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2 WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Jane E. Hedges of Oak Park, who passed
4away on September 13, 2015; and
5 WHEREAS, Jane Hedges was born and raised in Evansville,
6Indiana; she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees in
7education from Indiana University; while at Indiana
8University, she met her beloved husband of 47 years, John;
9after living in Indiana, Iowa, and California, she and her
10husband settled into Oak Park with their sons; and
11 WHEREAS, Jane Hedges retired from East Leyden High School
12in Franklin Park after 25 years of service as a guidance
13counselor; and
14 WHEREAS, Following her retirement, Jane Hedges donated her
15time and energy to multiple charities in the Oak Park area,
16including the Hephzibah Children's Association and the Economy
17Shop; she was also an active member of St. Edmund Parish, where
18she served on the school board, worked to raise funds for the
19church and school, and volunteered as a wedding coordinator and
20as a minister of care, bringing communion to the sick; and
21 WHEREAS, Jane Hedges enjoyed attending her children's and

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1grandchildren's school and social events and spending summer
2weekends at her second residence in Wall Lake, Indiana with her
3extended family members, nieces, and nephews; and
4 WHEREAS, Jane Hedges is survived by her husband, John; her
5children, Michael (Julie Dunn) and David; and her
6grandchildren, Brady, Jack, and Dylan; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with her
9family and friends, mourn the passing of Jane E. Hedges; and be
10it further
11 RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Jane Hedges as an expression of our