State of Illinois
2009 and 2010

Introduced 2/11/2010, by Sen. Dan Kotowski

305 ILCS 5/3-16 new

Amends the Aid to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that the General Assembly is committed to a public participatory process in developing any pilot or demonstration program seeking to implement managed care or integrated care for Medicaid eligible adults who are aged, blind, or disabled, and that to assure such a process, the General Assembly and the Governor shall establish a task force to develop the core values of any such program, and to oversee its further development and implementation. Requires the task force to assess Illinois' readiness for developing such a pilot or demonstration program by analyzing lessons learned from other states that have attempted to implement similar programs, and to develop a comprehensive concept paper outlining the core values for the pilot or demonstration program or a comprehensive report outlining the explanations for why Illinois is not sufficiently prepared to develop a pilot or demonstration program. Provides that if the task force determines Illinois is sufficiently prepared to develop a pilot or demonstration program, then the task force shall work collaboratively with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to plan, design, and implement the program. Contains provisions regarding the composition of the task force; the task force's duration; the frequency of task force meetings; and public hearings. Further provides that the Department on Aging, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services, and the Department of Human Services shall provide necessary staff support to operate the task force. Effective immediately.
LRB096 19375 KTG 34766 b


SB3634 LRB096 19375 KTG 34766 b
1 AN ACT concerning public aid.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by
5 adding Section 3-16 as follows:
6 (305 ILCS 5/3-16 new)
7 Sec. 3-16. AABD Pilot or Demonstration Program Task Force.
8 (a) The General Assembly is committed to a public
9 participatory process in developing any pilot or demonstration
10 program seeking to implement managed care or integrated care
11 for Medicaid eligible adults who are aged, blind, or disabled
12 as defined in this Article. To assure such a process, the
13 General Assembly and the Governor shall establish a task force
14 to develop the core values of any such program, and to oversee
15 its further development and implementation.
16 (b) Purpose. The task force shall develop a comprehensive
17 concept paper outlining the core values for a pilot or
18 demonstration program to implement managed care or integrated
19 care for Medicaid eligible adults who are aged, blind, or
20 disabled. Prior to the development of the concept paper, the
21 task force shall assess Illinois' readiness for developing such
22 a pilot or demonstration program by analyzing lessons learned
23 from other states that have attempted to implement similar

SB3634 - 2 - LRB096 19375 KTG 34766 b
1 programs, projecting the short, intermediate, and long-term
2 cost/benefit analysis of integrating medical and long-term
3 care services and supports, and investigating the possible
4 impact on consumers, stakeholders, and provider organizations
5 and entities. If the task force determines Illinois is not
6 sufficiently prepared to develop a pilot or demonstration
7 program to implement managed care or integrated care for
8 Medicaid eligible adults who are aged, blind, or disabled, then
9 the task force shall prepare a comprehensive report outlining
10 the explanations for such a determination.
11 Following the completion of the concept paper, and if the
12 task force determines Illinois is sufficiently prepared to
13 develop a pilot or demonstration program, the task force shall
14 work collaboratively with the Department of Healthcare and
15 Family Services to plan, design, and implement a pilot or
16 demonstration program based on the concept paper to implement
17 managed care or integrated care for Medicaid eligible adults
18 who are aged, blind, or disabled.
19 No pilot or demonstration program seeking to implement
20 managed care or integrated care for Medicaid eligible adults
21 who are aged, blind, or disabled shall be developed or
22 implemented by any State Agency or department of the executive
23 branch without complying with this Section. Any such pilot or
24 demonstration programs described in this Section that have been
25 developed or implemented, or both, or any contracts between
26 State agencies or departments under the executive branch and

SB3634 - 3 - LRB096 19375 KTG 34766 b
1 private entities to implement any such pilot or demonstration
2 program prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of
3 the 96th General Assembly, are null and void.
4 (c) Task force composition.
5 (1) Co-chairs. The task force shall be co-chaired by a
6 senior State employee of the Department of Healthcare and
7 Family Services who is knowledgeable about the Medicaid
8 program and the populations and services it funds in
9 Illinois. The task force shall also be co-chaired by an
10 individual who is knowledgeable about the needs of adults
11 who are aged, blind, or disabled. This individual shall be
12 appointed by the Governor, and shall not be employed by a
13 governmental entity nor be under contract with a
14 governmental entity as a consultant.
15 (2) Membership composition and appointments by the
16 Governor. Although adults who are aged, blind, or disabled
17 are defined under this Article, the General Assembly
18 recognizes that there are many individuals, providers,
19 trade organizations, and advocacy organizations that
20 either represent the interests of adults who are aged,
21 blind, or disabled, or represent individuals or entities
22 that provide services to adults who are aged, blind, or
23 disabled. It is the intent of the General Assembly that the
24 task force include members who are knowledgeable about the
25 needs and services for adults who are aged, blind, or
26 disabled.

SB3634 - 4 - LRB096 19375 KTG 34766 b
1 Members of the task force shall be appointed by the
2 Governor. The membership shall include for each distinct
3 population: (i) 2 consumers or family members of consumers;
4 (ii) 2 members of trade associations or advocacy
5 organizations; and (iii) a representative from
6 organizations that either provide or represent entities
7 that provide services to Medicaid eligible adults who are
8 aged, blind, or disabled, including, but not limited to,
9 health plans, hospitals, community health centers,
10 community mental health organizations, licensed substance
11 abuse treatment providers, licensed health care
12 practitioners, nursing facilities, and home and
13 community-based service providers.
14 (3) Appointments by the General Assembly. The General
15 Assembly shall be represented on the task force as follows:
16 (A) Four members from the House of
17 Representatives, 2 appointed by the Speaker of the
18 House of Representatives and 2 appointed by the House
19 Minority Leader.
20 (B) Four members from the Senate, 2 appointed by
21 the President of the Senate, and 2 appointed by the
22 Senate Minority Leader.
23 (4) Total membership shall not exceed 45 individuals.
24 The Department on Aging, the Department of Healthcare and
25 Family Services, and the Department of Human Services shall
26 provide necessary staff support to operate the task force.

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1 (d) Duration. The task force shall remain in effect so long
2 as the pilot or demonstration program is in effect.
3 (e) Meeting frequency and public hearings. The task force
4 shall meet as frequently as is necessary, to be determined by
5 the co-chairs, to comply with subsection (b) of this Section.
6 The task force shall report on its activities to the Governor
7 and to the General Assembly following the results of its
8 assessment and development of the concept paper. These reports
9 shall also take the form of public hearings. The task force
10 shall meet no less than monthly during the implementation of
11 the pilot or demonstration program.
12 (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, any
13 change that requires the implementation of a rule or regulation
14 or modification of a rule or regulation in existence prior to
15 the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 96th General
16 Assembly must comply with the Illinois Administrative
17 Procedure Act.
18 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
19 becoming law.