SR0018LRB100 06291 MST 16328 r
2 WHEREAS, An omphalocele is a birth defect that occurs early
3in pregnancy in which the abdominal wall does not close
4properly and some or most of the abdominal organs protrude into
5the umbilical cord; and
6 WHEREAS, It is estimated that a small omphalocele occurs in
7about one out of every 5,000 pregnancies and a large or giant
8omphalocele occurs in about one out of every 10,000
9pregnancies; and
10 WHEREAS, An omphalocele may be isolated or may be
11associated with other defects or chromosomal abnormalities;
13 WHEREAS, Despite the challenges a baby born with an
14omphalocele may face, many babies who are born with an
15omphalocele survive and go on to live happy, healthy lives; and
16 WHEREAS, Mothers of Omphaloceles (MOO) is a group of over
172,000 parents from around the world that was created to provide
18hope and information to families with babies diagnosed with an
19omphalocele; therefore, be it

SR0018- 2 -LRB100 06291 MST 16328 r
1ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize Mothers of
2Omphaloceles for their courageous efforts to advocate for their
3children and raise awareness that an omphalocele is a treatable
4condition; and be it further
5 RESOLVED, That we recognize International Omphalocele
6Awareness Day celebrated annually on January 31 as part of
7Birth Defects Prevention Month; and be it further
8 RESOLVED, That we declare January 31, 2017 as Omphalocele
9Awareness Day in the State of Illinois; and be it further
10 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to Mothers of Omphaloceles as an expression of our
12respect and esteem.