family Services. Case coordination units under
12contract with the Department may charge a fee for the
13prescreening provided under this Section and the fee shall be
14no greater than the cost of such services to the case
15coordination unit. At the time of each prescreening, case
16coordination units shall provide information regarding the
17Office of State Long Term Care Ombudsman's Residents Right to
18Know database as authorized in subsection (c-5) of Section
194.04. The case coordination units shall inquire if the
20individual who is being prescreened is in need of assistance
21with the cost of nursing home care. The case coordination unit
22shall provide assistance if the individual is unable to comply
23in securing financial documents requested by the State to prove
24financial eligibility and the individual's family is unable or
25unwilling to secure the requested documents on the resident's
26behalf. The case coordination unit providing these services

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1shall be reimbursed on a per client basis at a rate established
2by the Department on Aging from federal Civil Monetary Funds
3overseen by the Department on Public Health.
4(Source: P.A. 98-255, eff. 8-9-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
5 Section 10. The Hospital Licensing Act is amended by
6changing Section 6.09 as follows:
7 (210 ILCS 85/6.09) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 147.09)
8 Sec. 6.09. (a) In order to facilitate the orderly
9transition of aged patients and patients with disabilities from
10hospitals to post-hospital care, whenever a patient who
11qualifies for the federal Medicare program is hospitalized, the
12patient shall be notified of discharge at least 24 hours prior
13to discharge from the hospital. With regard to pending
14discharges to a skilled nursing facility, the hospital must
15notify the case coordination unit, as defined in 89 Ill. Adm.
16Code 240.260, at least 24 hours prior to discharge. When the
17assessment is completed in the hospital, the case coordination
18unit shall provide the discharge planner with a copy of the
19prescreening information and accompanying materials, which the
20discharge planner shall transmit when the patient is discharged
21to a skilled nursing facility. When a case coordination unit is
22unable to complete an assessment in the hospital prior to the
23discharge of a patient to a nursing home, the case coordination
24unit shall notify the Department on Aging, which shall notify

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1the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. The
2Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Department
3on Aging shall adopt rules to address these instances that
4ensure that the patient is able to access nursing home care and
5that the nursing home is not penalized for accepting the
6admission. If home health services are ordered, the hospital
7must inform its designated case coordination unit, as defined
8in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 240.260, of the pending discharge and must
9provide the patient with the case coordination unit's telephone
10number and other contact information.
11 (b) Every hospital shall develop procedures for a physician
12with medical staff privileges at the hospital or any
13appropriate medical staff member to provide the discharge
14notice prescribed in subsection (a) of this Section. The
15procedures must include prohibitions against discharging or
16referring a patient to any of the following if unlicensed,
17uncertified, or unregistered: (i) a board and care facility, as
18defined in the Board and Care Home Act; (ii) an assisted living
19and shared housing establishment, as defined in the Assisted
20Living and Shared Housing Act; (iii) a facility licensed under
21the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health
22Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or
23the MC/DD Act; (iv) a supportive living facility, as defined in
24Section 5-5.01a of the Illinois Public Aid Code; or (v) a
25free-standing hospice facility licensed under the Hospice
26Program Licensing Act if licensure, certification, or

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1registration is required. The Department of Public Health shall
2annually provide hospitals with a list of licensed, certified,
3or registered board and care facilities, assisted living and
4shared housing establishments, nursing homes, supportive
5living facilities, facilities licensed under the ID/DD
6Community Care Act, the MC/DD Act, or the Specialized Mental
7Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, and hospice facilities.
8Reliance upon this list by a hospital shall satisfy compliance
9with this requirement. The procedure may also include a waiver
10for any case in which a discharge notice is not feasible due to
11a short length of stay in the hospital by the patient, or for
12any case in which the patient voluntarily desires to leave the
13hospital before the expiration of the 24 hour period.
14 (c) At least 24 hours prior to discharge from the hospital,
15the patient shall receive written information on the patient's
16right to appeal the discharge pursuant to the federal Medicare
17program, including the steps to follow to appeal the discharge
18and the appropriate telephone number to call in case the
19patient intends to appeal the discharge.
20 (d) Before transfer of a patient to a long term care
21facility licensed under the Nursing Home Care Act where elderly
22persons reside, a hospital shall as soon as practicable
23initiate a name-based criminal history background check by
24electronic submission to the Department of State Police for all
25persons between the ages of 18 and 70 years; provided, however,
26that a hospital shall be required to initiate such a background

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1check only with respect to patients who:
2 (1) are transferring to a long term care facility for
3 the first time;
4 (2) have been in the hospital more than 5 days;
5 (3) are reasonably expected to remain at the long term
6 care facility for more than 30 days;
7 (4) have a known history of serious mental illness or
8 substance abuse; and
9 (5) are independently ambulatory or mobile for more
10 than a temporary period of time.
11 A hospital may also request a criminal history background
12check for a patient who does not meet any of the criteria set
13forth in items (1) through (5).
14 A hospital shall notify a long term care facility if the
15hospital has initiated a criminal history background check on a
16patient being discharged to that facility. In all circumstances
17in which the hospital is required by this subsection to
18initiate the criminal history background check, the transfer to
19the long term care facility may proceed regardless of the
20availability of criminal history results. Upon receipt of the
21results, the hospital shall promptly forward the results to the
22appropriate long term care facility. If the results of the
23background check are inconclusive, the hospital shall have no
24additional duty or obligation to seek additional information
25from, or about, the patient.
26(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 98-651, eff. 6-16-14;

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199-143, eff. 7-27-15; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15; revised 10-14-15.)
2 Section 15. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by
3changing Section 5-6 as follows:
4 (305 ILCS 5/5-6) (from Ch. 23, par. 5-6)
5 Sec. 5-6. Obligations incurred prior to death of a
6recipient or during the pendency of an individual's application
7for benefits. Obligations incurred but not paid for at the time
8of the death of a recipient or during the pendency of an
9individual's application for benefits recipient's death for
10services authorized under Section 5-5, including medical and
11other care in facilities as defined in the Nursing Home Care
12Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013,
13the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, or in like
14facilities not required to be licensed under that Act, may be
15paid, subject to the rules and regulations of the Illinois
16Department, after the death of the recipient or during the
17pendency of the individual's application for benefits.
18(Source: P.A. 98-104, eff. 7-22-13; 99-180, eff. 7-29-15.)