| | SR0123 | | LRB101 11054 MST 56258 r |
2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to |
3 | | learn of the death of William Earl "Bill" Quigley, who passed |
4 | | away on February 9, 2019; and
5 | | WHEREAS, Bill Quigley was born in Indianapolis; he attended |
6 | | Purdue University and was drafted into the U.S. Army during the |
7 | | Korean War; he served in the signal corps and learned |
8 | | technology such as satellite and microwave communications; he |
9 | | married Joan Louise Deputy in Augusta, Georgia in 1951; and
10 | | WHEREAS, Bill Quigley used his military training during his |
11 | | career with AT&T as a supervising engineer; he was a member of |
12 | | the Communications Workers of America; and
13 | | WHEREAS, Bill Quigley settled in Ottawa upon his |
14 | | retirement; he did volunteer work at a homeless shelter and |
15 | | served on the Ottawa Planning Commission; he was a longtime |
16 | | tinkerer and had an interest in electronics that including |
17 | | building the family's first color TV; and
18 | | WHEREAS, Bill Quigley was an immense fan of the |
19 | | Indianapolis 500 and attended races at the Brickyard for over |
20 | | 60 years, wearing victory-flag checkered socks while running |
21 | | stopwatches on the lead cars; he was also an avid chess player; |