State of Illinois
2021 and 2022

Introduced 11/14/2022, by Sen. Win Stoller - Darren Bailey - Neil Anderson - Dale Fowler - Sue Rezin, et al.

30 ILCS 105/6z-130

Amends the State Finance Act. Repeals a provision that provided for the transfer of $5,000,000 from the Statewide 9-1-1 Fund to the Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund. Provides for the transfer of $5,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund. Effective immediately.
LRB102 27970 DTM 39769 b


SB4212LRB102 27970 DTM 39769 b
1 AN ACT concerning finance.
2 Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4 Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
5Section 6z-130 as added by Public Act 102-699 as follows:
6 (30 ILCS 105/6z-130)
7 Sec. 6z-130. Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund.
8 (a) The Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund is created as a special
9fund in the State treasury. Moneys in the Fund shall be used by
10the Department of Human Services for the purposes of
11establishing and maintaining a statewide 9-8-8 suicide
12prevention and mental health crisis system pursuant to the
13National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020, the Federal
14Communication Commission's rules adopted on July 16, 2020, and
15national guidelines for crisis care. The Fund shall consist
17 (1) appropriations by the General Assembly;
18 (2) grants and gifts intended for deposit in the Fund;
19 (3) interest, premiums, gains, or other earnings on
20 the Fund;
21 (4) moneys received from any other source that are
22 deposited in or transferred into the Fund.
23 (b) Moneys in the Fund:

SB4212- 2 -LRB102 27970 DTM 39769 b
1 (1) do not revert at the end of any State fiscal year
2 but remain available for the purposes of the Fund in
3 subsequent State fiscal years; and
4 (2) are not subject to transfer to any other Fund or to
5 transfer, assignment, or reassignment for any other use or
6 purpose outside of those specified in this Section.
7 (c) An annual report of Fund deposits and expenditures
8shall be made to the General Assembly and the Federal
9Communications Commission.
10 (d) (Blank). In addition to any other transfers that may
11be provided for by law, on July 1, 2022, or as soon thereafter
12as practical, the State Comptroller shall direct and the State
13Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the
14Statewide 9-1-1 Fund to the Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund.
15 (e) The State Comptroller shall direct and the State
16Treasurer shall transfer the sum of $5,000,000 from the
17General Revenue Fund into the Statewide 9-8-8 Trust Fund.
18(Source: P.A. 102-699, eff. 4-19-22.)
19 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
20becoming law.