State of Illinois
2023 and 2024

Introduced 2/8/2024, by Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.

20 ILCS 5/5-735 new

Amends the Departments of State Government Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall select departments to designate as high-impact service providers, whether because of a large customer base or a critical effect on those served. Requires a department designated as a high-impact service provider by the Governor's Office of Management and Budget to gather feedback from members of the public that it serves in order to allow the department to assess the quality of service the department provides and identify areas for improvement. Requires a high-impact service provider department to choose at least one program or service office, with additional programs and offices added as the department builds capabilities, to gather the required feedback by specified methods. Provides that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall prepare an annual report for submission to the General Assembly, shall make the report available on its website, and shall create a public-facing dashboard that summarizes feedback received and the performance metrics by department. Effective immediately.
LRB103 35704 AWJ 65780 b


SB3469LRB103 35704 AWJ 65780 b
1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is
5amended by adding Section 5-735 as follows:
6 (20 ILCS 5/5-735 new)
7 Sec. 5-735. Citizen feedback program.
8 (a) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall
9select departments to designate as high-impact service
10providers. In selecting departments that it will designate as
11high-impact service providers, the Office shall consider those
12departments that have a high impact on the public, whether
13because of a large customer base or a critical effect on those
14served. A department designated as a high-impact service
15provider by the Governor's Office of Management and Budget
16shall gather feedback from members of the public that it
17serves in order to allow the department to assess the quality
18of service the department provides and identify areas for
20 (b) A high-impact service provider department shall choose
21at least one program or service office, with additional
22programs and offices added as the department builds
23capabilities, to gather the feedback described in subsection

SB3469- 2 -LRB103 35704 AWJ 65780 b
1(a) by:
2 (1) requesting members of the public to evaluate the
3 quality of the following, as applicable:
4 (A) programs and services, including program and
5 service satisfaction, ease of use, and effectiveness;
6 (B) physical facilities, including facility
7 accessibility, location, signage, and cleanliness;
8 (C) staff, including staff courtesy, empathy, and
9 knowledge;
10 (D) communications, including toll-free telephone
11 access, ability to speak to staff when needed, and the
12 efficacy of any communications by mail, electronic
13 mail, text message, or mobile application;
14 (E) the department's website, including the ease
15 of mobile access to the website, effort associated
16 with interacting with the website, and success
17 obtaining information and services accessible through
18 the website;
19 (F) complaint handling, including the ease of
20 filing a complaint, timeliness of a response, and
21 resolution of the complaint;
22 (G) timeliness, including time required to
23 successfully obtain a service or complete a
24 transaction in person, by phone, by mail, or through a
25 website; and
26 (H) brochures or other printed information,

SB3469- 3 -LRB103 35704 AWJ 65780 b
1 including the accessibility, accuracy, and relevance
2 of the information; and
3 (2) using one or more of the following methods to
4 gather the feedback:
5 (A) a solicited survey;
6 (B) web or mobile behavioral analytics;
7 (C) unstructured and structured analytics; or
8 (D) any other method the department determines
9 appropriate.
10 (c) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall
11prepare an annual report that (i) contains a summary of
12feedback that high-impact service provider departments
13gathered under subsection (b) during the preceding calendar
14year and progress on the key metrics from previous year's
15feedback, (ii) identifies improvement plans to address
16deficiencies in performance, and (iii) identifies critical
17dependencies required for effective improvement of government
18experiences. The Governor's Office of Management and Budget
19shall also create a public-facing dashboard that summarizes
20feedback received and the performance metrics by department.
21 On or before each July 1, the Governor's Office of
22Management and Budget shall provide an electronic copy of the
23report described in this subsection to the General Assembly
24and make the report described in this subsection available to
25the public on its website.
26 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon

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