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1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. The Children and Family Services Act is amended
5by adding Section 39.4 as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 505/39.4 new)
7 Sec. 39.4. Child Death Investigation Task Force. The
8Department of Children and Family Services may, from funds
9appropriated by the Illinois General Assembly to the Department
10of Children and Family Services, or from funds that may
11otherwise be provided for this purpose from other public or
12private sources, establish in the Southern Region of the State,
13as designated by the Department of Children and Family
14Services, a special Child Death Investigation Task Force to
15develop and implement a plan for the investigation of sudden,
16unexpected, or unexplained child fatalities or near fatalities
17for children under 18 years of age occurring within that
18region. The plan shall include a protocol to be followed. The
19plan must include provisions for local or State law enforcement
20agencies, hospitals, or coroners to promptly notify the Task
21Force of a sudden, unexpected, or unexplained child fatality or
22near fatality of a child, and for the Child Death Investigation
23Task Force to review the death and submit a report containing

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1findings and recommendations to the Child Death Review Teams
2Executive Council, the Director of Public Health, the Director
3of Children and Family Services, the Department of Children and
4Family Services Inspector General, the appropriate State's
5Attorney, and the State Representative and State Senator in
6whose legislative districts the case arose. The plan may
7include coordination with any investigation conducted under
8the Children's Advocacy Center Act. On July 1 of each year, the
9Task Force shall submit a report to the Director of Children
10and Family Services, the General Assembly, and the Governor
11summarizing the results of the program together with any
12recommendations for statewide implementation of a protocol for
13the investigation of all sudden, unexpected, or unexplained
14child fatalities or near fatalities.
15 Section 5. The Child Death Review Team Act is amended by
16adding Section 50 as follows:
17 (20 ILCS 515/50 new)
18 Sec. 50. Child Death Review Team Transfer Task Force.
19 (a) The Child Death Review Team Transfer Task Force is
20created within the Department of Children and Family Services
21to develop an implementation plan to effectuate the transfer of
22the administration of all child death review teams from the
23Department of Children and Family Services to the Department of
24Public Health. The implementation plan shall provide for the

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1complete transfer of all child death review teams to the
2Department of Public Health by July 1, 2018.
3 (b) The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Director of
4Children and Family Services and the Director of Public Health
5and shall consist of the following members appointed as
7 (1) One project manager appointed by the Director of
8 Children and Family Services.
9 (2) One pediatrician knowledgeable about child abuse
10 and neglect appointed by the Director of Children and
11 Family Services.
12 (3) One forensic pathologist appointed by the Director
13 of Public Health.
14 The Director of Children and Family Services and the
15Director of Public Health may each appoint additional members
16as necessary to carry out the functions of the Task Force.
17 (c) Members of the Task Force shall serve without
18compensation. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the
19Task Force shall be filled in the same manner as the original
21 (d) The Department of Children and Family Services shall
22provide administrative support to the Task Force.
23 (e) The Task Force is abolished and this Section is
24repealed on July 1, 2018.
25 (20 ILCS 515/45 rep.)

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1 Section 15. The Child Death Review Team Act is amended by
2repealing Section 45.