SR0426LRB103 33576 LAW 63388 r
2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of John Edgar "Jack" Seitz, the former
4Mayor of Des Plaines, who passed away on July 10, 2023; and
5 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz was born to Edgar Seitz and Adelia
6(Koestner) Seitz in Detroit, Michigan on October 13, 1930; he
7graduated from De La Salle Collegiate High School in Warren,
8Michigan in 1948; he enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve
9Officers Training Corps (Navy ROTC) program as a midshipman in
101949; he earned his Bachelor of Science in Journalism from
11Northwestern University in 1952, where he also earned his
12Master of Business Administration in 1960; he married Marilyn
13Joan Migaud in Chicago in January 1958, and they moved to Des
14Plaines in 1962; and
15 WHEREAS, Following his undergraduate studies, Jack Seitz
16served as an infantry platoon leader and a company executive
17officer in the U.S. Marine Corps while stationed in Korea in
181952, attaining the rank of first lieutenant; he continued to
19serve in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, retiring as a
20lieutenant colonel from the Marine Corps in 1990; and
21 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz began his professional career as a
22statistician at the National Safety Council in Chicago in

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11955; he moved to the Continental Casualty Company in Chicago
2a year later, where he served as a copywriter and an account
3supervisor; in 1958, he began working as a contest and awards
4manager and in advertising and sales promotion for
5Encyclopedia Britannica; and
6 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz joined United Airlines in Chicago in
7mid-1964, where he held a number of advertising roles before
8concluding his tenure as assistant to the Director of
9Promotion in 1971; that same year, he began teaching business
10and marketing classes at Oakton Community College; he retired
11as a professor of business in 1992; and
12 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz was committed to his community,
13serving as alderman of the 7th Ward of the City of Des Plaines
14beginning in April 1967, a position he held until his election
15as Mayor of Des Plaines in 1981; he served as mayor for two
16four-year terms; and
17 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz was a member of St. Emily's Catholic
18Church in Mt. Prospect and served as an usher for many years;
20 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz enjoyed traveling to Europe, Asia, and
21all 50 states in retirement; he will be remembered for his wry
22sense of humor and for leaving a legacy of accomplishments;

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2 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz was preceded in death by his siblings,
3Barbara and Henry; and
4 WHEREAS, Jack Seitz is survived by his wife, Marilyn; his
5children, Janet (Steve Kaufmann) Seitz, Laura (Scott)
6Seitz-Peirson, Mary (Tim) Seitz-Pagano, John M. Seitz, Paul
7(Linda) Seitz, Ed (Sherrie) Seitz, and Jeanine (Tim) Seitz
8Sappenfield; 19 grandchildren and three step-grandchildren;
9his brother, Joseph Seitz; and several nieces and nephews;
10therefore, be it
12ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
13John Edgar "Jack" Seitz, the former Mayor of Des Plaines, and
14extend our sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all
15who knew and loved him; and be it further
16 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
17presented to the family of Jack Seitz as an expression of our
18deepest sympathy.