SB3708 Engrossed LRB096 20862 KTG 36633 b
1 AN ACT concerning State government.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3 represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the DCFS
5 Residential Services Construction Grant Program Act.
6 Section 5. Definitions. As used in this Act:
7 "Board" means the Illinois Capital Development Board.
8 "Department" means the Illinois Department of Children and
9 Family Services.
10 "Residential services" means child care institution care,
11 group home care, independent living services, and transitional
12 living services that are licensed and purchased by the
13 Department on behalf of children under the age of 22 years who
14 are served by the Department and who need 24-hour residential
15 care due to emotional and behavior problems and that are
16 services for which the Department has rate setting authority.
17 Section 10. Operation of the grant program.
18 (a) The Department, in consultation with the Board, shall
19 establish the DCFS Residential Services Construction Grant
20 Program and, pursuant to the Department's resource allocation
21 management plan determined in consultation with eligible
22 providers, may make grants to eligible licensed residential

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1 services providers, subject to appropriations, out of funds
2 reserved for capital improvements or expenditures as provided
3 for in this Act. The Program shall operate in a manner so that
4 the estimated cost of the Program during the fiscal year will
5 not exceed the total appropriation for the Program. The grants
6 shall be for the purpose of constructing new residential
7 services sites, renovating existing residential services
8 sites, and supporting capital rate enhancements for
9 residential services sites' capital projects.
10 Section 15. Eligibility for grant. To be eligible for a
11 grant under this Act, a recipient must be a residential
12 services provider with which the Department contracts for
13 residential services.
14 Section 20. Use of grant moneys. A recipient of a grant
15 under this Act may use the grant moneys to do any one or more of
16 the following:
17 (1) Acquire a new physical location for the purpose of
18 delivering licensed residential services.
19 (2) Construct or renovate new or existing licensed
20 residential services sites.
21 (3) Support capital rate enhancements for licensed
22 residential services sites' capital projects.
23 Section 25. Reporting. Within 60 days after the first year

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1 of a grant under this Act, the grant recipient must submit a
2 progress report to the Department. The Department may assist
3 each grant recipient in meeting the goals and objectives stated
4 in the original grant proposal submitted by the recipient, in
5 ensuring that grant moneys are being used for appropriate
6 purposes, and in ensuring that residents of the community are
7 being served by the new residential services sites established
8 with grant moneys.
9 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
10 becoming law.